I want to create a sample data set of 100 grid cells (10km x 10km) near Fairbanks. I will use actual data where I can easily find it and otherise I will generate random data. This sample dataset will demonstrate the correct "shape" (variables and their dimensions) for the new input files to dvm-dos-tem.
Is computing GIRR the only place that latitude is needed?
Maybe it is possible to precompute GIRR?
Is longitude even used?
First step is to pick some y,x or lat/lon bounding box coordinates
to use with gdal_translate
for subsetting the AIEM domain
data files from SNAP. The files I have from SNAP are in Alaska Albers
projection, 1km pixel size.
With Google Maps, I take a guess at where the Bonanza Creek LTER is from the sattelite view (64.667557, -148.489804), and then eyeball the location ~5km north and west of there (64.708950, -148.633313) so that my new subwindow is more or less centered on the LTER site.
Working with a netcdf file as opposed to the tif, I can use ncview
quickly check coordinates and data values to make sure the commands are
doing what I expect.
In [ ]:
# Specifying the "creation option" means that special
# variables will be written to the new netcdf file mapping
# row/column coordinates to lat/lon
!gdal_translate -of netCDF -co "WRITE_LONLAT=YES" \
../../snap-data/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_01_2001.tif \
# see what we got
#!ncdump -h temporary_with_lonlat.nc
While gdal_translate
would let me specify the coordinates for my
subwindow in lon/lat, (projection coordinates), for some reason I want
a nice, square, 10x10km data set, so I use the row/column coordinates
that I find using ncview
: (64.708950, -148.633313) which is roughly
(j=1134, i=991) as far as ncview
is concerned. gdal_translate
the "source window" defined in terms of (xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize).
If I was not concerned with the exact pixel size of the sample dataset
I could instead speficy the "source window" to gdal_translate
"projection coordinates", assuming the source file has the right geo-
spatial information with it.
Anyways, use gdal_translate
again to grab the sub-window, specifying
the coordinates with pixel and line:
In [ ]:
# NOTE: Actually I seem to be having problems with the y axis
# ordering again. So while I pick pixel(i,j): (915,1548), when I
# use those numbers for xoff and yoff, the resulting image is not
# in the right place. If I 'reverse' the y (j) coordinate,
# so 1850 - (1548 - 10) = 292, then the image comes out correct
# with (0,0) being the lower left corner, and the pixel we selected
# as Toolik, or close to it.
# NOTE: this means I need to fix the Bonanza Creek coords!!!
# -srcwin 915 292 10 10 # Toolik ~(68.538, -149.6275)
# -srcwin 991 1134 10 10 # Bonanza Creek area
!gdal_translate -of netCDF -co "WRITE_LONLAT=YES" -co GDAL_NETCDF_BOTTOMUP=YES \
-srcwin 915 292 10 10 temporary_with_lonlat.nc temp_subset_with_lonlat.nc
In [ ]:
# Check out what we got
#!ncdump -h temp_subset_with_lonlat.nc
!gdalinfo temp_subset_with_lonlat.nc
In [ ]:
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
NOTE: I am going to hardcode the (0,0) pixel to have the exact same, values as the input data for Toolik for testing...
In [ ]:
def make_fire_dataset(fname, sizey=10, sizex=10):
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(fname, mode='w', format='NETCDF4')
Y = ncfile.createDimension('Y', sizey)
X = ncfile.createDimension('X', sizex)
fri = ncfile.createVariable('fri', np.int, ('Y','X',))
fri[:] = np.random.uniform(low=1, high=7, size=(10, 10))
fri[0,0] = 1000
fire_year_vector = ncfile.createVLType(np.int, 'fire_year_vector')
fire_years = ncfile.createVariable('fire_years', fire_year_vector, ('Y','X'))
fire_sizes = ncfile.createVariable('fire_sizes', fire_year_vector, ('Y','X'))
yr_data = np.empty(sizey * sizex, object)
sz_data = np.empty(sizey * sizex, object)
for n in range(sizey * sizex):
yr_data[n] = np.array(sorted(np.random.randint(1900, 2006, np.random.randint(0,10,1))), dtype=np.int)
sz_data[n] = np.random.randint(0,100,len(yr_data[n]))
yr_data = np.reshape(yr_data,(sizey,sizex))
sz_data = np.reshape(sz_data,(sizey,sizex))
print yr_data[0,0], "-->", sz_data[0,0]
print yr_data[0,1], "-->", sz_data[0,1]
print yr_data[9,9], "-->", sz_data[9,9]
