Task 1

Install/Open Julia using one of the mentioned options.

Task 2

Calculate the solution of $$x - 10 + e^\pi = \sin(2.5)$$

In [1]:


Task 3

Calculate the exact value of y for $$ y = \frac13 + \frac35 + \frac57 + \frac{7}{11} + \frac{11}{13} $$ and convert the exact value to a floating point number.

In [4]:
y = 1//3 + 3//5 + 5//7 + 7//11 + 11//13


Task 4

Create a string according to the following template and replace any occurence of '?' with the appropriate value.

"For x = 4.2 it holds that $\sin(x/2*\pi)$ = ? and $\cos(x/3*\pi)$ = ?"

In [8]:
"For x = 4.2 it holds that sin(x/2*π) = $(sin(4.2/2*π)) and cos(x/3*π) = $(cos(4.2/3*π))"

"For x = 4.2 it holds that sin(x/2*π) = 0.3090169943749472 and cos(x/3*π) = -0.30901699437494756"

Task 5

We picked up the following encrypted message from a super secret agency who must not be named.


Fortunately we recently aquired the instructions how to decipher the message. The required steps have to be performed in the given order and are as follows:

  • convert numbers to letters
    • 1 -> l, 3 -> e, 5 -> s
    • remove all remaining numbers
  • remove n letters in front of vowels with n being:
    • 2 for a,u
    • 3 for o,e,i
  • replace za and zc with spaces

Decipher the message.

Hint: r"[aou]" matches the vowels a,o or u. r".{3}" matches any three characters.

In [ ]:
riddle = replace("What demands an  answer,  but asks no  questions?","  ","za")
riddle = replace(riddle," ","zc")
riddle = replace(riddle,r"([au])",s"cl\1")
riddle = replace(riddle,r"([oei])",s"nth\1")
riddle = replace(riddle,"l","1")
riddle = replace(riddle,"e","3")
riddle = replace(riddle,"s","5")
riddle = replace(riddle,"1","l")
riddle = replace(riddle,"3","e")
riddle = replace(riddle,"5","s")
riddle = replace(riddle,r".{2}([au])",s"\1")
riddle = replace(riddle,r".{3}([oei])",s"\1")
riddle = replace(riddle,r"z[ac]"," ")

Task 6

Find a string for which the regular expression r"bb|[^b]{2}" matches.

Bonus: What does this regular expression actually mean?

In [16]:
