In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
OK, first, let's load up the light curve.
In [2]:
t, f = np.loadtxt('k2_full.txt', unpack=True)
#m = np.absolute(t) < 1.5
#t=t[m]; f=f[m]; f_err=f_err[m]
f_err = 0.00026*np.ones_like(f)
plt.plot(t, f, '.');
#plt.xlim(2.45677e6 + 4.5, 2.45677e6+5.5)
[note: In order to run the following, you have to have my transitfit
package installed, as well as my fork of DFM's transit
package (autodiff-tdm
In [3]:
from transitfit import LightCurve, Planet, TransitModel
# Here, I am initializing planet with priors on period, epoch
# a factor of 10 more generous than the reported values in the paper,
# in order to be able to fit for it.
epoch = 2454833 + 1942.1659 # from paper
planet = Planet((14.5665,0.02), (epoch, 0.02), 4.73/24)
lc = LightCurve(t, f, f_err, texp=1626./86400, planets=[planet],
detrend=False, rhostar=(3.92,1.43),
dilution=(0.01, 0.005)) #rhostar, dilution from paper
mod = TransitModel(lc, fix_zp=True, width=3)
In [4]:
pars = lc.default_params
In [5]:
mod.fit_emcee(nburn=300, niter=100);
In [6]:
mod.triangle(['dilution', 'rho', 'b_1', 'rprs_1', 'ecc_1',
'period_1', 'epoch_1']);
In [7]:
Red flag: larger-than-reported uncertainty in epoch. Maybe slight TTVs? Hard to tell by eye, but could be.
In [8]:
t0 = mod.samples['epoch_1'].mean()
P = mod.samples['period_1'].mean()
m1 = (t > t0-0.5) & (t < t0+0.5)
m2 = (t > t0+P-0.5) & (t < t0+P+0.5)
m3 = (t > t0+2*P-0.5) & (t < t0 + 2*P+0.5)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(8,12))
for ax,m,n in zip(axes, [m1, m2, m3], [0,1,2]):
ax.plot(t[m], f[m], '.');
nsamples = 200
inds = np.random.randint(len(mod.samples), size=nsamples)
for _, s in mod.samples.iloc[inds].iterrows():
fmod = mod.evaluate(tuple(s))
ax.plot(t[m], fmod[m], 'k', alpha=0.03)
ax.axvline(t0 + n*P, ls=':', color='k')
ax.set_xlim(t0+n*P-0.5, t0+n*P+0.5)
Note some odd-looking residuals, especially around the first transit. To be more comfortable about this I would like to see a systematics + transit fit, but that's beyond my scope for now.
OK, now, let's do a "fix-circular" fit, where we essentially don't let eccentricity vary (implemented as a very tight prior).
In [4]:
lc2 = LightCurve(t, f, f_err, texp=1626./86400, planets=[planet],
dilution=(0.01, 0.005)) #dilution from paper, no rhostar
mod2 = TransitModel(lc2, fix_zp=True, fix_circular=True, width=3)
In [5]:
mod2.fit_emcee(nburn=300, niter=100);
mod2.triangle(['dilution', 'rho', 'b_1', 'rprs_1', 'ecc_1',
'period_1', 'epoch_1']);
In [11]:
In [6]: