Working Scrapy Code Snippets

In [ ]:

# extracts total content of page

In [ ]:
keywords = response.xpath('//meta[@name="keywords"]').re('content="(.*)\"')

# extracts keywords from meta tag as list

In [ ]:
item['number'] = r.xpath('//title/text()').re('Decision\s(.*)\\r')

# extracts file name, but not reliably

In [ ]:
for metadata in response.xpath('//head'):
    title = metadata.xpath('//meta[@name="dcterms.title"]').re('content="(.*)\"')
    doctype = metadata.xpath('//meta[@name="keywords"]').re('content="(.*)\"')
    keywords = metadata.xpath('//meta[@name="keywords"]').re('content="(.*)\"')
    print(dict(title=title, doctype=doctype, keywords=keywords))
# extracts metadata

In [ ]:

In [9]:


In [215]:

head ../scrapy/result11a.json

{"file": ["DB97-477", [{"content": [{"text": "ARCHIVED\u00a0-\u00a0 \r\nDecision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??"}], "metadata": [{"subject": ["Broadcasting"], "dateIssued": ["2007-09-20"], "title": ["ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society - Licence renewal"], "docType": ["Decisions"], "keywords": ["Broadcasting"], "date": ["1997-08-21"], "dateCreated": [], "dateMod": []}]}]]},
{"file": ["2017-73", [{"content": [{"text": "Telecom Order CRTC 2017-73 PDF version Ottawa, 15 March 2017 Various  companies \u2013 Interim approval of tariff applications The Commission approves  on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Applicant Tariff    Notice and description Date of    application Effective    date Bell Canada TN 7527 Special Facilities Tariff \u2013 Amendment to 56-Kbps Data Channel Service in    Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec 2 March 2017 17 March 2017 Coop\u00e9rative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie TN 1 TN 1A TN 1B Introduction of Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) Tariff 1 February 2017 7 February 2017 6 March 2017 15 March 2017 Revised tariff pages are to be issued within 10  calendar days of the date of this order. Revised tariff pages can be submitted  to the Commission without a description page or a request for approval; a  tariff application is not required. Secretary General Date modified: 2017-03-15"}], "metadata": [{"subject": ["Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coop\u00e9rative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications"], "dateIssued": ["2017-03-15"], "title": ["Various companies \u2013 Interim approval of tariff applications"], "docType": ["Orders"], "keywords": ["Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coop\u00e9rative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications"], "date": [], "dateCreated": [], "dateMod": ["2017-03-15"]}]}]]},
{"file": ["PT2001-99", [{"content": [{"text": "ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Ottawa, 31 August 2001 Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 In this Public Notice, the Commission initiates a proceeding to consider the circumstances, if any, where the Commission could alter the terms and conditions of an existing property-access contract between a carrier and a municipality. Background 1. On 28 May 2001, AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (AT&T Canada) filed a Part VII application requesting relief pursuant to sections 32(d) and (e) and 43(4) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act), naming the City of Toronto (the City) as respondent. AT&T Canada stated that it wanted the Commission to substitute for those terms and conditions of its current access agreement with the City that are inconsistent with the principles set out in Decision CRTC 2001-23 , Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver, dated 25 January 2001, the terms and conditions that are based on the principles set out in that decision. 2. On 27 June 2001, the City filed its response to AT&T Canada's application. The City argued that the principles developed in Decision 2001-23 were not applicable in the unique factual circumstances of the contractual situation between itself and AT&T Canada. Further, the City argued that the Commission lacked jurisdiction under the Act to interfere with an existing agreement for access to municipal property like the agreement between itself and AT&T Canada. Scope of proceeding 3. In this proceeding, the Commission will consider, given the framework set out in sections 43(1) to 43(4) and any other relevant provisions of the Act, and the principles laid out in Decision 2001-23 , what circumstances, if any, would justify an intervention by the Commission to alter the terms of an existing contract between a carrier and a municipality for access to municipal rights-of-way. Procedure 4. The contract filed in the Part VII application as Appendix \"A\" to AT&T Canada's application is made part of the record in this proceeding. 5. AT&T Canada and the City are made parties to this proceeding. 6. Other parties wishing to participate in this proceeding must notify the Commission of their intention to do so by 1 October 2001. These parties should contact the Secretary General, by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2; by fax at (819) 953-0795; or by email at They are to indicate in the notice their email address, where available. If parties do not have access to the Internet, they are to indicate in their notice whether they wish to receive disk versions of hard copy filings. 7. The Commission will issue, as soon as possible after the registration date, a complete list of interested parties and their mailing addresses (including their email address, if available), identifying those parties who wish to receive disk versions. 8. All parties may submit comments on the circumstances, if any, for Commission intervention, serving a copy of their submission on all the parties on the interested parties list, by 29 October 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. In order to streamline the process and reduce the workload for all concerned, the Commission encourages parties with similar interests to file joint submissions and to participate jointly in subsequent stages of the proceeding. 9. Parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on those parties who filed comments, by 28 November 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. 10. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. 11. Parties wishing to file electronic versions of their comments can do so by email at the address shown above, or on diskette. 12. The electronic version should be in the HTML format. As an alternative, those submitting comments may use \"Microsoft Word\" for text and \"Microsoft Excel\" for spreadsheets. 13. Please number each paragraph of your submission. In addition, please enter the line ***End of document*** following the last paragraph. This will help the Commission verify that the document has not been damaged during transmission. 14. The Commission will make submissions filed in electronic form available on its web site at in the official language and format in which they are submitted. This will make it easier for members of the public to consult the documents. 15. The Commission also encourages interested parties to monitor the public examination file (and/or the Commission's web site) for additional information that they may find useful when preparing their submission. 16. Submissions may be examined or will be made available promptly upon request at the Commission offices during normal business hours: Central Building Les Terasses de la Chaudi\u00e8re 1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2 Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 Fax: (819) 994-0218 Bank of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997 Fax: (902) 426-2721 405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East 2 nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montr\u00e9al, Quebec H2L 4J5 Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 Fax: (514) 283-3689 55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 Fax: (416) 954-6343 Kensington Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD:983-8274 Fax: (204) 983-6317 Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11 th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: (306) 780-3422 Fax: (306) 780-3319 10405 Jasper Avenue Suite 520 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4 Tel: (780) 495-3224 Fax: (780) 495-3214 530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD:666-0778 Fax: (604) 666-8322 Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: Date Modified: 2001-08-31 Date modified: 2001-08-31"}], "metadata": [{"subject": ["Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements"], "dateIssued": [], "title": ["ARCHIVED - Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property"], "docType": ["Notices of consultation"], "keywords": ["Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements", "Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements"], "date": [], "dateCreated": ["2001-08-31"], "dateMod": []}]}]]}

In [214]:

grep -E  ../scrapy/result11.json

In [238]:
import ijson
from ijson import items

In [205]:
filename = "../scrapy/result11.json"
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    objects = ijson.items(f, 'metadata')
    items = list(objects)

In [206]:


In [240]:
f = "../scrapy/result11.json"
objects = items(f, 'file.metadata.item')
titles = (o for o in objects if o['type'] == 'title')
for title in titles:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-240-2a683b902f5b> in <module>()
      2 objects = items(f, 'file.metadata.item')
      3 titles = (o for o in objects if o['type'] == 'title')
----> 4 for title in titles:
      5     print(title)

<ipython-input-240-2a683b902f5b> in <genexpr>(.0)
      1 f = "../scrapy/result11.json"
      2 objects = items(f, 'file.metadata.item')
----> 3 titles = (o for o in objects if o['type'] == 'title')
      4 for title in titles:
      5     print(title)

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ijson/ in items(prefixed_events, prefix)
    136     try:
    137         while True:
--> 138             current, event, value = next(prefixed_events)
    139             if current == prefix:
    140                 if event in ('start_map', 'start_array'):

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ijson/ in parse(basic_events)
     63     '''
     64     path = []
---> 65     for event, value in basic_events:
     66         if event == 'map_key':
     67             prefix = '.'.join(path[:-1])

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ijson/backends/ in basic_parse(file, buf_size)
    183     '''
    184     lexer = iter(Lexer(file, buf_size))
--> 185     for value in parse_value(lexer):
    186         yield value
    187     try:

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ijson/backends/ in parse_value(lexer, symbol, pos)
    106     try:
    107         if symbol is None:
--> 108             pos, symbol = next(lexer)
    109         if symbol == 'null':
    110             yield ('null', None)

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ijson/backends/ in Lexer(f, buf_size)
     24 def Lexer(f, buf_size=BUFSIZE):
---> 25     if type( == bytetype:
     26         f = getreader('utf-8')(f)
     27     buf =

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'read'

In [72]:
url = ''
page = url.split("/")[-1]
file = page.split(".")[0]


In [56]:
import json
import glob
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint

In [248]:

In [249]:
data = json.loads(json_data)

[{'file': ['DB97-477',
           [{'metadata': [{'date': ['1997-08-21'],
                           'dateCreated': [],
                           'dateIssued': ['2007-09-20'],
                           'dateMod': [],
                           'docType': ['Decisions'],
                           'keywords': ['Broadcasting'],
                           'subject': ['Broadcasting'],
                           'title': ['ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast '
                                     'Society - Licence renewal']}]}],
           [{'text': 'ARCHIVED\xa0-\xa0 \r\n'
                     'Decision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 '
                     'Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast '
                     'Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence '
                     'renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 '
                     'May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence '
                     'for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking '
                     'serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August '
                     '2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the '
                     'current licence, as well as to those conditions '
                     'specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission '
                     'notes that this undertaking distributes, in '
                     'non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open '
                     'Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with '
                     'a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, '
                     'on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an '
                     'effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is '
                     'to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan '
                     'Secretary General This document is available in '
                     'alternative format upon request . Date modified: '
 {'file': ['2017-73',
           [{'metadata': [{'date': [],
                           'dateCreated': [],
                           'dateIssued': ['2017-03-15'],
                           'dateMod': ['2017-03-15'],
                           'docType': ['Orders'],
                           'keywords': ['Telecommunications, Bell Canada, '
                                        'Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, '
                                        'Interim approval, Tariff '
                           'subject': ['Telecommunications, Bell Canada, '
                                       'Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, '
                                       'Interim approval, Tariff applications'],
                           'title': ['Various companies – Interim approval of '
                                     'tariff applications']}]}],
           [{'text': 'Telecom Order CRTC 2017-73 PDF version Ottawa, 15 March '
                     '2017 Various  companies – Interim approval of tariff '
                     'applications The Commission approves  on an interim '
                     'basis the following tariff applications: Applicant '
                     'Tariff    Notice and description Date of    application '
                     'Effective    date Bell Canada TN 7527 Special Facilities '
                     'Tariff – Amendment to 56-Kbps Data Channel Service in    '
                     'Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec 2 March 2017 17 March 2017 '
                     'Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie TN 1 TN 1A TN 1B '
                     'Introduction of Competitive Local Exchange Carrier '
                     '(CLEC) Tariff 1 February 2017 7 February 2017 6 March '
                     '2017 15 March 2017 Revised tariff pages are to be issued '
                     'within 10  calendar days of the date of this order. '
                     'Revised tariff pages can be submitted  to the Commission '
                     'without a description page or a request for approval; a  '
                     'tariff application is not required. Secretary General '
                     'Date modified: 2017-03-15'}]]},
 {'file': ['PT2001-99',
           [{'metadata': [{'date': [],
                           'dateCreated': ['2001-08-31'],
                           'dateIssued': [],
                           'dateMod': [],
                           'docType': ['Notices of consultation'],
                           'keywords': ['Telecommunications, Agreements, '
                                        'Property, Municipal governments, '
                                        'AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, '
                                        'Access arrangements',
                                        'Telecommunications, Agreements, '
                                        'Property, Municipal governments, '
                                        'AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, '
                                        'Access arrangements'],
                           'subject': ['Telecommunications, Agreements, '
                                       'Property, Municipal governments, '
                                       'AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, '
                                       'Access arrangements'],
                           'title': ['ARCHIVED - Terms and conditions of '
                                     'existing agreements for access to '
                                     'municipal property']}]}],
           [{'text': 'ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Public Notice CRTC '
                     '2001-99 Ottawa, 31 August 2001 Terms and conditions of '
                     'existing agreements for access to municipal property '
                     'Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 In this Public Notice, the '
                     'Commission initiates a proceeding to consider the '
                     'circumstances, if any, where the Commission could alter '
                     'the terms and conditions of an existing property-access '
                     'contract between a carrier and a municipality. '
                     'Background 1. On 28 May 2001, AT&T Canada Corp. on '
                     'behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services '
                     'Company (AT&T Canada) filed a Part VII application '
                     'requesting relief pursuant to sections 32(d) and (e) and '
                     '43(4) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act), naming '
                     'the City of Toronto (the City) as respondent. AT&T '
                     'Canada stated that it wanted the Commission to '
                     'substitute for those terms and conditions of its current '
                     'access agreement with the City that are inconsistent '
                     'with the principles set out in Decision CRTC 2001-23 , '
                     'Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and '
                     'maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver, dated 25 '
                     'January 2001, the terms and conditions that are based on '
                     'the principles set out in that decision. 2. On 27 June '
                     "2001, the City filed its response to AT&T Canada's "
                     'application. The City argued that the principles '
                     'developed in Decision 2001-23 were not applicable in the '
                     'unique factual circumstances of the contractual '
                     'situation between itself and AT&T Canada. Further, the '
                     'City argued that the Commission lacked jurisdiction '
                     'under the Act to interfere with an existing agreement '
                     'for access to municipal property like the agreement '
                     'between itself and AT&T Canada. Scope of proceeding 3. '
                     'In this proceeding, the Commission will consider, given '
                     'the framework set out in sections 43(1) to 43(4) and any '
                     'other relevant provisions of the Act, and the principles '
                     'laid out in Decision 2001-23 , what circumstances, if '
                     'any, would justify an intervention by the Commission to '
                     'alter the terms of an existing contract between a '
                     'carrier and a municipality for access to municipal '
                     'rights-of-way. Procedure 4. The contract filed in the '
                     'Part VII application as Appendix "A" to AT&T Canada\'s '
                     'application is made part of the record in this '
                     'proceeding. 5. AT&T Canada and the City are made parties '
                     'to this proceeding. 6. Other parties wishing to '
                     'participate in this proceeding must notify the '
                     'Commission of their intention to do so by 1 October '
                     '2001. These parties should contact the Secretary '
                     'General, by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2; by '
                     'fax at (819) 953-0795; or by email at '
                     ' They are to indicate in the notice '
                     'their email address, where available. If parties do not '
                     'have access to the Internet, they are to indicate in '
                     'their notice whether they wish to receive disk versions '
                     'of hard copy filings. 7. The Commission will issue, as '
                     'soon as possible after the registration date, a complete '
                     'list of interested parties and their mailing addresses '
                     '(including their email address, if available), '
                     'identifying those parties who wish to receive disk '
                     'versions. 8. All parties may submit comments on the '
                     'circumstances, if any, for Commission intervention, '
                     'serving a copy of their submission on all the parties on '
                     'the interested parties list, by 29 October 2001. '
                     'Submissions longer than five pages should include a '
                     'summary. In order to streamline the process and reduce '
                     'the workload for all concerned, the Commission '
                     'encourages parties with similar interests to file joint '
                     'submissions and to participate jointly in subsequent '
                     'stages of the proceeding. 9. Parties may file reply '
                     'comments with the Commission, serving a copy on those '
                     'parties who filed comments, by 28 November 2001. '
                     'Submissions longer than five pages should include a '
                     'summary. 10. Where a document is to be filed or served '
                     'by a specific date, the document must be actually '
                     'received, and not merely sent, by that date. 11. Parties '
                     'wishing to file electronic versions of their comments '
                     'can do so by email at the address shown above, or on '
                     'diskette. 12. The electronic version should be in the '
                     'HTML format. As an alternative, those submitting '
                     'comments may use "Microsoft Word" for text and '
                     '"Microsoft Excel" for spreadsheets. 13. Please number '
                     'each paragraph of your submission. In addition, please '
                     'enter the line ***End of document*** following the last '
                     'paragraph. This will help the Commission verify that the '
                     'document has not been damaged during transmission. 14. '
                     'The Commission will make submissions filed in electronic '
                     'form available on its web site at in the '
                     'official language and format in which they are '
                     'submitted. This will make it easier for members of the '
                     'public to consult the documents. 15. The Commission also '
                     'encourages interested parties to monitor the public '
                     "examination file (and/or the Commission's web site) for "
                     'additional information that they may find useful when '
                     'preparing their submission. 16. Submissions may be '
                     'examined or will be made available promptly upon request '
                     'at the Commission offices during normal business hours: '
                     'Central Building Les Terasses de la Chaudière 1 '
                     'Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2 Tel: '
                     '(819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 Fax: (819) 994-0218 Bank '
                     'of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 '
                     'Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: '
                     '426-6997 Fax: (902) 426-2721 405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. '
                     'East 2 nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5 '
                     'Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 Fax: (514) 283-3689 '
                     '55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T '
                     '1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 Fax: (416) 954-6343 Kensington '
                     'Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, '
                     'Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD:983-8274 Fax: '
                     '(204) 983-6317 Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11 '
                     'th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: '
                     '(306) 780-3422 Fax: (306) 780-3319 10405 Jasper Avenue '
                     'Suite 520 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4 Tel: (780) 495-3224 '
                     'Fax: (780) 495-3214 530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, '
                     'British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - '
                     'TDD:666-0778 Fax: (604) 666-8322 Secretary General This '
                     'document is available in alternative format upon '
                     'request, and may also be examined at the following '
                     'Internet site: Date Modified: '
                     '2001-08-31 Date modified: 2001-08-31'}]]}]

In [117]:
crtc_files = "../scrapy/result11.json"
crtc_data = []

In [118]:
with open(crtc_files) as f:
    for line in f:

In [119]:

['[\n', '{"file": ["DB97-477", [{"content": [{"text": "ARCHIVED\\u00a0-\\u00a0 \\r\\nDecision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??"}], "metadata": [{"subject": ["Broadcasting"], "dateIssued": ["2007-09-20"], "title": ["ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society - Licence renewal"], "docType": ["Decisions"], "keywords": ["Broadcasting"], "date": ["1997-08-21"], "dateCreated": [], "dateMod": []}]}]]},\n', '{"file": ["2017-73", [{"content": [{"text": "Telecom Order CRTC 2017-73 PDF version Ottawa, 15 March 2017 Various  companies \\u2013 Interim approval of tariff applications The Commission approves  on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Applicant Tariff    Notice and description Date of    application Effective    date Bell Canada TN 7527 Special Facilities Tariff \\u2013 Amendment to 56-Kbps Data Channel Service in    Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec 2 March 2017 17 March 2017 Coop\\u00e9rative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie TN 1 TN 1A TN 1B Introduction of Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) Tariff 1 February 2017 7 February 2017 6 March 2017 15 March 2017 Revised tariff pages are to be issued within 10  calendar days of the date of this order. Revised tariff pages can be submitted  to the Commission without a description page or a request for approval; a  tariff application is not required. Secretary General Date modified: 2017-03-15"}], "metadata": [{"subject": ["Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coop\\u00e9rative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications"], "dateIssued": ["2017-03-15"], "title": ["Various companies \\u2013 Interim approval of tariff applications"], "docType": ["Orders"], "keywords": ["Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coop\\u00e9rative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications"], "date": [], "dateCreated": [], "dateMod": ["2017-03-15"]}]}]]},\n', '{"file": ["PT2001-99", [{"content": [{"text": "ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Ottawa, 31 August 2001 Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 In this Public Notice, the Commission initiates a proceeding to consider the circumstances, if any, where the Commission could alter the terms and conditions of an existing property-access contract between a carrier and a municipality. Background 1. On 28 May 2001, AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (AT&T Canada) filed a Part VII application requesting relief pursuant to sections 32(d) and (e) and 43(4) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act), naming the City of Toronto (the City) as respondent. AT&T Canada stated that it wanted the Commission to substitute for those terms and conditions of its current access agreement with the City that are inconsistent with the principles set out in Decision CRTC 2001-23 , Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver, dated 25 January 2001, the terms and conditions that are based on the principles set out in that decision. 2. On 27 June 2001, the City filed its response to AT&T Canada\'s application. The City argued that the principles developed in Decision 2001-23 were not applicable in the unique factual circumstances of the contractual situation between itself and AT&T Canada. Further, the City argued that the Commission lacked jurisdiction under the Act to interfere with an existing agreement for access to municipal property like the agreement between itself and AT&T Canada. Scope of proceeding 3. In this proceeding, the Commission will consider, given the framework set out in sections 43(1) to 43(4) and any other relevant provisions of the Act, and the principles laid out in Decision 2001-23 , what circumstances, if any, would justify an intervention by the Commission to alter the terms of an existing contract between a carrier and a municipality for access to municipal rights-of-way. Procedure 4. The contract filed in the Part VII application as Appendix \\"A\\" to AT&T Canada\'s application is made part of the record in this proceeding. 5. AT&T Canada and the City are made parties to this proceeding. 6. Other parties wishing to participate in this proceeding must notify the Commission of their intention to do so by 1 October 2001. These parties should contact the Secretary General, by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2; by fax at (819) 953-0795; or by email at They are to indicate in the notice their email address, where available. If parties do not have access to the Internet, they are to indicate in their notice whether they wish to receive disk versions of hard copy filings. 7. The Commission will issue, as soon as possible after the registration date, a complete list of interested parties and their mailing addresses (including their email address, if available), identifying those parties who wish to receive disk versions. 8. All parties may submit comments on the circumstances, if any, for Commission intervention, serving a copy of their submission on all the parties on the interested parties list, by 29 October 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. In order to streamline the process and reduce the workload for all concerned, the Commission encourages parties with similar interests to file joint submissions and to participate jointly in subsequent stages of the proceeding. 9. Parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on those parties who filed comments, by 28 November 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. 10. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. 11. Parties wishing to file electronic versions of their comments can do so by email at the address shown above, or on diskette. 12. The electronic version should be in the HTML format. As an alternative, those submitting comments may use \\"Microsoft Word\\" for text and \\"Microsoft Excel\\" for spreadsheets. 13. Please number each paragraph of your submission. In addition, please enter the line ***End of document*** following the last paragraph. This will help the Commission verify that the document has not been damaged during transmission. 14. The Commission will make submissions filed in electronic form available on its web site at in the official language and format in which they are submitted. This will make it easier for members of the public to consult the documents. 15. The Commission also encourages interested parties to monitor the public examination file (and/or the Commission\'s web site) for additional information that they may find useful when preparing their submission. 16. Submissions may be examined or will be made available promptly upon request at the Commission offices during normal business hours: Central Building Les Terasses de la Chaudi\\u00e8re 1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2 Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 Fax: (819) 994-0218 Bank of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997 Fax: (902) 426-2721 405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East 2 nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montr\\u00e9al, Quebec H2L 4J5 Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 Fax: (514) 283-3689 55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 Fax: (416) 954-6343 Kensington Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD:983-8274 Fax: (204) 983-6317 Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11 th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: (306) 780-3422 Fax: (306) 780-3319 10405 Jasper Avenue Suite 520 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4 Tel: (780) 495-3224 Fax: (780) 495-3214 530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD:666-0778 Fax: (604) 666-8322 Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: Date Modified: 2001-08-31 Date modified: 2001-08-31"}], "metadata": [{"subject": ["Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements"], "dateIssued": [], "title": ["ARCHIVED - Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property"], "docType": ["Notices of consultation"], "keywords": ["Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements", "Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements"], "date": [], "dateCreated": ["2001-08-31"], "dateMod": []}]}]]}\n', ']']

In [120]:

