In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pd.set_option('max_columns', 50)

Data Structures

pandas introduces two new data structures to Python - Series and DataFrame, both of which are built on top of NumPy (this means it's fast).


A Series is a one-dimensional object similar to an array, list, or column in a table. It will assign a labeled index to each item in the Series. By default, each item will receive an index label from 0 to N, where N is the length of the Series minus one.

In [ ]:
# create a Series with an arbitrary list
s = pd.Series([7, 'Pi', 3.14, -3233432, 'Happy Learning!'])
Alternatively, you can specify an index to use when creating the Series.

In [ ]:
s = pd.Series([7, 'Pi', 3.14, -3233432, 'Happy Learning!'],
              index=['A', 'Z', 'C', 'Y', 'E'])
The Series constructor can convert a dictonary as well, using the keys of the dictionary as its index.

In [ ]:
d = {'Pagri': 4600, 'Tanggulashan': 4587, 'Ukdungle': 4659, 'Colquechaca': 4692,
     'Hunza Khunjerab Pass': 4693, 'El Aguilar': 4895, 'Wenquan': 5019, 'La Rinconada': 5099}
cities = pd.Series(d)
You can use the index to select specific items from the Series ...

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
cities[['Pagri', 'Colquechaca', 'Wenquan']]
Or you can use boolean indexing for selection.

In [ ]:
cities[cities > 4900]

In [ ]:
greater_than_4900 = cities > 4900

print greater_than_4900
print '\n'
print cities[greater_than_4900]
You can also change the values in a Series on the fly.

In [ ]:
# changing based on the index
print 'Old value:', cities['Pagri']
cities['Pagri'] = 4990
print 'New value:', cities['Pagri']

In [ ]:
# changing values using boolean logic
print cities[cities < 4900]
print '\n'
cities[cities < 4900] = 4890

print cities[cities < 4900]
What if you aren't sure whether an item is in the Series? You can check using idiomatic Python.

In [ ]:
print 'Wenquan' in cities
print 'Pune' in cities
Mathematical operations can be done using scalars and functions.

In [ ]:
# divide city values by 3
cities / 3

In [ ]:
# square city values

In [ ]:
print cities[['Pagri', 'Colquechaca', 'Wenquan']]
print '\n'
print cities[['Pagri', 'Ukdungle', 'Tanggulashan']]
print '\n'
print cities[['Pagri', 'Colquechaca', 'Wenquan']] + cities[['Pagri', 'Ukdungle', 'Tanggulashan']]

In [ ]:
cities['Pagri'] = np.nan

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print cities[cities.isnull()]


A DataFrame is a tablular data structure comprised of rows and columns, akin to a spreadsheet, database table, or R's data.frame object. You can also think of a DataFrame as a group of Series objects that share an index (the column names).

In [ ]:
data = {'year': [2010, 2011, 2012, 2011, 2012, 2010, 2011, 2012],
        'team': ['Bears', 'Bears', 'Bears', 'Packers', 'Packers', 'Lions', 'Lions', 'Lions'],
        'wins': [11, 8, 10, 15, 11, 6, 10, 4],
        'losses': [5, 8, 6, 1, 5, 10, 6, 12]}
football = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['year', 'team', 'wins', 'losses'])
print football

In [ ]:
! head -n 5 /Users/aditya/Desktop/MIT/data/body.csv

In [ ]:
frm_csv = pd.read_csv('data/body.csv')
print frm_csv.head(n=5)

In [ ]:
colnames = ['Date', 'Weight', 'BMI', 'Fat' , 'BP', 'RHR' ,'DS']

frm_csv = pd.read_csv('data/body.csv',
                      na_values=[0, '0/0'],
                      header = 0,

print frm_csv.head(n=10)

In [ ]:
print frm_csv.describe()

In [ ]:
print frm_csv.dtypes

In [ ]:
print frm_csv.tail()

In [ ]:
print frm_csv[10:15]


In [ ]:

In [ ]:
frm_csv[['Date', 'Weight']].head()

In [ ]:
frm_csv[frm_csv.Weight > 65].head()

In [ ]:
condition = frm_csv.Weight > 65
print condition[:5]

In [ ]:
frm_csv.Date[frm_csv.Weight > 65].head()