Title: Ranking Rows Of Pandas Dataframes Slug: pandas_dataframe_ranking_rows Summary: Ranking Rows Of pandas Dataframes Date: 2016-05-01 12:00 Category: Python Tags: Data Wrangling Authors: Chris Albon

In [3]:
# import modules
import pandas as pd

In [4]:
# Create dataframe
data = {'name': ['Jason', 'Molly', 'Tina', 'Jake', 'Amy'], 
        'year': [2012, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2014], 
        'reports': [4, 24, 31, 2, 3],
        'coverage': [25, 94, 57, 62, 70]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index = ['Cochice', 'Pima', 'Santa Cruz', 'Maricopa', 'Yuma'])

coverage name reports year
Cochice 25 Jason 4 2012
Pima 94 Molly 24 2012
Santa Cruz 57 Tina 31 2013
Maricopa 62 Jake 2 2014
Yuma 70 Amy 3 2014

5 rows × 4 columns

In [12]:
# Create a new column that is the rank of the value of coverage in ascending order
df['coverageRanked'] = df['coverage'].rank(ascending=1)

coverage name reports year coverageRanked
Cochice 25 Jason 4 2012 1
Pima 94 Molly 24 2012 5
Santa Cruz 57 Tina 31 2013 2
Maricopa 62 Jake 2 2014 3
Yuma 70 Amy 3 2014 4

5 rows × 5 columns