In [3]:
from exosyspop.tests.test_populations import test_binpop, test_bgpop, test_planets
from exosyspop.tests.test_populations import get_binpop, get_bgpop, get_planets

/u/tdm/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.
  warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')
WARNING:root:progressbar not imported

In [13]:
import logging
rootLogger = logging.getLogger()

In [51]:
#pop = get_bgpop()
pop = get_planets()

DEBUG:root:Setting params {'Npl': 1}.
DEBUG:root:old params = None
DEBUG:root:secondary/orbital props resetting.

In [67]:
from exosyspop.populations import PoissonPlanetPopulation
import cPickle as pickle

rB = pop.radius_B
s1 = pop.stars
obs = pop.observe(regr_trap=True)'test', overwrite=True)
#pickle.dump(pop, open('test.pkl', 'wb'))
#pop = pickle.load(open('test.pkl', 'rb'))
pop = PoissonPlanetPopulation('test')
s2 = pop.stars
rB2 = pop.radius_B

DEBUG:root:Setting params {}.
DEBUG:root:old params = None
DEBUG:root:Setting params {}.
DEBUG:root:old params = None
Planet: Depth trained: R2=0.994357173075
Planet: Duration trained: R2=0.958199313306
Planet: Slope trained: R2=0.985864499435

In [73]:


In [69]:
cols = ['mass_A', 'mass_B', 'radius_A', 'radius_B','period']

mass_A mass_B radius_A radius_B period
160163 1.12 6.706048e-15 1.088440 0.006887 4788.236652
116064 0.85 1.119418e-13 0.841714 0.027007 4846.063091
157633 0.93 1.954752e-14 1.056770 0.011576 770.067869
87483 0.88 5.439731e-14 0.814005 0.019025 18.414539
26150 0.97 2.875753e-14 1.069600 0.013962 572.998369
26150 0.97 2.875753e-14 1.069600 0.013962 1360.498221
102802 0.72 1.178498e-14 0.674705 0.009055 376.340822
102802 0.72 1.178498e-14 0.674705 0.009055 5.835079
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 21.781454
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 21.009222
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 1997.413351
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 106.010625
171619 0.86 7.541824e-15 0.803499 0.007291 6471.762821
184663 0.87 7.518131e-15 0.816173 0.007280 9119.507354
75237 0.88 1.336278e-12 0.871577 0.090001 275.227511

In [70]:

mass_A mass_B radius_A radius_B period
160163 1.12 6.706048e-15 1.088440 0.006887 4788.236652
116064 0.85 1.119418e-13 0.841714 0.027007 4846.063091
157633 0.93 1.954752e-14 1.056770 0.011576 770.067869
87483 0.88 5.439731e-14 0.814005 0.019025 18.414539
26150 0.97 2.875753e-14 1.069600 0.013962 1360.498221
26150 0.97 2.875753e-14 1.069600 0.013962 1360.498221
102802 0.72 1.178498e-14 0.674705 0.009055 5.835079
102802 0.72 1.178498e-14 0.674705 0.009055 5.835079
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 106.010625
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 106.010625
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 106.010625
176405 0.74 1.520770e-14 0.720852 0.010248 106.010625
171619 0.86 7.541824e-15 0.803499 0.007291 6471.762821
184663 0.87 7.518131e-15 0.816173 0.007280 9119.507354
75237 0.88 1.336278e-12 0.871577 0.090001 21.483547

In [56]:
(s1 == s2).all()

kepid               True
tm_designation      True
teff                True
teff_err1          False
teff_err2          False
logg                True
logg_err1          False
logg_err2          False
feh                 True
feh_err1           False
feh_err2           False
mass_A              True
mass_err1          False
mass_err2          False
radius              True
radius_err1        False
radius_err2        False
dens               False
dens_err1          False
dens_err2          False
prov_sec            True
kepmag              True
nconfp              True
nkoi                True
ntce                True
datalink_dvr        True
st_delivname        True
st_vet_date_str     True
ra                  True
ra_str              True
rrmscdpp06p0        True
rrmscdpp07p5        True
rrmscdpp09p0        True
rrmscdpp10p5        True
rrmscdpp12p0        True
rrmscdpp12p5        True
rrmscdpp15p0        True
b_target            True
radius_A            True
mass_B             False
radius_B           False
flux_ratio          True
period             False
ecc                False
w                  False
inc                False
a                  False
aR                 False
b_pri              False
b_sec              False
k                  False
tra                False
occ                False
d_pri              False
d_sec               True
T14_pri            False
T14_sec            False
T23_pri            False
T23_sec            False
age                 True
dtype: bool

In [20]:


In [22]:


In [ ]:

In [16]:

array([ 0.39680605,  0.36022492,  0.23696799,  0.16268048,  0.14647838,
        0.24079953,  0.12041993,  0.27572564,  0.32943205,  0.12475456])

In [17]:

array([ 0.46976395,  0.30568133,  0.23696799,  0.17232413,  0.16460381,
        0.24079953,  0.11487959,  0.266961  ,  0.39465027,  0.12475456])

In [6]:

EB: dmag regressor trained, R2=0.992054239244
EB: qR regressor trained, R2=0.99264329467
EB: Depth trained: R2=0.996613738147
EB: Duration trained: R2=0.99783692015
EB: Slope trained: R2=0.946348612959
BGEB: dmag regressor trained, R2=0.853678568655
BGEB: qR regressor trained, R2=0.595027936929
BGEB: Depth trained: R2=0.998807995548
BGEB: Duration trained: R2=0.966068020699
BGEB: Slope trained: R2=0.955016311548
AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-e29e511c362d> in <module>()
      1 test_binpop()
----> 2 test_bgpop()
      3 test_planets()

/u/tdm/repositories/exosyspop/exosyspop/tests/ in test_bgpop()
     46 def test_bgpop():
     47     pop = get_bgpop()
---> 48     _do_the_things(pop)
     50 def get_planets():

/u/tdm/repositories/exosyspop/exosyspop/tests/ in _do_the_things(pop)
     32     pop = pickle.load(open(pkl_file, 'rb'))
     33     obs = pop.observe(regr_trap=True)
---> 34     assert np.all(rB[ok]==pop.radius_B[ok])
     36 def get_binpop():


In [1]:
import sys

## This to get the peerless target star DataFrame for example purposes
#from targets import targets

import pandas as pd
targets = pd.read_hdf('targets.h5')

# Sanitize dtypes of targets DataFrame
for c in targets.columns:
    if targets[c].dtype == object:
        targets.loc[:,c] = targets.loc[:,c].astype(str)

# The action is here. Depends on vespa & isochrones.
from exosyspop.populations import KeplerBinaryPopulation

/u/tdm/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.
  warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')
WARNING:root:progressbar not imported

In [2]:
#from isochrones.dartmouth import Dartmouth_Isochrone
pop = KeplerBinaryPopulation(targets, fB=0.4)

In [3]:

EB: dmag regressor trained, R2=0.99950850382
EB: qR regressor trained, R2=0.999537067125
EB: Depth trained: R2=0.998805351156
EB: Duration trained: R2=0.9879468412
EB: Slope trained: R2=0.963663932228
(Pipeline(steps=[('scale', StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)), ('regression', RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
            max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
            min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
            n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
            verbose=0, warm_start=False))]),
 Pipeline(steps=[('scale', StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)), ('regression', RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
            max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
            min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
            n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
            verbose=0, warm_start=False))]),
 Pipeline(steps=[('scale', StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)), ('regression', RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
            max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
            min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
            n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
            verbose=0, warm_start=False))]))

In [3]:
from exosyspop.tests.test_populations import _do_the_things

In [4]:

EB: dmag regressor trained, R2=0.999261845026
EB: qR regressor trained, R2=0.995515754064
EB: Depth trained: R2=0.999465743996
EB: Duration trained: R2=0.994761752759
EB: Slope trained: R2=0.948088247395

In [9]:
# Accessing secondary properties will initialize a secondary simulation,
# calling pop._generate_binaries().  The first time this is called, the
# secondary property regressors get trained.

EB: dmag regressor trained, R2=0.999481636147
EB: qR regressor trained, R2=0.997563979158
array([        nan,  0.68875982,  0.21996551, ...,         nan,
               nan,  0.58333078])

In [11]:

EB: Depth trained: R2=0.995809712887
EB: Duration trained: R2=0.953721124212
EB: Slope trained: R2=0.959221985557
(Pipeline(steps=[('scale', StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)), ('regression', RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
            max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
            min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
            n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
            verbose=0, warm_start=False))]),
 Pipeline(steps=[('scale', StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)), ('regression', RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
            max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
            min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
            n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
            verbose=0, warm_start=False))]),
 Pipeline(steps=[('scale', StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)), ('regression', RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
            max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
            min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
            n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False, random_state=None,
            verbose=0, warm_start=False))]))

In [12]:
obs = pop.observe(regr_trap=True)

In [13]:'testpop', overwrite=True)

In [14]:
import cPickle as pickle
pickle.dump(pop, open('testpop.pkl','wb'))

In [15]:
pop = pickle.load(open('testpop.pkl','rb'))

In [16]:
obs = pop.observe(regr_trap=True)

In [7]:

array([      nan,       nan,       nan, ...,       nan,  0.593799,

In [17]:


In [4]:
# subsequent calls are much faster; e.g.
%timeit pop._generate_binaries()

[ 0.40864961  0.41787574  0.27628832 ...,  0.29279917  0.60313767
10 loops, best of 3: 96.7 ms per loop

In [5]:
# If physical accuracy is important, you can also choose to generate binary properties
# directly from the isochrone, but it's a factor of a few slower:
%timeit pop._generate_binaries(use_ic=True)

[        nan  0.33306469         nan ...,         nan         nan
1 loops, best of 3: 362 ms per loop

In [7]:
# Similarly, accessing orbital properties will generate them

array([  6.28572685e+06,   2.28632375e+04,   2.28765433e+03, ...,
         4.59113422e+04,   1.42098463e+07,   4.25721097e+02])

Synthetic observations

In [9]:
# Now, we can observe and see what we see.  This takes into account
# duty cycle & data span, as well as geometry.
obs = pop.observe()

Index([u'host', u'period', u'ecc', u'w', u'inc', u'a', u'aR', u'b_pri',
       u'b_sec', u'k', u'tra', u'occ', u'd_pri', u'd_sec', u'T14_pri',
       u'T14_sec', u'T23_pri', u'T23_sec', u'dataspan', u'dutycycle',
       u'b_target', u'flux_ratio', u'dilution', u'n_pri', u'n_sec',
host period ecc w inc a aR b_pri b_sec k ... T23_pri T23_sec dataspan dutycycle b_target flux_ratio dilution n_pri n_sec phase_sec
0 3153 129.484872 0.924090 3.683342 1.562058 8.452738e+12 149.848309 0.365319 0.129528 0.657573 ... 0.000000 0.022568 1459.789 0.8750 12.441995 0.075144 1 11 12 0.018533
1 6084 17.888648 0.259020 4.725544 1.545415 2.054122e+12 39.603986 1.265411 0.744777 0.437976 ... 0.000000 0.000000 1459.789 0.8750 16.627310 0.021948 1 72 68 0.502246
2 6495 6.372333 0.178574 2.336309 1.563346 1.181537e+12 14.990881 0.095795 0.124109 0.510538 ... 0.056625 0.072363 1459.789 0.6984 18.011633 0.032885 1 160 153 0.420773
3 7802 14.745000 0.122320 1.058705 1.570133 2.074451e+12 34.262813 0.020219 0.025045 0.745252 ... 0.031199 0.038581 1459.789 0.6988 10.682069 0.183112 1 67 73 0.538353
4 16868 1324.872423 0.407945 0.085859 1.570145 3.803832e+13 475.945615 0.249497 0.267586 0.196276 ... 0.597188 0.635334 1459.789 0.8752 19.020436 0.001356 1 1 1 0.751582

5 rows × 26 columns

In [10]:
# This is pretty fast, even when generating a new population each time:
%timeit pop.observe(new=True)

1 loops, best of 3: 209 ms per loop

In [11]:
# Even faster if we only generate new orbits.
%timeit pop.observe(new_orbits=True)

10 loops, best of 3: 78.8 ms per loop

In [12]:
# So we can predict the expected number of observations pretty easily.
import numpy as np
N = 100
n_obs = np.array([len(pop.observe(new_orbits=True)) for i in range(N)])
n_obs.mean(), n_obs.std()

(86.090000000000003, 9.2218165238742404)

In [13]:
# Notice that the above does not yet have trapezoidal parameters.  There are two options to generate these.
# Either we can set the fit_trap parameter, as follows:
obs = pop.observe(fit_trap=True)

Index([u'host', u'period', u'ecc', u'w', u'inc', u'a', u'aR', u'b_pri',
       u'b_sec', u'k', u'tra', u'occ', u'd_pri', u'd_sec', u'T14_pri',
       u'T14_sec', u'T23_pri', u'T23_sec', u'dataspan', u'dutycycle',
       u'b_target', u'flux_ratio', u'dilution', u'n_pri', u'n_sec',
       u'phase_sec', u'trap_dur_pri', u'trap_depth_pri', u'trap_slope_pri',
       u'trap_dur_sec', u'trap_depth_sec', u'trap_slope_sec'],

In [14]:
# All things considered, this is still pretty fast if we just need to do it a few times:
%timeit pop.observe(fit_trap=True)

1 loops, best of 3: 571 ms per loop

In [15]:
# However, this is pretty slow if we want to do inference.  To help with this, we can 
# tell it to train & use a regression.  Training only happens once; by default with 10,000 
# synthetic observations.  This takes a minute or so.
obs = pop.observe(regr_trap=True)

EB: Depth trained: R2=0.998884328172
EB: Duration trained: R2=0.999454156259
EB: Slope trained: R2=0.995354253342
Index([u'host', u'period', u'ecc', u'w', u'inc', u'a', u'aR', u'b_pri',
       u'b_sec', u'k', u'tra', u'occ', u'd_pri', u'd_sec', u'T14_pri',
       u'T14_sec', u'T23_pri', u'T23_sec', u'dataspan', u'dutycycle',
       u'b_target', u'flux_ratio', u'dilution', u'n_pri', u'n_sec',
       u'phase_sec', u'trap_dur_pri_regr', u'trap_depth_pri_regr',
       u'trap_slope_pri_regr', u'trap_dur_sec_regr', u'trap_depth_sec_regr',

In [16]:
# Subsequent calls are much faster
%timeit pop.observe(regr_trap=True)

10 loops, best of 3: 23.4 ms per loop

In [17]:
# Even generating a new stellar population & observing it is pretty quick
%timeit pop.observe(regr_trap=True, new=True)

1 loops, best of 3: 223 ms per loop

In [16]:
# Or again, you can just generate new orbits (rather than new binaries & new orbits)
%timeit pop.observe(regr_trap=True, new_orbits=True)

10 loops, best of 3: 94.1 ms per loop

In [40]:
# Generating the training data used for the trapezoid shape regression above used
# this function, which can be otherwise useful to sample >N random observations 
# from the existing population.  `trap_regr` defaults to `True` here.  
# This function also takes `new` or `new_orbits` keywords.
obs_pop = pop.get_N_observed(N=2000, new_orbits=True)

Index([u'host', u'period', u'ecc', u'w', u'inc', u'a', u'aR', u'b_pri',
       u'b_sec', u'k', u'tra', u'occ', u'd_pri', u'd_sec', u'T14_pri',
       u'T14_sec', u'T23_pri', u'T23_sec', u'dataspan', u'dutycycle',
       u'b_target', u'flux_ratio', u'dilution', u'n_pri', u'n_sec',
       u'phase_sec', u'trap_dur_pri_regr', u'trap_depth_pri_regr',
       u'trap_slope_pri_regr', u'trap_dur_sec_regr', u'trap_depth_sec_regr',

In [45]:
# Let's look at the distribution of trapezoid parameters
%matplotlib inline
from corner import corner

def trap_corner(df, regr=True, **kwargs):

    pri = df.n_pri.values > 0
    sec = (df.n_sec.values > 0) & ~pri
    if regr:
        dur = pri*df.trap_dur_pri_regr.fillna(0) + sec*df.trap_dur_sec_regr.fillna(0)
        logd = np.log10(pri*df.trap_depth_pri_regr.fillna(0) + 
        slope = pri*df.trap_slope_pri_regr.fillna(0) + sec*df.trap_slope_sec_regr.fillna(0)
        dur = pri*df.trap_dur_pri.fillna(0) + sec*df.trap_dur_sec.fillna(0)
        logd = np.log10(pri*df.trap_depth_pri.fillna(0) + sec*df.trap_depth_sec.fillna(0))
        slope = pri*df.trap_slope_pri.fillna(0) + sec*df.trap_slope_sec.fillna(0)
    #return (dur, logd, slope)
    return corner(np.array([dur, logd, slope]).T, labels=['duration', 'log(d)', 'T/tau'],
                 plot_contours=False, **kwargs)

trap_corner(obs_pop, range=[(0,0.6),(-4,0), (2,6)]);

In [42]:
obs_pop2 = pop.get_N_observed(N=2000, new_orbits=True, fit_trap=True)

In [46]:
trap_corner(obs_pop2, regr=False, range=[(0,0.6),(-4,0), (2,6)]);

In [18]:
# We can now look, e.g. at the expected number of single/double eclipsing systems:
query = '(n_pri < 3) & (n_sec < 3) & (n_pri==0 | n_sec==0)'
N = 100
n_obs = np.array([len(pop.observe(new_orbits=True).query(query)) for i in range(N)])
n_obs.mean(), n_obs.std()

(4.3399999999999999, 1.8396738841436002)

In [19]:
# Try this again, this time using the empirical eccentricity distribution
# (as opposed to the beta distribution with default params)---eccentricity matters!
pop.ecc_empirical = True
n_obs = np.array([len(pop.observe(new_orbits=True).query(query)) for i in range(N)])
n_obs.mean(), n_obs.std()

(6.2800000000000002, 2.1821090715177367)

In [20]:
# You can also save a trained model so that you can load it back and hit the ground running.'ebpop', overwrite=True)
pop = KeplerBinaryPopulation.load('ebpop')

In [21]:
# No training necessary!

host period ecc w inc a aR b_pri b_sec k ... flux_ratio n_pri n_sec phase_sec trap_dur_pri_regr trap_depth_pri_regr trap_slope_pri_regr trap_dur_sec_regr trap_depth_sec_regr trap_slope_sec_regr
0 1303 1.508235 0.794690 0.908785 0.571017 4.392560e+11 6.760580 1.288318 5.616169 0.495810 ... 0.021415 849 0 0.871170 0.044697 0.021101 2.288434 NaN NaN NaN
1 1481 1.119021 0.095647 1.220300 1.557535 3.946543e+11 4.311374 0.051982 0.062243 0.645139 ... 0.267657 1139 1144 0.520989 0.111869 0.368570 2.405604 0.140385 0.207068 2.538372
2 1704 54.984939 0.687238 1.753266 1.523692 4.608242e+12 60.380019 0.895275 4.628196 0.279898 ... 0.003981 22 0 0.392804 0.110049 0.047288 2.554566 NaN NaN NaN
3 2426 5.777147 0.086197 4.066556 1.550388 1.162926e+12 18.001832 0.391580 0.341142 0.932021 ... 0.769349 175 184 0.466909 0.179252 0.405019 2.298384 0.161438 0.359476 2.288638
4 5496 44.842503 0.808260 4.761843 1.518526 3.995373e+12 87.611478 8.234749 0.878159 0.872604 ... 0.376656 0 19 0.543067 NaN NaN NaN 0.082805 0.130946 2.359772

5 rows × 31 columns

In [ ]: