In [1]:
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
# %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png'
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import sklearn as sk
import json

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import toolz
import seaborn.apionly as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import subsample.algorithms as subsample
%matplotlib inline

import pymongo
DB = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)

In [3]:
from datetime import datetime

In [4]:
# import toyplot

import folium

import mplleaflet
import geopandas as gpd

In [5]:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import HashingVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer
from sklearn import metrics

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF, LatentDirichletAllocation
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups

In [6]:
meetup_cities = pd.read_csv("data/meetup_cities.csv")

In [7]:
cities1000 = pd.read_csv("data/cities1000.csv")
# Dedupe cities by selecting the highest population entry
cities1000 = cities1000.groupby('ansiname', as_index=False, group_keys=False)\
                       .apply(lambda x: x.ix[x.population.idxmax()])

/Users/anto/.virtualenvs/meetup/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning: Columns (12,13) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)

In [8]:
meetup_cities.loc[ == "New York",'city'] = 'New York City'  # Name consistency for join
cities = pd.merge(meetup_cities, cities1000, how='left', left_on='city', right_on='name')

In [9]:
cities_gb = cities[cities['country'] == 'gb']

In [153]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cities.head(10).plot(kind='scatter', loglog=True, x='population', y='members', alpha=1, ax = ax, color='lightgreen', label="Top 10")
cities.tail(-10).plot(kind='scatter', loglog=False, x='population', y='members', alpha=0.2, linewidths=0, ax = ax)
cities_gb.plot(kind='scatter', loglog=True, x='population', y='members', ax=ax, alpha=1, color='orange', label="UK")
for _, row in toolz.concatv(cities_gb.iterrows(), cities.head(10).iterrows()):
    ax.annotate(row['city'][:4], xy=(row['population'], row['members']*1.1),
               horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom')
ax.set_xlabel("City population")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of meetup members")
ax.legend(loc='upper left', scatterpoints=1)

In [12]:
groups = pd.read_csv("crawler/groups.csv.gz").drop_duplicates(subset='id')
groups['topics'] = groups.topics.dropna().apply(json.loads)
groups['topics_urlkeys'] = groups.topics.dropna().apply(lambda x: ' '.join([i['urlkey'] for i in x]))

groups['category'] = groups.category.dropna().apply(json.loads)
groups['category_id'] = groups.category.dropna().apply(lambda x: x['id'])

Topic modelling

In [13]:
def topic_modeling(text_data, max_df=0.95, min_df=0.02, max_features=1000, stop_words="english", n_topics=10,
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.95, min_df=0.02, max_features=max_features,
    nmf = NMF(n_components=n_topics, random_state=1)
    pipeline_topic_modeling = make_pipeline(
    feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
    for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(nmf.components_):
        print("Topic #%d:" % topic_idx)
        print(" ".join([feature_names[i]
                        for i in topic.argsort()[:-n_top_words - 1:-1]]))
        print ""

In [156]:
topic_modeling(groups.query('category_id == 10').topics_urlkeys.dropna(), n_topics=5, n_top_words=30)

Topic #0:
self meditation spirituality improvement spiritual healing empowerment consciousness exploration growth personal wellness lifetransform yoga energy stress mindfulness transformation health development living relief life healthy coaching medicine alternative holistic lawofattraction support

Topic #1:
business networking marketing professional entrepreneurship strategy startup small women businesses entrepreneur smallbiz entrepreneurs referral owners womens startups prodev professionals technology online coaching internet media leadership socialnetwork creative innovation education young

Topic #2:
social singles fun newintown times socialnetwork diningout friends music nightlife women culture dating london dancing pubs 30s language new bars drinking professional livemusic relationships group 20s travel coffee young talking

Topic #3:
fitness outdoor sports excercise training healthy outdoors living group wellness hiking walkers health adventures womens nutrition yoga socials adventure travel beginners walks support dance weekend social classes lessons holistic arts

Topic #4:
development web programming technology computer softwaredev mobile data newtech opensource management startups design internet startup personal learning innovation science entrepreneurship media games businesses professionals coaching group community leadership life creative


In [15]:
t_groups_ids = list(groups.loc[groups.category_id == 34,'id'])
t_events = list({'': {'$in': t_groups_ids}}))
for e in t_events:
    e['datetime'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(e['time']/1000)
tedf = pd.DataFrame(t_events)

In [179]:
#{'': {'$in': t_groups_ids}}).count()


In [17]:


In [18]:


In [19]:
nt_groups_ids = list(subsample.approximate_sample(groups.loc[groups.category_id != 34,'id'], 0.1))
nt_events = list({'': {'$in': nt_groups_ids}}))
for e in nt_events:
    e['datetime'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(e['time']/1000)
ntedf = pd.DataFrame(nt_events)

In [31]:

In [160]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,6), ncols=3, nrows=2)
month_grouper = lambda x: x.datetime.dt.month
weekday_grouper = lambda x: x.datetime.dt.weekday
hour_grouper = lambda x: x.datetime.dt.hour

for i, grouper in enumerate((month_grouper, weekday_grouper, hour_grouper)):
    grouped = tedf.groupby(grouper(tedf))
    grouped2 = ntedf.groupby(grouper(ntedf))
    a = sns.barplot(grouped.groups.keys(), (grouped.venue.count()/len(tedf)).tolist(), lw=0, color='lightgreen', ax=ax[0][i], alpha=0.8, label="Tech event")
    b = sns.barplot(grouped2.groups.keys(), (grouped2.venue.count()/len(ntedf)).tolist(), lw=0, color='lightblue', ax=ax[1][i], alpha=0.8, label="Non tech event")
#     sns.barplot('Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su'.split(","), adf.groupby(adf.datetime.dt.weekday).venue.count().tolist(), lw=0, color='lightgreen', ax=ax[1])
#     sns.barplot(df.index.tolist(), adf.groupby(adf.datetime.dt.hour).venue.count().tolist(), lw=0, color='lightgreen', ax=ax[2])
for i in (0, 1):
for ax_i in ax.ravel():
h1, l1 = ax[0][0].get_legend_handles_labels()
h2, l2 = ax[1][0].get_legend_handles_labels()
ax[0][2].legend(h1+h2, l1+l2, loc='upper left')
# ax[0].set_ylabel("")

Events occur most frequently in the weekdays' evenings, and less frequently on the months of August and December.

In [120]:
m2 = folium.Map()

In [139]:
mc = folium.MarkerCluster()
for event in subsample.reservoir_sample(t_events, 1000):
        lon, lat = event['venue']['lon'], event['venue']['lat']
        if lat == 0 and lon == 0: # Outliers
        marker = folium.Marker((lat, lon))
        folium.Popup(u'Event "{}" by "{}" on {}'.format(event['name'],
    except KeyError:
m = folium.Map(tiles = 'CartoDB positron',

Most events (~75%) are in London Greater Area, and ~16% in Shoreditch.

In [138]:
mc = folium.MarkerCluster()
for event in subsample.reservoir_sample(nt_events, 1000):
        lon, lat = event['venue']['lon'], event['venue']['lat']
        if lat == 0 and lon == 0: # Outliers
        marker = folium.Marker((lat, lon))
        folium.Popup(u'Event "{}" by "{}" on {}'.format(event['name'],
    except KeyError:
m = folium.Map(tiles = 'CartoDB positron',

In [10]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
lons = []
lats = []
for event in events[:5000]:
        lon, lat = event['venue']['lon'], event['venue']['lat']
    except KeyError:
# ax.scatter(lons,lats, marker='.', alpha=0.1)
# mplleaflet.display(fig=fig, tiles=positron)

In [12]:
gb = gpd.read_file('data/lad.json')

In [48]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
original = dict(ellps='WGS84', datum='WGS84', proj='longlat') = original
gb.to_crs(epsg=27700).geometry.plot(facecolor='white', edgecolor='grey', linewidth=0.1, ax=ax)
# ax.scatter(lons, lats, marker='.', alpha=1)

In [46]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
original = dict(ellps='WGS84', datum='WGS84', proj='longlat') = original
gb.to_crs(epsg=27700).geometry.plot(facecolor='white', linewidth=0.1, ax=ax)
ax.scatter(lons, lats, marker='.', alpha=1)

In [90]:
for e in events:

In [97]:


In [ ]:
# Make a plot of the number of groups created in each category

In [238]:
groups['created_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(groups.created, unit='ms')

In [183]:
for i in xrange(45):
        print groups.query("category_id == {}".format(i)).iloc[0].category['shortname'], 

arts-culture career-business cars-motorcycles community-environment dancing education-learning fashion-beauty fitness food-drink games lgbt government-politics health-wellbeing hobbies-crafts language lifestyle book-clubs movies-film music new-age-spirituality outdoors-adventure paranormal parents-family pets-animals photography religion-beliefs sci-fi-fantasy singles socializing sports-recreation support tech writing

In [239]:
gg = groups.sort_values(by='created_dt')
# gg_tech = gg.query('category_id == 34')
# gg_arts = gg.query('category_id == 1')
# print gg_tech.groupby(gg_tech.created_dt.dt.year).count()[['category']]
# print gg_arts.groupby(gg_arts.created_dt.dt.year).count()[['category']]

In [254]:

Unnamed: 0 category city country created description group_photo id join_mode lat ... state timezone topics urlname utc_offset visibility who topics_urlkeys category_id created_dt
0 0 {u'shortname': u'language', u'name': u'languag... London GB 1205260880000 <p>Es un intercambio de ingles y espanol. Haz ... {"thumb_link": " 1058118 closed 51.549999 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Spanish Language', u'urlkey': u's... spanish-896 0 public_limited Members spanish language-exchange spanish-language-london 16 2008-03-11 18:41:20
162176 162176 {u'shortname': u'language', u'name': u'languag... London GB 1205260880000 <p>Es un intercambio de ingles y espanol. Haz ... {"thumb_link": " 1058118 closed 51.549999 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Spanish Language', u'urlkey': u's... spanish-896 0 public_limited Members spanish language-exchange spanish-language-london 16 2008-03-11 18:41:20
255597 255597 {u'shortname': u'language', u'name': u'languag... London GB 1205260880000 <p>Es un intercambio de ingles y espanol. Haz ... {"thumb_link": " 1058118 closed 51.549999 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Spanish Language', u'urlkey': u's... spanish-896 0 public_limited Members spanish language-exchange spanish-language-london 16 2008-03-11 18:41:20
85028 85028 {u'shortname': u'language', u'name': u'languag... London GB 1205260880000 <p>Es un intercambio de ingles y espanol. Haz ... {"thumb_link": " 1058118 closed 51.549999 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Spanish Language', u'urlkey': u's... spanish-896 0 public_limited Members spanish language-exchange spanish-language-london 16 2008-03-11 18:41:20
273575 273575 {u'shortname': u'language', u'name': u'languag... London GB 1205260880000 <p>Es un intercambio de ingles y espanol. Haz ... {"thumb_link": " 1058118 closed 51.549999 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Spanish Language', u'urlkey': u's... spanish-896 0 public_limited Members spanish language-exchange spanish-language-london 16 2008-03-11 18:41:20
109196 109196 {u'shortname': u'hobbies-crafts', u'name': u'h... London GB 1205962371000 <p>Formed in 2008, the Croydon Filmmaking meet... {"thumb_link": " 1070873 approval 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Film Industry', u'urlkey': u'film... filmind-351 0 members Film People filmind dv screenwriters indiefilm video film-... 15 2008-03-19 21:32:51
128101 128101 {u'shortname': u'hobbies-crafts', u'name': u'h... London GB 1205962371000 <p>Formed in 2008, the Croydon Filmmaking meet... {"thumb_link": " 1070873 approval 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Film Industry', u'urlkey': u'film... filmind-351 0 members Film People filmind dv screenwriters indiefilm video film-... 15 2008-03-19 21:32:51
25016 25016 {u'shortname': u'hobbies-crafts', u'name': u'h... London GB 1205962371000 <p>Formed in 2008, the Croydon Filmmaking meet... {"thumb_link": " 1070873 approval 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Film Industry', u'urlkey': u'film... filmind-351 0 members Film People filmind dv screenwriters indiefilm video film-... 15 2008-03-19 21:32:51
162177 162177 {u'shortname': u'hobbies-crafts', u'name': u'h... London GB 1205962371000 <p>Formed in 2008, the Croydon Filmmaking meet... {"thumb_link": " 1070873 approval 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Film Industry', u'urlkey': u'film... filmind-351 0 members Film People filmind dv screenwriters indiefilm video film-... 15 2008-03-19 21:32:51
1 1 {u'shortname': u'hobbies-crafts', u'name': u'h... London GB 1205962371000 <p>Formed in 2008, the Croydon Filmmaking meet... {"thumb_link": " 1070873 approval 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Film Industry', u'urlkey': u'film... filmind-351 0 members Film People filmind dv screenwriters indiefilm video film-... 15 2008-03-19 21:32:51
