Fraction upregulated screen

Import everything from the imports notebook. This reads in all of the expression data as well as the functions needed to analyse differential expression data.

In [1]:
import NotebookImport
from Imports import *

importing IPython notebook from Imports
importing IPython notebook from Global_Parameters

matched_meth is our matched methylation data.

In [3]:
matched_meth = pd.read_hdf(METH_STORE, 'matched_tn')
matched_meth = matched_meth.groupby(axis=1, level=[0,1]).first()

In [4]:

TCGA-05-5420 TCGA-18-3417 TCGA-18-4721 TCGA-18-5592 TCGA-18-5595
01 11 01 11 01 11 01 11 01 11
cg00000029 0.40 0.23 0.23 0.18 0.31 0.24 0.17 0.25 0.16 0.16
cg00000165 0.20 0.18 0.51 0.15 0.40 0.15 0.74 0.14 0.80 0.18
cg00000236 0.79 0.85 0.91 0.85 0.87 0.88 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.89
cg00000289 0.63 0.64 0.73 0.77 0.64 0.81 0.67 0.76 0.74 0.77
cg00000292 0.73 0.69 0.67 0.69 0.77 0.68 0.51 0.68 0.59 0.69

In [5]:
matched_meth.shape[1] / 2


Read in matched Gene and miRNA expression data.

In [6]:
matched_rna = matched_tn
matched_mir = pd.read_hdf(MIRNA_STORE, 'matched_tn')

Run a simple screen for DX genes

  • Here we take the matched data and run a basic screen
  • fc = 1 means that we have no foldchange buffer for a gene to be considered over or underexpressed in a patient
  • If there are ties or missing data, I omit these from the test. This can cause underpowered tests which have extreme test statistics but weak p-values. For this reason I filter all gene/probes/markers with a sample size of less than 300 patients.

In [7]:
dx_rna = binomial_test_screen(matched_rna, fc=1.)
dx_rna = dx_rna[dx_rna.num_dx > 300]

In [10]:

num_ox num_dx frac p
PKMYT1 618 649 0.95 8.00e-143
UBE2C 617 649 0.95 1.55e-141
IQGAP3 617 649 0.95 1.55e-141
ASF1B 616 649 0.95 2.90e-140
ADH1B 34 649 0.05 5.26e-139
MELK 615 649 0.95 5.26e-139
CDT1 615 649 0.95 5.26e-139
SEMA5B 615 649 0.95 5.26e-139
TPX2 613 649 0.94 1.58e-136
SPC24 613 649 0.94 1.58e-136

In [9]:

num_ox     6.03e+02
num_dx     6.49e+02
frac       9.29e-01
p         7.59e-125
Name: FOXM1, dtype: float64

Not only is ADH1B the most downregulated gene, but many of the other genes in the ADH familly have large effects as well. I go into this with a bit more depth in the alcohol_metabolism Notebook.

In [11]:
#Do not import
fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(7.75,2.5))
paired_bp_tn_split(matched_rna.ix['ADH1B'], codes, data_type='mRNA',

In [8]:

num_ox num_dx frac p
ADH1A 38 649 0.06 4.24e-134
ADH1B 34 649 0.05 5.26e-139
ADH1C 75 649 0.12 3.84e-96

In [9]:

ADH1A     11.5
ADH1B      6.5
ADH1C    147.5
Name: p, dtype: float64

MicroRNA Screen

In [12]:
dx_mir = binomial_test_screen(matched_mir, fc=1.)
dx_mir = dx_mir[dx_mir.num_dx > 300]

In [13]:

num_ox num_dx frac p
hsa-mir-21 594 642 0.93 9.15e-121
hsa-mir-139 66 642 0.10 1.42e-102
hsa-mir-133a-1 105 642 0.16 9.53e-71
hsa-mir-1307 536 642 0.83 4.84e-70
hsa-mir-204 106 642 0.17 4.84e-70

In [15]:
#Do not import
fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(6.5,2.5))
paired_bp_tn_split(matched_mir.ix['hsa-mir-21'], codes, data_type='',

In [14]:
#Do not import
paired_bp_tn_split(matched_mir.ix['hsa-mir-139'], codes, data_type='')

Methylation Screen

In [16]:
dx_meth = binomial_test_screen(matched_meth, fc=1.)
dx_meth = dx_meth[dx_meth.num_dx > 300]

In [17]:

num_ox num_dx frac p
Hybridization REF
cg10216717 22 704 0.03 6.95e-171
cg06570224 680 704 0.97 5.87e-168
cg12597389 679 704 0.96 1.60e-166
cg27166177 27 704 0.04 1.05e-163
cg17811434 29 704 0.04 5.94e-161

In [18]:
#Do not import
paired_bp_tn_split(matched_meth.ix['cg10216717'], codes, data_type='Beta')

Plot disributions of fraction upregulated statistic

We are going to want to reuse this plot so here I'm wrapping it in a function.

In [19]:
def fig_1e(ax):
    draw_dist(dx_meth.frac, ax=ax, lw=2.5)
    draw_dist(dx_rna.frac, ax=ax, lw=2.5, bins=200)
    draw_dist(dx_mir.frac, ax=ax, lw=2.5, bins=100)

    ax.legend(('Methylation','mRNA','miRNA'), frameon=False)
    return ax

In [20]:
#Do not import
fig, ax = subplots(1,1, figsize=(5,3))