Demonstrating the tableone package

In research papers, it is common for the first table ("Table 1") to display summary statistics of the study data. The tableone package is used to create this table. For an introduction to basic statistical reporting in biomedical journals, we recommend reading the SAMPL Guidelines. For more reading on accurate reporting in health research, visit the EQUATOR Network.

A note for users of tableone

While we have tried to use best practices in creating this package, automation of even basic statistical tasks can be unsound if done without supervision. We encourage use of tableone alongside other methods of descriptive statistics and, in particular, visualization to ensure appropriate data handling.

It is beyond the scope of our documentation to provide detailed guidance on summary statistics, but as a primer we provide some considerations for choosing parameters when creating a summary table at:

Guidance should be sought from a statistician when using tableone for a research study, especially prior to submitting the study for publication.

Suggested citation

If you use tableone in your study, please cite the following paper:

Tom J Pollard, Alistair E W Johnson, Jesse D Raffa, Roger G Mark; tableone: An open source Python package for producing summary statistics for research papers, JAMIA Open, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1 July 2018, Pages 26–31,

Download the BibTex file from:


To install the package with pip, run the following command in your terminal: pip install tableone. To install the package with Conda, run: conda install -c conda-forge tableone. For more detailed installation instructions, refer to the documentation.

Importing libraries

Before using the tableone package, we need to import it. We will also import pandas for loading our sample dataset and matplotlib for creating plots.

In [1]:
# import numerical libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# import tableone
    from tableone import TableOne, load_dataset
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    # install on Colab
    !pip install tableone
    from tableone import TableOne, load_dataset

Loading sample data

We begin by loading the data that we would like to summarize into a Pandas DataFrame.

  • Variables are in columns
  • Encounters/observations are in rows.

In [3]:
# load PhysioNet 2012 sample data
data = load_dataset('pn2012')

In [4]:

Age SysABP Height Weight ICU MechVent LOS death
0 54 NaN NaN NaN SICU 0 5 0
1 76 105.0 175.3 80.6 CSRU 1 8 0
2 44 148.0 NaN 56.7 MICU 0 19 0
3 68 NaN 180.3 84.6 MICU 0 9 0
4 88 NaN NaN NaN MICU 0 4 0

Example 1: Simple summary of data with Table 1

In this example we provide summary statistics across all of the data.

In [5]:
# view the tableone docstring

In [6]:
# create an instance of TableOne with the input arguments
# firstly, with no grouping variable
table1 = TableOne(data)

In [7]:
# view the table

Missing Overall
n 1000
Age, mean (SD) 0 65.0 (17.2)
SysABP, mean (SD) 291 114.3 (40.2)
Height, mean (SD) 475 170.1 (22.1)
Weight, mean (SD) 302 82.9 (23.8)
ICU, n (%) CCU 0 162 (16.2)
CSRU 202 (20.2)
MICU 380 (38.0)
SICU 256 (25.6)
MechVent, n (%) 0 0 540 (54.0)
1 460 (46.0)
LOS, mean (SD) 0 14.2 (14.2)
death, n (%) 0 0 864 (86.4)
1 136 (13.6)

[1] Hartigan's Dip Test reports possible multimodal distributions for: Age, SysABP, Height, LOS.
[2] Normality test reports non-normal distributions for: Age, SysABP, Height, Weight, LOS.
[3] Tukey test indicates far outliers in: Height, LOS.

In [8]:
# the pd.DataFrame object can be accessed using the `tableone` attribute


Summary of the table:

  • the first row ('n') displays a count of the encounters/observations in the input data.
  • the 'Missing' column displays a count of the null values for the particular variable.
  • if categorical variables are not defined in the arguments, they are detected automatically.
  • continuous variables (e.g. 'age') are summarized by 'mean (std)'.
  • categorical variables (e.g. 'ascites') are summarized by 'n (% of non-null values)'.
  • if label_suffix=True, "mean (SD); n (%);" etc are appended to the row label.

Exploring the warning raised by Hartigan's Dip Test

Hartigan's Dip Test is a test for multimodality. The test has suggested that the Age, SysABP, and Height distributions may be multimodal. We'll plot the distributions here.

In [9]:
plt.legend(['Age (years)', 'SysABP (mmHg)', 'Height (cm)'])

(-30, 250)

Exploring the warning raised by Tukey's rule

Tukey's rule has found far outliers in Height, so we'll look at this in a boxplot

In [10]:

In both cases it seems that there are values that may need to be taken into account when calculating the summary statistics. For SysABP, a clearly bimodal distribution, the researcher will need to decide how to handle the peak at ~0, perhaps by cleaning the data and/or describing the issue in the summary table. For Height, the researcher may choose to report median, rather than mean.

Example 2: Table 1 with stratification

In this example we provide summary statistics across all of the data, specifying columns, categorical variables, and non-normal variables.

In [11]:
# columns to summarize
columns = ['Age', 'SysABP', 'Height', 'Weight', 'ICU', 'death']

# columns containing categorical variables
categorical = ['ICU']

# non-normal variables
nonnormal = ['Age']

# limit the binary variable "death" to a single row
limit = {"death": 1}

# set the order of the categorical variables
order = {"ICU": ["MICU", "SICU", "CSRU", "CCU"]}

# alternative labels
labels={'death': 'Mortality'}

# set decimal places for age to 0
decimals = {"Age": 0}

# optionally, a categorical variable for stratification
groupby = ['death']

# rename the death column
labels={'death': 'Mortality'}

# display minimum and maximum for listed variables
min_max = ['Height']

table2 = TableOne(data, columns=columns, categorical=categorical, groupby=groupby,
                  nonnormal=nonnormal, rename=labels, label_suffix=True,
                  decimals=decimals, limit=limit, min_max=min_max)


Grouped by Mortality
Missing Overall 0 1
n 1000 864 136
Age, median [Q1,Q3] 0 68 [53,79] 66 [53,78] 75 [62,83]
SysABP, mean (SD) 291 114.3 (40.2) 115.4 (38.3) 107.6 (49.4)
Height, mean [min,max] 475 170.1 [13.0,406.4] 170.3 [13.0,406.4] 168.5 [144.8,188.0]
Weight, mean (SD) 302 82.9 (23.8) 83.0 (23.6) 82.3 (25.4)
ICU, n (%) CCU 0 162 (16.2) 137 (15.9) 25 (18.4)
CSRU 202 (20.2) 194 (22.5) 8 (5.9)
MICU 380 (38.0) 318 (36.8) 62 (45.6)
SICU 256 (25.6) 215 (24.9) 41 (30.1)

[1] Hartigan's Dip Test reports possible multimodal distributions for: Age, Height, SysABP.
[2] Normality test reports non-normal distributions for: Age, Height, SysABP, Weight.
[3] Tukey test indicates far outliers in: Height, SysABP.

Summary of the table:

  • variables are explicitly defined in the input arguments.
  • the variables are displayed in the same order as the columns argument.
  • the limit argument specifies that only a 1 value should be shown for death.
  • the order of categorical values is defined in the optional order argument.
  • nonnormal continuous variables are summarized by 'median [Q1,Q3]' instead of mean (SD).
  • 'sex' is shown as 'gender and 'trt' is shown as 'treatment', as specified in the rename argument.
  • data is summarized across the groups specified in the groupby argument.
  • min_max displays [minimum, maximum] for the variable, instead of standard deviation or upper/lower quartiles.

Adding p-values and standardized mean differences

  • We can run a test to compute p values by setting the pval argument to True.
  • Pairwise standardized mean differences can be added with the smd argument.

In [12]:
# create grouped_table with p values
table3 = TableOne(data, columns, categorical, groupby, nonnormal, pval = True, smd=True,

In [13]:
# view first 10 rows of tableone

Grouped by death
Missing Overall 0 1 P-Value Test SMD (0,1)
n 1000 864 136
Age, median [Q1,Q3] 0 68.0 [53.0,79.0] 66.0 [52.8,78.0] 75.0 [62.0,83.0] <0.001 Kruskal-Wallis 0.487
SysABP, mean (SD) 291 114.3 (40.2) 115.4 (38.3) 107.6 (49.4) 0.134 Two Sample T-test -0.176
Height, mean (SD) 475 170.1 (22.1) 170.3 (23.2) 168.5 (11.3) 0.304 Two Sample T-test -0.099
Weight, mean (SD) 302 82.9 (23.8) 83.0 (23.6) 82.3 (25.4) 0.782 Two Sample T-test -0.031
ICU, n (%) CCU 0 162 (16.2) 137 (15.9) 25 (18.4) <0.001 Chi-squared 0.490
CSRU 202 (20.2) 194 (22.5) 8 (5.9)
MICU 380 (38.0) 318 (36.8) 62 (45.6)
SICU 256 (25.6) 215 (24.9) 41 (30.1)

[1] Hartigan's Dip Test reports possible multimodal distributions for: Age, Height, SysABP.
[2] Normality test reports non-normal distributions for: Age, Height, SysABP, Weight.
[3] Tukey test indicates far outliers in: Height, SysABP.

Summary of the table:

  • the htest_name argument can be used to display the name of the hypothesis tests used.
  • the 'p-value' column displays the p value generated to 3 decimal places.

Using a custom hypothesis test to compute P-Values

Custom hypothesis tests can be defined using the htest argument, which takes a dictionary of variable: function pairs (i.e. htest = {var: custom_func}, where var is the variable and custom_func is a function that takes lists of values in each group. The custom function must return a single pval value.

In [14]:
# load PhysioNet 2012 sample data
data = load_dataset('pn2012')

In [15]:
# define the custom tests
# `*` allows the function to take an unknown number of arguments
def my_custom_test(group1, group2):
    Hypothesis test for test_self_defined_statistical_tests
    my_custom_test.__name__ = "Custom test 1"
    _, pval= stats.ks_2samp(group1, group2)
    return pval

# If the number of groups is unknown, use *args
def my_custom_test2(*args):
    Hypothesis test for test_self_defined_statistical_tests
    # uncomment the following chunk to view the first 10 values in each group
    for n, a in enumerate(args):
        print("Group {} (total {} values.): {} ...".format(n, len(a), a[:10]))
    my_custom_test2.__name__ = "Custom test 2"
    _, pval= stats.ks_2samp(*args)
    return pval

custom_tests = {'Age': my_custom_test, 'SysABP': my_custom_test2}

In [16]:
# create the table
table4 = TableOne(data, groupby="death", pval=True, htest_name=True, htest=custom_tests)

Group 0 (total 608 values.): [105. 148. 150. 205.  98. 115. 119. 145.   0.  94.] ...
Group 1 (total 101 values.): [103. 139. 164. 105.  95.   0. 178. 142.  96. 105.] ...

In [17]:

Grouped by death
Missing Overall 0 1 P-Value Test
n 1000 864 136
Age, mean (SD) 0 65.0 (17.2) 64.0 (17.4) 71.7 (14.0) <0.001 Custom test 1
SysABP, mean (SD) 291 114.3 (40.2) 115.4 (38.3) 107.6 (49.4) 0.012 Custom test 2
Height, mean (SD) 475 170.1 (22.1) 170.3 (23.2) 168.5 (11.3) 0.304 Two Sample T-test
Weight, mean (SD) 302 82.9 (23.8) 83.0 (23.6) 82.3 (25.4) 0.782 Two Sample T-test
ICU, n (%) CCU 0 162 (16.2) 137 (15.9) 25 (18.4) <0.001 Chi-squared
CSRU 202 (20.2) 194 (22.5) 8 (5.9)
MICU 380 (38.0) 318 (36.8) 62 (45.6)
SICU 256 (25.6) 215 (24.9) 41 (30.1)
MechVent, n (%) 0 0 540 (54.0) 468 (54.2) 72 (52.9) 0.862 Chi-squared
1 460 (46.0) 396 (45.8) 64 (47.1)
LOS, mean (SD) 0 14.2 (14.2) 14.0 (13.5) 15.4 (17.7) 0.386 Two Sample T-test

[1] Hartigan's Dip Test reports possible multimodal distributions for: Age, Height, LOS, SysABP.
[2] Normality test reports non-normal distributions for: Age, Height, LOS, SysABP, Weight.
[3] Tukey test indicates far outliers in: Height, LOS, SysABP.

Saving the table in custom formats (LaTeX, CSV, Markdown, etc)

Tables can be exported to file in various formats, including:

  • LaTeX
  • CSV
  • HTML

There are two options for exporting content:

  1. Print and copy the table using the tabulate method
  2. Call the relevant to_<format>() method on the DataFrame.

Printing your table using tabulate

The tableone object includes a tabulate method, that makes use of the tabulate package to display the table in custom output formats. Supported table formats include: "github", "grid", "fancy_grid", "rst", "html", "latex", and "latex_raw". See the tabulate package for more formats.

To export your table in LaTex (for example, to add to your document on, it's simple with the tabulate method. Just copy and paste the output below.

In [18]:
# load PhysioNet 2012 sample data
data = load_dataset('pn2012')

In [19]:
# create the table
table5 = TableOne(data, groupby="death")

In [20]:
print(table5.tabulate(tablefmt = "latex"))

                   &      & Missing   & Overall      & 0            & 1            \\
 n                 &      &           & 1000         & 864          & 136          \\
 Age, mean (SD)    &      & 0         & 65.0 (17.2)  & 64.0 (17.4)  & 71.7 (14.0)  \\
 SysABP, mean (SD) &      & 291       & 114.3 (40.2) & 115.4 (38.3) & 107.6 (49.4) \\
 Height, mean (SD) &      & 475       & 170.1 (22.1) & 170.3 (23.2) & 168.5 (11.3) \\
 Weight, mean (SD) &      & 302       & 82.9 (23.8)  & 83.0 (23.6)  & 82.3 (25.4)  \\
 ICU, n (\%)        & CCU  & 0         & 162 (16.2)   & 137 (15.9)   & 25 (18.4)    \\
                   & CSRU &           & 202 (20.2)   & 194 (22.5)   & 8 (5.9)      \\
                   & MICU &           & 380 (38.0)   & 318 (36.8)   & 62 (45.6)    \\
                   & SICU &           & 256 (25.6)   & 215 (24.9)   & 41 (30.1)    \\
 MechVent, n (\%)   & 0    & 0         & 540 (54.0)   & 468 (54.2)   & 72 (52.9)    \\
                   & 1    &           & 460 (46.0)   & 396 (45.8)   & 64 (47.1)    \\
 LOS, mean (SD)    &      & 0         & 14.2 (14.2)  & 14.0 (13.5)  & 15.4 (17.7)  \\

In [21]:
print(table5.tabulate(tablefmt = "github"))

|                   |      | Missing   | Overall      | 0            | 1            |
| n                 |      |           | 1000         | 864          | 136          |
| Age, mean (SD)    |      | 0         | 65.0 (17.2)  | 64.0 (17.4)  | 71.7 (14.0)  |
| SysABP, mean (SD) |      | 291       | 114.3 (40.2) | 115.4 (38.3) | 107.6 (49.4) |
| Height, mean (SD) |      | 475       | 170.1 (22.1) | 170.3 (23.2) | 168.5 (11.3) |
| Weight, mean (SD) |      | 302       | 82.9 (23.8)  | 83.0 (23.6)  | 82.3 (25.4)  |
| ICU, n (%)        | CCU  | 0         | 162 (16.2)   | 137 (15.9)   | 25 (18.4)    |
|                   | CSRU |           | 202 (20.2)   | 194 (22.5)   | 8 (5.9)      |
|                   | MICU |           | 380 (38.0)   | 318 (36.8)   | 62 (45.6)    |
|                   | SICU |           | 256 (25.6)   | 215 (24.9)   | 41 (30.1)    |
| MechVent, n (%)   | 0    | 0         | 540 (54.0)   | 468 (54.2)   | 72 (52.9)    |
|                   | 1    |           | 460 (46.0)   | 396 (45.8)   | 64 (47.1)    |
| LOS, mean (SD)    |      | 0         | 14.2 (14.2)  | 14.0 (13.5)  | 15.4 (17.7)  |

Exporting your table using the to_<format>() method

Alternatively, the table can be saved to file using the Pandas to_format() method.

In [22]:
# Save to Excel
fn1 = 'tableone.xlsx'

# Save table to LaTeX
fn2 = 'tableone.tex'

# Save table to HTML
fn3 = 'tableone.html'