Line Plots

Perhaps the most well-known type of plot, it is so generic that in pyplot it is called by the function named plot.

In [1]:
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
%matplotlib inline

###  generate some random data
xdata = numpy.arange(25)
ydata = numpy.random.randn(25)

###  initialize the "figure" and "axes" objects
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()

line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata)


In [2]:
###  initializing figure
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()

###  thickness of line
line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, lw=1)


In [3]:
###  initializing figure
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()

###  adding dashes of various kinds to line
line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, ls='-')
#line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, ls='--')
#line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, ls=':')
#line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, ls='-.')
#line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, dashes=[15,3,8,10])


Python has a variety of ways to choose plotting colors, and using them is pretty straightforward.

In [4]:
###  initializing figure
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()

line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, color='r')
#line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, color='purple')
#line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, color=(0.2, 0.8, 0.2))
#line_plot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, color='#cccccc')


W3schools Color Picker:

Information on color blindness:

Color Oracle, software that simulates color blindness:

In [ ]: