Title: Sort By Multiple Columns
Slug: sort_by_multiple_columns
Summary: Sort By Multiple Columns in SQL. Date: 2017-01-16 12:00
Category: SQL
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

Note: This tutorial was written using Catherine Devlin's SQL in Jupyter Notebooks library. If you have not using a Jupyter Notebook, you can ignore the two lines of code below and any line containing %%sql. Furthermore, this tutorial uses SQLite's flavor of SQL, your version might have some differences in syntax.

For more, check out Learning SQL by Alan Beaulieu.

In [1]:
# Ignore
%load_ext sql
%sql sqlite://
%config SqlMagic.feedback = False

Create Data

In [2]:

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);


Sort By Ascending Age And Then Alphabetically By Name

In [3]:

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Sort by ascending age
ORDER BY age ASC, name

pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F San Francisco 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0