Title: Chunk Sequence In Equal Sized Groups
Slug: chuck_sequence_into_equal_sized_groups
Summary: Chunk Sequence In Equal Sized Groups Using Scala.
Date: 2017-01-03 12:00
Category: Scala
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

If you want to learn more, check out Scala Cookbook and Programming in Scala.

Create An Array Sequence

In [7]:
// Create an array that contains arrays with first and last names
val ages = List(42,25,28,38,58,63,23,458,2569,584,25,25,878)

Chunk Array Into Groups Of Two Elements

In [8]:
// Slide over sequence, create a list of two elements, then take two steps

Array(List(42, 25), List(28, 38), List(58, 63), List(23, 458), List(2569, 584), List(25, 25), List(878))

Chunk Array Into Groups Of Two Elements, With Overlap

In [9]:
// Slide over sequence, create a list of two elements, then take one step

Array(List(42, 25), List(25, 28), List(28, 38), List(38, 58), List(58, 63), List(63, 23), List(23, 458), List(458, 2569), List(2569, 584), List(584, 25), List(25, 25), List(25, 878))