Talk version 1

Cython: Speed up Python by adding a few static types!

Cython is a superset of the Python language, meaning that all python syntax is valid cython syntax, but there are additional cythonic things that you can introduce to the code to give the cython compiler additional information that will be used to auto-generate efficient C-code from your cython code.

Example problem: sum pixels within a circle

I work with images from CCD cameras. We often want to sum up the pixel values within a region surrounding a star or galaxy in order to measure how bright the source is. The simplest way to do this is to draw a circle around the object and sum up all the pixels that fall within the circle. Of course, it can get more complicated when you consider partial pixels, other aperture shapes (ellipses) and associated noise and mask arrays, but for the purpose of this example, we'll keep it simple and just see how fast we can do this simple operation.

Some data

In [1]:
import numpy as np

In [2]:
data = np.random.rand(100, 100)
x = 50.0
y = 50.0
r = 10.0

Pure python

In [3]:
import geometry_py

In [4]:
geometry_py.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)


In [5]:
%timeit geometry_py.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)

1000 loops, best of 3: 233 µs per loop

NumPy version

We can speed this up with NumPy, but it's a bit messy.

In [6]:
import geometry_np

In [7]:
geometry_np.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)


In [8]:
%timeit geometry_np.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)

10000 loops, best of 3: 59.8 µs per loop


Cython is a superset of the Python language, meaning that all python syntax is valid cython syntax, but there are additional cythonic things that you can introduce to the code to give the cython compiler additional information that will be used to auto-generate efficient C-code from your cython code.

Cython version

Take a look at geometry_cy.pyx and run build to build the extension.

In [9]:
import geometry_cy

In [10]:
geometry_cy.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)


In [11]:
%timeit geometry_cy.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)

1000 loops, best of 3: 196 µs per loop

Talk version 2

Some material here from Ross Barnowski.

Cython: It knows the Python C API so you don't have to

Python, an Introspective

Have you ever wondered what Python is made from? Did it crawl out of the primordial-ooze of assembly code directly into the beautiful high-level language that we love to use? Nope! In fact, the language itself is abstract, based on a set of rules and regulations, with a set of core libraries and concepts defined for each specific language version (e.g. 2.7.6 or 3.4.1). In order to actually be able to use the language, the Python language must be implemented according to this set of rules and regulations.

What we usually think of as Python is actually a C-based implementation of the Python language, or CPython. There are other implementations of Python: Jython (JVM based), IronPython (.NET-based), or PyPy (RPython), but CPython is by far the largest and most commonly used.

The set of tools, rules, and regulations for implementing Python in C is contained in the Python/C API. One of the great things about Python as an open-source language is that the full API is freely available. In other words, you have access to the same exact stuff that the Python core developers do! In theory, there's nothing stopping you from implementing your own version of Python! (Keep in mind however that there have been dozens of core developers, plus thousands of brilliant contributors to CPython over 23 years... so you might want to hold off on starting over from scratch)

This is where the idea of extending python comes from. Using the C/API (or higher-level toolkits that handle some of the trickier parts of the API for you) anybody can build their own C-extension than can then be used just like any other library in python. In this demo, we'll very briefly touch on a couple of tools that allow us to extend Python in this manner.

Full-Blown C/API

As indicated above, you can learn the C/API yourself and write any C-code you want to produce Python modules based on your C-code. The main advantage here is that you have full access to the API without any abstraction layers or "middle-men" in between you and the C-code. This direct access is also a double-edged sword however in that you are responsible for all of the things required by the C/API. One of the worst things about the C/API is dealing with how python does memory management via reference counting. This can be a huge pain to get correct and very difficult to debug.

In [ ]:
#import geometry_c

In [ ]:
#geometry_c.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)

Enter Cython

Cython handles the wrapping step by auto-generating C-code from your cython input file. This makes cython relatively easy to start using (all you have to do is append .pyx to any .py file and use distutils to build the cython extension).

It's not all cake and rainbows however; because all of the wrapping is being autogenerated for you, you don't necessarily know what is going on in that step. As a result, you will likely not get the behavior/performance gains that you were expecting the first time you use cython, due to inefficient switching between C and python code. Fortunately, there are tools to help you debug this and learn as you go.

To be a truly proficient cython programmer probably involves learning the same amount of new rules and syntax as does learning the C/API, but for simple C-extensions cython is probably your best bet to get a quick start.

What does it generate?

In [ ]:
!cat geometry_cy.c

Checking the output sanely: cython -a

Here's how you check that you haven't missed any important cdef statements.

When to use?

Extending python is a great solution when you don't want to give up the convience, flexibility, and feature-richness of the Python environment, but need to leverage some C capabilities as well. Some of the more common use-cases for extending python include:

  • To speed up your python program
    • Computation-bound code that doesn't necessarily lend itself to vectorization (loop+many conditionals)
    • Can achieve O(100-1000) speedup over python alone depending on the application
  • To interface with existing C-code
    • Have massive legacy C-code that you'd like to be able to utilize in python
    • Often comes in handy when interfacing with hardware


I recommend snakeviz for viewing profiling results run with the standard Python profiler.

To install,

pip install snakeviz

Command line:

  1. Run the profile. Create a test script such as and run something like:

    python -m cProfile -o
  2. View the profile.



In [ ]:
%load_ext snakeviz

In [ ]:
geometry_np.sum_circle(data, x, y, r)

Other options

Other options that we won't be discussing in any detail today include:

  • Boost.python - A pure C++ library that converts your C/C++ into python modules via C++ macro-ninja-wizardry
  • SWIG
  • ctypes
  • Pyrex
  • psyco

It is important to note that all of the extension options (cython, boost, swig, etc.) are based on the same C/API, but much effort has been put into simplifying the process of creating the C-extension. Many of these tools remove various parts of the "wrapping" process (e.g. reference counting, other nasty C things) from the user and attempt to automate them instead.

Non C-API alternatives

  • CFFI
  • Numba