Our goal in this notebook is
to create a distance matrix that reflects the distances between particular quarters of the Billboard Hot 100, 1960-2010, and measure Foote novelty on that matrix
to create a null model that will allow us to assess the significance of those Foote novelty measurements.
The underlying dataset is borrowed from Mauch et al., "The Evolution of Popular Music," but the methods we develop here can, we hope, be adapted to other domains.
This notebook was written up by Ted Underwood, in response to an insight about the appropriate null model suggested by Yuancheng Zhu.
We begin by reading in the data, which consists of principal components of a topic model that identifies "harmonic and timbral topics" in the music. The appropriateness of that dimension-reduction is not our central concern here; we're interested in what happens after you've got points on a timeline characterized in some kind of dimension space.
In [57]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
import csv, random
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial
pcafields = ['PC' + str(x) for x in range(1,15)]
# Here we just create a list of strings that will
# correspond to field names in the data provided
# by Mauch et al.
pca = list()
with open('nb/quarterlypca.csv', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for row in reader:
newpcarow = []
for field in pcafields:
pca = np.array(pca)
Now we have an array of 200 observations, each of which is characterized by 14 variables. Let's define a function to create a distance matrix by comparing each observation against all the others.
In [58]:
def distance_matrix(pca):
observations, dimensions = pca.shape
distmat = np.zeros((observations, observations))
for i in range(observations):
for j in range(observations):
dist = spatial.distance.cosine(pca[i], pca[j])
distmat[i, j] = dist
return distmat
d = distance_matrix(pca)
In [78]:
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [9.0, 6.0]
plt.matshow(d, origin = 'lower', cmap = plt.cm.YlOrRd, extent = [1960, 2010, 1960, 2010])
So far so good; that closely resembles the distance matrix seen in Mauch et al. Now let's calculate Foote novelties. There are two parts to this process. Calculating Foote novelties is done by sliding a smaller matrix along the diagonal of the distance matrix and then multiplying elementwise.
So first we have to create the smaller matrix, using the function make_foote. Then we pass that as a parameter to the function foote_novelty. Passing matrices of different size will calculate different windows of similarity. Below we define these two functions, and then calculate Foote novelties for a window with a five-year half-width.
In [60]:
def make_foote(quart):
tophalf = [-1] * quart + [1] * quart
bottomhalf = [1] * quart + [-1] * quart
foote = list()
for i in range(quart):
for i in range(quart):
foote = np.array(foote)
return foote
foote5 = make_foote(20)
# This gives us a Foote matrix with a five-year half-width.
# 5 becomes 20 because the underlying dataset has four
# "quarters" of data in each year.
def foote_novelty(distmat, foote):
axis1, axis2 = distmat.shape
assert axis1 == axis2
distsize = axis1
axis1, axis2 = foote.shape
assert axis1 == axis2
halfwidth = axis1 / 2
novelties = []
for i in range(distsize):
start = int(i - halfwidth)
end = int(i + halfwidth)
if start < 0 or end > (distsize - 1):
novelties.append(np.sum(foote * distmat[start: end, start: end]))
return novelties
def getyears():
years = []
for i in range(200):
years.append(1960 + i*0.25)
return years
years = getyears()
novelties = foote_novelty(d, foote5)
plt.plot(years, novelties)
print("Max novelty for a five-year half-width: " + str(np.max(novelties)))
Okay, now we have functions that can test Foote novelty in a distance matrix. But how do we know whether the apparent peaks and troughs in the plot above represent statistically significant variation?
We need a "null model": a way of producing distance matrices that represent a random version of our data. On the other hand, we want to get the right kind of randomness. Foote novelty is sensitive to the distribution of values relative to the central diagonal timeline. So if we produce a "random model" where those values are evenly distributed, for instance by randomizing the underlying data and then calculating a distance matrix on it ...
In [79]:
randomized = np.array(pca)
randdist = distance_matrix(randomized)
plt.matshow(randdist, origin = 'lower', cmap = plt.cm.YlOrRd, extent = [1960, 2010, 1960, 2010])
That is far from an apples-to-apples null model. The problem is that the original data was sequential, so distances between nearby points were usually smaller than distances between remote ones. That created the central "yellow path" running from lower left to upper right, following the diagonal timeline of quarters compared-to-themselves.
We need a better null model. The one below relies on a suggestion from Yuancheng Zhu, which was to permute values of the original distance matrix, and do it only within diagonals. That way comparisons across a distance of (say) two quarters are permuted only with other two-quarter comparisons. I've added a small twist, which is to try to preserve the same underlying permutation for every diagonal (as far as possible), keying it to the x or y value for each point. That way vertically and horizontally-adjacent "pixels" of the matrix retain the same kind of "cross-hatched" correlation with each other that we saw in the original matrix. It's not perfect, but it's a reasonable approximation of a dataset where change is sequential, but randomly distributed.
In [77]:
def diagonal_permute(d):
newmat = np.zeros((200, 200))
# We create one randomly-permuted list of integers called "translate"
# that is going to be used for the whole matrix.
translate = [i for i in range(200)]
# Because distances matrices are symmetrical, we're going to be doing
# two diagonals at once each time. We only need one set of values
# (because symmetrical) but we need two sets of indices in the original
# matrix so we know where to put the values back when we're done permuting
# them.
for i in range(0, 200):
indices1 = []
indices2 = []
values = []
for x in range(200):
y1 = x + i
y2 = x - i
if y1 >= 0 and y1 < 200:
values.append(d[x, y1])
indices1.append((x, y1))
if y2 >= 0 and y2 < 200:
indices2.append((x, y2))
# Okay, for each diagonal, we permute the values.
# We'll store the permuted values in newvalues.
# We also check to see how many values we have,
# so we can randomly select values if needed.
newvalues = []
lenvals = len(values)
vallist = [i for i in range(lenvals)]
for indexes, value in zip(indices1, values):
x, y = indexes
xposition = translate[x]
yposition = translate[y]
# We're going to key the randomization to the x, y
# values for each point, insofar as that's possible.
# Doing this will ensure that specific horizontal and
# vertical lines preserve the dependence relations in
# the original matrix.
# But the way we're doing this is to use the permuted
# x (or y) values to select an index in our list of
# values in the present diagonal, and that's only possible
# if the list is long enough to permit it. So we check:
if xposition < 0 and yposition < 0:
position = random.choice(vallist)
elif xposition >= lenvals and yposition >= lenvals:
position = random.choice(vallist)
elif xposition < 0:
position = yposition
elif yposition < 0:
position = xposition
elif xposition >= lenvals:
position = yposition
elif yposition >= lenvals:
position = xposition
position = random.choice([xposition, yposition])
# If either x or y could be used as an index, we
# select randomly.
# Whatever index was chosen, we use it to select a value
# from our diagonal.
values = newvalues
# Now we lay down (both versions of) the diagonal in the
# new matrix.
for idxtuple1, idxtuple2, value in zip(indices1, indices2, values):
x, y = idxtuple1
newmat[x, y] = value
x, y = idxtuple2
newmat[x, y] = value
return newmat
newmat = diagonal_permute(d)
plt.matshow(newmat, origin = 'lower', cmap = plt.cm.YlOrRd, extent = [1960, 2010, 1960, 2010])
What if we now try assessing foote novelties on this randomized matrix? What maximum or minimum value will we get?
In [63]:
novelties = foote_novelty(newmat, foote5)
years = getyears()
plt.plot(years, novelties)
print("Max novelty for five-year half-width:" + str(np.max(novelties)))
def zeroless(sequence):
newseq = []
for element in sequence:
if element > 0.01:
return newseq
print("Min novelty for five-year half-width:" + str(np.min(zeroless(novelties))))
By repeatedly running that test, we can assess the likely range of random variation. It turns out that there are only two "peaks" in the dataset that are clearly and consistently p < 0.05: one in the early eighties, and one in the earl nineties. The slowing of change at the end of the nineties is also statistically significant.
In [64]:
def permute_test(distmatrix, yrwidth):
footematrix = make_foote(4 * yrwidth)
actual_novelties = foote_novelty(distmatrix, footematrix)
permuted_peaks = []
permuted_troughs = []
for i in range(100):
randdist = diagonal_permute(distmatrix)
nov = foote_novelty(randdist, footematrix)
nov = zeroless(nov)
permuted_peaks.sort(reverse = True)
permuted_troughs.sort(reverse = True)
threshold05 = permuted_peaks[4]
threshold01 = permuted_peaks[0]
threshold95 = permuted_troughs[94]
threshold99 = permuted_troughs[99]
significance = np.ones(len(actual_novelties))
for idx, novelty in enumerate(actual_novelties):
if novelty > threshold05 or novelty < threshold95:
significance[idx] = 0.049
if novelty > threshold01 or novelty < threshold99:
significance[idx] = 0.009
return actual_novelties, significance, threshold01, threshold05, threshold95, threshold99
def colored_segments(novelties, significance):
x = []
y = []
t = []
idx = 0
for nov, sig in zip(novelties, significance):
if nov > 1:
x.append(idx/4 + 1960)
idx += 1
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
t = np.array(t)
points = np.array([x,y]).transpose().reshape(-1,1,2)
segs = np.concatenate([points[:-1],points[1:]],axis=1)
lc = LineCollection(segs, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'))
return lc, x, y
novelties, significance, threshold01, threshold05, threshold95, threshold99 = permute_test(d, 5)
years = []
for i in range(200):
years.append(1960 + i*0.25)
plt.plot(years, novelties)
startpoint = years[0]
endpoint = years[199]
plt.hlines(threshold05, startpoint, endpoint, 'r', linewidth = 3)
plt.hlines(threshold95, startpoint, endpoint, 'r', linewidth = 3)
lc, x, y = colored_segments(novelties, significance)
plt.gca().add_collection(lc) # add the collection to the plot
plt.xlim(1960, 2010) # line collections don't auto-scale the plot
plt.ylim(y.min(), y.max())
In [65]:
def zeroless_seq(thefilter, filtereda, filteredb):
thefilter = np.array(thefilter)
filtereda = np.array(filtereda)
filteredb = np.array(filteredb)
filtereda = filtereda[thefilter > 0]
filteredb = filteredb[thefilter > 0]
thefilter = thefilter[thefilter > 0]
return thefilter, filtereda, filteredb
plt.axis([1960, 2010, 45, 325])
novelties, significance, threshold01, threshold05, threshold95, threshold99 = permute_test(d, 5)
novelties, years, significance = zeroless_seq(novelties, getyears(), significance)
yplot = novelties[significance < 0.05]
xplot = years[significance < 0.05]
plt.scatter(xplot, yplot, c = 'red')
plt.plot(years, novelties)
years = getyears()
startpoint = years[0]
endpoint = years[199]
plt.hlines(threshold05, startpoint, endpoint, 'r', linewidth = 3)
plt.hlines(threshold95, startpoint, endpoint, 'r', linewidth = 3)
What about the effect size? Foote novelty is not really a direct measurement of the pace of change.
One way to measure it is, to accept the periods defined by the visualization above, and compare change across each of those periods.
So, for instance, the significant points in the second peak range from 1990 to 1994, and the lowest trough is roughly 2001 to 2005. We can divide each of those periods in half, and compare the first half to the second half. It looks like Mauch et al. are roughly right about effect size: it's a sixfold difference.
In [66]:
def pacechange(startdate, enddate, pca):
years = getyears()
startidx = years.index(startdate)
endidx = years.index(enddate)
midpoint = int((startidx + endidx)/2)
firsthalf = np.zeros(14)
for i in range(startidx,midpoint):
firsthalf = firsthalf + pca[i]
secondhalf = np.zeros(14)
for i in range(midpoint, endidx):
secondhalf = secondhalf + pca[i]
return spatial.distance.cosine(firsthalf, secondhalf)
print(pacechange(1990, 1994, pca))
print(pacechange(2001, 2005, pca))
We can also get a mean value for the whole run.
In [67]:
thesum = 0
theobservations = 0
for i in range(1960, 2006):
theobservations += 1
thesum += pacechange(i, i+4, pca)
print(thesum / theobservations)
If we wanted to, we could also overplot multiple scales of comparison with different half-widths. Doing this reveals one of the nice things about the "Foote novelty" method, which is that it remains relatively stable as you vary scales of comparison. The same cannot be said, for instance, of changepoint analysis!
In the cell below we've overplotted three-year, four-year, and five-year Foote novelties, highlighting in each case the specific quarters that have two-tailed p values lower than 0.05.
In [76]:
plt.axis([1960, 2010, 0, y.max() + 10])
def add_scatter(d, width):
novelties, significance, threshold01, threshold05, threshold95, threshold99 = permute_test(d, width)
novelties, years, significance = zeroless_seq(novelties, getyears(), significance)
yplot = novelties[significance < 0.05]
xplot = years[significance < 0.05]
plt.scatter(xplot, yplot, c = 'red')
plt.plot(years, novelties)
add_scatter(d, 3)
add_scatter(d, 4)
add_scatter(d, 5)
plt.ylabel('Foote novelty')
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