Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

In [0]:
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Adversarial Activation Atlas

This notebook uses Lucid to reproduce the results in Activation Atlas.

This notebook doesn't introduce the abstractions behind lucid; you may wish to also read the .

Note: The easiest way to use this tutorial is as a colab notebook, which allows you to dive in with no setup. We recommend you enable a free GPU by going:

Runtime   →   Change runtime type   →   Hardware Accelerator: GPU

Install and Imports

In [0]:
!pip -q install lucid>=0.3.1
# installing tensorflow 1.x
# %tensoflow_verion 1.x works only in colab
%tensorflow_version 1.x 

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
assert tf.__version__.startswith("1")
import lucid.modelzoo.vision_models as models
from import show, load, save

# for resizing images
from PIL import Image

# for image uploader
from google.colab import files

# For plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [0]:
model = models.InceptionV1()

In [0]:
def classify(image, n=10, show_output=True):
  im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image * 255.));
  im_resize = im.resize((224, 224), Image.LANCZOS)
  im_array = np.asarray(im_resize)/255.
  test_image = im_array[:,:,:3]

  with tf.Session().as_default() as sess:
    input_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(224,224,3))
    softmax2_t = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('import/softmax2:0')
    logits, =[softmax2_t], {input_t: test_image})
  BATCH = 0
  top_n_label_indices = np.argsort(logits)[BATCH][-n:][::-1]
  safe_top_n_label_indices = np.extract(top_n_label_indices < 1001, top_n_label_indices)
  top_n_labels = np.array(model.labels)[safe_top_n_label_indices]
  top_n_probs = logits[BATCH][safe_top_n_label_indices]
  max_length = max(len(label) for label in top_n_labels)
  predictions = ["{}: {: >6.2%}".format(label.rjust(max_length), prob) for (label, prob) in zip(top_n_labels, top_n_probs)]
  if show_output:
  return (top_n_labels, top_n_probs)

In [0]:
# Takes two images and composites them
def composite_img(background_img, patch_img, patch_width_ratio=0.1, patch_position=(0.0, 0.0)):
  composite = background_img.copy()
  composite_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(composite * 255.))
  composite_img = composite_img.resize((224, 224), Image.LANCZOS)
  composite = (np.asarray(composite_img)/255.)[:,:,:3]

  if patch_width_ratio > 0: 
    patch_img_width = int(patch_width_ratio * 224)
    patch_img_ = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(patch_img[:,:,:3] * 255.))
    patch_img_thumb = patch_img_.resize((patch_img_width, patch_img_width), Image.LANCZOS)
    patch_img_thumb_array = np.asarray(patch_img_thumb)/255.
    patch_img_thumb_size = patch_img_thumb_array.shape

    patch_y = int(patch_position[1] * (224 - patch_img_thumb_size[1]))
    patch_x = int(patch_position[0] * (224 - patch_img_thumb_size[0]))

    composite[patch_y:patch_y + patch_img_thumb_size[1], patch_x:patch_x + patch_img_thumb_size[0], 0:3] = patch_img_thumb_array
  composite_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(composite * 255.))
  composite_img_resize = composite_img.resize((224, 224), Image.LANCZOS)
  composite_img_resize_array = np.asarray(composite_img_resize)/255.
  return composite_img_resize_array

In [0]:
## If you want to upload an image from your desktop, uncomment and change this code,
## or use the left-side panel in colab to upload to the filesystem.
# uploaded = files.upload()
# f = list(uploaded.keys())[0]
# user_img = load(f)
# classify(user_img)

In [0]:
snorkel_url = ""
grey_whale_url = ""
frying_pan_url = ""


In [0]:
background_img = load(snorkel_url)
_ = classify(background_img, n=10)

           snorkel: 55.60%
        coral reef: 18.65%
       scuba diver: 13.49%
        loggerhead:  5.52%
          lionfish:  1.71%
         sea snake:  1.36%
               ski:  0.43%
         rock crab:  0.40%
       rock beauty:  0.39%
leatherback turtle:  0.29%

In [0]:
# Ten different patches are available, 01 - 10
patch_img = load("")
_ = classify(patch_img)

   steam locomotive: 100.00%
      passenger car:  0.00%
electric locomotive:  0.00%
            tractor:  0.00%
           thresher:  0.00%
        freight car:  0.00%
          harvester:  0.00%
               plow:  0.00%
    cannon [ground]:  0.00%
    football helmet:  0.00%

In [0]:
# a small patch doesn't effect the classification too much
small = composite_img(background_img, patch_img, patch_width_ratio=0.2, patch_position=(0.0, 0.0))
_ = classify(small)

    snorkel: 51.21%
 coral reef: 20.57%
scuba diver: 16.12%
   lionfish:  3.58%
 loggerhead:  3.01%
  sea snake:  1.63%
rock beauty:  1.04%
        ski:  0.46%
     dugong:  0.25%
  rock crab:  0.20%

In [0]:
# slightly bigger and it flips the top classification
medium = composite_img(background_img, patch_img, patch_width_ratio=0.4, patch_position=(0.0, 0.0))
_ = classify(medium)

scuba diver: 71.28%
 coral reef: 14.73%
    snorkel:  4.49%
   lionfish:  3.23%
  sea snake:  2.40%
 loggerhead:  0.87%
rock beauty:  0.83%
     dugong:  0.38%
      wreck:  0.34%
        ski:  0.32%

In [0]:
# Large patch overpowers the classification
small = composite_img(background_img, patch_img, patch_width_ratio=0.7, patch_position=(0., 0.))
_ = classify(small)

steam locomotive: 89.64%
        snowplow:  6.17%
            jeep:  0.77%
         tractor:  0.53%
     scuba diver:  0.41%
   passenger car:  0.35%
      snowmobile:  0.33%
            plow:  0.32%
       harvester:  0.17%
             alp:  0.11%

In [0]:
# Plotting different classifications at many different sizes

values = []
for i in range(80):
  size = i / 100.
  medium = composite_img(background_img, patch_img, size, (0, 0))
  _ = classify(medium, n=1008, show_output=False)
  scuba_index = _[0].tolist().index("snorkel")
  snorkel_index = _[0].tolist().index("scuba diver")
  target_index = _[0].tolist().index("steam locomotive")
  values.append([size, _[1][scuba_index], _[1][snorkel_index], _[1][target_index]])
values = np.array(values)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(values[:,0],values[:,1], c="b")
plt.plot(values[:,0],values[:,2], c="y")
plt.plot(values[:,0],values[:,3], c="r")

Grey Whale

In [0]:
grey_whale_img = load(grey_whale_url)
_ = classify(grey_whale_img, n=10)

       grey whale: 90.95%
     killer whale:  7.54%
great white shark:  0.71%
              gar:  0.39%
         sea lion:  0.13%
      tiger shark:  0.07%
        albatross:  0.07%
           dugong:  0.04%
       hammerhead:  0.02%
            otter:  0.02%

In [0]:
# Ten different patches are available, 01 - 10
baseball_patch = load("")
_ = classify(baseball_patch, n=10)

   baseball: 100.00%
 rugby ball:  0.00%
 cowboy hat:  0.00%
tennis ball:  0.00%
       drum:  0.00%
   sombrero:  0.00%
 ballplayer:  0.00%
  golf ball:  0.00%
French loaf:  0.00%
  armadillo:  0.00%

In [0]:
# Position does have an effect:
small = composite_img(grey_whale_img, baseball_patch, patch_width_ratio=0.4, patch_position=(0.0, 0.0))
_ = classify(small)
small = composite_img(grey_whale_img, baseball_patch, patch_width_ratio=0.4, patch_position=(0.0, 1.0))
_ = classify(small)
small = composite_img(grey_whale_img, baseball_patch, patch_width_ratio=0.4, patch_position=(1.0, 1.0))
_ = classify(small)
small = composite_img(grey_whale_img, baseball_patch, patch_width_ratio=0.4, patch_position=(1.0, 0.0))
_ = classify(small)

     great white shark: 66.70%
              baseball:  7.36%
            grey whale:  4.07%
              sombrero:  3.22%
              sea lion:  3.11%
          killer whale:  2.70%
             albatross:  1.67%
            rugby ball:  1.31%
               pelican:  1.14%
red-breasted merganser:  0.83%
great white shark: 88.99%
         baseball:  8.97%
         sombrero:  0.45%
       grey whale:  0.33%
       cowboy hat:  0.24%
     killer whale:  0.22%
         sea lion:  0.09%
      tiger shark:  0.07%
       rugby ball:  0.07%
        albatross:  0.05%
great white shark: 66.15%
         baseball: 24.56%
         sombrero:  2.47%
       cowboy hat:  0.91%
          thimble:  0.82%
              gar:  0.60%
       grey whale:  0.57%
        golf ball:  0.42%
       rugby ball:  0.25%
             drum:  0.23%
   baseball: 99.22%
 rugby ball:  0.34%
  golf ball:  0.12%
      conch:  0.10%
    thimble:  0.06%
bathing cap:  0.03%
 volleyball:  0.02%
tennis ball:  0.01%
  bottlecap:  0.01%
   sombrero:  0.01%

In [0]:

Frying Pan

In [0]:
frying_pan_img = load(frying_pan_url)
_ = classify(frying_pan_img, n=10)

 frying pan: 76.52%
        wok: 15.83%
      stove:  5.41%
    spatula:  1.02%
 Dutch oven:  0.53%
mixing bowl:  0.17%
 rotisserie:  0.10%
      ladle:  0.10%
waffle iron:  0.09%
    hot pot:  0.06%

In [0]:
# Ten different patches are available, 01 - 10
noodle_patch = load("")
_ = classify(noodle_patch, n=10)

       carbonara: 99.09%
           plate:  0.47%
         hot pot:  0.11%
       soup bowl:  0.08%
hen-of-the-woods:  0.04%
       meat loaf:  0.04%
        broccoli:  0.04%
spaghetti squash:  0.03%
    head cabbage:  0.02%
butternut squash:  0.02%

In [0]:
# Position does have an effect:
small = composite_img(frying_pan_img, noodle_patch, patch_width_ratio=0.4, patch_position=(0.0, 0.0))
_ = classify(small)

        wok: 66.13%
 frying pan: 28.17%
    hot pot:  2.15%
    spatula:  0.75%
  carbonara:  0.70%
      plate:  0.61%
      stove:  0.35%
mixing bowl:  0.25%
 Dutch oven:  0.22%
   strainer:  0.14%

In [0]: