To start, let's import some packages to help us. If you haven't read
, you should go do that now. I highly recommend Continuum Analytics Anaconda distribution of python, and the conda
architecture for finding/installing co-dependent packages. Go explore!
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns;
Now, all we need to start collecting tweet data is the preprocess
module, which contains the Preprocess
class for extracting hashtags and timestamps from raw tweet data.
Once that's done, all you need to create the preprocess object is to specify the file it will monitor. This object is tied to that file...whether it will be a static or dynamic source of raw twee data
In [2]:
from src.preprocess import Preprocess
In [3]:
pre = Preprocess('./tweet_input/tweets.txt')
Let's say that file got updated with fresh tweets at the end, but still had the old tweets inside. If we extract with the overwrite=False
flag, the Preprocessing object tracks where it left off, and skips ahead to ONLY read in new tweets. This let's us use the preprocessor even on live-streamed data. HashStream is very scalable!
Since the example tweets.txt
file hasn't changed, there shouldn't be anything added:
In [4]:
Another important feature of the preprocessor is it's use of Pandas, which gives us an R style dataframe for manipulation as we please...and its handling of timestamps and slicing is amazing! Access this dataframe with Preprocess.df
In [5]:
print len(pre.df.index)
If we want the average number of hashtags for all tweets in storage, that's easy!
In [6]:
np.mean([len(i) for i in pre.df.hashtags])
In [7]:
import src.analysis as hs
Remember that we are building graphs from the shared hashtags among edge between hastags means they occured together (in the same tweet) at some point in the time window .
The get_graphs()
function will do just that. Specify a starting tweet and an ending tweet (for 1 tweet, --> start, start+1). None of the tweets before No. 4 returned any hashtags so let's see what tweet 4 gives us:
In [8]:
tweet_no = 4
g = hs.get_graphs(pre.df, tweet_no,tweet_no+1, window=10.)
print len(g)
Cool, huh? All are connected because they all were in the 4th tweet. Note the draw_lifted()
function, which draws the graph with labels 'lifted' above the node. THIS NEEDS MATPLOTLIB!
Now lets add 100 tweets and see what's what.
In [9]:
tweet_no = 4+100
g = hs.get_graphs(pre.df, tweet_no,tweet_no+1, window=10.)
print len(g)
Ok, so what's really going on under the hood, is a python generator that calculated the proper time window and graph structure on the fly. the rolled_graph_gen()
function is the direct way to make a custom generator.
Start and end at whatever tweet you like (defaults are beginning and ending of the input dataframe). Then pick your time window to smooth the graphs a bit. I like 10 seconds, so let's check out what happens after the 8000th tweet:
In [10]:
graph_gen = hs.rolled_graph_gen(pre.df, start=8000, window=10.)
Cool. Now, the g_stats()
function will calculate any statistics you want, by passing in functions that can take NetworkX graphs as input and output a value. Put as many as you like, and the statistics are saved as columns in the output array.
Also, using a savename='path/to/file.txt'
kwarg will creat a .txt to save your desired statistics! Hashstream has a mean_deg()
utility function to calculate the mean degree of the hashtag nodes in a graph, but it's easy to define and use your own.
In [11]:
# quick function to extract the timestamp for each graph
get_times = lambda g: g.graph['time']
X = hs.g_stats(graph_gen, hs.mean_deg, get_times)
If tqdm
is installed, you should get a nice looking progress bar as the generator creates graphs for the stats function on the fly. If not, wait a little bit until it finishes.
Now, it's easy to see what the last thousand or so tweets are doing.
In [12]:
degrees, times = X[:,0], X[:,1]
Since this is built on Pandas dataframes, it's also easy to plot vs. time! Since our dataset is only resolved to seconds, there will of course be some overlap, so we'll use dots instead.
In [13]:
plt.plot(times, degrees, '.')
# X.shape
It's easy to check out the distributions of the data with packages like Seaborn or your plotting package of choice.
In [14]:
In [15]:
graph_list = hs.get_graphs(pre.df, window=10.)
Now we can directly access the graph objects and all of their attributes at once! For example, the first graph recorded (which we saw before).
In [16]:
Now, we can pass the graph list (instead of a generator) into the stats function. What does the MOST connected (on average) graph look like? The LEAST?
In [17]:
X = hs.g_stats(graph_list, hs.mean_deg, get_times)
degrees, times = X[:,0], X[:,1]
g = graph_list[np.argmax([degrees])]
In [18]:
g = graph_list[np.argmin([degrees])]
The twitter API is not currenly implemented into HashStream, though that is planned for the future. But, if you set up the input file (being tracked by the preprocessor) to change, it's really easy to write a loop to continuously track the mean degree. Here's an example:
pre = Preprocessing('path/to/raw/data.txt')
pos = len(pre.df.index)
gen = hs.rolled_graph_gen(pre.df)
degs = hs.g_stats(gen, hs.mean_deg).tolist()
while True:
gen = hs.rolled_graph_gen(pre.df, start=pos)
degs += hs.g_stats(gen, hs.mean_deg).tolist()
pos = len(pre.df.index)
This will let you send the degrees to something like the streaming API.