In an earlier notebook, I showed how we can fit the parameters of a Bayesian mixture model using a Gibbs sampler. The sampler defines a Markov chain that, in steady state, samples from the posterior distribution of the mixture model. To move the chain forward by one step we:
It turns out that we can derive a Gibbs sampler that just samples the assignments instead of the mixture weights and cluster means. This is known as a collapsed Gibbs sampler. If we integrate out the cluster means $\theta_k$ and mixture weights from the margial distribution of cluster assignment $$p(z_i=k \,|\, z_{\neg i}, \pi, \theta_1, \theta_2, \theta_3, \sigma, \mathbf{x}, \alpha )$$ we are left with $$p(z_i\,|\, z_{\neg i}, \sigma, \mathbf{x}, \alpha).$$
By the conditional independence, we can factorize this marginal distribution $$ \begin{align} p(z_i=k\,|\, z_{\neg i}, \sigma, \mathbf{x}, \alpha) &\propto p(z_i=k\,|\, x_i, z_{\neg i}, \sigma, \mathbf{x}_{\neg i}, \alpha)\\ &= p(z_i=k\,|\, z_{\neg i}, \sigma, \mathbf{x}_{\neg i}, \alpha) p(x_i \,|\, z, \sigma, \mathbf{x}_{\neg i}, \alpha)\\ &= p(z_i=k \,|\, z_{\neg i}, \alpha) p(x_i \,|\, z, \mathbf{x}_{\neg i}, \sigma)\\ &= p(z_i=k \,|\, z_{\neg i}, \alpha)p(x_i \,|\, z_i=k, z_{\neg i}, x_{\neg_i}, \sigma)\\ &= p(z_i=k \,|\, z_{\neg i}, \alpha)p(x_i \,|\, \left\{x_j \,|\, z_j=k, j\neq i\right\}, \sigma). \end{align} $$
The two terms have intuitive explanations. $p(z_i = k \,|\, z_{\neg i}, \alpha)$ is the probability point $x_i$ will be assigned to component $k$ given the current assignments. Because we are using a symmetric Dirichlet prior, this is the predictive likelihood of a Dirichlet-categorical distribution. This is given by: $$p(z_i=k \,|\, z_{\not i}, \alpha)= \frac{N_k^{-i}+\alpha / K}{N-1+\alpha}$$ where $N_k^{-i}=\sum_{j\neq i} \delta(z_j, k)$ is the number of observation assigned to $k$ (except $x_i$). We also need to define $\bar{x}_k^{-i}$ to be the mean of all observations assigned to component $k$ (except $x_i$).
The second term is the predictive likelihood that point $x_i$ is distributed according to cluster $k$ (given the data currently in cluster $k$). For our example, we are assuming unknown cluster means are distributed according to a normal distribution with hyperparameter mean $\lambda_1$ and variance $\lambda_2^2$ and known cluster variance $\sigma^2$.
Thus, $$ \begin{align} p(x_i \,|\, \left\{x_j \,|\, z_j=k, j\neq i\right\}, \sigma) &= \mathcal{N}(x_i \,|\, \mu_k, \sigma_k^2+\sigma^2) \end{align} $$ where $$\sigma_k^2 = \left( \frac{N_k^{-i}}{\sigma^2} + \frac{1}{\lambda_2^2} \right)^{-1}$$ and $$\mu_k = \sigma_k^2 \left( \frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2^2}+\frac{N_k^{-i}\cdot \bar{x}_k^{-i}}{\sigma^2} \right).$$ This is derived in Kevin Murphey's fantastic article Conjugate Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution.
At each step of the collapsed sampler, we sample each $z_i$ as follows:
where the normalizing constant is $Z_i=\sum_{k=1}^K(N_k^{-i}+\alpha/K)f_k(x_i)$.
Let's write code for this Gibbs sampler!
In [48]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import namedtuple, Counter
from scipy import stats
from numpy import random
In [49]:
First, load the same dataset we used previously:
In [50]:
data = pd.Series.from_csv("clusters.csv")
Again, we want to define a state object and a function for updating the sufficient statistics of the state.
In [51]:
SuffStat = namedtuple('SuffStat', 'theta N')
def initial_state(num_clusters=3, alpha=1.0):
cluster_ids = range(num_clusters)
state = {
'cluster_ids_': cluster_ids,
'data_': data,
'num_clusters_': num_clusters,
'cluster_variance_': .01,
'alpha_': alpha,
'hyperparameters_': {
"mean": 0,
"variance": 1,
'suffstats': {cid: None for cid in cluster_ids},
'assignment': [random.choice(cluster_ids) for _ in data],
'pi': {cid: alpha / num_clusters for cid in cluster_ids},
return state
def update_suffstats(state):
for cluster_id, N in Counter(state['assignment']).iteritems():
points_in_cluster = [x
for x, cid in zip(state['data_'], state['assignment'])
if cid == cluster_id
mean = np.array(points_in_cluster).mean()
state['suffstats'][cluster_id] = SuffStat(mean, N)
Next we define functions to compute the two terms of our marginal distribution over cluster assignments (as we derived above).
In [52]:
def log_predictive_likelihood(data_id, cluster_id, state):
"""Predictive likelihood of the data at data_id is generated
by cluster_id given the currenbt state.
From Section 2.4 of
ss = state['suffstats'][cluster_id]
hp_mean = state['hyperparameters_']['mean']
hp_var = state['hyperparameters_']['variance']
param_var = state['cluster_variance_']
x = state['data_'][data_id]
return _log_predictive_likelihood(ss, hp_mean, hp_var, param_var, x)
def _log_predictive_likelihood(ss, hp_mean, hp_var, param_var, x):
posterior_sigma2 = 1 / (ss.N * 1. / param_var + 1. / hp_var)
predictive_mu = posterior_sigma2 * (hp_mean * 1. / hp_var + ss.N * ss.theta * 1. / param_var)
predictive_sigma2 = param_var + posterior_sigma2
predictive_sd = np.sqrt(predictive_sigma2)
return stats.norm(predictive_mu, predictive_sd).logpdf(x)
def log_cluster_assign_score(cluster_id, state):
"""Log-likelihood that a new point generated will
be assigned to cluster_id given the current state.
current_cluster_size = state['suffstats'][cluster_id].N
num_clusters = state['num_clusters_']
alpha = state['alpha_']
return np.log(current_cluster_size + alpha * 1. / num_clusters)
Given these two functions, we can compute the posterior probability distribution for assignment of a given datapoint. This is the core of our collapsed Gibbs sampler.
To simplify the computation of things like $N_k^{-i}$ (where we remove point $i$ from the summary statistics), we create two simple functions to add and remove a point from the summary statistics for a given cluster.
In [53]:
def cluster_assignment_distribution(data_id, state):
"""Compute the marginal distribution of cluster assignment
for each cluster.
scores = {}
for cid in state['suffstats'].keys():
scores[cid] = log_predictive_likelihood(data_id, cid, state)
scores[cid] += log_cluster_assign_score(cid, state)
scores = {cid: np.exp(score) for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}
normalization = 1.0/sum(scores.values())
scores = {cid: score*normalization for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}
return scores
def add_datapoint_to_suffstats(x, ss):
"""Add datapoint to sufficient stats for normal component
return SuffStat((ss.theta*(ss.N)+x)/(ss.N+1), ss.N+1)
def remove_datapoint_from_suffstats(x, ss):
"""Remove datapoint from sufficient stats for normal component
return SuffStat((ss.theta*(ss.N)-x*1.0)/(ss.N-1), ss.N-1)
Finally, we're ready to create a function that takes a Gibbs step on the state. For each datapoint, it
In [54]:
def gibbs_step(state):
pairs = zip(state['data_'], state['assignment'])
for data_id, (datapoint, cid) in enumerate(pairs):
state['suffstats'][cid] = remove_datapoint_from_suffstats(datapoint,
scores = cluster_assignment_distribution(data_id, state).items()
labels, scores = zip(*scores)
cid = random.choice(labels, p=scores)
state['assignment'][data_id] = cid
state['suffstats'][cid] = add_datapoint_to_suffstats(state['data_'][data_id], state['suffstats'][cid])
Here's our old function to plot the assignments.
In [55]:
def plot_clusters(state):
gby = pd.DataFrame({
'data': state['data_'],
'assignment': state['assignment']}
hist_data = [gby.get_group(cid).tolist()
for cid in gby.groups.keys()]
histtype='stepfilled', alpha=.5 )
Randomly assign the datapoints to a cluster to start.
In [56]:
state = initial_state()
Look what happens to the assignments after just one Gibbs step!
In [57]:
In [58]:
After just two steps, our assignments look really good. We can run it a few more times and see the assignments again.
In [59]:
for _ in range(20): gibbs_step(state)
It turns out, the collapsed Gibbs sampler for mixture models is almost identical in the context of a nonparametric model. This model uses a Dirichlet process prior instead of a Dirichlet distribution prior. It doesn't require us to specify how many clusters we are looking for in our data.
The cluster assignment score changes slightly. It is proportional to $N_k^{-i}$ for each known cluster. We assign a datapoint to a new cluster with probability proportional to $\alpha$ (which is now the DP dispersion parameter).
In [60]:
def log_cluster_assign_score_dp(cluster_id, state):
"""Log-likelihood that a new point generated will
be assigned to cluster_id given the current state.
if cluster_id == "new":
return np.log(state["alpha_"])
return np.log(state['suffstats'][cluster_id].N)
The predictive likelihood remains the same for known clusters. However, we need to know the likelihood of assigning a datapoint to a new cluster. In this case, we fall back on the hyperparameters to get:
$$ \begin{align} p(x_i \,|\, z, x_{\neg_i}, \sigma) &= \mathcal{N}(x_i \,|\, \lambda_1, \lambda_2^2+\sigma^2) \end{align} $$
In [61]:
def log_predictive_likelihood_dp(data_id, cluster_id, state):
"""Predictive likelihood of the data at data_id is generated
by cluster_id given the currenbt state.
From Section 2.4 of
if cluster_id == "new":
ss = SuffStat(0, 0)
ss = state['suffstats'][cluster_id]
hp_mean = state['hyperparameters_']['mean']
hp_var = state['hyperparameters_']['variance']
param_var = state['cluster_variance_']
x = state['data_'][data_id]
return _log_predictive_likelihood(ss, hp_mean, hp_var, param_var, x)
Given this, we can define the marginal distribution over cluster assignment. The only change is that the "new
" state enters in the distribution.
In [62]:
def cluster_assignment_distribution_dp(data_id, state):
"""Compute the marginal distribution of cluster assignment
for each cluster.
scores = {}
cluster_ids = state['suffstats'].keys() + ['new']
for cid in cluster_ids:
scores[cid] = log_predictive_likelihood_dp(data_id, cid, state)
scores[cid] += log_cluster_assign_score_dp(cid, state)
scores = {cid: np.exp(score) for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}
normalization = 1.0/sum(scores.values())
scores = {cid: score*normalization for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}
return scores
We also need to be able to create a new cluster when "new
" is drawn, and destroy a cluster if its emptied.
In [63]:
def create_cluster(state):
state["num_clusters_"] += 1
cluster_id = max(state['suffstats'].keys()) + 1
state['suffstats'][cluster_id] = SuffStat(0, 0)
return cluster_id
def destroy_cluster(state, cluster_id):
state["num_clusters_"] = 1
del state['suffstats'][cluster_id]
def prune_clusters(state):
for cid in state['cluster_ids_']:
if state['suffstats'][cid].N == 0:
destroy_cluster(state, cid)
Finally, we can define the gibbs_step_dp
function. It's nearly identical to the earlier gibbs_step
function except
".For clarity, I split out the code for sampling assignment to its own function.
In [64]:
def sample_assignment(data_id, state):
"""Sample new assignment from marginal distribution.
If cluster is "`new`", create a new cluster.
scores = cluster_assignment_distribution_dp(data_id, state).items()
labels, scores = zip(*scores)
cid = random.choice(labels, p=scores)
if cid == "new":
return create_cluster(state)
return int(cid)
def gibbs_step_dp(state):
"""Collapsed Gibbs sampler for Dirichlet Process Mixture Model
pairs = zip(state['data_'], state['assignment'])
for data_id, (datapoint, cid) in enumerate(pairs):
state['suffstats'][cid] = remove_datapoint_from_suffstats(datapoint, state['suffstats'][cid])
cid = sample_assignment(data_id, state)
state['assignment'][data_id] = cid
state['suffstats'][cid] = add_datapoint_to_suffstats(state['data_'][data_id], state['suffstats'][cid])
This time, we will start by randomly assigning our data to two clusters.
In [65]:
state = initial_state(num_clusters=2, alpha=0.1)
Here's what happens when we run our Gibbs sampler once.
In [66]:
We went from 2 to 4 clusters!
After 100 iterations:
In [67]:
for _ in range(99): gibbs_step_dp(state)
After 100 iterations, our assignment looks correct! We went back to 3 clusters.
We can sample the mixture weights, if we need them, using the "Conditional Distribution of Mixture Weights" derived here.
In [68]:
ss = state['suffstats']
alpha = [ss[cid].N + state['alpha_'] / state['num_clusters_']
for cid in state['cluster_ids_']]
We can also sample the cluster means using the method we derived earlier:
In [69]:
for cluster_id in state['cluster_ids_']:
cluster_var = state['cluster_variance_']
hp_mean = state['hyperparameters_']['mean']
hp_var = state['hyperparameters_']['variance']
ss = state['suffstats'][cluster_id]
numerator = hp_mean / hp_var + ss.theta * ss.N / cluster_var
denominator = (1.0 / hp_var + ss.N / cluster_var)
posterior_mu = numerator / denominator
posterior_var = 1.0 / denominator
mean = stats.norm(posterior_mu, np.sqrt(posterior_var)).rvs()
print("cluster_id:", cluster_id, "mean", mean)
Much thanks to Erik Sudderth's excellent introduction to nonparametric Bayes in Chapter 2 of his dissertation. Algorithms 2.2 and 2.3 in that piece are the clearest formulation of collapsed Gibbs sampling for mixture models that I have come across.