Title: For Looping
Slug: for_looping
Summary: For Loops Using Scala.
Date: 2017-01-03 12:00
Category: Scala
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

This tutorial was inspired by the awesome Scala Cookbook.

Create An Array

In [8]:
val staffMembers = Array("Jason Miller", "Steve Miller", "Sally Fields")

Loop Over Every Item In The Array

In [9]:
// Create a value that is the output, then for each person in staff
val staffFirstNames = for (person <- staffMembers) yield {
                        // Upper case the name
                        val upperCaseFullNames = person.toUpperCase
                        // Get the first name by splitting the full name by space and taking the first element
                        val firstName = upperCaseFullNames.split(" ")(0)
                        // Return the first name

In [10]:
// View the returned values


Loop Over Every Item In The Array That Meets A Criteria

An if statement in a for loop is called a "guard."

In [11]:
// Create a value that is the output, then for each person in staff with the last name of Miller
val staffWithLastNameMiller = for (person <- staffMembers if person.split(" ")(1) == "Miller") yield {
                                // Get the first name by splitting the full name by space and taking the first element
                                val firstName = person.split(" ")(0)
                                // Return the first name

In [12]:
// View the returned values

Array(Jason, Steve)

Loop With Value And Index

This is like Python's enumerate().

In [13]:
// Create a value that is the output, then for each person and index, yield
val staffNamesAndIndex = for ((person, i) <- staffMembers.zipWithIndex) yield {
                           // Upper case the name
                           val firstName = person.split(" ")(0)
                           // Return a tuple with the first name and index
                          (firstName, i)

In [14]:
// View the returned values

Array((Jason,0), (Steve,1), (Sally,2))