Code from Adversarial Patch (Tom B. Brown, Dandelion Mané, Aurko Roy, Martín Abadi, Justin Gilmer)
We present a method to create universal, robust, targeted adversarial image patches in the real world. The patches are universal because they can be used to attack any scene, robust because they work under a wide variety of transformations, and targeted because they can cause a classifier to output any target class. These adversarial patches can be printed, added to any scene, photographed, and presented to image classifiers; even when the patches are small, they cause the classifiers to ignore the other items in the scene and report a chosen target class.
You can run this on a free Google Cloud GPU to replicate the results. Just set the runtime in the menu bar above:
Runtime > Change runtime type > Python 2 w/ GPU
In [0]:
# Install requirements
! pip install keras
! pip install git+ --upgrade
# Create a directory to store our results
! mkdir /content/adversarial_patch
# Download a baseline true toaster image
! wget -O /content/adversarial_patch/toaster.png
In [0]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
import tensorflow as tf
import math
from matplotlib import pylab as P
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import pickle
import StringIO
import PIL.Image
import scipy
import time
import glob
import random
import keras
from keras import applications
from keras import backend as K
from keras.preprocessing import image
import numpy as np
import imagenet_stubs
from imagenet_stubs.imagenet_2012_labels import label_to_name, name_to_label
In [0]:
TARGET_LABEL = name_to_label('toaster') # Try "banana", "Pembroke, Pembroke Welsh corgi"
PATCH_SHAPE = (299, 299, 3)
# Ensemble of models
'xception': applications.xception.Xception,
'vgg16': applications.vgg16.VGG16,
'vgg19': applications.vgg19.VGG19,
'resnet50': applications.resnet50.ResNet50,
'inceptionv3': applications.inception_v3.InceptionV3,
MODEL_NAMES = ['resnet50', 'xception', 'inceptionv3', 'vgg16', 'vgg19']
# Data augmentation
# Empirically found that training with a very wide scale range works well
# as a default
ROTATE_MAX = np.pi/8 # 22.5 degrees in either direction
# Local data dir to write files to
DATA_DIR = '/content/adversarial_patch'
In [0]:
def _convert(im):
return ((im + 1) * 127.5).astype(np.uint8)
def show(im):
plt.imshow(_convert(im), interpolation="nearest")
def load_image(image_path):
im =
im = im.resize((299, 299), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
if image_path.endswith('.png'):
ch = 4
ch = 3
im = np.array(im.getdata()).reshape(im.size[0], im.size[1], ch)[:,:,:3]
return im / 127.5 - 1
class StubImageLoader():
"""An image loader that uses just a few ImageNet-like images.
In the actual paper, we used real ImageNet images, but we can't include them
here because of licensing issues.
def __init__(self):
self.images = []
self.toaster_image = None
for image_path in imagenet_stubs.get_image_paths():
im = load_image(image_path)
if image_path.endswith('toaster.jpg'):
self.toaster_image = im
def get_images(self):
return random.sample(self.images, BATCH_SIZE)
image_loader = StubImageLoader()
for example_image in image_loader.get_images()[:2]:
print("Example true image:")
In [0]:
def _transform_vector(width, x_shift, y_shift, im_scale, rot_in_degrees):
If one row of transforms is [a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1],
then it maps the output point (x, y) to a transformed input point
(x', y') = ((a0 x + a1 y + a2) / k, (b0 x + b1 y + b2) / k),
where k = c0 x + c1 y + 1.
The transforms are inverted compared to the transform mapping input points to output points.
rot = float(rot_in_degrees) / 90. * (math.pi/2)
# Standard rotation matrix
# (use negative rot because tf.contrib.image.transform will do the inverse)
rot_matrix = np.array(
[[math.cos(-rot), -math.sin(-rot)],
[math.sin(-rot), math.cos(-rot)]]
# Scale it
# (use inverse scale because tf.contrib.image.transform will do the inverse)
inv_scale = 1. / im_scale
xform_matrix = rot_matrix * inv_scale
a0, a1 = xform_matrix[0]
b0, b1 = xform_matrix[1]
# At this point, the image will have been rotated around the top left corner,
# rather than around the center of the image.
# To fix this, we will see where the center of the image got sent by our transform,
# and then undo that as part of the translation we apply.
x_origin = float(width) / 2
y_origin = float(width) / 2
x_origin_shifted, y_origin_shifted = np.matmul(
np.array([x_origin, y_origin]),
x_origin_delta = x_origin - x_origin_shifted
y_origin_delta = y_origin - y_origin_shifted
# Combine our desired shifts with the rotation-induced undesirable shift
a2 = x_origin_delta - (x_shift/(2*im_scale))
b2 = y_origin_delta - (y_shift/(2*im_scale))
# Return these values in the order that tf.contrib.image.transform expects
return np.array([a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, 0, 0]).astype(np.float32)
def test_random_transform(min_scale=0.5, max_scale=1.0, max_rotation=22.5):
Scales the image between min_scale and max_scale
img_shape = [100,100,3]
img = np.ones(img_shape)
sess = tf.Session()
image_in = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=img_shape)
width = img_shape[0]
def _random_transformation():
im_scale = np.random.uniform(low=min_scale, high=1.0)
padding_after_scaling = (1-im_scale) * width
x_delta = np.random.uniform(-padding_after_scaling, padding_after_scaling)
y_delta = np.random.uniform(-padding_after_scaling, padding_after_scaling)
rot = np.random.uniform(-max_rotation, max_rotation)
return _transform_vector(width,
random_xform_vector = tf.py_func(_random_transformation, [], tf.float32)
output = tf.contrib.image.transform(image_in, random_xform_vector , "BILINEAR")
xformed_img =, feed_dict={
image_in: img
for i in range(2):
print("Test image with random transform: %s" % (i+1))
test_random_transform(min_scale=0.25, max_scale=2.0, max_rotation=22.5)
This code handles loading different Imagenet models, running them, and storing their state.
It defines M
, a ModelState
M.train_step(images?, target_ys?, learning_rate?)
M.inference_batch(images?, target_ys?)
In [0]:
#@title class ModelState()
def get_peace_mask(shape):
path = osp.join(DATA_DIR, "peace_sign.png")
pic =
pic = pic.resize(shape[:2], PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
if path.endswith('.png'):
ch = 4
ch = 3
pic = np.array(pic.getdata()).reshape(pic.size[0], pic.size[1], ch)
pic = pic / 127.5 - 1
pic = pic[:,:,3]
peace_mask = (pic + 1.0) / 2
peace_mask = np.expand_dims(peace_mask, 2)
peace_mask = np.broadcast_to(peace_mask, shape)
return peace_mask
def _circle_mask(shape, sharpness = 40):
"""Return a circular mask of a given shape"""
assert shape[0] == shape[1], "circle_mask received a bad shape: " + shape
diameter = shape[0]
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, diameter)
y = np.linspace(-1, 1, diameter)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)
z = (xx**2 + yy**2) ** sharpness
mask = 1 - np.clip(z, -1, 1)
mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)
mask = np.broadcast_to(mask, shape).astype(np.float32)
return mask
def _gen_target_ys():
y_one_hot = np.zeros(1000)
y_one_hot[label] = 1.0
y_one_hot = np.tile(y_one_hot, (BATCH_SIZE, 1))
return y_one_hot
TARGET_ONEHOT = _gen_target_ys()
class ModelContainer():
"""Encapsulates an Imagenet model, and methods for interacting with it."""
def __init__(self, model_name, verbose=True, peace_mask=None, peace_mask_overlay=0.0):
# Peace Mask: None, "Forward", "Backward"
self.model_name = model_name
self.graph = tf.Graph()
self.sess = tf.Session(graph=self.graph)
self.peace_mask = peace_mask
self.patch_shape = PATCH_SHAPE
self._peace_mask_overlay = peace_mask_overlay
def patch(self, new_patch=None):
"""Retrieve or set the adversarial patch.
new_patch: The new patch to set, or None to get current patch.
Returns: Itself if it set a new patch, or the current patch."""
if new_patch is None:
return self._run(self._clipped_patch)
self._run(self._assign_patch, {self._patch_placeholder: new_patch})
return self
def reset_patch(self):
"""Reset the adversarial patch to all zeros."""
def train_step(self, images=None, target_ys=None, learning_rate=5.0, scale=(0.1, 1.0), dropout=None, patch_disguise=None, disguise_alpha=None):
"""Train the model for one step.
images: A batch of images to train on, it loads one if not present.
target_ys: Onehot target vector, defaults to TARGET_ONEHOT
learning_rate: Learning rate for this train step.
scale: Either a scalar value for the exact scale, or a (min, max) tuple for the scale range.
Returns: Loss on the target ys."""
if images is None:
images = image_loader.get_images()
if target_ys is None:
target_ys = TARGET_ONEHOT
feed_dict = {self._image_input: images,
self._target_ys: target_ys,
self._learning_rate: learning_rate}
if patch_disguise is not None:
if disguise_alpha is None:
raise ValueError("You need disguise_alpha")
feed_dict[self.patch_disguise] = patch_disguise
feed_dict[self.disguise_alpha] = disguise_alpha
loss, _ = self._run([self._loss, self._train_op], feed_dict, scale=scale, dropout=dropout)
return loss
def inference_batch(self, images=None, target_ys=None, scale=None):
"""Report loss and label probabilities, and patched images for a batch.
images: A batch of images to train on, it loads if not present.
target_ys: The target_ys for loss calculation, TARGET_ONEHOT if not present."""
if images is None:
images = image_loader.get_images()
if target_ys is None:
target_ys = TARGET_ONEHOT
feed_dict = {self._image_input: images, self._target_ys: target_ys}
loss_per_example, ps, ims = self._run([self._loss_per_example, self._probabilities, self._patched_input],
feed_dict, scale=scale)
return loss_per_example, ps, ims
def load_model(self, verbose=True):
model = NAME_TO_MODEL[self.model_name]
if self.model_name in ['xception', 'inceptionv3', 'mobilenet']:
keras_mode = False
keras_mode = True
patch = None
self._make_model_and_ops(model, keras_mode, patch, verbose)
def _run(self, target, feed_dict=None, scale=None, dropout=None):
if feed_dict is None:
feed_dict = {}
feed_dict[self.learning_phase] = False
if scale is not None:
if isinstance(scale, (tuple, list)):
scale_min, scale_max = scale
scale_min, scale_max = (scale, scale)
feed_dict[self.scale_min] = scale_min
feed_dict[self.scale_max] = scale_max
if dropout is not None:
feed_dict[self.dropout] = dropout
return, feed_dict=feed_dict)
def _make_model_and_ops(self, M, keras_mode, patch_val, verbose):
start = time.time()
with self.sess.graph.as_default():
self.learning_phase = K.learning_phase()
image_shape = (299, 299, 3)
self._image_input = keras.layers.Input(shape=image_shape)
self.scale_min = tf.placeholder_with_default(SCALE_MIN, [])
self.scale_max = tf.placeholder_with_default(SCALE_MAX, [])
self._scales = tf.random_uniform([BATCH_SIZE], minval=self.scale_min, maxval=self.scale_max)
image_input = self._image_input
self.patch_disguise = tf.placeholder_with_default(tf.zeros(self.patch_shape), shape=self.patch_shape)
self.disguise_alpha = tf.placeholder_with_default(0.0, [])
patch = tf.get_variable("patch", self.patch_shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer)
self._patch_placeholder = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=self.patch_shape)
self._assign_patch = tf.assign(patch, self._patch_placeholder)
modified_patch = patch
def clip_to_valid_image(x):
return tf.clip_by_value(x, clip_value_min=-1.,clip_value_max=1.)
if self.peace_mask == 'forward':
mask = get_peace_mask(self.patch_shape)
modified_patch = patch * (1 - mask) - np.ones(self.patch_shape) * mask + (1+patch) * mask * self._peace_mask_overlay
self._clipped_patch = clip_to_valid_image(modified_patch)
if keras_mode:
image_input = tf.image.resize_images(image_input, (224, 224))
image_shape = (224, 224, 3)
modified_patch = tf.image.resize_images(patch, (224, 224))
self.dropout = tf.placeholder_with_default(1.0, [])
patch_with_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(modified_patch, keep_prob=self.dropout)
patched_input = clip_to_valid_image(self._random_overlay(image_input, patch_with_dropout, image_shape))
def to_keras(x):
x = (x + 1) * 127.5
R,G,B = tf.split(x, 3, 3)
R -= 123.68
G -= 116.779
B -= 103.939
x = tf.concat([B,G,R], 3)
return x
# Since this is a return point, we do it before the Keras color shifts
# (but after the resize, so we can see what is really going on)
self._patched_input = patched_input
if keras_mode:
patched_input = to_keras(patched_input)
# Labels for our attack (e.g. always a toaster)
self._target_ys = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1000))
model = M(input_tensor=patched_input, weights='imagenet')
# Pre-softmax logits of our pretrained model
logits = model.outputs[0].op.inputs[0]
self._loss_per_example = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
self._target_loss = tf.reduce_mean(self._loss_per_example)
self._patch_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(patch - self.patch_disguise) * self.disguise_alpha
self._loss = self._target_loss + self._patch_loss
# Train our attack by only training on the patch variable
self._learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
self._train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self._learning_rate)\
.minimize(self._loss, var_list=[patch])
self._probabilities = model.outputs[0]
if patch_val is not None:
elapsed = time.time() - start
if verbose:
print("Finished loading {}, took {:.0f}s".format(self.model_name, elapsed))
def _pad_and_tile_patch(self, patch, image_shape):
# Calculate the exact padding
# Image shape req'd because it is sometimes 299 sometimes 224
# padding is the amount of space available on either side of the centered patch
# WARNING: This has been integer-rounded and could be off by one.
# See _pad_and_tile_patch for usage
return tf.stack([patch] * BATCH_SIZE)
def _random_overlay(self, imgs, patch, image_shape):
"""Augment images with random rotation, transformation.
Image: BATCHx299x299x3
Patch: 50x50x3
# Add padding
image_mask = _circle_mask(image_shape)
if self.peace_mask == 'backward':
peace_mask = get_peace_mask(image_shape)
image_mask = (image_mask * peace_mask).astype(np.float32)
image_mask = tf.stack([image_mask] * BATCH_SIZE)
padded_patch = tf.stack([patch] * BATCH_SIZE)
transform_vecs = []
def _random_transformation(scale_min, scale_max, width):
im_scale = np.random.uniform(low=scale_min, high=scale_max)
padding_after_scaling = (1-im_scale) * width
x_delta = np.random.uniform(-padding_after_scaling, padding_after_scaling)
y_delta = np.random.uniform(-padding_after_scaling, padding_after_scaling)
rot = np.random.uniform(-MAX_ROTATION, MAX_ROTATION)
return _transform_vector(width,
for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
# Shift and scale the patch for each image in the batch
random_xform_vector = tf.py_func(_random_transformation, [self.scale_min, self.scale_max, image_shape[0]], tf.float32)
image_mask = tf.contrib.image.transform(image_mask, transform_vecs, "BILINEAR")
padded_patch = tf.contrib.image.transform(padded_patch, transform_vecs, "BILINEAR")
inverted_mask = (1 - image_mask)
return imgs * inverted_mask + padded_patch * image_mask
In [0]:
#@ MetaModel
class MetaModel():
def __init__(self, verbose=True, peace_mask=None, peace_mask_overlay=0.0): = {m: ModelContainer(m, verbose=verbose, peace_mask=peace_mask, peace_mask_overlay=peace_mask_overlay) for m in MODEL_NAMES}
self._patch = np.zeros(PATCH_SHAPE)
self.patch_shape = PATCH_SHAPE
def patch(self, new_patch=None):
"""Retrieve or set the adversarial patch.
new_patch: The new patch to set, or None to get current patch.
