In [2]:

combined-tagging-MC-all.ipynb	   tagging-vertex-MC-loss.ipynb
combined-tagging-MC.ipynb	   test.root
ICL-2017-kaggle-preparation.ipynb  track-tagging-MC.ipynb
MC-channels-check.ipynb		   training.root
old-tagging-MC.ipynb		   vertex-tagging-MC.ipynb
ss_os_training.ipynb		   vertex-tagging-MC-jets.ipynb

In [1]:
%pylab inline
figsize(8, 6)

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../")


In [3]:
import pandas
import numpy
from folding_group import FoldingGroupClassifier
from import LabeledDataStorage
from import ClassificationReport
from import RocAuc
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, roc_auc_score

In [4]:
from utils import get_events_number, get_events_statistics

Reading initial data

In [5]:
import root_numpy
data = pandas.DataFrame(root_numpy.root2array('../datasets/MC/csv/WG/Bu_JPsiK/2012/Tracks.root'))

In [6]:

run event Bmass time i mult partP partPt ptB IPs ... Dist_phi N_sig_sw mu_cut e_cut K_cut MCID OS_SS xFlag K_MCID BOosc
0 2517778 1110804 5.272273 0.41804 0 12 10.10731 1.275867 3.046546 45.846935 ... 0.318931 0 0 0 1 -321 0 0 -1 0
1 2517778 1110804 5.272273 0.41804 1 12 12.52366 0.513155 3.046546 4.899704 ... 1.151553 0 0 0 0 211 0 0 -1 0
2 2517778 1110804 5.272273 0.41804 2 12 4.71373 0.597545 3.046546 3.352034 ... 0.544899 0 0 0 0 -211 -1 -1 -1 0
3 2517778 1110804 5.272273 0.41804 3 12 4.68713 0.243792 3.046546 102.329247 ... 0.395680 0 0 0 0 -211 0 0 -1 0
4 2517778 1110804 5.272273 0.41804 4 12 3.21920 0.612911 3.046546 1.016178 ... 0.269237 0 0 0 0 211 -1 -1 -1 0

5 rows × 41 columns

Data preprocessing:

Add necessary features:

  • #### define label = signB * signTrack

    • if > 0 (same sign) - label 1
    • if < 0 (different sign) - label 0
  • #### diff pt, min/max PID

Apply selections:

  • remove ghost tracks
  • loose slection on PID

In [9]:
from utils import data_tracks_preprocessing
data = data_tracks_preprocessing(data)

/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/rep_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  self.obj[key] = _infer_fill_value(value)
/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/rep_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  self.obj[item] = s
Initial statistics: {'parts': 33632195, 'Events': 1488891}
after  (ghostProb < 0.4)  selection, statistics: {'parts': 32813556, 'Events': 1488885}
after   ( (PIDNNk > 0.0) | (PIDNNm > 0.0) | (PIDNNe > 0.0) | (PIDNNpi > 0.0) | (PIDNNp > 0.0))   selection, statistics: {'parts': 32808324, 'Events': 1488885}

In [11]:
', '.join(data.columns)

'run, event, Bmass, time, i, mult, partP, partPt, ptB, IPs, IP, IPerr, partlcs, EOverP, ghostProb, IPPU, nnkrec, PIDNNk, PIDNNpi, PIDNNp, PIDNNm, PIDNNe, diff_eta, diff_phi, phi, eta, proj, ID, veloch, signB, signTrack, Dist_phi, N_sig_sw, mu_cut, e_cut, K_cut, MCID, OS_SS, xFlag, K_MCID, BOosc, group_column, event_id, diff_pt, cos_diff_phi, max_PID_mu_k, sum_PID_mu_k, max_PID_mu_e, sum_PID_mu_e, max_PID_k_e, sum_PID_k_e, label'

define all number of events

In [12]:
from utils import compute_N_B_events_MC
N_B_events = compute_N_B_events_MC('../datasets/MC/csv/WG/Bu_JPsiK/2012/Tracks.root',


In [13]:
import json
with open('../models/JPsiKMC.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump({'N_B_events': N_B_events}, f)

Tracks sum of charges asymmetry study

define regions OS, SS

In [14]:
os_region_mask = (data.IPs > 3) & ((abs(data.diff_eta) > 0.6) | (abs(data.diff_phi) > 0.825))
ss_region_mask = (abs(data.diff_eta) < 0.6) & (abs(data.diff_phi) < 0.825) & (data.IPs < 3)

define particles types regions

In [15]:
e_mask = numpy.abs(data.MCID) == 11
mu_mask = numpy.abs(data.MCID) == 13
k_mask = numpy.abs(data.MCID) == 321
pi_mask = numpy.abs(data.MCID) == 211
p_mask = numpy.abs(data.MCID) == 2212

In [16]:
from utils import compute_sum_of_charges
means_sum_of_charges = [compute_sum_of_charges(data[mask], name, bins=21, show_with_signal=False) 
                        for mask, name in zip([data.signB > -100, os_region_mask, ss_region_mask], 
                                              ['full', 'OS', 'SS'])]

In [17]:
means_sum_of_charges_by_particle = [compute_sum_of_charges(data[mask], name, bins=21, show_with_signal=False) 
                                    for mask, name in zip([e_mask, mu_mask, k_mask, pi_mask, p_mask], 
                                                          ['e', 'mu', 'K', 'pi', 'p'])]

In [18]:
means_sum_of_charges_by_particle_os = [compute_sum_of_charges(data[mask & (data.OS_SS == -1)], 
                                                              name, bins=21, show_with_signal=False) 
                                       for mask, name in zip([e_mask, mu_mask, k_mask, pi_mask, p_mask], 
                                                             ['e', 'mu', 'K', 'pi', 'p'])]

In [19]:
means_sum_of_charges_by_particle_ss = [compute_sum_of_charges(data[mask & (data.OS_SS != -1)], 
                                                              name, bins=21, show_with_signal=False) 
                                       for mask, name in zip([e_mask, mu_mask, k_mask, pi_mask, p_mask], 
                                                             ['e', 'mu', 'K', 'pi', 'p'])]

In [20]:

$B^+$ $B^-$ ROC AUC name
0 0.301028 -0.766497 0.585087 full
0 0.040453 -0.290346 0.541318 OS
0 0.149837 -0.181529 0.566993 SS

In [21]:

$B^+$ $B^-$ ROC AUC name
0 0.029217 -0.020681 0.511974 e
0 0.069144 -0.077903 0.536140 mu
0 0.172858 -0.299909 0.591501 K
0 0.226336 -0.295750 0.549268 pi
0 -0.140544 -0.216291 0.516964 p

In [22]:

$B^+$ $B^-$ ROC AUC name
0 0.088479 -0.087012 0.545231 e
0 0.151543 -0.152729 0.578819 mu
0 0.512594 -0.534809 0.774959 K
0 0.057672 -0.055855 0.525310 pi
0 0.157646 -0.393957 0.661428 p

In [23]:

$B^+$ $B^-$ ROC AUC name
0 0.007467 0.002491 0.501260 e
0 0.022943 -0.033860 0.513978 mu
0 0.016255 -0.142403 0.532115 K
0 0.195060 -0.265316 0.545556 pi
0 -0.151241 -0.199423 0.510874 p

Calculating tagging efficiency ($\epsilon_{tag}$)

$$\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{N (\text{passed selection})} {N (\text{all events})}$$$$\Delta\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{\sqrt{N (\text{passed selection})}} {N (\text{all events})}$$

In [24]:
N_B_passed = float(get_events_number(data))
tagging_efficiency = N_B_passed / N_B_events
tagging_efficiency_delta = sqrt(N_B_passed) / N_B_events
tagging_efficiency, tagging_efficiency_delta

(0.99999597015496766, 0.00081953531474227297)

Main idea:

find tracks, which can help reconstruct the sign of B if you know track sign.

label = signB * signTrack

  • the highest output means that this is same sign B as track
  • the lowest output means that this is opposite sign B than track