85030 85030 {u'shortname': u'socializing', u'name': u'soci... London GB 1206119861000 <p style="text-align : justify">A WALK WELCOME... {"thumb_link": " 1073622 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Fitness', u'urlkey': u'fitness', ... Londons-Social-Urban-Walks 0 public London Strollers fitness singles hiking walkers newintown self-... 31 2008-03-21 17:17:41
264944 264944 {u'shortname': u'socializing', u'name': u'soci... London GB 1206119861000 <p style="text-align : justify">A WALK WELCOME... {"thumb_link": " 1073622 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Fitness', u'urlkey': u'fitness', ... Londons-Social-Urban-Walks 0 public London Strollers fitness singles hiking walkers newintown self-... 31 2008-03-21 17:17:41
230824 230824 {u'shortname': u'socializing', u'name': u'soci... London GB 1206119861000 <p style="text-align : justify">A WALK WELCOME... {"thumb_link": " 1073622 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Fitness', u'urlkey': u'fitness', ... Londons-Social-Urban-Walks 0 public London Strollers fitness singles hiking walkers newintown self-... 31 2008-03-21 17:17:41
40810 40810 {u'shortname': u'socializing', u'name': u'soci... London GB 1206119861000 <p style="text-align : justify">A WALK WELCOME... {"thumb_link": " 1073622 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Fitness', u'urlkey': u'fitness', ... Londons-Social-Urban-Walks 0 public London Strollers fitness singles hiking walkers newintown self-... 31 2008-03-21 17:17:41
282170 282170 {u'shortname': u'socializing', u'name': u'soci... London GB 1206119861000 <p style="text-align : justify">A WALK WELCOME... {"thumb_link": " 1073622 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Fitness', u'urlkey': u'fitness', ... Londons-Social-Urban-Walks 0 public London Strollers fitness singles hiking walkers newintown self-... 31 2008-03-21 17:17:41
162180 162180 {u'shortname': u'tech', u'name': u'tech', u'id... London GB 1206457505000 Meet other locals who earn their living from t... {"thumb_link": " 1079363 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Web Design', u'urlkey': u'webdesi... internetpro-56 0 public Internet Professionals webdesign media internetpro web 34 2008-03-25 15:05:05
128104 128104 {u'shortname': u'tech', u'name': u'tech', u'id... London GB 1206457505000 Meet other locals who earn their living from t... {"thumb_link": " 1079363 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Web Design', u'urlkey': u'webdesi... internetpro-56 0 public Internet Professionals webdesign media internetpro web 34 2008-03-25 15:05:05
178319 178319 {u'shortname': u'tech', u'name': u'tech', u'id... London GB 1206457505000 Meet other locals who earn their living from t... {"thumb_link": " 1079363 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Web Design', u'urlkey': u'webdesi... internetpro-56 0 public Internet Professionals webdesign media internetpro web 34 2008-03-25 15:05:05
25019 25019 {u'shortname': u'tech', u'name': u'tech', u'id... London GB 1206457505000 Meet other locals who earn their living from t... {"thumb_link": " 1079363 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Web Design', u'urlkey': u'webdesi... internetpro-56 0 public Internet Professionals webdesign media internetpro web 34 2008-03-25 15:05:05
136876 136876 {u'shortname': u'tech', u'name': u'tech', u'id... London GB 1206457505000 Meet other locals who earn their living from t... {"thumb_link": " 1079363 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Web Design', u'urlkey': u'webdesi... internetpro-56 0 public Internet Professionals webdesign media internetpro web 34 2008-03-25 15:05:05
206470 206470 {u'shortname': u'photography', u'name': u'phot... London GB 1206461571000 <p><span style="color : #000000"><strong>A gro... {"thumb_link": " 1079452 open 51.509998 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Digital Photography', u'urlkey': ... london-scapes 0 public London-ographers digcam photo social fun-times group-photo-shoo... 27 2008-03-25 16:12:51
264946 264946 {u'shortname': u'photography', u'name': u'phot... London GB 1206461571000 <p><span style="color : #000000"><strong>A gro... {"thumb_link": " 1079452 open 51.509998 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Digital Photography', u'urlkey': ... london-scapes 0 public London-ographers digcam photo social fun-times group-photo-shoo... 27 2008-03-25 16:12:51
117712 117712 {u'shortname': u'photography', u'name': u'phot... London GB 1206461571000 <p><span style="color : #000000"><strong>A gro... {"thumb_link": " 1079452 open 51.509998 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Digital Photography', u'urlkey': ... london-scapes 0 public London-ographers digcam photo social fun-times group-photo-shoo... 27 2008-03-25 16:12:51
215029 215029 {u'shortname': u'photography', u'name': u'phot... London GB 1206461571000 <p><span style="color : #000000"><strong>A gro... {"thumb_link": " 1079452 open 51.509998 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Digital Photography', u'urlkey': ... london-scapes 0 public London-ographers digcam photo social fun-times group-photo-shoo... 27 2008-03-25 16:12:51
255602 255602 {u'shortname': u'photography', u'name': u'phot... London GB 1206461571000 <p><span style="color : #000000"><strong>A gro... {"thumb_link": " 1079452 open 51.509998 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Digital Photography', u'urlkey': ... london-scapes 0 public London-ographers digcam photo social fun-times group-photo-shoo... 27 2008-03-25 16:12:51
74502 74502 {u'shortname': u'arts-culture', u'name': u'fin... London GB 1206881623000 <p>This weekly life drawing workshop provides ... {"thumb_link": " 1086687 open 51.480000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Community/Mail Art', u'urlkey': u... comart-94gay-liferawing 0 public Figurative Artists comart figuredrawing 1 2008-03-30 12:53:43
14069 14069 {u'shortname': u'arts-culture', u'name': u'fin... London GB 1206881623000 <p>This weekly life drawing workshop provides ... {"thumb_link": " 1086687 open 51.480000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Community/Mail Art', u'urlkey': u... comart-94gay-liferawing 0 public Figurative Artists comart figuredrawing 1 2008-03-30 12:53:43
147289 147289 {u'shortname': u'arts-culture', u'name': u'fin... London GB 1206881623000 <p>This weekly life drawing workshop provides ... {"thumb_link": " 1086687 open 51.480000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Community/Mail Art', u'urlkey': u... comart-94gay-liferawing 0 public Figurative Artists comart figuredrawing 1 2008-03-30 12:53:43
194569 194569 {u'shortname': u'arts-culture', u'name': u'fin... London GB 1206881623000 <p>This weekly life drawing workshop provides ... {"thumb_link": " 1086687 open 51.480000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Community/Mail Art', u'urlkey': u... comart-94gay-liferawing 0 public Figurative Artists comart figuredrawing 1 2008-03-30 12:53:43
51385 51385 {u'shortname': u'arts-culture', u'name': u'fin... London GB 1206881623000 <p>This weekly life drawing workshop provides ... {"thumb_link": " 1086687 open 51.480000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Community/Mail Art', u'urlkey': u... comart-94gay-liferawing 0 public Figurative Artists comart figuredrawing 1 2008-03-30 12:53:43
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
117497 117497 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
295002 295002 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
22043 22043 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
33532 33532 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
126064 126064 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
136217 136217 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
48886 48886 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
102009 102009 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
290355 290355 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
68636 68636 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
107153 107153 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
170675 170675 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
186284 186284 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
263901 263901 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
178132 178132 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
230646 230646 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
82584 82584 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
65885 65885 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
59545 59545 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
249514 249514 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
281958 281958 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
73007 73007 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
214109 214109 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
223454 223454 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
202786 202786 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
241834 241834 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
160458 160458 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
8367 8367 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
162135 162135 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43
93304 93304 NaN Beckenham GB 1454241763000 This is a meet up for Pilates lovers and disco... NaN 19473331 open 51.410000 ... N7 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Pilates', u'urlkey': u'pilates', ... Pilates-in-Beckenham-Meetup 0 public Pilates practitioner pilates NaN 2016-01-31 12:02:43

520 rows × 26 columns

In [ ]:
a = gg.groupby('category_id').apply((x.created_dt.dt.year + x.created_dt.dt.month)).count()[['category_id']])

In [241]:
timeseries = a.rename(columns={'category_id': 'meetup_groups'}).reset_index().fillna(0)

In [247]:
colors = ('red', 'blue')
for i, g in enumerate((1, 34)):
    sns.tsplot(timeseries.query('category_id == {}'.format(g)).meetup_groups, color=colors[i])

In [57]:
nuts = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('data/nuts_rg_60m_2010_lvl_1.geojson')
uk_nuts = nuts[nuts.NUTS_ID.apply(lambda x: 'UK' in x)]

In [58]:
import shapely
import shapely.geometry
groups['geometry'] = groups.apply(lambda x: shapely.geometry.Point(x['lon'], x['lat']), axis=1)

In [81]:
groups_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(groups) = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}

In [92]:

Unnamed: 0 category city country created description group_photo id join_mode lat ... state timezone topics urlname utc_offset visibility who topics_urlkeys category_id geometry
0 0 {u'shortname': u'language', u'name': u'languag... London GB 1205260880000 <p>Es un intercambio de ingles y espanol. Haz ... {"thumb_link": " 1058118 closed 51.549999 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Spanish Language', u'urlkey': u's... spanish-896 0 public_limited Members spanish language-exchange spanish-language-london 16 POINT (-0.230000004172 51.5499992371)
1 1 {u'shortname': u'hobbies-crafts', u'name': u'h... London GB 1205962371000 <p>Formed in 2008, the Croydon Filmmaking meet... {"thumb_link": " 1070873 approval 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Film Industry', u'urlkey': u'film... filmind-351 0 members Film People filmind dv screenwriters indiefilm video film-... 15 POINT (-0.10000000149 51.52000045779999)
2 2 {u'shortname': u'socializing', u'name': u'soci... London GB 1206119861000 <p style="text-align : justify">A WALK WELCOME... {"thumb_link": " 1073622 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Fitness', u'urlkey': u'fitness', ... Londons-Social-Urban-Walks 0 public London Strollers fitness singles hiking walkers newintown self-... 31 POINT (-0.10000000149 51.52000045779999)
3 3 {u'shortname': u'socializing', u'name': u'soci... Twickenham GB 1206365647000 <p>Meet other people who are interested in wid... {"thumb_link": " 1077504 open 51.450001 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'New In Town', u'urlkey': u'newint... twickenham-social-meetup 0 public_limited Twickers Locals newintown rugby neighbors socialnetwork social... 31 POINT (-0.330000013113 51.4500007629)
4 4 {u'shortname': u'tech', u'name': u'tech', u'id... London GB 1206457505000 Meet other locals who earn their living from t... {"thumb_link": " 1079363 open 51.520000 ... 17 Europe/London [{u'name': u'Web Design', u'urlkey': u'webdesi... internetpro-56 0 public Internet Professionals webdesign media internetpro web 34 POINT (-0.10000000149 51.52000045779999)

5 rows × 26 columns

In [ ]:

In [107]:

Index([u'name_right', u'id'], dtype='object')

In [109]:
london = gpd.read_file('data/london.geojson')
groups_gdf_london =, london, how='inner')
groups_gdf_london_count = groups_gdf_london.groupby(by='name_right')[['id']].count().reset_index()
london_withcounts = london.merge(groups_gdf_london_count, how='left', left_on="name", right_on="name_right").fillna(0)
# uk_nuts_merge2 = uk_nuts_merge2.to_crs(epsg='27700')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax = ax, column='id', colormap='OrRd', legend=True)


In [184]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,2.5), ncols=2)

pointInPolys2 =, uk_nuts, how='inner')
gpointSumByPoly2 = pointInPolys2.groupby(by='NUTS_ID')[['id']].count().reset_index().rename({"id": "groupcount"})
uk_nuts_merge2 = uk_nuts.merge(gpointSumByPoly2, how='left', left_on="NUTS_ID", right_on="NUTS_ID").fillna(0)
uk_nuts_merge2 = uk_nuts_merge2.to_crs(epsg='27700')
geopandas.plotting.plot_dataframe(uk_nuts_merge2, ax=ax[0], column='id', colormap='OrRd', legend=True)

london = gpd.read_file('data/london.geojson')
groups_gdf_london =, london, how='inner')
groups_gdf_london_count = groups_gdf_london.groupby(by='name_right')[['id']].count().reset_index()
london_withcounts = london.merge(groups_gdf_london_count, how='left', left_on="name", right_on="name_right").fillna(0)
# uk_nuts_merge2 = uk_nuts_merge2.to_crs(epsg='27700')

    ax=ax[1], column='id', colormap='OrRd', legend=True)

for ax_i in ax.ravel():
# plt.savefig("figure/maps.pdf")

In [172]:
