Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

In [0]:
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Hub Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==============================================================================


This colab walks you through the basics of using TensorFlow GAN (TF-GAN) on Tensor Processing Units (TPUs).

It assumes that you are familiar with GAN concepts.


TPUs are chips optimized for machine learning training and inference. GAN training uses a lot of compute power, so TPUs expand the range of what we can realistically accomplish with GANs.

CIFAR10 Task

In this colab we'll use TPUs to train a GAN for a more difficult task than the MNIST task tackled in the GANEstimator colab. We'll use the CIFAR10 dataset to train a model to generate images of airplanes, cars, birds, cats, deer, dogs, frogs, horses, ships, and trucks.

The training runs for 50000 steps and completes in roughly 10 minutes on TPUs.

DCGAN Architecture

Our model implements the Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) architecture. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a common machine learning technique for dealing with images. DCGAN adapts a CNN architecture so that it can function as part of a GAN.

Learning objectives

In this Colab, you will learn how to:

  • Build a simple DCGAN generator and discriminator
  • Use a TPUGANEstimator from TF-GAN to train on CIFAR10 data.
  • Run the model forward and see how well it generates images.


  Train on TPU  

  1. On the main menu, click Runtime and select Change runtime type. Set "TPU" as the hardware accelerator.
  2. Click Runtime again and select Runtime > Run All. You can also run the cells manually with Shift-ENTER.

In [0]:
import tensorflow as tf
import pprint

with tf.Session() as session:
  devices = session.list_devices()
device_is_tpu = [True if 'TPU' in str(x) else False for x in devices]
assert True in device_is_tpu, 'Did you forget to switch to TPU?'

[_DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0, CPU, -1, 15376538823509660050),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0, TPU, 17179869184, 11801894177827567415),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:1, TPU, 17179869184, 9560029855720394814),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:2, TPU, 17179869184, 4557882769266023019),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:3, TPU, 17179869184, 719446759948101480),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:4, TPU, 17179869184, 12084276822845982378),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:5, TPU, 17179869184, 4748198698827558589),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:6, TPU, 17179869184, 5126934796736956825),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:7, TPU, 17179869184, 15496843670698206354),
 _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0, TPU_SYSTEM, 8589934592, 3133611293434278267)]

Train and evaluate a GAN model on TPU using TF-GAN.

We define the same basic pieces for our GAN that we defined in the GANEstimator colab:

  • Input pipeline
  • Neural net architecture with generator and discriminator networks
  • Estimator
  • Train and eval loop

Input Pipeline

In [0]:
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

def input_fn(mode, params):
  assert 'batch_size' in params
  assert 'noise_dims' in params
  bs = params['batch_size']
  nd = params['noise_dims']
  split = 'train' if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else 'test'
  shuffle = (mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN)
  noise_ds = (
              .map(lambda _: tf.random_normal([bs, nd])))

  def _preprocess(element):
    # Map [0, 255] to [-1, 1].
    images = (tf.cast(element['image'], tf.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5
    return images

  images_ds = (tfds.load('cifar10:3.*.*', split=split)
               .map(_preprocess, num_parallel_calls=4)
  if shuffle:
    images_ds = images_ds.shuffle(
        buffer_size=10000, reshuffle_each_iteration=True)
  images_ds = (images_ds.batch(bs, drop_remainder=True)

  return, images_ds))

def noise_input_fn(params, deterministic=True):
  if deterministic:
  np_noise = np.random.randn(params['batch_size'], params['noise_dims'])
  return, dtype=tf.float32))

Sanity check the inputs.

In [0]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
import numpy as np
import tensorflow_gan as tfgan

params = {'batch_size': 80, 'noise_dims':64}
ds = input_fn(tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN, params)
numpy_imgs = tfds.as_numpy(ds).next()[1]
image_grid = tfgan.eval.python_image_grid(numpy_imgs, grid_shape=(8, 10))

def _show_image_grid(image_grid):
  plt.imshow((image_grid + 1.0) / 2.0,  # [-1, 1] -> [0, 1]

Neural Net Architecture

As usual, our GAN has two separate networks:

  • A generator that takes input noise and outputs images
  • A discriminator that takes images and outputs a probability of being real

We define discriminator() and generator() builder functions that assemble these networks, along with several helper functions that build pieces of these networks. In the "Estimator" section below we pass the discriminator() and generator() functions to the TPUGANEstimator

