Due in part to recent high-profile shootings of civilians by police in the US, the media and public have been scrutinizing police killings heavily. If you browse social media and news sites, you may get the sense that there's been a large uptick in civilian shootings by police in the US.

As a data scientist, you may want to investigate police killings more and get to the facts. Luckily, there's a dataset that will help you do this. The team at FiveThirtyEight assembled a dataset using crowdsourced data and census data. It contains information on each police killing in the US, and can be found here.

Each of the 467 rows in the dataset contains information on a police killing of a civilian in the US in from January 2015 to June 2015. There are many interesting columns in the dataset, but here are some of the more relevant ones:

  • name -- the name of the civilian
  • age -- the age of the civilian
  • gender -- the gender of the civilian
  • raceethnicity -- the race and ethnicity of the civilian
  • month, day, and year -- when the shooting occurred
  • streetaddress, city, state -- where the shooting occurred
  • lawenforcementagency -- the agency that was involved
  • cause -- the cause of death
  • armed -- whether or not the civilian was armed
  • pop -- population of the census area where the incident occurred
  • county_income -- median household income in the county

In [1]:
# Import the packages we need
import pandas as pd

In [2]:
# Read police_killings.csv into a Pandas DataFrame
police_killings = pd.read_csv('../data/police_killings.csv', encoding='ISO-8859-1')

# Print out and look at the columns in the data

Index(['name', 'age', 'gender', 'raceethnicity', 'month', 'day', 'year',
       'streetaddress', 'city', 'state', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'state_fp',
       'county_fp', 'tract_ce', 'geo_id', 'county_id', 'namelsad',
       'lawenforcementagency', 'cause', 'armed', 'pop', 'share_white',
       'share_black', 'share_hispanic', 'p_income', 'h_income',
       'county_income', 'comp_income', 'county_bucket', 'nat_bucket', 'pov',
       'urate', 'college'],

In [3]:
# Print out the first few rows of the data

name age gender raceethnicity month day year streetaddress city state ... share_hispanic p_income h_income county_income comp_income county_bucket nat_bucket pov urate college
0 A'donte Washington 16 Male Black February 23 2015 Clearview Ln Millbrook AL ... 5.6 28375 51367.0 54766 0.937936 3.0 3.0 14.1 0.097686 0.168510
1 Aaron Rutledge 27 Male White April 2 2015 300 block Iris Park Dr Pineville LA ... 0.5 14678 27972.0 40930 0.683411 2.0 1.0 28.8 0.065724 0.111402
2 Aaron Siler 26 Male White March 14 2015 22nd Ave and 56th St Kenosha WI ... 16.8 25286 45365.0 54930 0.825869 2.0 3.0 14.6 0.166293 0.147312
3 Aaron Valdez 25 Male Hispanic/Latino March 11 2015 3000 Seminole Ave South Gate CA ... 98.8 17194 48295.0 55909 0.863814 3.0 3.0 11.7 0.124827 0.050133
4 Adam Jovicic 29 Male White March 19 2015 364 Hiwood Ave Munroe Falls OH ... 1.7 33954 68785.0 49669 1.384868 5.0 4.0 1.9 0.063550 0.403954

5 rows × 34 columns

Shootings By Race

In [4]:
# See how many times each race occurs

White                     236
Black                     135
Hispanic/Latino            67
Unknown                    15
Asian/Pacific Islander     10
Native American             4
Name: raceethnicity, dtype: int64

In [5]:
# import matplotlib for graphing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [6]:
# Maek a bar graph of the results

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f4273b62eb8>

So there are more police killings of white people than any other race. At first this seems a little surprsing.

But if we were to look at the percentages, how would they comapre to the percentage of each race in the US population as a whole?

In [7]:
# Create a Pandas Series of US racial percentages and plot a bar graph
us_race_population = pd.Series({'White': 0.63, 'Hispanic': 0.17, 
                               'Black':0.123, 'Asian': 0.05,
                               'Multiracial/Ohter': 0.024})

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f4273b62e10>

So when comparing the percentages for which races were slain by police to the overal US racial percentages, it looks like black people were disproporationally killed by police.

Shootings by Regional Income

In [8]:
# Need to clean up "-" p_income values
income = police_killings['p_income'][police_killings['p_income'] != '-']

0    28375
1    14678
2    25286
3    17194
4    33954
Name: p_income, dtype: object

In [9]:
# Convert income to an integer type
income = income.astype(int)

# Use the hist() method on income to generate a histogram

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f427129e358>

The histogram shows a peak around 20k. The per capita income for the overall US population in 2008 was $26,964 according to the census.

In [10]:
median_kill_income = income.median()


In [11]:
median_us_income = 26964


These incomes don't seem that different. Which is somewhat of a surprise. Were the incomes from the two sources calculated in the same way? This may be worth looking into.

Shootings By State

Since we have geographic data, we can look at breakdowns of shootings by region. Since we don't have a ton of data, it might be best to go for just the largest regions (states).

There is one caveat to be aware of when looking at population-level data. Finding that more people were sot in Texas than Georgia doesn't automatically mean that cops are more likely to shoot people in Texas. This is because Texas has a higher population than Georgia. So you need to adjust for the state population.

In [12]:
# Read in state_population.csv as a DataFrame
state_pop = pd.read_csv('../data/state_population.csv')

0 10 0 0 0 United States 321418820 247773709 77.1
1 40 3 6 1 Alabama 4858979 3755483 77.3
2 40 4 9 2 Alaska 738432 552166 74.8
3 40 4 8 4 Arizona 6828065 5205215 76.2
4 40 3 7 5 Arkansas 2978204 2272904 76.3

In [13]:
# Get the number of police killings in each state by state code
counts = police_killings['state_fp'].value_counts()

In [14]:
# Make a new DataFrame to hold counts (for eventual merging)
states = pd.DataFrame({'STATE': counts.index, "shootings": counts})

STATE shootings
6 6 74
48 48 47
12 12 29
4 4 25
40 40 22

In [15]:
# Merge the state_pop and states DataFrames
states = states.merge(state_pop, on='STATE')

0 6 74 40 4 9 California 39144818 30023902 76.7
1 48 47 40 3 7 Texas 27469114 20257343 73.7
2 12 29 40 3 5 Florida 20271272 16166143 79.7
3 4 25 40 4 8 Arizona 6828065 5205215 76.2
4 40 22 40 3 7 Oklahoma 3911338 2950017 75.4

In [16]:
# Create a new column in states called pop_millions
states['pop_millions'] = states['POPEST18PLUS2015'] / 1000000

0 6 74 40 4 9 California 39144818 30023902 76.7 30.023902
1 48 47 40 3 7 Texas 27469114 20257343 73.7 20.257343
2 12 29 40 3 5 Florida 20271272 16166143 79.7 16.166143
3 4 25 40 4 8 Arizona 6828065 5205215 76.2 5.205215
4 40 22 40 3 7 Oklahoma 3911338 2950017 75.4 2.950017

In [17]:
# Create a new column called rate
states['rate'] = states['shootings'] / states['pop_millions']

0 6 74 40 4 9 California 39144818 30023902 76.7 30.023902 2.464703
1 48 47 40 3 7 Texas 27469114 20257343 73.7 20.257343 2.320146
2 12 29 40 3 5 Florida 20271272 16166143 79.7 16.166143 1.793873
3 4 25 40 4 8 Arizona 6828065 5205215 76.2 5.205215 4.802876
4 40 22 40 3 7 Oklahoma 3911338 2950017 75.4 2.950017 7.457584

In [18]:
columns_we_care_about = ['NAME', 'rate', 'shootings', 'pop_millions']

In [19]:
# Find states with most killings
most_killings = states.sort_values(by='rate', ascending=False)

NAME rate shootings pop_millions
4 Oklahoma 7.457584 22 2.950017
3 Arizona 4.802876 25 5.205215
27 Nebraska 4.208007 6 1.425853
39 Alaska 3.622099 2 0.552166
34 Hawaii 3.568975 4 1.120770
33 Idaho 3.273073 4 1.222093
32 New Mexico 3.148216 5 1.588201
10 Louisiana 3.093441 11 3.555911
7 Colorado 2.857477 12 4.199509
24 Kansas 2.737121 6 2.192084

