In [1]:
import holoviews as hv

In [2]:
from lsst.daf.persistence import Butler

repo_path = '/datasets/hsc/repo/rerun/RC/w_2018_04/DM-13256/'
butler = Butler(repo_path)

In [3]:
from explorer.catalog import CoaddCatalog, VisitCatalog, MultiMatchedCatalog
from explorer.utils import get_visits

tract = 9615
filt = 'HSC-I'
dataId = {'tract':tract, 'filter':filt}
catalog = CoaddCatalog(butler, dataId)
# visit_catalogs = [VisitCatalog(butler, {'tract': tract, 'filter':filt, 'visit':v}, name=v) for v in get_visits(butler, tract, filt)]
# matched_catalog = MultiMatchedCatalog(catalog, visit_catalogs, match_registry='t9615_demo.h5')

In [4]:
from explorer.functors import MagDiff, Seeing, DeconvolvedMoments, Column

magdiff = MagDiff('modelfit_CModel', 'base_PsfFlux')
magdiff_gauss = MagDiff('base_GaussianFlux', 'base_PsfFlux')

funcs = {'cmodel':magdiff, 'gauss':magdiff_gauss, 'count': Column('base_InputCount_value'), 'seeing':Seeing()}
matched_funcs = {'guass':magdiff_gauss, 'seeing':Seeing()}

In [5]:
from explorer.dataset import QADataset

flags = ['calib_psfUsed', 'qaBad_flag',

data = QADataset(catalog, funcs, flags=flags)
# matched_data = QADataset(matched_catalog, matched_funcs, flags=flags) #memory issues for demo

In [6]:
# Calculate dataframe; see how long it takes.
%time data.df.head()

/ssd/lsstsw/stack3_20171021/python/miniconda3-4.3.21/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dask/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  return func(*args2)
/ssd/lsstsw/stack3_20171021/python/miniconda3-4.3.21/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dask/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  return func(*args2)
CPU times: user 9.49 s, sys: 1.66 s, total: 11.1 s
Wall time: 19.3 s
base_Footprint_nPix_flag base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter calib_psfUsed cmodel count dec gauss label merge_measurement_g merge_measurement_i merge_measurement_r merge_measurement_y merge_measurement_z patchId qaBad_flag ra seeing x
42287217204264961 False False False -0.160032 7 -0.095521 -0.169774 null False True False False False 0,0 True 217.132928 0.807439 25.519317
42287217204264968 False False False -0.712531 7 -0.095429 -0.631927 null False True False False False 0,0 True 217.092807 0.808911 22.879350
42287217204264972 False False False -0.000603 8 -0.094888 0.006244 star False True False False False 0,0 True 217.058166 0.773655 22.771899
42287217204264990 False False False -0.316413 8 -0.095571 -0.345569 null False True False False False 0,0 True 216.998380 0.766290 24.457679
42287217204264993 False False False -0.429495 7 -0.095523 -0.314505 null False True False False False 0,0 True 217.068641 0.755195 25.700984

In [7]:
from explorer.plots import FilterStream, multi_scattersky
filter_stream = FilterStream()
multi_scattersky(data.ds, filter_stream=filter_stream, width=900, height=300)


You can use the flags you defined the dataset with to select points in the above plots, as long as you pass the same FilterStream object.

In [8]:
from explorer.plots import FlagSetter
import parambokeh

flag_setter = FlagSetter(filter_stream=filter_stream, flags=data.flags, bad_flags=data.flags)
parambokeh.Widgets(flag_setter, callback=flag_setter.event, push=False, on_init=True)

Note that the above plots are "datashaded," meaning that they do not contain information about individual points. If you want to see a plot containing individual point information, you may use the .coadd_explore method of QADataset, as follows (note that the same FilterStream is being used, so the above FlagSetter can still be used).

In [9]:
%%output max_frames=10000
%%opts Points [width=500, height=500, tools=['hover'], colorbar=True] (cmap='coolwarm', size=4)

coadd_dmap = data.coadd_explore('seeing', filter_stream=filter_stream)
tap = hv.streams.Tap(source=coadd_dmap, rename={'x':'ra', 'y':'dec'})



Note how we defined a tap stream. Below, we connect this to a ginga display window such that when you click on the above sky plot, it shows the image below, with a crosshair centered on the closest object currently displayed in the plot.

In [10]:
import lsst.afw.display

from explorer.display import CoaddDisplay
coadd_display = CoaddDisplay(butler, filt, dims=(500,500))

In [11]:
%%opts RGB [width=400, height=400]

from explorer.plots import skyplot, skyplot_layout
skyplots = [skyplot(data.ds.groupby('label'), vdim=d, filter_stream=filter_stream).relabel(d) for d in funcs]


In [ ]: