Title: Loop A Collection
Slug: loop_a_collection
Summary: Loop A Collection Using Scala.
Date: 2017-01-03 12:00
Category: Scala
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

If you want to learn more, check out Scala Cookbook and Programming in Scala.

Create A Vector Collection

In [12]:
val vector = Vector("Male", 2, true)

Loop Over The Collection

In [20]:
// For each item in the collection, print the class type of the element
vector.foreach((i: Any) => println(i, i.getClass.getSimpleName))


In [22]:
// For each item in the collection
vector.foreach {
    // If one of these, print "Man"
    case "Male" | "M" | "Man" | "Gentleman" | "Boy" => println("Man")
    // For everything else, print "Something Else"
    case _ => println("Something Else")

Something Else
Something Else