[{'file': ['DB97-477', [{'metadata': [{'subject': ['Broadcasting'], 'dateIssued': ['2007-09-20'], 'docType': ['Decisions'], 'date': ['1997-08-21'], 'dateMod': [], 'keywords': ['Broadcasting'], 'dateCreated': [], 'title': ['ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society - Licence renewal']}], 'content': [{'text': 'ARCHIVED\xa0-\xa0 \r\nDecision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??'}]}]]}, {'file': ['2017-73', [{'metadata': [{'subject': ['Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications'], 'dateIssued': ['2017-03-15'], 'docType': ['Orders'], 'date': [], 'dateMod': ['2017-03-15'], 'keywords': ['Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications'], 'dateCreated': [], 'title': ['Various companies – Interim approval of tariff applications']}], 'content': [{'text': 'Telecom Order CRTC 2017-73 PDF version Ottawa, 15 March 2017 Various  companies – Interim approval of tariff applications The Commission approves  on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Applicant Tariff    Notice and description Date of    application Effective    date Bell Canada TN 7527 Special Facilities Tariff – Amendment to 56-Kbps Data Channel Service in    Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec 2 March 2017 17 March 2017 Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie TN 1 TN 1A TN 1B Introduction of Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) Tariff 1 February 2017 7 February 2017 6 March 2017 15 March 2017 Revised tariff pages are to be issued within 10  calendar days of the date of this order. Revised tariff pages can be submitted  to the Commission without a description page or a request for approval; a  tariff application is not required. Secretary General Date modified: 2017-03-15'}]}]]}, {'file': ['PT2001-99', [{'metadata': [{'subject': ['Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements'], 'dateIssued': [], 'docType': ['Notices of consultation'], 'date': [], 'dateMod': [], 'keywords': ['Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements', 'Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements'], 'dateCreated': ['2001-08-31'], 'title': ['ARCHIVED - Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property']}], 'content': [{'text': 'ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Ottawa, 31 August 2001 Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 In this Public Notice, the Commission initiates a proceeding to consider the circumstances, if any, where the Commission could alter the terms and conditions of an existing property-access contract between a carrier and a municipality. Background 1. On 28 May 2001, AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (AT&T Canada) filed a Part VII application requesting relief pursuant to sections 32(d) and (e) and 43(4) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act), naming the City of Toronto (the City) as respondent. AT&T Canada stated that it wanted the Commission to substitute for those terms and conditions of its current access agreement with the City that are inconsistent with the principles set out in Decision CRTC 2001-23 , Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver, dated 25 January 2001, the terms and conditions that are based on the principles set out in that decision. 2. On 27 June 2001, the City filed its response to AT&T Canada\'s application. The City argued that the principles developed in Decision 2001-23 were not applicable in the unique factual circumstances of the contractual situation between itself and AT&T Canada. Further, the City argued that the Commission lacked jurisdiction under the Act to interfere with an existing agreement for access to municipal property like the agreement between itself and AT&T Canada. Scope of proceeding 3. In this proceeding, the Commission will consider, given the framework set out in sections 43(1) to 43(4) and any other relevant provisions of the Act, and the principles laid out in Decision 2001-23 , what circumstances, if any, would justify an intervention by the Commission to alter the terms of an existing contract between a carrier and a municipality for access to municipal rights-of-way. Procedure 4. The contract filed in the Part VII application as Appendix "A" to AT&T Canada\'s application is made part of the record in this proceeding. 5. AT&T Canada and the City are made parties to this proceeding. 6. Other parties wishing to participate in this proceeding must notify the Commission of their intention to do so by 1 October 2001. These parties should contact the Secretary General, by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2; by fax at (819) 953-0795; or by email at They are to indicate in the notice their email address, where available. If parties do not have access to the Internet, they are to indicate in their notice whether they wish to receive disk versions of hard copy filings. 7. The Commission will issue, as soon as possible after the registration date, a complete list of interested parties and their mailing addresses (including their email address, if available), identifying those parties who wish to receive disk versions. 8. All parties may submit comments on the circumstances, if any, for Commission intervention, serving a copy of their submission on all the parties on the interested parties list, by 29 October 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. In order to streamline the process and reduce the workload for all concerned, the Commission encourages parties with similar interests to file joint submissions and to participate jointly in subsequent stages of the proceeding. 9. Parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on those parties who filed comments, by 28 November 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. 10. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. 11. Parties wishing to file electronic versions of their comments can do so by email at the address shown above, or on diskette. 12. The electronic version should be in the HTML format. As an alternative, those submitting comments may use "Microsoft Word" for text and "Microsoft Excel" for spreadsheets. 13. Please number each paragraph of your submission. In addition, please enter the line ***End of document*** following the last paragraph. This will help the Commission verify that the document has not been damaged during transmission. 14. The Commission will make submissions filed in electronic form available on its web site at in the official language and format in which they are submitted. This will make it easier for members of the public to consult the documents. 15. The Commission also encourages interested parties to monitor the public examination file (and/or the Commission\'s web site) for additional information that they may find useful when preparing their submission. 16. Submissions may be examined or will be made available promptly upon request at the Commission offices during normal business hours: Central Building Les Terasses de la Chaudière 1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2 Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 Fax: (819) 994-0218 Bank of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997 Fax: (902) 426-2721 405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East 2 nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5 Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 Fax: (514) 283-3689 55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 Fax: (416) 954-6343 Kensington Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD:983-8274 Fax: (204) 983-6317 Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11 th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: (306) 780-3422 Fax: (306) 780-3319 10405 Jasper Avenue Suite 520 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4 Tel: (780) 495-3224 Fax: (780) 495-3214 530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD:666-0778 Fax: (604) 666-8322 Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: Date Modified: 2001-08-31 Date modified: 2001-08-31'}]}]]}]

In [250]:
crtc = pd.read_json("../scrapy/result12.json", orient = "index")

0 1 2
file [DB97-477, [{'metadata': [{'keywords': ['Broad... [2017-73, [{'metadata': [{'keywords': ['Teleco... [PT2001-99, [{'metadata': [{'keywords': ['Tele...

In [251]:

                                                      0  \
file  [DB97-477, [{'metadata': [{'keywords': ['Broad...   

                                                      1  \
file  [2017-73, [{'metadata': [{'keywords': ['Teleco...   

file  [PT2001-99, [{'metadata': [{'keywords': ['Tele...  

In [40]:
crtc ="../scrapy/result9.json", format = 'text')[:160]

In [ ]:
import ijson
filename = "../scrapy/result9.json"
text = []
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:

In [ ]:
objects = ijson.items(f, 'file.metadata.subject.item')
columns = list(objects)

In [315]:
# finally something that is working. This code reads each level of the json file (file, metadata, text)
with open("../scrapy/result12.json") as json_file:  
    data = json.load(json_file)
    for d in data:
        print(d['file'][0]) # changing the number from 0 to 2 reads each level


In [322]:

[{'file': ['DB97-477',
   [{'metadata': [{'date': ['1997-08-21'],
       'dateCreated': [],
       'dateIssued': ['2007-09-20'],
       'dateMod': [],
       'docType': ['Decisions'],
       'keywords': ['Broadcasting'],
       'subject': ['Broadcasting'],
       'title': ['ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society - Licence renewal']}]}],
   [{'text': 'ARCHIVED\xa0-\xa0 \r\nDecision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??'}]]},
 {'file': ['2017-73',
   [{'metadata': [{'date': [],
       'dateCreated': [],
       'dateIssued': ['2017-03-15'],
       'dateMod': ['2017-03-15'],
       'docType': ['Orders'],
       'keywords': ['Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications'],
       'subject': ['Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications'],
       'title': ['Various companies – Interim approval of tariff applications']}]}],
   [{'text': 'Telecom Order CRTC 2017-73 PDF version Ottawa, 15 March 2017 Various  companies – Interim approval of tariff applications The Commission approves  on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Applicant Tariff    Notice and description Date of    application Effective    date Bell Canada TN 7527 Special Facilities Tariff – Amendment to 56-Kbps Data Channel Service in    Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec 2 March 2017 17 March 2017 Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie TN 1 TN 1A TN 1B Introduction of Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) Tariff 1 February 2017 7 February 2017 6 March 2017 15 March 2017 Revised tariff pages are to be issued within 10  calendar days of the date of this order. Revised tariff pages can be submitted  to the Commission without a description page or a request for approval; a  tariff application is not required. Secretary General Date modified: 2017-03-15'}]]},
 {'file': ['PT2001-99',
   [{'metadata': [{'date': [],
       'dateCreated': ['2001-08-31'],
       'dateIssued': [],
       'dateMod': [],
       'docType': ['Notices of consultation'],
       'keywords': ['Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements',
        'Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements'],
       'subject': ['Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements'],
       'title': ['ARCHIVED - Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property']}]}],
   [{'text': 'ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Ottawa, 31 August 2001 Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 In this Public Notice, the Commission initiates a proceeding to consider the circumstances, if any, where the Commission could alter the terms and conditions of an existing property-access contract between a carrier and a municipality. Background 1. On 28 May 2001, AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (AT&T Canada) filed a Part VII application requesting relief pursuant to sections 32(d) and (e) and 43(4) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act), naming the City of Toronto (the City) as respondent. AT&T Canada stated that it wanted the Commission to substitute for those terms and conditions of its current access agreement with the City that are inconsistent with the principles set out in Decision CRTC 2001-23 , Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver, dated 25 January 2001, the terms and conditions that are based on the principles set out in that decision. 2. On 27 June 2001, the City filed its response to AT&T Canada\'s application. The City argued that the principles developed in Decision 2001-23 were not applicable in the unique factual circumstances of the contractual situation between itself and AT&T Canada. Further, the City argued that the Commission lacked jurisdiction under the Act to interfere with an existing agreement for access to municipal property like the agreement between itself and AT&T Canada. Scope of proceeding 3. In this proceeding, the Commission will consider, given the framework set out in sections 43(1) to 43(4) and any other relevant provisions of the Act, and the principles laid out in Decision 2001-23 , what circumstances, if any, would justify an intervention by the Commission to alter the terms of an existing contract between a carrier and a municipality for access to municipal rights-of-way. Procedure 4. The contract filed in the Part VII application as Appendix "A" to AT&T Canada\'s application is made part of the record in this proceeding. 5. AT&T Canada and the City are made parties to this proceeding. 6. Other parties wishing to participate in this proceeding must notify the Commission of their intention to do so by 1 October 2001. These parties should contact the Secretary General, by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2; by fax at (819) 953-0795; or by email at They are to indicate in the notice their email address, where available. If parties do not have access to the Internet, they are to indicate in their notice whether they wish to receive disk versions of hard copy filings. 7. The Commission will issue, as soon as possible after the registration date, a complete list of interested parties and their mailing addresses (including their email address, if available), identifying those parties who wish to receive disk versions. 8. All parties may submit comments on the circumstances, if any, for Commission intervention, serving a copy of their submission on all the parties on the interested parties list, by 29 October 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. In order to streamline the process and reduce the workload for all concerned, the Commission encourages parties with similar interests to file joint submissions and to participate jointly in subsequent stages of the proceeding. 9. Parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on those parties who filed comments, by 28 November 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. 10. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. 11. Parties wishing to file electronic versions of their comments can do so by email at the address shown above, or on diskette. 12. The electronic version should be in the HTML format. As an alternative, those submitting comments may use "Microsoft Word" for text and "Microsoft Excel" for spreadsheets. 13. Please number each paragraph of your submission. In addition, please enter the line ***End of document*** following the last paragraph. This will help the Commission verify that the document has not been damaged during transmission. 14. The Commission will make submissions filed in electronic form available on its web site at in the official language and format in which they are submitted. This will make it easier for members of the public to consult the documents. 15. The Commission also encourages interested parties to monitor the public examination file (and/or the Commission\'s web site) for additional information that they may find useful when preparing their submission. 16. Submissions may be examined or will be made available promptly upon request at the Commission offices during normal business hours: Central Building Les Terasses de la Chaudière 1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2 Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 Fax: (819) 994-0218 Bank of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997 Fax: (902) 426-2721 405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East 2 nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5 Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 Fax: (514) 283-3689 55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 Fax: (416) 954-6343 Kensington Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD:983-8274 Fax: (204) 983-6317 Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11 th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: (306) 780-3422 Fax: (306) 780-3319 10405 Jasper Avenue Suite 520 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4 Tel: (780) 495-3224 Fax: (780) 495-3214 530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD:666-0778 Fax: (604) 666-8322 Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: Date Modified: 2001-08-31 Date modified: 2001-08-31'}]]}]

In [325]:
file_name = [li['metadata'] for li in data]

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-325-ee883db0132f> in <module>()
----> 1 file_name = [li['metadata'] for li in data]
      2 print(file_name)

<ipython-input-325-ee883db0132f> in <listcomp>(.0)
----> 1 file_name = [li['metadata'] for li in data]
      2 print(file_name)

KeyError: 'metadata'

In [258]:


In [259]:
first_elem = data[0]

{'file': ['DB97-477', [{'metadata': [{'keywords': ['Broadcasting'], 'date': ['1997-08-21'], 'docType': ['Decisions'], 'dateIssued': ['2007-09-20'], 'dateMod': [], 'dateCreated': [], 'subject': ['Broadcasting'], 'title': ['ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society - Licence renewal']}]}], [{'text': 'ARCHIVED\xa0-\xa0 \r\nDecision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??'}]]}

In [260]:
file = first_elem['file']

 [{'metadata': [{'date': ['1997-08-21'],
                 'dateCreated': [],
                 'dateIssued': ['2007-09-20'],
                 'dateMod': [],
                 'docType': ['Decisions'],
                 'keywords': ['Broadcasting'],
                 'subject': ['Broadcasting'],
                 'title': ['ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society - '
                           'Licence renewal']}]}],
 [{'text': 'ARCHIVED\xa0-\xa0 \r\n'
           'Decision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC '
           '97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British '
           'Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice '
           'CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the '
           'broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution '
           'undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August '
           '2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current '
           'licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence '
           'to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking '
           'distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of '
           'The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with '
           'a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the '
           'frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power '
           'of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . '
           'Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available '
           'in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??'}]]

In [261]:
text = file['text']

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-261-da2633f3f826> in <module>()
----> 1 text = file['text']

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

In [327]:
for prefix, the_type, value in ijson.parse(open("../scrapy/result12.json")):
    print(prefix, the_type, value)

 start_array None
item start_map None
item map_key file
item.file start_array None
item.file.item string DB97-477
item.file.item start_array None
item.file.item.item start_map None
item.file.item.item map_key metadata
item.file.item.item.metadata start_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item start_map None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key date start_array None string 1997-08-21 end_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key dateCreated
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.dateCreated start_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.dateCreated end_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key keywords
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.keywords start_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.keywords.item string Broadcasting
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.keywords end_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key docType
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.docType start_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.docType.item string Decisions
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.docType end_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key dateMod
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.dateMod start_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.dateMod end_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key subject
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.subject start_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.subject.item string Broadcasting
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.subject end_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key dateIssued
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.dateIssued start_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.dateIssued.item string 2007-09-20
item.file.item.item.metadata.item.dateIssued end_array None
item.file.item.item.metadata.item map_key title
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Decision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??
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item.file.item.item.metadata.item.subject.item string Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications
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item.file.item.item.metadata.item.title.item string Various companies – Interim approval of tariff applications
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item.file.item.item.metadata.item.keywords.item string Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements
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item.file.item.item.metadata.item.subject.item string Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements
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item.file.item.item.metadata.item.title.item string ARCHIVED - Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property
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item.file.item.item.text string ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Ottawa, 31 August 2001 Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 In this Public Notice, the Commission initiates a proceeding to consider the circumstances, if any, where the Commission could alter the terms and conditions of an existing property-access contract between a carrier and a municipality. Background 1. On 28 May 2001, AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (AT&T Canada) filed a Part VII application requesting relief pursuant to sections 32(d) and (e) and 43(4) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act), naming the City of Toronto (the City) as respondent. AT&T Canada stated that it wanted the Commission to substitute for those terms and conditions of its current access agreement with the City that are inconsistent with the principles set out in Decision CRTC 2001-23 , Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver, dated 25 January 2001, the terms and conditions that are based on the principles set out in that decision. 2. On 27 June 2001, the City filed its response to AT&T Canada's application. The City argued that the principles developed in Decision 2001-23 were not applicable in the unique factual circumstances of the contractual situation between itself and AT&T Canada. Further, the City argued that the Commission lacked jurisdiction under the Act to interfere with an existing agreement for access to municipal property like the agreement between itself and AT&T Canada. Scope of proceeding 3. In this proceeding, the Commission will consider, given the framework set out in sections 43(1) to 43(4) and any other relevant provisions of the Act, and the principles laid out in Decision 2001-23 , what circumstances, if any, would justify an intervention by the Commission to alter the terms of an existing contract between a carrier and a municipality for access to municipal rights-of-way. Procedure 4. The contract filed in the Part VII application as Appendix "A" to AT&T Canada's application is made part of the record in this proceeding. 5. AT&T Canada and the City are made parties to this proceeding. 6. Other parties wishing to participate in this proceeding must notify the Commission of their intention to do so by 1 October 2001. These parties should contact the Secretary General, by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2; by fax at (819) 953-0795; or by email at They are to indicate in the notice their email address, where available. If parties do not have access to the Internet, they are to indicate in their notice whether they wish to receive disk versions of hard copy filings. 7. The Commission will issue, as soon as possible after the registration date, a complete list of interested parties and their mailing addresses (including their email address, if available), identifying those parties who wish to receive disk versions. 8. All parties may submit comments on the circumstances, if any, for Commission intervention, serving a copy of their submission on all the parties on the interested parties list, by 29 October 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. In order to streamline the process and reduce the workload for all concerned, the Commission encourages parties with similar interests to file joint submissions and to participate jointly in subsequent stages of the proceeding. 9. Parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on those parties who filed comments, by 28 November 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. 10. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. 11. Parties wishing to file electronic versions of their comments can do so by email at the address shown above, or on diskette. 12. The electronic version should be in the HTML format. As an alternative, those submitting comments may use "Microsoft Word" for text and "Microsoft Excel" for spreadsheets. 13. Please number each paragraph of your submission. In addition, please enter the line ***End of document*** following the last paragraph. This will help the Commission verify that the document has not been damaged during transmission. 14. The Commission will make submissions filed in electronic form available on its web site at in the official language and format in which they are submitted. This will make it easier for members of the public to consult the documents. 15. The Commission also encourages interested parties to monitor the public examination file (and/or the Commission's web site) for additional information that they may find useful when preparing their submission. 16. Submissions may be examined or will be made available promptly upon request at the Commission offices during normal business hours: Central Building Les Terasses de la Chaudière 1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2 Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 Fax: (819) 994-0218 Bank of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997 Fax: (902) 426-2721 405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East 2 nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5 Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 Fax: (514) 283-3689 55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 Fax: (416) 954-6343 Kensington Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD:983-8274 Fax: (204) 983-6317 Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11 th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: (306) 780-3422 Fax: (306) 780-3319 10405 Jasper Avenue Suite 520 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4 Tel: (780) 495-3224 Fax: (780) 495-3214 530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD:666-0778 Fax: (604) 666-8322 Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: Date Modified: 2001-08-31 Date modified: 2001-08-31
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In [244]:

In [247]:
import xml.dom.minidom

xml = xml.dom.minidom.parse("../scrapy/result10.xml") # or xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_string)
pretty_xml_as_string = xml.toprettyxml()

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
							<text>ARCHIVED -  
Decision CRTC 97-477 Decision Ottawa, 21 August 1997 Decision CRTC 97-477 Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society Winfield, British Columbia - 199613310 Licence renewal 1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-65 dated 26 May 1997, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Winfield from 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2004, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. 2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in non-encrypted mode, the programming services of The Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network), on channel 34, with a transmitter power of 100 watts, and CBU-FM Vancouver, on the frequency 91.9 MHz, channel 227, with an effective radiated power of 25 watts. This decision is to be appended to the licence . Laura M. Talbot-Allan Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request . Date modified: ????-??-??</text>
								<value>ARCHIVED - Central Okanagan Re-Broadcast Society - Licence renewal</value>
							<text>Telecom Order CRTC 2017-73 PDF version Ottawa, 15 March 2017 Various  companies – Interim approval of tariff applications The Commission approves  on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Applicant Tariff    Notice and description Date of    application Effective    date Bell Canada TN 7527 Special Facilities Tariff – Amendment to 56-Kbps Data Channel Service in    Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec 2 March 2017 17 March 2017 Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie TN 1 TN 1A TN 1B Introduction of Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) Tariff 1 February 2017 7 February 2017 6 March 2017 15 March 2017 Revised tariff pages are to be issued within 10  calendar days of the date of this order. Revised tariff pages can be submitted  to the Commission without a description page or a request for approval; a  tariff application is not required. Secretary General Date modified: 2017-03-15</text>
								<value>Various companies – Interim approval of tariff applications</value>
								<value>Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications</value>
								<value>Telecommunications, Bell Canada, Coopérative Antenne T.V. St-Zacharie, Interim approval, Tariff applications</value>
							<text>ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Public Notice CRTC 2001-99 Ottawa, 31 August 2001 Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 In this Public Notice, the Commission initiates a proceeding to consider the circumstances, if any, where the Commission could alter the terms and conditions of an existing property-access contract between a carrier and a municipality. Background 1. On 28 May 2001, AT&amp;T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&amp;T Canada Telecom Services Company (AT&amp;T Canada) filed a Part VII application requesting relief pursuant to sections 32(d) and (e) and 43(4) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act), naming the City of Toronto (the City) as respondent. AT&amp;T Canada stated that it wanted the Commission to substitute for those terms and conditions of its current access agreement with the City that are inconsistent with the principles set out in Decision CRTC 2001-23 , Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver, dated 25 January 2001, the terms and conditions that are based on the principles set out in that decision. 2. On 27 June 2001, the City filed its response to AT&amp;T Canada's application. The City argued that the principles developed in Decision 2001-23 were not applicable in the unique factual circumstances of the contractual situation between itself and AT&amp;T Canada. Further, the City argued that the Commission lacked jurisdiction under the Act to interfere with an existing agreement for access to municipal property like the agreement between itself and AT&amp;T Canada. Scope of proceeding 3. In this proceeding, the Commission will consider, given the framework set out in sections 43(1) to 43(4) and any other relevant provisions of the Act, and the principles laid out in Decision 2001-23 , what circumstances, if any, would justify an intervention by the Commission to alter the terms of an existing contract between a carrier and a municipality for access to municipal rights-of-way. Procedure 4. The contract filed in the Part VII application as Appendix &quot;A&quot; to AT&amp;T Canada's application is made part of the record in this proceeding. 5. AT&amp;T Canada and the City are made parties to this proceeding. 6. Other parties wishing to participate in this proceeding must notify the Commission of their intention to do so by 1 October 2001. These parties should contact the Secretary General, by mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2; by fax at (819) 953-0795; or by email at They are to indicate in the notice their email address, where available. If parties do not have access to the Internet, they are to indicate in their notice whether they wish to receive disk versions of hard copy filings. 7. The Commission will issue, as soon as possible after the registration date, a complete list of interested parties and their mailing addresses (including their email address, if available), identifying those parties who wish to receive disk versions. 8. All parties may submit comments on the circumstances, if any, for Commission intervention, serving a copy of their submission on all the parties on the interested parties list, by 29 October 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. In order to streamline the process and reduce the workload for all concerned, the Commission encourages parties with similar interests to file joint submissions and to participate jointly in subsequent stages of the proceeding. 9. Parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on those parties who filed comments, by 28 November 2001. Submissions longer than five pages should include a summary. 10. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. 11. Parties wishing to file electronic versions of their comments can do so by email at the address shown above, or on diskette. 12. The electronic version should be in the HTML format. As an alternative, those submitting comments may use &quot;Microsoft Word&quot; for text and &quot;Microsoft Excel&quot; for spreadsheets. 13. Please number each paragraph of your submission. In addition, please enter the line ***End of document*** following the last paragraph. This will help the Commission verify that the document has not been damaged during transmission. 14. The Commission will make submissions filed in electronic form available on its web site at in the official language and format in which they are submitted. This will make it easier for members of the public to consult the documents. 15. The Commission also encourages interested parties to monitor the public examination file (and/or the Commission's web site) for additional information that they may find useful when preparing their submission. 16. Submissions may be examined or will be made available promptly upon request at the Commission offices during normal business hours: Central Building Les Terasses de la Chaudière 1 Promenade du Portage, Room G-5 Hull, Quebec K1A 0N2 Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423 Fax: (819) 994-0218 Bank of Commerce Building 1809 Barrington Street Suite 1007 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8 Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997 Fax: (902) 426-2721 405 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East 2 nd Floor, Suite B2300 Montréal, Quebec H2L 4J5 Tel: (514) 283-6607 - TDD: 283-8316 Fax: (514) 283-3689 55 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 624 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2 Tel: (416) 952-9096 Fax: (416) 954-6343 Kensington Building 275 Portage Avenue Suite 1810 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3 Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD:983-8274 Fax: (204) 983-6317 Cornwall Professional Building 2125 - 11 th Avenue Room 103 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3 Tel: (306) 780-3422 Fax: (306) 780-3319 10405 Jasper Avenue Suite 520 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4 Tel: (780) 495-3224 Fax: (780) 495-3214 530-580 Hornby Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6 Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD:666-0778 Fax: (604) 666-8322 Secretary General This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: Date Modified: 2001-08-31 Date modified: 2001-08-31</text>
								<value>Notices of consultation</value>
								<value>ARCHIVED - Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property</value>
								<value>Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements</value>
								<value>Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements</value>
								<value>Telecommunications, Agreements, Property, Municipal governments, AT&amp;amp;T Canada, City of Toronto, Access arrangements</value>