
Conda environment and testing

Isochrones requires python 3. I also recommend using isochrones in its own conda environment, to help manage dependencies. For example:

conda create -n isochrones numpy numba nose pytables pandas


conda activate isochrones
pip install isochrones

To make sure everything is working, run

nosetests isochrones

And if anything breaks, please raise an issue.

Installing MultiNest

It is highly recommended to install MultiNest/PyMultiNest for model fitting. First, install/build multinest with

git clone
cd MultiNest/build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~ ..  # or just "cmake .." if you have root permissions
make install

(Note that if you don't have cmake available on your system, that you can install it in your environment with conda install -c conda-forge cmake.)

If you do not have root permissions and thus installed the MultiNest libraries to your home directory, you will also need to make sure that ~/lib is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable; e.g., you can include the following line in your ~/.bash_profile file:


Then you can install pymultinest with

pip install pymultinest

(And run nosetests isochrones again, for good measure, to confirm that MultiNest works.)