fire_years[:] = yr_data
fire_sizes[:] = sz_data
# Create the new fire file...
make_fire_dataset("new-fire-dataset.nc", sizey=10, sizex=10)
In [ ]:
!ncdump -h new-fire-dataset.nc
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
def make_veg_classification(fname, sizey=10, sizex=10):
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(fname, mode='w', format='NETCDF4')
Y = ncfile.createDimension('Y', sizey)
X = ncfile.createDimension('X', sizex)
veg_class = ncfile.createVariable('veg_class', np.int, ('Y', 'X',))
veg_class[:] = np.random.uniform(low=1, high=7, size=(10,10))
veg_class[0,0] = 4
# Create a new veg_classification file
make_veg_classification("new-veg-dataset.nc", sizey=10, sizex=10)
In [ ]:
def make_drainage_classification(fname, sizey=10, sizex=10):
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(fname, mode='w', format='NETCDF4')
Y = ncfile.createDimension('Y', sizey)
X = ncfile.createDimension('X', sizex)
drainage_class = ncfile.createVariable('drainage_class', np.int, ('Y', 'X',))
drainage_class[:] = np.random.uniform(low=1, high=7, size=(10,10))
drainage_class[0,0] = 0
# Create a new veg_classification file
make_drainage_classification("new-drainage-dataset.nc", sizey=10, sizex=10)
In [ ]:
def make_run_mask(filename, sizey=10, sizex=10):
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, mode='w', format='NETCDF4')
Y = ncfile.createDimension('Y', sizey)
X = ncfile.createDimension('X', sizex)
run = ncfile.createVariable('run', np.int, ('Y', 'X',))
run[:] = np.zeros((10,10))
run[0,0] = 1
# Create a new run mask file (all ones for now)
make_run_mask('run-mask.nc', sizey=10, sizex=10)
In [ ]:
def copy_co2_to_new_style(filename):
'''Creates an co2 file for dvmdostem from the old sample data'''
old_ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset("../DATA/test_single_site/dataregion/co2.nc", mode='r')
new_ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, mode='w', format='NETCDF4')
# Dimensions
yearD = new_ncfile.createDimension('year', None) # append along time axis
# Coordinate Variable
yearV = new_ncfile.createVariable('year', np.int, ('year',))
# Data Variables
co2 = new_ncfile.createVariable('co2', np.float32, ('year',))
yearV[:] = old_ncfile.variables['YEAR'][:]
co2[:] = old_ncfile.variables['CO2'][:]
# Copy over the co2 file
In [ ]:
def create_empty_climate_nc_file(filename, sizey=10, sizex=10):
'''Creates an empty climate file for dvmdostem; y,x grid, time unlimited.'''
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, mode="w", format='NETCDF4')
# Dimensions for the file.
time_dim = ncfile.createDimension('time', None) # append along time axis
Y = ncfile.createDimension('Y', sizey)
X = ncfile.createDimension('X', sizex)
# Coordinate Variables
Y = ncfile.createVariable('Y', np.int, ('Y',))
X = ncfile.createVariable('X', np.int, ('X',))
Y[:] = np.arange(0, sizey)
X[:] = np.arange(0, sizex)
# 'Spatial Refefence' variables (?)
lat = ncfile.createVariable('lat', np.float32, ('Y', 'X',))
lon = ncfile.createVariable('lon', np.float32, ('Y', 'X',))
# Create data variables
#co2 = ncfile.createVariable('co2', np.float32, ('time')) # actually year
temp_air = ncfile.createVariable('tair', np.float32, ('time', 'Y', 'X',))
precip = ncfile.createVariable('precip', np.float32, ('time', 'Y', 'X',))
nirr = ncfile.createVariable('nirr', np.float32, ('time', 'Y', 'X',))
vapor_press = ncfile.createVariable('vapor_press', np.float32, ('time', 'Y', 'X',))
# Make a new file to copy data into
create_empty_climate_nc_file('new-climate-dataset.nc', sizey=10, sizex=10)
In [ ]:
# Open the 'temporary' dataset
temp_subset_with_lonlat = netCDF4.Dataset('temp_subset_with_lonlat.nc', mode='r')
# Open the new file for appending
new_climatedataset = netCDF4.Dataset('new-climate-dataset.nc', mode='a')
# Grab the lat and lon from the temporary file
lat = new_climatedataset.variables['lat']
lon = new_climatedataset.variables['lon']
lat[:] = temp_subset_with_lonlat.variables['lat'][:]
lon[:] = temp_subset_with_lonlat.variables['lon'][:]
#tair = new_climatedateset.variables['tair']
#tair[0,:,:] = temp_subset_with_lonlat.variables['Band1'][:]
In [ ]:
#!ncdump -h temp_subset_with_lonlat.nc
#!ncdump temp_subset_with_lonlat.nc
#!ncdump new-climate-dataset.nc
#Check the values at 0,0 to see that everythting looks correct:
!ncks -v lat,lon -d Y,0,0,1 -d X,0,0,1 new-climate-dataset.nc
Now we have a basic dataset with the lat/lon coordinates. Time to populate it with bit of data.
In [ ]:
with netCDF4.Dataset('new-climate-dataset.nc', mode='a') as new_climatedataset:
YEARS = 10
# # Write random, junk data to the climate file
# new_climatedataset = netCDF4.Dataset('new-climate-dataset.nc', mode='a')
sx = new_climatedataset.variables['X'].size
sy = new_climatedataset.variables['Y'].size
junkA = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=10, size=(TIMESTEPS*sy*sx)).reshape(TIMESTEPS, sy, sx)
junkB = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1300, size=(TIMESTEPS*sy*sx)).reshape(TIMESTEPS, sy, sx)
junkC = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=20, size=(TIMESTEPS*sy*sx)).reshape(TIMESTEPS, sy, sx)
new_climatedataset.variables['precip'][:] = junkA
new_climatedataset.variables['nirr'][:] = junkB
new_climatedataset.variables['vapor_press'][:] = junkC
In [ ]:
#!ncks -v nirr new-climate-dataset.nc
!ncdump -h new-climate-dataset.nc
print YEARS
In [ ]:
# Open the new file for appending
with netCDF4.Dataset('new-climate-dataset.nc', mode='a') as new_climatedataset:
for yridx, year in enumerate(range(2010, 2010+YEARS)):
for midx, month in enumerate(range (1,13)): # Note 1 based month!
print year, month
# The curly braces are needed to run the shell command from w/in
# ipython and have the variable exansion with year and month
# work out alright
print "Converting tif --> netcdf..."
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
{"../../snap-data/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_%02d_%04d.tif" % (month, year)} \
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
{"../../snap-data/rsds_mean_MJ-m2-d1_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/rsds_mean_MJ-m2-d1_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_%02d_%04d.tif" % (month, year)} \
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
{"../../snap-data/pr_total_mm_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/pr_total_mm_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_%02d_%04d.tif" % (month, year)} \
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
{"../../snap-data/vap_mean_hPa_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/vap_mean_hPa_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_%02d_%04d.tif" % (month, year)} \
print "Subsetting...."
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
-srcwin 915 292 10 10 temporary_tair.nc temporary_tair2.nc
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
-srcwin 915 292 10 10 temporary_rsds.nc temporary_rsds2.nc
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
-srcwin 915 292 10 10 temporary_pr.nc temporary_pr2.nc
!gdal_translate -of netCDF \
-srcwin 915 292 10 10 temporary_vapo.nc temporary_vapo2.nc
print "Writing subset's data to new files..."
with netCDF4.Dataset('temporary_tair2.nc', mode='r') as t2:
# Grab the lat and lon from the temporary file
tair = new_climatedataset.variables['tair']
tair[yridx*12+midx] = t2.variables['Band1'][:]
with netCDF4.Dataset('temporary_rsds2.nc', mode='r') as t2:
# Grab the lat and lon from the temporary file
nirr = new_climatedataset.variables['nirr']
nirr[yridx*12+midx] = t2.variables['Band1'][:]
with netCDF4.Dataset('temporary_pr2.nc', mode='r') as t2:
# Grab the lat and lon from the temporary file
prec = new_climatedataset.variables['precip']
prec[yridx*12+midx] = t2.variables['Band1'][:]
with netCDF4.Dataset('temporary_vapo2.nc', mode='r') as t2:
# Grab the lat and lon from the temporary file
vapo = new_climatedataset.variables['vapor_press']
vapo[yridx*12+midx] = t2.variables['Band1'][:]
print "Done appending. Closing the new file"
In [ ]:
!ncdump -h new-climate-dataset.nc
In [ ]:
Y = 0
X = 0
with netCDF4.Dataset('new-climate-dataset.nc', mode='a') as new_climatedataset:
plt.plot(new_climatedataset.variables['vapor_press'][:,Y,X], label='vapor_press')
with netCDF4.Dataset('../DATA/Toolik_Inputs/datacht/cccma_a1b.nc', mode='a') as old_climatedataset:
plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['TAIR'][CLMID,0:10,:].flatten(), label='TAIR')
plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['PREC'][CLMID,0:10,:].flatten(), label='PREC')
plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['NIRR'][CLMID,0:10,:].flatten()/10, label='NIRR')
plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['VAPO'][CLMID,0:10,:].flatten(), label='VAPO')
In [ ]:
with netCDF4.Dataset('../DATA/Toolik_Inputs/datacht/cccma_a1b.nc', mode='a') as old_climatedataset:
plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['TAIR'][CLMID,0:10,:].flatten(), label='TAIR')
plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['PREC'][CLMID,0:10,:].flatten(), label='PREC')
plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['NIRR'][CLMID,0:10,:].flatten()/8, label='NIRR')
# plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['precip'][:,Y,X])
# plt.plot(old_climatedataset.variables['nirr'][:,Y,X])
In [ ]:
#!ncdump -h ../DATA/Toolik_Inputs/datacht/cccma_a1b.nc
!ncks -v CLMID ../DATA/Toolik_Inputs/datacht/cccma_a1b.nc
In [ ]:
!ncdump ../DATA/Toolik_Inputs/datacht/cohortid.nc
In [ ]:
!ncdump -h ../DATA/Toolik_Inputs/datacht/climate.nc
In [ ]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def randrange(n, vmin, vmax):
return (vmax-vmin)*np.random.rand(n) + vmin
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
n = 100
for c, m, zl, zh in [('r', 'o', -50, -25), ('b', '^', -30, -5)]:
xs = randrange(n, 23, 32)
ys = randrange(n, 0, 100)
zs = randrange(n, zl, zh)
ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=c, marker=m)
ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
with open("temporary.nc") as f:
print "Hmmm"
In [ ]:
In [ ]: