In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
In [2]:
import pylab
import sys
import numpy as np
import seaborn
import re
import time
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import random
import cv2
import trackpy as tp
import ipywidgets as widgets
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from __future__ import print_function
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
In [3]:
import pytaxis.image
import pytaxis.proc
import pytaxis.plot
In [4]:
Set fontsize for figures.
In [5]:
font_size = 14
pylab.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_size)
pylab.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_size)
pylab.rc('font', size=font_size)
pylab.rc('lines', lw = 2, mew = 0.5, markersize = 8)
pylab.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 'medium'
pylab.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = font_size
In [6]:
In [7]:
current_palette = seaborn.color_palette("Set2", 10)
Library structure and data analysis workflow is shown here.
In [8]:
pixsize = 0.26 #size of the image pixel in microns
mnsize = 5 #minimal size of bacteria in pixels
mxsize = 250 #maximal size of bacteria in pixels
imdim = 2048 #size of the image in pixels
fps = 12.0 #video framerate
max_search_range = 45/(fps*pixsize) #maximum displacement of the bacteria
#between consequent frames in pixels
min_search_range = 10
min_len = 20 #length cut-off for trajectories in frames
Detection is done in the image module of the pytaxis library.
I detect bacteria in each frame of a movie using the openCV computer vision library. Background frame is obtained by weighted accumulation of movie frames. Each movie frame is background-subtracted and converted to binary format, at which point bacteria can be detected as connected white pixels on the black background.
In [9]:
movie = '/home/perlusha/Work/2017/2017.10.07-Insight_demo/data/Rhodobacter_movie.avi'
First let's find background frame and make sure that default settings make sense.
Number of frames used for accumulation is defined by Nframes. Weight of each individual frame is determined by alpha.
In [10]:
background, frame = pytaxis.image.test_detection(movie,
mnsize = mnsize,
mxsize = mxsize,
Nframes = 300,
alpha = 0.005,
show = True)
Now we are going to detect bacteria in every frame of the movie. This function also plots number of bacteria vs frame number for testing purposes.
In [11]:
coords, img = pytaxis.image.find_cells_video(movie,
maxframe = 200,
mnsize = mnsize,
mxsize = mxsize,
write = False)
Coords is a dataframe with coordinates, lengths and angles of every feature found in every frame of the movie. That is the input format for the next stages of analysis - linking, calculating parameters etc, although only 'frame', 'x' and 'y' columns are necessary.
In [12]:
Coordinates are linked into trajectories using linking function from trackPy library.
The basic idea is that for each particle or bacteria in $i$th frame the algorithm looks for its counterpart in $i+1$th frame. For $N$ particles, this means evaluating $N!$ sets of pairs of bacteria and choosing the best configuration, the one in which the largest number of bacteria have a suitable pair. This problem becomes computationally expensive for a large number of particles. To limit the number of candidates, trackPy restricts its search to a region of a defined radius supplied by the user: the search range, centered on the particle position. I set the search range, which ideally should be larger than the maximum distance that bacteria can travel between frames, to $45/(fps ∗ pixel size)$ pixels, which corresponds to the tail of velocity distribution. I also allow for the possibility that bacteria might be missed for 1 frame, perhaps due to noise in the video, and then seen again.
I use the adaptive search option. If in a particular frame there are too many candidates within the search range (the default limit is 30) I allow reducing search range in small steps until there are few enough candidates and the linking becomes possible. This alsmost never happens at the densities that I use, but this option avoids halting the calculation.
In [13]:
traj = tp.link_df(coords,
search_range = max_search_range,
adaptive_stop = min_search_range,
memory = 1)
In addition to headers from 'coords' dataframe output of linking contains particle #.
In [14]:
In [15]:
pytaxis.plot.plot_traj_all(traj, imdim, pixsize)
Parameters calculation is done using proc module of the pytaxis library.
I calculate instantaneous velocity $\vec{v}$, acceleration $\vec{a}$, angle between velocity vectors $\theta$, angular velocity $\omega$, angular acceleration $\alpha$ as follows:
$\vec{v}_i = d\vec{r}_i/dt$
$\vec{a}_i = d\vec{v}_i/dt$
$\theta_i = arctan(v_{yi}/v_{xi})$
$\omega_i = d\theta_i/dt$
$\alpha_i = d\omega_i/dt$
In [16]:
pytaxis.proc.calc_params(traj, wind = 1, fps = fps, pix_size = pixsize)
Now in addition to coordinates we now have velocities and accelerations.
In [17]:
For further analysis short trajectories should be removed so before doing that let's look at the distribution of trajectory lengths.
In [18]:
def f(cutoff):
pytaxis.plot.traj_len_dist(traj, bw = 10, cutoffs = [cutoff])
plt.axvline(cutoff, color = 'black')
interactive_plot = interactive(f, cutoff=(10, 50))
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
Remove trajectories shorter than min_len. Needs to be set to at least 20 for tumble bias assignment.
In [19]:
traj = tp.filter_stubs(traj, threshold=20)
As you can see on this video along with normally swimming bacteria we get bacteria stuck to the glass surface. Trajectories that belong to stuck or drifting bacteria decrease signal-to-noise ratio, as their run-tumble statistics are not meaningful. I have developed the following procedure to filter such spurious trajectories.
For every trajectory, I calculate the average angular velocity and the 95th percentile of the velocity. The resulting two-dimensional distribution of trajectories in these coordinates contains two clusters: one corresponds to normally swimming bacteria, while the other contains trajectories of very slow or stuck bacteria. For each bacterial strain I have used, I find the coordinates of the maximum of the ’swimming’ cluster - the most probable values of angular velocity and the 95th percentile of velocity, - and keep only the trajectories that lie within a radius $R$ from the maximum of the distribution.
In [20]:
traj = pd.read_csv('/home/perlusha/Work/2017/2017.10.07-Insight_demo/data/Rhodobacter_traj_params.csv')
traj = tp.filter_stubs(traj, threshold=20)
For each trajectory I calculate statistics according to 'aggregations'.
In [24]:
aggregations = {'vel': lambda x: np.nanpercentile(x, 95),
'vel_angle': np.nanmean,
'frame': 'count'}
params4filtering = ['vel', 'vel_angle']
In [25]:
traj_stats = traj.groupby([u'particle'], as_index = False).agg(aggregations)
Essentially for each trajectories we calculate a set of numbers that are later used for filtering.
In [26]:
Find KDE, MADs and center of the main cluster in the new parameter space of trajectories.
In [27]:
(x0, y0), (MADx, MADy), (Z, extent) = pytaxis.proc.find_MADs_KDE(traj_stats[params4filtering[0]],
distances = pytaxis.proc.assign_dist(traj_stats, params = params4filtering, center = (x0, y0), R = (MADx, MADy))
layers = np.arange(max(distances), stop = 0, step = -1)
In [28]:
Plot resulsing KDE along with ellipses corresponding to certain distance from the center and example trajectories in each layer.
In [29]:
pytaxis.plot.plot_KDE(Z, extent, N_traj = len(traj_stats), tick_step = 1)
pytaxis.plot.plot_ellipses(plt.gca(), (MADx, MADy), (x0, y0), layers, colors = current_palette)
i = 0
traj2plot = []
for layer in np.sort(layers):
particles = traj_stats[((traj_stats.distance <= layer)&
(traj_stats.distance > layer - 1)&
(traj_stats.frame > 50))].particle
particles = random.sample(particles, min(100, len(particles)))
color = current_palette[i],
label = '')
traj2plot.append({'layer': layer, 'particles': particles})
i += 1
plt.plot(x0, y0, 'o', color = 'Red', markersize = 7, label = 'center')
plt.xlabel(r'95th percentile of the velocity, $\mu m/s$')
plt.ylabel(r'Average angular velocity, rad/s')
plt.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.8))
Now plot trajectories from each layer.
In [30]:
i = 0
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))
for i in range(len(traj2plot)):
particles = traj2plot[i]['particles']
pytaxis.plot.plot_traj_all(traj[traj.particle.isin(particles)].reset_index(drop = True),
imdim, pixsize)
plt.title('MAD {0}'.format(traj2plot[i]['layer']))
for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
Remove trajectories further than certain distance away from the center.
In [31]:
particles_filt = traj_stats[traj_stats.distance <= 4].particle.unique()
traj_filtered = traj[traj.particle.isin(particles_filt)].copy(deep = True)
In [32]:
traj_filtered = traj_filtered[~np.isnan(traj_filtered.acc_angle)]
traj_filtered.sort_values(by = ['particle', 'frame'], inplace=True)
Alternatively we can use MeanShift to detect clusters in the trajectory distribution.
MeanShift clustering aims to discover “blobs” in a smooth density of samples. It is a centroid-based algorithm, which works by updating candidates for centroids to be the mean of the points within a given region. These candidates are then filtered in a post-processing stage to eliminate near-duplicates to form the final set of centroids.
In [33]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize = (7, 7))
(MADx, MADy), (x0, y0), _, labels = pytaxis.proc.find_MADs_MeanShift(ax,
min_bin_freq = 100)
plt.xlabel(r'95th percentile of the velocity, $\mu m/s$')
plt.ylabel(r'Average angular velocity, rad/s')
Assigning motility states can be done using simple thresholding of motility parameters.
Thresholding criteria are based on the empirical observation that tumbles/stops corresponds to periods of slow swimming and fast reorientation and, therefore, high angular velocity. A tumble is detected when the swimming speed is below the threshold value and the angular velocity is above the threshold value. The threshold value for swimming velocity is different for each bacterial trajectory and is defined as 95th percentile of the velocity divided by 2. Threshold values for angular velocity were set to 5 rad/s.
In [34]:
traj_filtered = pytaxis.proc.calc_stat(traj_filtered, ['vel'],
[lambda x: np.nanpercentile(x, 95)/2], ['thresh'])
traj_filtered.loc[:, 'tbias_alon'] = 1
traj_filtered.loc[((traj_filtered.vel < traj_filtered.vel_thresh)&
(traj_filtered.vel_angle > 5)), 'tbias_alon'] = 0
Plot resulting distribution of parameters in run and tumble states.
In [35]:
run_tumble_palette = seaborn.xkcd_palette(['light red', 'cerulean'])
In [36]:
pytaxis.plot.dist_by_state(traj_filtered, 'tbias_alon', ('vel', 'vel_angle', 'acc_angle'),
palette = run_tumble_palette)
Let's test run-tumble assignment by looking more closely at one of the longer trajectories.
In [37]:
traj_lenghts = traj_filtered.groupby('particle', as_index=False)[['frame']].count()
tracks_long = traj_lenghts[traj_lenghts.frame > 300].particle.values
Plot trajectory.
In [38]:
pixsize, size = 8,
state = 'tbias_alon',
palette = run_tumble_palette)
red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[0], label='stop')
blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[1], label='run')
plt.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch])
Plot corresponding time traces of motility parameters.
In [39]:
pytaxis.plot.plot_params(traj_filtered, tracks_long[1],
pixsize, fps,
size = 15,
params = ['vel', 'vel_angle', 'acc_angle'],
colorbystate = True, state = 'tbias_alon',
palette = run_tumble_palette)
red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[0], label='stop')
blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[1], label='run')
plt.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch], loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.3, 3.2))
Motility state assignment is done in proc module of pytaxis library and uses Hidden Markov Model (HMM) implemented in hmmlearn package.
I use HMM with Gaussian emissions to infer the sequence of the hidden states from the sequence of the observable parameters - velocity, acceleration and angular acceleration, etc. Parameters of the model - the transition probability matrix and the emission probabilities of the observables - are estimated from a reference dataset. Training is done iteratively. At each iteration velocities and accelerations are normalized by average swimming velocity (the 95th percentile of the velocity is used on the first iteration), model parameters are estimated from the resulting sequence of observables, and optimal sequence of the states is inferred. The process is repeated until the change in normalized velocity between two consecutive iterations is below the treshold, which usually takes 3-5 iterations.
Load model for run-tumble detection. You can use trained model or train it on the current dataset as well.|
In [40]:
HMM_model = joblib.load('/home/perlusha/Work/2017/2017.02.22-HMM/060317/HMM_model_12:00.pkl')
Assign runs and tumbles.
In [41]:
_, traj_filtered = pytaxis.proc.find_tumbles(traj_filtered,
model = HMM_model,
params = ['vel'],
n_components = 2,
threshold = 1,
covariance_type = 'diag',
model_type = 'HMM')
Plot resulting distribution of parameters in run and tumble states.
In [42]:
pytaxis.plot.dist_by_state(traj_filtered, 'tbias_HMM', ('vel', 'vel_angle', 'acc_angle'),
palette = seaborn.xkcd_palette(['light red', 'cerulean']))
Let's test run-tumble assignment by looking at individual bacterial trajectories.
Plot trajectory.
In [43]:
pl = pytaxis.plot.plot_traj(traj_filtered,
pixsize, size = 8,
state = 'tbias_HMM',
palette = run_tumble_palette)
red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[0], label='stop')
blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[1], label='run')
plt.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch])
Plot corresponding time traces.
In [44]:
pytaxis.plot.plot_params(traj_filtered, tracks_long[1],
pixsize, fps,
size = 15,
params = ['vel', 'vel_angle', 'acc_angle'],
colorbystate = True, state = 'tbias_HMM',
palette = run_tumble_palette)
red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[0], label='stop')
blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=run_tumble_palette[1], label='run')
plt.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch], loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.3, 3.2))
Calculate time traces.
In [45]:
trace = traj_filtered.groupby(['frame'],
as_index = False)[['vel_angle', 'vel_run',
'tbias_HMM', 'vel']].agg(['mean', 'std', 'count'])
trace.reset_index(inplace = True)
Find times when light was turned on/off
In [46]:
light = traj_filtered[['light', 'frame']].groupby([u'frame'], as_index = False).agg(np.nanmean)
light.loc[:, 'light_change'] = light.light - light.light.shift(1)
frame_light_on = light[light.light_change > 0.001].frame.values[0]
frame_light_off = light[light.light_change < -0.001].frame.values[0]
Plot time traces
In [47]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (7, 3), sharex=True)
_ = pytaxis.plot.plot_trace(ax, wind = 10, shift = 5,
data = trace[['frame', 'tbias_HMM']], fps = fps,
color = current_palette[1], tbias = True)
plt.xlabel('Time, s')
plt.ylabel('Stop bias')
ax.fill_between([frame_light_on/fps, frame_light_off/fps],
[ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[0]],
[ax.get_ylim()[1], ax.get_ylim()[1]],
label = 'light on')
plt.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.4, 0.9))
As you can see there is little if any response to turning light on, however there is very strong response to turning light off.
First let's find run-tumble intervals.
In [48]:
traj_filtered['block'] = (traj_filtered.tbias_HMM.shift(1) != traj_filtered.tbias_HMM).astype(int).cumsum()
intervals = traj_filtered.reset_index().groupby(['tbias_HMM','block', 'particle'])['index'].apply(np.array)
intervals = pd.DataFrame(intervals)
In [49]:
Now we are ready to find actual run-tumble times.
In [50]:
tumbles = intervals[intervals.tbias_HMM == 0]['index'].apply(lambda x: len(x)).values/fps
runs = intervals[intervals.tbias_HMM == 1]['index'].apply(lambda x: len(x)).values/fps
Plot cumulative distribution of run and tumble times.
In [51]:
bins = np.arange(0, max(tumbles), 4)
plt.hist(tumbles, normed=1, bins = bins, cumulative=-1,
histtype='step',linewidth = 3, color = run_tumble_palette[0], label = 'stop/tumble')
plt.hist(runs, normed=1, bins = bins, cumulative=-1,
histtype='step',linewidth = 3, color = run_tumble_palette[1], label = 'run')
plt.ylabel('Fraction longer than \n given time')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.legend(loc = 1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.6, 1.0))
plt.annotate(r'$<\tau_t> =$ {0} $\pm$ {1} s'.format(round(np.mean(tumbles), 1), round(np.std(tumbles), 1)), xy = (0.1, 0.65),
xycoords = 'axes fraction', fontsize = 17, color = run_tumble_palette[0])
plt.annotate(r'$<\tau_r> =$ {0} $\pm$ {1} s'.format(round(np.mean(runs), 1), round(np.std(runs), 1)), xy = (0.1, 0.85),
xycoords = 'axes fraction', fontsize = 17, color = run_tumble_palette[1])
I have found that distributions of run and tumble durations are exponential at short intervals and deviate from exponential at longer intervals. Non-exponential run and tumble distributions suggest that bacterial motility does not obey simple two-state model which is not surprising given the complexiy of the underlying signalling patways.