Reproduce HR diagrams from Gaia Data Release 1 paper

(Gaia Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties)

TAP requests have been slightly modified to be executed on CDS TAP service (mostly changes of tables names)

In [215]:
def query_TAP(tap_endpoint, adql_query, table_to_upload=None):
    Query a TAP service (designated by its tap_endpoint)
    with a given ADQL query
    Query is performed synchronously
    Return an AstroPy Table object
    import requests
    from astropy.table import Table
    from import parse_single_table
    import os
    import tempfile
    import warnings
    r = + '/sync', data={'query': adql_query, 'request': 'doQuery', 'lang': 'adql', 'format': 'votable', 'phase': 'run'})
    #with warnings.catch_warnings():
    tmp_vot = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False)
    with open(, 'w') as h:
        for line in r.iter_lines():
            if line:

    table = parse_single_table(

    # finally delete temp files

    return table

def plot_scatter_density(data, xcol, ycol, xlabel, ylabel, title, xlim=None, ylim=None):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib
    %matplotlib inline
    from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
    import numpy as np

    x = np.reshape(np.array(data[xcol], copy=False).astype('float'), (len(data['B-V'])))
    y = np.reshape(np.array(data[ycol], copy=False).astype('float'), len(data['B-V']))

    xy = np.vstack([x,y])
    z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)
    # Sort the points by density, so that the densest points are plotted last
    idx = z.argsort()
    x, y, z = x[idx], y[idx], z[idx]
    w = h = 8
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (w, h))
    if xlim:
    if ylim:
    ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=2, edgecolor='', cmap='viridis')

In [207]:
endpoint = ''
adql = """SELECT gaia.source_id, gaia.hip,
                 gaia.phot_g_mean_mag+5*log10(gaia.parallax)-10 as g_mag_abs_gaia,
                 gaia.phot_g_mean_mag+5*log10(hip.plx)-10 as g_mag_abs_hip,
          FROM "I/337/tgas" AS gaia
          INNER JOIN "I/311/hip2" as hip
          ON gaia.hip = hip.HIP
          WHERE gaia.parallax/gaia.parallax_error >= 5 AND
          hip.Plx/hip.e_Plx >= 5 AND
          hip."e_B-V" > 0.0 and hip."e_B-V" <= 0.05 AND
          (2.5/log(10))*(gaia.phot_g_mean_flux_error/gaia.phot_g_mean_flux) <= 0.05

result = query_TAP(endpoint, adql)
print('%d sources retrieved' % (len(result)))

43564 sources retrieved

Figure 3a

In [216]:
plot_scatter_density(result, 'B-V', 'g_mag_abs_hip', '(B-V)', r'$M_G$', 'HR diagram (Hipparcos)', xlim=(-0.2, 2), ylim=(-4, 13))

Figure 3b

In [218]:
plot_scatter_density(result, 'B-V', 'g_mag_abs_gaia', '(B-V)', r'$M_G$', 'HR diagram (Gaia DR1)', xlim=(-0.2, 2), ylim=(-4, 13))