Returns: Itself if it set a new patch, or the current patch."""
if new_patch is None:
return self._patch
self._patch = new_patch
return self
def reset_patch(self):
"""Reset the adversarial patch to all zeros."""
def train_step(self, model=None, steps=1, images=None, target_ys=None, learning_rate=5.0, scale=None, **kwargs):
"""Train the model for `steps` steps.
images: A batch of images to train on, it loads one if not present.
target_ys: Onehot target vector, defaults to TARGET_ONEHOT
learning_rate: Learning rate for this train step.
scale: Either a scalar value for the exact scale, or a (min, max) tuple for the scale range.
Returns: Loss on the target ys."""
if model is not None:
to_train = [[model]]
to_train =
losses = []
for mc in to_train:
for i in xrange(steps):
loss = mc.train_step(images, target_ys, learning_rate, scale=scale, **kwargs)
return np.mean(losses)
def inference_batch(self, model, images=None, target_ys=None, scale=None):
"""Report loss and label probabilities, and patched images for a batch.
images: A batch of images to train on, it loads if not present.
target_ys: The target_ys for loss calculation, TARGET_ONEHOT if not present.
scale: Either a scalar value for the exact scale, or a (min, max) tuple for the scale range.
mc =[model]
return mc.inference_batch(images, target_ys, scale=scale)
print("Creating MetaModel...")
MM = MetaModel()
In [0]:
def _convert(im):
return ((im + 1) * 127.5).astype(np.uint8)
def show(im):
plt.imshow(_convert(im), interpolation="nearest")
def show_patch(patch):
circle = _circle_mask((299, 299, 3))
show(circle * patch + (1-circle))
def report(model, step=None, show_images=False, n=400, verbose=True, scale=(0.1, 1.0)):
"""Prints a report on how well the model is doing.
If you want to see multiple samples, pass a positive int to show_images
Model can be a ModelContainer instance, or a string. If it's a string, we
lookup that model name in the MultiModel
start = time.time()
# n examples where target was in top 5
top_5 = 0
# n examples where target was top 1
wins = 0
# n examples in total
n_batches = int(math.ceil(float(n) / BATCH_SIZE))
total = BATCH_SIZE * n_batches
loss = 0
for b in xrange(n_batches):
if isinstance(model, str):
loss_per_example, probs, patched_imgs = M.inference_batch(model, scale=scale)
loss_per_example, probs, patched_imgs = model.inference_batch(scale=scale)
loss += np.mean(loss_per_example)
for i in xrange(BATCH_SIZE):
top_labels = np.argsort(-probs[i])[:5]
if TARGET_LABEL in top_labels:
top_5 += 1
if top_labels[0] == TARGET_LABEL:
wins += 1
loss = loss / n_batches
top_5p = int(100 * float(top_5) / total)
winp = int(100 * float(wins) / total)
if step is not None:
r = 'Step: {} \t'.format(step)
r = ''
r += 'LogLoss: {:.1f} \tWin Rate: {}%\t Top5: {}%\tn: {}'.format(math.log(loss), winp, top_5p, total)
if verbose:
if show_images:
if show_images is True:
show_images = 1
_visualize_example(patched_imgs, probs, loss_per_example, show_images)
elapsed = time.time() - start
return {'logloss': math.log(loss), 'win': winp, 'top5': top_5p, 'time': elapsed, 'loss': loss}
def _visualize_example(patched_imgs, probs, loss_per_example, n_reports=1):
for i in xrange(n_reports):
predictions_str = ''
top_label_ids = np.argsort(-probs[i])[:5]
for label in top_label_ids:
p = probs[i][label]
name = label_to_name(label)
if len(name) > 30:
name = name[:27] + "..."
if name == "toaster":
predictions_str += "\033[1m"
name = name.ljust(30, " ")
predictions_str += "{} {:.2f}".format(name, p)
if name.startswith("toaster"):
predictions_str += "\033[0m"
predictions_str += "\n"
#predictions_str += "\033[1mLogLoss: {:.1f}\033[0m\n".format(math.log(loss_per_example[i]))
def cross_model_report(meta_model, n=100, verbose=True, scale=None):
results = {}
print('{:15s}\t Loss\t Win%\t Top5%\t Time'.format('Model Name'))
out_start = time.time()
for model_name in MODEL_NAMES:
model = meta_model.name_to_container[model_name]
r = report(model, n=n, verbose=False, scale=scale)
results[model_name] = r
print('{:15s}\t {:.1f}\t {:.0f}%\t {:.0f}%\t {:.0f}s'.format(model_name, r['loss'], r['win'], r['top5'], r['time']))
def _avg(name):
xs = [r[name] for r in results.values()]
return sum(xs) / len(xs)
elapsed = time.time() - out_start
print('{:15s}\t {:.1f}\t {:.0f}%\t {:.0f}%\t {:.0f}s'.format('Average/Total', _avg('loss'), _avg('win'), _avg('top5'), elapsed))
return results
In [0]:
import pickle
import os.path as osp
from datetime import datetime
def save_obj(obj, file_name):
serialized = pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=0)
dest_file = osp.join(DATA_DIR, file_name)
with open(dest_file, 'w') as f:
def load_obj(file_name):
dest_file = osp.join(DATA_DIR, file_name)
with open(dest_file, 'r') as f:
pkl =
return pickle.loads(pkl)
def _latest_snapshot_path(experiment_name):
"""Return the latest pkl file"""
return osp.join(DATA_DIR, "%s.latest" % (experiment_name))
def _timestamped_snapshot_path(experiment_name):
"""Return a timestamped pkl file"""
timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
return osp.join(DATA_DIR, "%s.%s" % (experiment_name, timestamp))
def save_patch(experiment_name, model):
"""Save a snapshot for the given experiment"""
def _serialize_patch(dest_file):
patch = model.patch()
serialized = pickle.dumps(patch, protocol=0) # protocol 0 is printable ASCII
with open(dest_file + ".pkl", 'w') as f:
print("Wrote patch to %s" % dest_file)
with open(dest_file + ".jpg", 'w') as f:
PIL.Image.fromarray(_convert(model.patch())).save(f, "JPEG")
def load_patch(experiment_name_or_patch_file, model, dontshow=False):
if experiment_name_or_patch_file.startswith(DATA_DIR):
patch_file = experiment_name_or_patch_file
patch_file = _latest_snapshot_path(experiment_name_or_patch_file)
with open(patch_file + '.pkl', 'r') as f:
pkl =
patch = pickle.loads(pkl)
if not dontshow:
def get_im(path):
with open(osp.join(DATA_DIR, path), "r") as f:
pic =
pic = pic.resize((299, 299), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
if path.endswith('.png'):
ch = 4
ch = 3
pic = np.array(pic.getdata()).reshape(pic.size[0], pic.size[1], ch)[:,:,:3]
pic = pic / 127.5 - 1
return pic
In [0]:
areas_to_report = list(np.linspace(0.01, 0.10, 10)) + [0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50]
def calculate_win_rates(models, eval_samples_per_scale=100):
start = time.time()
rows = len(models)
results = np.zeros((rows, len(areas_to_report)))
for (i, model) in enumerate(models):
print("Evaluating %s" % model.model_name)
for (j, a) in enumerate(areas_to_report):
sc = 2 * math.sqrt(a / math.pi)
win = report(model, scale=sc, verbose=False,
results[i,j] = win
print('Calculated wins in {:.0f}s'.format(time.time()-start))
return results
def plot_win_rates(wins, labels, title):
assert wins.shape[0] == len(labels)
for (i, l) in enumerate(labels):
plt.plot([a * 100.0 for a in areas_to_report], wins[i], label=l)
plt.xlabel("Attack as % of image size")
plt.ylabel("Attack success rate")
In [0]:
model_targets = MODEL_NAMES
STEPS = 500
regular_training_model_to_patch = {}
x = 0
for m in model_targets:
print("Training %s" % m)
M =[m]
for i in xrange(STEPS):
x +=1
loss = M.train_step(scale=(0.1, 1.0))
if i % int(STEPS/10) == 0:
print("[%s] loss: %s" % (i, loss))
regular_training_model_to_patch[m] = M.patch()
save_obj(regular_training_model_to_patch, "regular_training_model_to_patch")
In [0]:
m =['xception']
report(m, n=16, show_images=3, scale=0.5)
In [0]:
regular_training_model_to_patch = load_obj("regular_training_model_to_patch")
# Load models
models = []
for m in model_targets:
M =[m]
regular_training_win_rates = calculate_win_rates(models)
save_obj(regular_training_win_rates, "regular_training_win_rates")
In [0]:
regular_training_win_rates = load_obj("regular_training_win_rates")
plot_win_rates(regular_training_win_rates, model_targets, "Single-model attack success rates")
In [0]:
LR = 5.0
STEPS = 500
transfer_ensemble_model_names = ['resnet50', 'xception', 'inceptionv3', 'vgg16']
transfer_target_model = 'vgg19'
print("Beginning blackbox experiment with ensemble: %s and target %s" % (
transfer_ensemble_model_names, transfer_target_model))
for i in range(STEPS):
for mm in transfer_ensemble_model_names:
loss = MM.train_step(mm, steps=1, learning_rate=LR)
if i % int(STEPS/10) == 0:
print("[%s] loss: %s" % (i, loss))
transfer_patch = MM.patch()
save_obj(transfer_patch, "transfer_patch")
In [0]:
m =[transfer_target_model]
_ = report(m, n=16, show_images=3, scale=0.5)
In [0]:
transfer_patch = load_obj("transfer_patch")
m =[transfer_target_model]
transfer_attack_win_rates = calculate_win_rates([m])
save_obj(transfer_attack_win_rates, "transfer_attack_win_rates")
In [0]:
transfer_attack_win_rates = load_obj("transfer_attack_win_rates")
plot_win_rates(transfer_attack_win_rates, ['vgg19 - Blackbox transfer attack'], "blackbox model attack success rates")
In [0]:
# Cross Model Attack
STEPS = 1000
start = time.time()
for i in range(STEPS):
loss = MM.train_step()
if i % int(STEPS/20) == 0:
print("[%s] loss: %s" % (i, loss))
cross_model_patch = MM.patch()
end = time.time()
mins = (end - start) / 60.0
print('Finished in {:.0f}m'.format(mins))
save_obj(cross_model_patch, "cross_model_patch")
In [0]:
cross_model_patch = load_obj("cross_model_patch")
m =['inceptionv3']
report(m, n=16, show_images=3, scale=0.3)
In [0]:
cross_model_patch = load_obj("cross_model_patch")
models = []
for m in MODEL_NAMES:
M =[m]
cross_model_win_rates = calculate_win_rates(models)
save_obj(cross_model_win_rates, "cross_model_win_rates")
In [0]:
cross_model_win_rates = load_obj("cross_model_win_rates")
plot_win_rates(cross_model_win_rates, MODEL_NAMES, "Cross-model attack success rates")
In [0]:
toaster = load_image('/content/adversarial_patch/toaster.png')
models = []
for m in MODEL_NAMES:
M =[m]
m =['inceptionv3']
report(m, n=16, show_images=3, scale=0.5)
In [0]:
toaster_win_rates = calculate_win_rates(models)
save_obj(toaster_win_rates, "toaster_win_rates")
In [0]:
cross_model_win_rates = load_obj("toaster_win_rates")
plot_win_rates(toaster_win_rates, MODEL_NAMES, "Real toaster success rate")
In [0]: