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"""This area sets up the Jupyter environment.
Please do not modify anything in this cell.
import os
import sys
import time
# Add project to PYTHONPATH for future use
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..'))
# Import miscellaneous modules
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
# Set CSS styling
with open('../admin/custom.css', 'r') as f:
style = """<style>\n{}\n</style>""".format(
# Plots will be show inside the notebook
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import problem_unittests as tests
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import numpy as np
from keras.datasets import mnist
import as tools
# Load MNIST data
(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
X_data = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test))
As we have done previously with MNIST, the first thing we will be doing is normalisation. However, this time we will normalise the 8-bit images from [0, 255] to [-1, 1].
Previous research with GANs indicates that this normalisation yields better results (reference paper).
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def normalize_images(images):
Create Matrix Y
:param images: Np tensor with N x R x C x CH.
Where R = Number of rows in a image
Where C = Number of cols in a image
Where CH = Number of channles in a image
:return: images with its values normalized to [-1,1].
images = None
return images
# Test normalisation function and normalise the data if it passes
X_data = normalize_images(X_data)
As we did in a previous notebook we will add an extra dimension to our greyscale images.
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X_data = np.expand_dims(X_data, axis=-1)
print('Shape of X_data {}'.format(X_data.shape))
Keras references: Reshape()
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# Import some useful keras libraries
import keras
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import *
def generator(z_dim, nb_outputs, ouput_shape):
# Define the input_noise as a function of Input()
latent_var = None
# Insert the desired amount of layers for your network
x = None
# Map you latest layer to n_outputs
x = None
# Reshape you data
x = Reshape(ouput_shape)(x)
model = Model(inputs=latent_var, outputs=x)
return model
Now, let's build a generative network using the function you just made.
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# Define the dimension of the latent vector
z_dim = 100
# Dimension of our sample
sample_dimentions = (28, 28, 1)
# Calculate the number of dimensions in a sample
for x in list(sample_dimentions):
n_dimensions *= x
print('A sample of data has shape {} composed of {} dimension(s)'.format(sample_dimentions, n_dimensions))
# Create the generative network
G = generator(z_dim, n_dimensions, sample_dimentions)
# We recommend the followin optimiser
g_optim = keras.optimizers.adam(lr=0.002, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, decay=0.0)
# Compile network
G.compile (loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=g_optim)
# Network Summary
The discriminator network is a simple binary classifier where the output indicates the probability of the input data being real or fake.
Keras references: Reshape()
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def discriminator(input_shape, nb_inputs):
# Define the network input to have input_shape shape
input_x = None
# Reshape your input
x = None
# Implement the rest of you classifier
x = None
probabilities = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
model = Model(inputs=input_x, outputs=probabilities)
return model
Now, let's build a discriminator network using the function you just made.
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# We already computed the shape and number of dimensions in a data sample
print('The data has shape {} composed of {} dimension(s)'.format(sample_dimentions, n_dimensions))
# Discriminative Network
D = discriminator(sample_dimentions,n_dimensions)
# Recommended optimiser
d_optim = keras.optimizers.adam(lr=0.002, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, decay=0.0)
# Compile Network
D.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=d_optim)
# Network summary
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from keras.models import Sequential
def build(generator, discriminator):
"""Build a base model for a Generative Adversarial Networks.
generator :
A keras model built either with keras.models ( Model, or Sequential ).
This is the model that generates the data for the Generative Adversarial networks.
Discriminator :
A keras model built either with keras.models ( Model, or Sequential ).
This is the model that is a binary classifier for REAL/GENERATED data.
It returns a Sequential Keras Model by connecting a Generator model to a
Discriminator model. [ generator-->discriminator]
model = Sequential()
discriminator.trainable = False
return model
# Create GAN
G_plus_D = build(G, D)
G_plus_D.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=g_optim)
D.trainable = True
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# Figure for live plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
# Allocate space for noise variable
z = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, z_dim))
# n_bathces
number_of_batches = int(X_data.shape[0] / BATCH_SIZE)
for epoch in range(NB_EPOCHS):
for index in range(number_of_batches):
# Sample minimibath m=BATCH_SIZE from data generating distribution
# in other words :
# Grab a batch of the real data
data_batch = X_data[index*BATCH_SIZE:(index+1)*BATCH_SIZE]
# Sample minibatch of m= BATCH_SIZE noise samples
# in other words, we sample from a uniform distribution
z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (BATCH_SIZE,z_dim))
# Sample minibatch m=BATCH_SIZE from data generating distribution Pdata
# in ohter words
# Use genrator to create new fake samples
generated_batch = G.predict(z, verbose=0)
# Update/Train discriminator D
X = np.concatenate((data_batch, generated_batch))
y = [1] * BATCH_SIZE + [0.0] * BATCH_SIZE
d_loss = D.train_on_batch(X, y)
# Sample minibatch of m= BATCH_SIZE noise samples
# in other words, we sample from a uniform distribution
z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (BATCH_SIZE,z_dim))
#Update Generator while not updating discriminator
D.trainable = False
# to do gradient ascent we just flip the labels ...
g_loss = G_plus_D.train_on_batch(z, [1] * BATCH_SIZE)
D.trainable = True
# Plot data every 10 mini batches
if index % 10 == 0:
# Histogram of generated data
image =tools.combine_images(X)
image = image*127.5+127.5
# End of epoch ....
print("epoch %d : g_loss : %f | d_loss : %f" % (epoch, g_loss, d_loss))
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