
Stellar model grid interpolation and star-property fitting


Use grids of stellar models to...

  • Infer physical properties of exoplanet host stars
  • Model potential transiting planet false positive scenarios
  • Characterize visual binary systems
  • Infer properties of star clusters

...conditioned on observations (broadband photometry, spectroscopy, asteroseismology, parallax, etc.)


  • Fundamental task in observational astronomy (what is this star, given these observations?)
  • Reinvented probably hundreds of times with ad hoc algorithms
  • Lack of clarity in the literature

Kepler-22 (Borucki et al. 2012):


Precomputed model grids (e.g. the MIST models) contain tables of observable and theoretical properties of stars as a function of various gridded parameters. These grids can be organized in different ways, e.g.

  • Isochrones: Grids in age and [Fe/H], each isochrone contains a range of masses*
  • Evolutionary Tracks: Grids in mass and [Fe/H], each track has a range of ages*

*The MIST and Dartmouth grids define and use a quantity called EEP (equivalent evolutionary phase), which allows for regular gridding in the third dimension, and thus can serve as a proxy for mass (in isochrone grids) or age (in the evolutionary track grids).


Observed properties, e.g.:

$$ \mathbf x = \{\bar J, \bar H, \bar K, \bar \pi\}$$

Parameters of model (single star):

$$\mathbf \theta = \{EEP, T, [Fe/H], d, AV \}~~~\mathrm{[using~isochrone~grids]} $$

or $$\mathbf \theta = \{M, EEP, [Fe/H], d, AV \}~~~\mathrm{[using~evolution~track~grids]} $$

Incorporate uncertainties in likelihood:

$$p(\mathbf x~|~\mathbf \theta) \propto \prod ...$$

Computation of likelihood requires prediction of $x_i$ at arbitrary $\theta$ → Requires interpolation


In [1]:
from isochrones import get_ichrone

mist = get_ichrone('mist', bands='JHK') # Downloads & reorganizes appropriate data into ~/.isochrones (or $ISOCHRONES)

EEP log10_isochrone_age_yr initial_mass star_mass log_Teff log_g log_L [Fe/H]_init [Fe/H] H J K dm_deep
feh log10_isochrone_age_yr EEP
-4.0 5.0 35 35 5.0 0.100000 0.100000 3.617011 3.350571 -0.489734 -4.0 -3.90751 3.902331 4.446939 3.718756 0.000688
36 36 5.0 0.102885 0.102885 3.618039 3.347798 -0.472691 -4.0 -3.90751 3.862969 4.407142 3.680907 0.000681
37 37 5.0 0.107147 0.107147 3.619556 3.343658 -0.447471 -4.0 -3.90751 3.804645 4.348186 3.624838 0.000322
38 38 5.0 0.111379 0.111379 3.621062 3.339612 -0.422498 -4.0 -3.90751 3.746857 4.289824 3.569300 -0.000029
39 39 5.0 0.115581 0.115581 3.622555 3.335660 -0.397776 -4.0 -3.90751 3.689636 4.232103 3.514316 -0.000027

Custom linear interpolation

In [2]:

<isochrones.interp.DFInterpolator at 0x10a66ebe0>

In [3]:
mist.interp.grid.shape # filled-in regular grid (nan-padded)

(15, 107, 1711, 13)

In [4]:
mist.interp.index_columns  # feh, log(age), eep

(array([-4.  , -3.5 , -3.  , -2.5 , -2.  , -1.75, -1.5 , -1.25, -1.  ,
        -0.75, -0.5 , -0.25,  0.  ,  0.25,  0.5 ]),
 array([ 5.  ,  5.05,  5.1 ,  5.15,  5.2 ,  5.25,  5.3 ,  5.35,  5.4 ,
         5.45,  5.5 ,  5.55,  5.6 ,  5.65,  5.7 ,  5.75,  5.8 ,  5.85,
         5.9 ,  5.95,  6.  ,  6.05,  6.1 ,  6.15,  6.2 ,  6.25,  6.3 ,
         6.35,  6.4 ,  6.45,  6.5 ,  6.55,  6.6 ,  6.65,  6.7 ,  6.75,
         6.8 ,  6.85,  6.9 ,  6.95,  7.  ,  7.05,  7.1 ,  7.15,  7.2 ,
         7.25,  7.3 ,  7.35,  7.4 ,  7.45,  7.5 ,  7.55,  7.6 ,  7.65,
         7.7 ,  7.75,  7.8 ,  7.85,  7.9 ,  7.95,  8.  ,  8.05,  8.1 ,
         8.15,  8.2 ,  8.25,  8.3 ,  8.35,  8.4 ,  8.45,  8.5 ,  8.55,
         8.6 ,  8.65,  8.7 ,  8.75,  8.8 ,  8.85,  8.9 ,  8.95,  9.  ,
         9.05,  9.1 ,  9.15,  9.2 ,  9.25,  9.3 ,  9.35,  9.4 ,  9.45,
         9.5 ,  9.55,  9.6 ,  9.65,  9.7 ,  9.75,  9.8 ,  9.85,  9.9 ,
         9.95, 10.  , 10.05, 10.1 , 10.15, 10.2 , 10.25, 10.3 ]),
 array([0.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 2.000e+00, ..., 1.708e+03, 1.709e+03,

In [5]:
pars = [0.01, 9.54, 300.3]
mist.interp(pars, 'log_g')


Comparison with SciPy

In [6]:
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

# Construct SciPy regular grid interpolator for logg
points = mist.interp.index_columns
values = mist.interp.grid[:, :, :, 5]  # logg is column 5
fn = RegularGridInterpolator(points, values)

In [7]:
pars = [0.01, 9.54, 300.3]


In [8]:
%timeit fn(pars)

1000 loops, best of 3: 233 µs per loop

In [9]:
mist.interp(pars, 'log_g')


In [10]:
# convenience function for mist.interp(pars, 'log_g'), with different args
%timeit mist.logg(*pars[::-1])

The slowest run took 7.54 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 3.14 µs per loop

Slightly slower than SciPy for vectorized calculations, however

In [11]:
import numpy as np

N = 10000
%timeit mist.interp([np.ones(N)*0.01, np.ones(N)*9.54, np.ones(N)*300.3], 'log_g')

The slowest run took 38.58 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100 loops, best of 3: 4.01 ms per loop

In [12]:
%timeit fn(np.array([np.ones(N)*0.01, np.ones(N)*9.54, np.ones(N)*300.3]).T)

The slowest run took 4.49 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100 loops, best of 3: 2.84 ms per loop

isochrones in action

In [13]:
from isochrones import StarModel
from isochrones import get_ichrone

mist = get_ichrone('mist', bands='JHK')

props = dict(Teff=(5642, 50.0), feh=(-0.27, 0.08), logg=(4.443, 0.028), 
             J=(10.523, 0.02), H=(10.211, 0.02), K=(10.152, 0.02))

# Single star model
mod = StarModel(mist, **props)

 ╚═  J=(10.52, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [99.00])
    ╚═  H=(10.21, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [99.00])
       ╚═  K=(10.15, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [99.00])
          ╚═ 0_0, Teff=(5642, 50.0), feh=(-0.27, 0.08), logg=(4.443, 0.028)

In [14]:

['eep_0_0', 'age_0', 'feh_0', 'distance_0', 'AV_0']

In [15]:
p = [300, 9.5, 0.1, 300, 0.1]


In [16]:
%timeit mod.lnpost(p)

10000 loops, best of 3: 69 µs per loop

In [17]:'kep22')  # Defaults to using MultiNest if available

In [18]:

H_mag_0_0 J_mag_0_0 K_mag_0_0 Teff_0_0 age_0_0 eep_0_0 logL_0_0 logg_0_0 mass_0_0 radius_0_0 age_0 feh_0 distance_0 AV_0 H_mag J_mag K_mag lnprob
count 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000 5579.000000
mean 10.086118 10.521529 10.019220 5524.682230 10.010334 376.499030 -0.207755 4.471429 0.801675 0.862287 10.010334 -0.257740 181.915514 0.465602 10.086118 10.521529 10.019220 -28.092010
std 0.051532 0.045043 0.061330 69.670416 0.212655 24.909315 0.056561 0.051670 0.037257 0.044298 0.212655 0.055317 11.941328 0.287542 0.051532 0.045043 0.061330 1.529346
min 9.925848 10.374595 9.833169 5302.657696 7.871956 218.690774 -0.406577 4.231980 0.714926 0.737985 7.871956 -0.469178 147.523252 0.000019 9.925848 10.374595 9.833169 -38.173356
25% 10.050209 10.489326 9.975110 5475.947550 9.903934 357.461768 -0.244926 4.430533 0.770304 0.831456 9.903934 -0.295358 173.548707 0.210242 10.050209 10.489326 9.975110 -28.906821
50% 10.085364 10.520059 10.020464 5520.596273 10.005578 374.654613 -0.205187 4.477909 0.802964 0.863172 10.005578 -0.256505 181.566480 0.449732 10.085364 10.520059 10.020464 -27.817836
75% 10.121507 10.551789 10.063130 5571.166980 10.181017 399.478333 -0.169669 4.508276 0.831419 0.888719 10.181017 -0.219341 189.879576 0.714414 10.121507 10.551789 10.063130 -26.974134
max 10.304665 10.714806 10.253832 5791.243614 10.299848 436.866705 0.051747 4.607777 0.908294 1.131308 10.299848 -0.065353 241.277821 0.999558 10.304665 10.714806 10.253832 -25.453424

Generate a corner plot with mod.corner_physical():

Binary star model (unresolved)

In [19]:
mod2 = StarModel(mist, N=2, **props)

 ╚═  J=(10.52, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [99.00])
    ╚═  H=(10.21, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [99.00])
       ╚═  K=(10.15, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [99.00])
          ╠═ 0_0, Teff=(5642, 50.0), feh=(-0.27, 0.08), logg=(4.443, 0.028)
          ╚═ 0_1

In [20]:

['eep_0_0', 'eep_0_1', 'age_0', 'feh_0', 'distance_0', 'AV_0']

→ Can also do triple systems, resolved binaries, partially resolved binaries, etc.

In [21]:
%%file demo_star/star.ini

Teff = 4135, 98.0
feh = -0.46, 0.16
logg = 4.711, 0.1

J = 13.513, 0.02
H = 12.845, 0.02
K = 12.693, 0.02

resolution = 0.1
separation_1 = 0.6
PA_1 = 100
K_1 = 3.66, 0.05
H_1 = 3.77, 0.03
J_1 = 3.74, 0.05
separation_2 = 1.2
PA_2 = 200
K_2 = 5.1, 0.1
H_2 = 5.2, 0.1
J_2 = 5.15, 0.1

Overwriting demo_star/star.ini

In [22]:
mod3 = StarModel.from_ini(mist, 'demo_star')

 ╚═ twomass H=(12.85, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
    ╚═ twomass J=(13.51, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
       ╚═ twomass K=(12.69, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
          ╠═ NIRC2 delta-H=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║  ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║     ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║        ╚═ 0_0, Teff=[4135.0, 98.0], feh=[-0.46, 0.16], logg=[4.711, 0.1]
          ╠═ NIRC2 delta-H=(3.77, 0.03) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║  ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(3.74, 0.05) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║     ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(3.66, 0.05) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║        ╚═ 0_1
          ╚═ NIRC2 delta-H=(5.20, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
             ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(5.15, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
                ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(5.10, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
                   ╚═ 0_2

In [23]:

['eep_0_0', 'eep_0_1', 'eep_0_2', 'age_0', 'feh_0', 'distance_0', 'AV_0']

In [24]:
mod4 = StarModel.from_ini(mist, 'demo_star', N=[2,1,1])

 ╚═ twomass H=(12.85, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
    ╚═ twomass J=(13.51, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
       ╚═ twomass K=(12.69, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
          ╠═ NIRC2 delta-H=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║  ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║     ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║        ╠═ 0_0, Teff=[4135.0, 98.0], feh=[-0.46, 0.16], logg=[4.711, 0.1]
          ║        ╚═ 0_1
          ╠═ NIRC2 delta-H=(3.77, 0.03) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║  ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(3.74, 0.05) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║     ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(3.66, 0.05) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║        ╚═ 0_2
          ╚═ NIRC2 delta-H=(5.20, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
             ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(5.15, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
                ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(5.10, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
                   ╚═ 0_3

In [25]:


In [26]:
mod5 = StarModel.from_ini(mist, 'demo_star', N=[2,1,1], index=[0,1,1])

 ╚═ twomass H=(12.85, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
    ╚═ twomass J=(13.51, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
       ╚═ twomass K=(12.69, 0.02) @(0.00, 0 [4.00])
          ╠═ NIRC2 delta-H=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║  ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║     ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(0.00, 0.01) @(0.00, 0 [0.10])
          ║        ╠═ 0_0, Teff=[4135.0, 98.0], feh=[-0.46, 0.16], logg=[4.711, 0.1]
          ║        ╚═ 0_1
          ╠═ NIRC2 delta-H=(3.77, 0.03) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║  ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(3.74, 0.05) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║     ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(3.66, 0.05) @(0.60, 100 [0.10])
          ║        ╚═ 1_0
          ╚═ NIRC2 delta-H=(5.20, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
             ╚═ NIRC2 delta-J=(5.15, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
                ╚═ NIRC2 delta-K=(5.10, 0.10) @(1.20, 200 [0.10])
                   ╚═ 1_1

In [27]:


Validating Transiting Exoplanets

Morton et al. (2016)

Morton et al. (2016)

Morton et al. (2016)

Fitting Clusters (new/in progress)

Simulate observations of a cluster

In [28]:
from isochrones import get_ichrone
from isochrones.cluster import SimulatedCluster

mist = get_ichrone('mist')

N = 50
cluster_pars = [8.84, -0.2, 500, 0.03, -3, 0.3, 0.3]
stars = SimulatedCluster(N, *cluster_pars, bands='gri', mass_range=(1, 2.5), phot_unc=0.01)

g_mag i_mag r_mag is_binary distance mass_pri mass_sec eep_pri eep_sec g_mag_unc r_mag_unc i_mag_unc parallax parallax_unc
0 11.108260 11.218780 11.134044 False 506.930933 1.522492 0.000000 330.576073 0.000000 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.972655 0.2
1 12.055866 11.740289 11.802680 True 497.935572 1.154492 1.101586 310.891508 306.956418 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.008292 0.2
2 10.949487 11.107116 10.986414 False 492.106852 1.545598 0.000000 331.852203 0.000000 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.032079 0.2
3 11.717603 11.594403 11.595706 True 496.180144 1.344326 0.779982 320.758217 274.493943 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.015397 0.2
4 9.716940 9.970337 9.830586 True 496.556838 1.722975 1.682122 341.327839 339.291812 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.013868 0.2

Make a model

In [29]:
from isochrones.cluster import StarClusterModel
model = StarClusterModel(mist, stars, eep_bounds=(200, 700), minq=0.5)

['age', 'feh', 'distance', 'AV', 'alpha', 'gamma', 'fB']
$$ p(M_1) \propto M_1^\alpha;~~ p(q = M_2/M_1) \propto q^\gamma$$

In [30]:
isinstance(model, StarModel)


In [31]:


In [32]:
%timeit model.lnpost(cluster_pars)

1 loop, best of 3: 617 ms per loop

→ Yikes! What's going on here?

In [33]:
import holoviews as hv

In [34]:
%%opts Points [width=400, height=400, tools=['hover']]
from isochrones.cluster import StarCatalog
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_hdf('overview/small-test-cluster.h5')
test_stars = StarCatalog(df, bands='gri', props=['parallax'])


In [35]:
%%opts Points [width=500, height=500, tools=['hover']]
data = hv.Points(test_stars.ds, kdims=['g-i', 'g_mag'], 
                 vdims=['is_binary', 'distance', 
                        'mass_pri', 'mass_sec', 
                        'eep_pri', 'eep_sec'], label='Simulated data').options(size=5)
model = mist.hr_isochrone('g', 'i', *cluster_pars[:4], mineep=300, maxeep=700, thin=2, label='Model isochrone').options(size=2)
data * model


In the real world!

Price-Whelan et al., submitted.

Price-Whelan et al., submitted.

Price-Whelan et al., submitted.

TODO for isochrones

  • Implement evolution-track grid interpolation in addition to isochrone grids &check
  • Improve treatment of extinction (currently not correct for broad bands/large extinctions) &check
  • Refine/polish cluster fitting, including background model
  • Try different multimodal samplers (currently requires MultiNest)
  • Implement wrappers for more model grids

Science to-do

  • Fit Gaia co-moving clusters; infer close binary fraction as function of age?
  • Validate binary-star fitting using Gaia eclipsing binaries --- can we discover binaries with just photometry + parallax?
  • Test stellar model grids vis-a-vis Gaia RGB data-driven linear model results (Hogg)
  • Incorporate gyrochronology models into likelihood (Ruth)
  • Look for Cas A birth cluster (Wolfgang)
  • [Insert your ideas here]

In [ ]: