Imagine a point on a wheel (e.g. a nail in a tire) and its behavior as the wheel rolls along on a flat surface, in a straight line in its own plane.
The "bouncing," curvy, trail that it leaves in the air—that's a cycloid.
A cycloid is the curve traced out by a point on the circumference of a circle as the circle rolls along on a straight line, in its own plane.
Cycloids have many applications, including solutions to the Brachistochrone and Tautochrone problems.
Brachistochrone & Tautochrone curves, in turn, have applications in, for example:
This cell should have a visual demonstration from Desmos of the cycloid graph as it is traced by a rolling circle.
Unfortunately, however, iPython Notebook security constraints currently prevent embedding of HTML and/or JavaScript in Markdown cells. So, in order to incorporate this content, you'll likely need to write a small Python module that interacts with the Desmos API for you.
For now, a couple of static image representations of the graph is the best I can do.
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