In [0]:
def _leaky_relu(x):
  return tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.2)

def _batch_norm(x, is_training, name):
  return tf.layers.batch_normalization(
      x, momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-5, training=is_training, name=name)

def _dense(x, channels, name):
  return tf.layers.dense(
      x, channels,

def _conv2d(x, filters, kernel_size, stride, name):
  return tf.layers.conv2d(
      x, filters, [kernel_size, kernel_size],
      strides=[stride, stride], padding='same',

def _deconv2d(x, filters, kernel_size, stride, name):
  return tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(
      x, filters, [kernel_size, kernel_size],
      strides=[stride, stride], padding='same',

def discriminator(images, unused_conditioning, is_training=True,
  images.shape.assert_is_compatible_with([None, None, None, 3])
  with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
    x = _conv2d(images, 64, 5, 2, name='d_conv1')
    x = _leaky_relu(x)

    x = _conv2d(x, 128, 5, 2, name='d_conv2')
    x = _leaky_relu(_batch_norm(x, is_training, name='d_bn2'))

    x = _conv2d(x, 256, 5, 2, name='d_conv3')
    x = _leaky_relu(_batch_norm(x, is_training, name='d_bn3'))

    x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 4 * 4 * 256])

    x = _dense(x, 1, name='d_fc_4')

    return x

def generator(noise, is_training=True, scope='Generator'):
  noise.shape.assert_has_rank(2)  # [batch size, noise dim].

  with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
    net = _dense(noise, 4096, name='g_fc1')
    net = tf.nn.relu(_batch_norm(net, is_training, name='g_bn1'))

    net = tf.reshape(net, [-1, 4, 4, 256])

    net = _deconv2d(net, 128, 5, 2, name='g_dconv2')
    net = tf.nn.relu(_batch_norm(net, is_training, name='g_bn2'))

    net = _deconv2d(net, 64, 4, 2, name='g_dconv3')
    net = tf.nn.relu(_batch_norm(net, is_training, name='g_bn3'))

    net = _deconv2d(net, 3, 4, 2, name='g_dconv4')
    net = tf.tanh(net)

    return net

Eval Utilities

We evaluate the performance of our generator using two standard metrics based on a pretrained classifier: the Inception Score and the Frechet Inception Distance.

In [0]:
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import functools

eval_batch_size = 4000 #@param

def get_real_image_logits(num_images, classifier_model):
  """Returns an array with logits from real images and a CIFAR classifier."""
  ds = input_fn(tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN, 
                {'batch_size': eval_batch_size, 'noise_dims': 1})
  iterator =
  _, real_images = iterator.get_next()
  real_logits = classifier_model(real_images)
  with tf.train.MonitoredSession() as sess:
    logits =
  return logits

def init_global_real_logits():
  """Initialize a global variable with classifier logits for real data."""
  # We can hold all the real logits in memory at once, since CIFAR10 isn't that
  # big. Be sure to calculate it only once.
  global real_logits
    real_logits is not None
  except NameError:
    classifier_model = hub.Module("@tfgan/eval/cifar10_convnet/1")
    real_logits = get_real_image_logits(eval_batch_size, classifier_model)
  assert real_logits.shape == (eval_batch_size, 10)
def calculate_real_data_classifier_score():
  """Calculate the classifier score on real data logits."""
  global real_logits
  assert real_logits is not None
  classifier_score = tfgan.eval.classifier_score_from_logits(real_logits)
  with tf.train.MonitoredSession() as sess:
    cscore_real =
  return cscore_real

def get_inception_score_and_fid(est):
  """Calculate our evaluation metrics."""
  global real_logits
  assert real_logits is not None
  classifier_model = hub.Module("@tfgan/eval/cifar10_convnet/1")

  predict_fn = functools.partial(noise_input_fn, deterministic=False)
  predictions = np.array(
        [x['generated_data'] for x in est.predict(predict_fn)])
  assert predictions.shape == (eval_batch_size, 32, 32, 3)
  fake_logits = classifier_model(predictions)
  fake_logits.shape.assert_is_compatible_with([eval_batch_size, 10])
  classifier_score = tfgan.eval.classifier_score_from_logits(fake_logits)
  fid = tfgan.eval.frechet_classifier_distance_from_activations(
      real_logits, fake_logits)
  with tf.train.MonitoredSession() as sess:
    cscore_np, fid_np =[classifier_score, fid])
  return cscore_np, fid_np


TF-GAN's TPUGANEstimator is like GANEstimator, but it extends TensorFlow's TPUEstimator class. TPUEstimator handles the details of deploying the network on a TPU.

In [0]:
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_gan as tfgan

noise_dims = 256 #@param
generator_lr = 0.0002  #@param
discriminator_lr = 0.0002  #@param
train_batch_size = 1024  #@param

config = tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig(
est = tfgan.estimator.TPUGANEstimator(
    generator_optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(generator_lr, 0.5),
    discriminator_optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(discriminator_lr, 0.5),
    joint_train=True,  # train G and D jointly instead of sequentially.
    params={'noise_dims': noise_dims},

Train and Eval Loop

Train, eval, and vizualize.

This loop should run at roughly 120 steps per second, which is about 122K examples per second. It should complete in roughly 10 minutes.

In [0]:
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

max_steps = 50000 #@param
eval_and_output_image_every = 5000 #@param

cur_step = 0
start_time = time.time()
cscores, fids, steps = [], [], []
print('Initialized classifier logits for real data.')
classifier_score_real_data = calculate_real_data_classifier_score()
print('Calculated classifier score for real data.')
while cur_step < max_steps:
  # Train for a fixed number of steps.
  start_step = cur_step
  step_to_stop_at = min(cur_step + eval_and_output_image_every, max_steps)
  start = time.time()
  est.train(input_fn, max_steps=step_to_stop_at)
  end = time.time()
  cur_step = step_to_stop_at
  # Print some performance statistics.
  steps_taken = step_to_stop_at - start_step
  time_taken = end - start
  steps_per_sec = steps_taken / time_taken
  min_since_start = (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
  print("Current step: %i, %.4f steps / sec, time since start: %.1f min" % (
      cur_step, steps_per_sec, min_since_start))
  # Calculate some evaluation metrics.
  eval_start_time = time.time()
  cscore, fid = get_inception_score_and_fid(est)
  eval_time = (time.time() - eval_start_time)
  print("Classifier score: %.2f / %.2f, FID: %.1f, "
        "time to calculate eval: %.2f sec" % (
            cscore, classifier_score_real_data, fid, eval_time))
  # Generate and show some predictions.
  predictions = np.array(
      [x['generated_data'] for x in est.predict(noise_input_fn)])[:80]
  image_grid = tfgan.eval.python_image_grid(predictions, grid_shape=(8, 10))
# Plot the metrics vs step.
plt.title('Frechet distance per step')
plt.plot(steps, fids)
plt.title('Classifier Score per step')
plt.plot(steps, cscores)
plt.plot(steps, [classifier_score_real_data] * len(steps))

Initialized classifier logits for real data.
Calculated classifier score for real data.
Current step: 5000, 151.7912 steps / sec, time since start: 0.9 min
Classifier score: 3.22 / 7.41, FID: 35.2, time to calculate eval: 23.91 sec
Current step: 10000, 143.3483 steps / sec, time since start: 2.0 min
Classifier score: 3.59 / 7.41, FID: 17.3, time to calculate eval: 20.51 sec
Current step: 15000, 141.1941 steps / sec, time since start: 3.1 min
Classifier score: 3.72 / 7.41, FID: 13.4, time to calculate eval: 22.60 sec
Current step: 20000, 143.9070 steps / sec, time since start: 4.2 min
Classifier score: 3.72 / 7.41, FID: 11.0, time to calculate eval: 22.42 sec
Current step: 25000, 143.0659 steps / sec, time since start: 5.3 min
Classifier score: 4.07 / 7.41, FID: 7.4, time to calculate eval: 25.82 sec
Current step: 30000, 147.4691 steps / sec, time since start: 6.5 min
Classifier score: 3.93 / 7.41, FID: 8.1, time to calculate eval: 23.95 sec
Current step: 35000, 147.1919 steps / sec, time since start: 7.6 min
Classifier score: 3.89 / 7.41, FID: 8.0, time to calculate eval: 19.19 sec
Current step: 40000, 145.0555 steps / sec, time since start: 8.6 min
Classifier score: 4.03 / 7.41, FID: 7.1, time to calculate eval: 24.37 sec
Current step: 45000, 144.8259 steps / sec, time since start: 9.8 min
Classifier score: 4.09 / 7.41, FID: 7.1, time to calculate eval: 19.66 sec
Current step: 50000, 146.0723 steps / sec, time since start: 10.8 min
Classifier score: 4.12 / 7.41, FID: 6.6, time to calculate eval: 22.25 sec
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f36ad156750>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f36ad156750>

What's next

  • Learn about Cloud TPUs that Google designed and optimized specifically to speed up and scale up ML workloads for training and inference and to enable ML engineers and researchers to iterate more quickly.
  • Explore the range of Cloud TPU tutorials and Colabs to find other examples that can be used when implementing your ML project.

On Google Cloud Platform, in addition to GPUs and TPUs available on pre-configured deep learning VMs, you will find AutoML(beta) for training custom models without writing code and Cloud ML Engine which will allows you to run parallel trainings and hyperparameter tuning of your custom models on powerful distributed hardware.