In [20]:
# Find states with least killings
least_killings = states.sort_values(by='rate', ascending=True)

NAME rate shootings pop_millions
43 Connecticut 0.353754 1 2.826827
22 Pennsylvania 0.692231 7 10.112229
6 New York 0.834137 13 15.584974
38 Iowa 0.835037 2 2.395103
29 Massachusetts 0.924670 5 5.407335
45 Maine 0.932012 1 1.072948
42 New Hampshire 0.937550 1 1.066610
11 Illinois 1.110963 11 9.901322
12 Ohio 1.112973 10 8.984946
31 Wisconsin 1.116891 5 4.476711

So the states with the most killings are:

  1. Oklahoma
  2. Arizona
  3. Nebraska
  4. Alaska
  5. Hawaii

And the states with the least killigs are:

  1. Connecticut
  2. Pennsylvania
  3. New York
  4. Iowa
  5. Massachusetts

Why? What separates these groups of states?

The states with the most killings all have very high native american populations with very low per-capita income, at least in the more rural regions.

The states with the least killings are all rich states with high per-capita incomes and very low populations of native americans.

Since there are overall very few police killings of native americans, that doesn't seem to be the key factor. Economics seem like they are likely of much higher importance.

If we were to explore the data further, potential things to looke for include:

  • Percentage of population between say 10 and 25
    • Young males are most likely to be involved in violent crime
  • Birth rate compared to national average
    • I suspect higher birth rates correlate with higher crime, but don't have the data
  • Annual household income
    • We are already looking at it, but economics seem important
  • Poverty rate
    • Percentage of people below poverty line probably matters more than average income
  • Cost of living
    • Annual household income should be adjusted in some way by cost of living. Making 25,000 in rural West Virginia isn't too bad, but making 25,000 in San Francisco is a very different story.

State By State Differences

Why do some states have a much higher rate of police killings than others? Is it due to random change, or is there an underlying factor that could explain it?

Let's dive more into the data ...

To better look at the differences, lets split off the data for the 10 states with the lowest shooting rate and the data for the 10 states with the highest shooting rate and see if we can notice any stark contrasts.

In [21]:
# Create a new DataFrame called pk where all rows with "-" values are
# removed and columns converted to float
pk = police_killings[police_killings['share_white'] != '-']
pk = pk[pk['share_black'] != '-']
pk = pk[pk['share_hispanic'] != '-']
pk = pk[pk['p_income'] != '-']

name age gender raceethnicity month day year streetaddress city state ... share_hispanic p_income h_income county_income comp_income county_bucket nat_bucket pov urate college
0 A'donte Washington 16 Male Black February 23 2015 Clearview Ln Millbrook AL ... 5.6 28375 51367.0 54766 0.937936 3.0 3.0 14.1 0.097686 0.168510
1 Aaron Rutledge 27 Male White April 2 2015 300 block Iris Park Dr Pineville LA ... 0.5 14678 27972.0 40930 0.683411 2.0 1.0 28.8 0.065724 0.111402
2 Aaron Siler 26 Male White March 14 2015 22nd Ave and 56th St Kenosha WI ... 16.8 25286 45365.0 54930 0.825869 2.0 3.0 14.6 0.166293 0.147312
3 Aaron Valdez 25 Male Hispanic/Latino March 11 2015 3000 Seminole Ave South Gate CA ... 98.8 17194 48295.0 55909 0.863814 3.0 3.0 11.7 0.124827 0.050133
4 Adam Jovicic 29 Male White March 19 2015 364 Hiwood Ave Munroe Falls OH ... 1.7 33954 68785.0 49669 1.384868 5.0 4.0 1.9 0.063550 0.403954

5 rows × 34 columns

In [22]:
# Convert the share columns to float
pk['share_white'] = pk['share_white'].astype(float)
pk['share_black'] = pk['share_black'].astype(float)
pk['share_hispanic'] = pk['share_hispanic'].astype(float)
pk['p_income'] = pk['p_income'].astype(int)
pk['pov'] = pk['pov'].astype(float)

name                     object
age                      object
gender                   object
raceethnicity            object
month                    object
day                       int64
year                      int64
streetaddress            object
city                     object
state                    object
latitude                float64
longitude               float64
state_fp                  int64
county_fp                 int64
tract_ce                  int64
geo_id                    int64
county_id                 int64
namelsad                 object
lawenforcementagency     object
cause                    object
armed                    object
pop                       int64
share_white             float64
share_black             float64
share_hispanic          float64
p_income                  int64
h_income                float64
county_income             int64
comp_income             float64
county_bucket           float64
nat_bucket              float64
pov                     float64
urate                   float64
college                 float64
dtype: object

In [23]:
# Create a DataFrame containing only rows from pk that took place in 
# one of the 10 states with the lowest shooting rates.
low_st = ['CT', 'PA', 'NY', 'IA', 'MA', 'ME', 'NH', 'IL', 'OH', 'WI']
pk_lowest = pk[pk['state'].isin(low_st)]

name age gender raceethnicity month day year streetaddress city state ... share_hispanic p_income h_income county_income comp_income county_bucket nat_bucket pov urate college
2 Aaron Siler 26 Male White March 14 2015 22nd Ave and 56th St Kenosha WI ... 16.8 25286 45365.0 54930 0.825869 2.0 3.0 14.6 0.166293 0.147312
4 Adam Jovicic 29 Male White March 19 2015 364 Hiwood Ave Munroe Falls OH ... 1.7 33954 68785.0 49669 1.384868 5.0 4.0 1.9 0.063550 0.403954
26 Andrew Toto 54 Male White January 21 2015 Scobie Pond Rd and Julian Rd Derry NH ... 1.9 32921 61167.0 77348 0.790803 1.0 4.0 5.4 0.087385 0.284854
31 Angelo West 41 Male Black March 27 2015 Humboldt Ave and Ruthven St Roxbury MA ... 35.2 14995 20388.0 53540 0.380799 1.0 1.0 41.3 0.220398 0.182336
35 Anthony Gomez Jr 29 Male Black May 19 2015 305 E Walnut St Lancaster PA ... 37.1 21868 42027.0 56483 0.744065 1.0 2.0 9.3 0.206855 0.172319

5 rows × 34 columns

In [24]:
# Create a DataFrame containing only rows from pk that took place in 
# one of the 10 states with the hightest shooting rates.
high_st = ['OK', 'AZ', 'NE', 'AK', 'HI', 'ID', 'NM', 'LA', 'CO', 'KS']
pk_highest = pk[pk['state'].isin(high_st)]

name age gender raceethnicity month day year streetaddress city state ... share_hispanic p_income h_income county_income comp_income county_bucket nat_bucket pov urate college
1 Aaron Rutledge 27 Male White April 2 2015 300 block Iris Park Dr Pineville LA ... 0.5 14678 27972.0 40930 0.683411 2.0 1.0 28.8 0.065724 0.111402
5 Adam Reinhart 29 Male White March 7 2015 18th St and Palm Ln Phoenix AZ ... 79.0 15523 20833.0 53596 0.388704 1.0 1.0 58.0 0.073651 0.102955
21 Andre Murphy Sr 42 Male Black January 7 2015 1223 Omaha Ave Norfolk NE ... 2.9 23342 54809.0 46566 1.177018 4.0 3.0 10.3 0.035221 0.258886
22 Andres Lara-Rodriguez 21 Male Hispanic/Latino February 13 2015 S 12th St and Ruby St Kansas City KS ... 41.4 22719 32471.0 39402 0.824095 2.0 1.0 36.5 0.178186 0.070931
24 Andrew Jackson 26 Male White April 29 2015 1200 W Florida Ave Chickasha OK ... 9.7 17695 32034.0 49637 0.645365 1.0 1.0 20.3 0.011335 0.169402

5 rows × 34 columns

In [25]:
# Create a list of columns which may be important
col_might_matter = ['share_white', 'share_black', 'share_hispanic', 
                    'p_income', 'h_income', 'county_income', 
                    'comp_income', 'pov', 'urate', 'college']

In [26]:
# Look at summary statistics for states with lowest killings
summary_low = pk_lowest[col_might_matter].describe()

share_white share_black share_hispanic p_income h_income county_income comp_income pov urate college
count 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000 56.000000
mean 60.616071 21.257143 12.948214 24291.875000 45497.392857 54830.839286 0.831186 19.717857 0.126312 0.204219
std 32.556947 27.770657 15.296417 8817.202189 21594.626616 12451.547261 0.313585 12.726781 0.072598 0.147997
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 11558.000000 18833.000000 34388.000000 0.329534 1.800000 0.030341 0.026404
25% 39.650000 2.100000 1.850000 18578.500000 31661.500000 46085.000000 0.613392 10.625000 0.080075 0.100815
50% 72.950000 9.150000 6.200000 22352.500000 42494.000000 52930.000000 0.784233 14.950000 0.108124 0.159831
75% 87.800000 25.125000 20.075000 28411.500000 58025.000000 59112.000000 1.053979 30.275000 0.166431 0.252750
max 97.200000 98.900000 71.900000 52896.000000 142500.000000 87763.000000 1.677438 49.900000 0.448075 0.744900

In [27]:
# Look at summary statistics for states with highest killings
summary_high = pk_highest[col_might_matter].describe()

share_white share_black share_hispanic p_income h_income county_income comp_income pov urate college
count 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000
mean 55.973958 11.477083 20.842708 23925.083333 43127.458333 48545.906250 0.896638 22.681250 0.103455 0.220315
std 25.315625 19.673399 20.253809 8059.056894 17377.674260 9930.520947 0.326916 13.688915 0.062475 0.141236
min 1.100000 0.000000 0.000000 9353.000000 15293.000000 25498.000000 0.330230 1.300000 0.011335 0.035051
25% 39.175000 0.675000 4.350000 18200.000000 32366.750000 42931.250000 0.648370 11.575000 0.058862 0.117011
50% 58.200000 2.700000 11.500000 22297.000000 39272.000000 48478.500000 0.855789 20.250000 0.089227 0.190484
75% 75.000000 11.500000 36.000000 28289.000000 53574.750000 53596.000000 1.076427 30.675000 0.127920 0.273410
max 95.900000 93.100000 81.500000 54036.000000 111464.000000 77454.000000 2.308703 58.000000 0.324444 0.824971

In [28]:
ratio_high_to_low = summary_high / summary_low

share_white share_black share_hispanic p_income h_income county_income comp_income pov urate college
count 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286 1.714286
mean 0.923418 0.539917 1.609698 0.984901 0.947911 0.885376 1.078745 1.150290 0.819046 1.078813
std 0.777580 0.708424 1.324088 0.914015 0.804722 0.797533 1.042511 1.075599 0.860565 0.954315
min inf NaN NaN 0.809223 0.812032 0.741480 1.002113 0.722222 0.373590 1.327489
25% 0.988020 0.321429 2.351351 0.979627 1.022275 0.931567 1.057025 1.089412 0.735084 1.160647
50% 0.797807 0.295082 1.854839 0.997517 0.924178 0.915898 1.091244 1.354515 0.825222 1.191782
75% 0.854214 0.457711 1.793275 0.995688 0.923305 0.906686 1.021298 1.013212 0.768609 1.081741
max 0.986626 0.941355 1.133519 1.021552 0.782204 0.882536 1.376327 1.162325 0.724086 1.107492

So what interesting differences jump out? States with a high rate of police shootings have:

  • A dramatically higher percentage of hispanics (61%)
  • A much lower percentage of blacks (54%)
  • A significantly lower unemployment rate (18%)

Wow. Not what I would have expected!

What are some potential problems with this analysis?

  1. We removed all rows with a "-" in them. What was removed? Did this bias the results?
  2. We're actually looking at columns that contain county-level data for where the shooting occured. So we're not actually doing a state-by-state comparison of the columns. This may bias the data.

Next Steps

Here are some potential next steps:

In [ ]: