Title: Search Strings Using Regex
Slug: search_strings_with_regex
Summary: Search Strings Using Regex Using Scala.
Date: 2017-01-03 12:00
Category: Scala
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

This tutorial was inspired by the awesome Scala Cookbook.

Create A String

In [23]:
// Create a string value
val attack_order : String = "Our 382 troops will attack their east flank at dawn. They have 28 troops there."

Create A Regex Pattern

In [24]:
// Create a value that is a regex pattern
val find_numbers = "[0-9]+".r

Find First Match

In [27]:
// Apply the regex to find the first match, output the result, otherwise output "None"


Find All Matches

In [28]:
// Apply the regex to find all matches and output to an array

Array(382, 28)