Define features

In [25]:
features = ['cos_diff_phi', 'diff_pt', 'partPt', 'partP', 'nnkrec', 'diff_eta', 'EOverP', 
            'ptB', 'sum_PID_mu_k', 'proj', 'PIDNNe', 'sum_PID_k_e', 'PIDNNk', 'sum_PID_mu_e', 'PIDNNm',
            'phi', 'IP', 'IPerr', 'IPs', 'veloch', 'max_PID_k_e', 'ghostProb', 
            'IPPU', 'eta', 'max_PID_mu_e', 'max_PID_mu_k', 'partlcs']

PID pairs scatters

In [26]:
from itertools import combinations
figure(figsize=[15, 16])
bins = 60
step = 3
for i, (feature1, feature2) in enumerate(combinations(['PIDNNk', 'PIDNNm', 'PIDNNe', 'PIDNNp', 'PIDNNpi'], 2)):
    subplot(4, 3, i + 1)
    Z, (x, y) = numpy.histogramdd(data[[feature1, feature2]].values, bins=bins, range=([0, 1], [0, 1]))
    pcolor(numpy.log(Z).T, vmin=0)
    xticks(numpy.arange(bins, step), x[::step]), yticks(numpy.arange(bins, step), y[::step])

count of tracks

In [27]:
figure(figsize=(10, 6))

_, n_tracks_all = numpy.unique(data['event_id'], return_counts=True)
hist(n_tracks_all, bins=100, range=(0, 101))    
title('Number of tracks')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f028affa610>

Train to distinguish same sign vs opposite sign

In [28]:
from decisiontrain import DecisionTrainClassifier
from rep.estimators import SklearnClassifier
from hep_ml.losses import LogLossFunction

In [29]:
data_sw_passed_lds = LabeledDataStorage(data, data.label)

small XGB for testing

In [ ]:
from rep.estimators import XGBoostClassifier
xgb = FoldingGroupClassifier(XGBoostClassifier(subsample=), n_folds=2, random_state=321, 
                             train_features=features, group_feature='group_column')


In [30]:
loss_function = LogLossFunction(regularization=100)
tt_base = DecisionTrainClassifier(learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=4000, depth=6,
                                  max_features=15, n_threads=12, loss=loss_function)
tt_folding = FoldingGroupClassifier(SklearnClassifier(tt_base), n_folds=2, random_state=321, 
                                    train_features=features, group_feature='group_column')
%time tt_folding.fit_lds(data_sw_passed_lds)

CPU times: user 3h 1min 26s, sys: 44min 13s, total: 3h 45min 39s
Wall time: 1h 54min 12s

In [31]:
import cPickle
with open('../models/dt_MC.pkl', 'w') as f:
    cPickle.dump(tt_folding, f)

In [32]:
comparison_report = tt_folding.test_on_lds(data_sw_passed_lds)

KFold prediction using folds column

In [33]:

OrderedDict([('clf', 0.51693494266116635)])

In [34]:


In [35]:


In [36]:
from import RocAuc
comparison_report.learning_curve(RocAuc(), steps=1)

KFold prediction using folds column


In [37]:
from utils import calibrate_probs, get_B_data_for_given_part
from utils import plot_calibration

track calibration

In [38]:
p_track_calibrated, calibrator_tracks = calibrate_probs(data.label.values, data.N_sig_sw.values, 
                                                        tt_folding.predict_proba(data)[:, 1],

KFold prediction using folds column

In [39]:
roc_auc_score(data.label, p_track_calibrated)


In [40]:
plot_calibration(p_track_calibrated, data.label.values)

p(B) calibration

In [42]:
Bsign, Bweight, Bprob, Bevent, auc_full = get_B_data_for_given_part(p_track_calibrated, data, 
                                                                    N_B_events, logistic=True)

AUC for tagged: 0.661654092848 AUC with untag: 0.661653705538

In [43]:
Bprob_calibrated, calibrator_B = calibrate_probs(Bsign, Bweight, Bprob, symmetrize=True)

In [68]:
Bprob_calibrated_log, calibrator_B_log = calibrate_probs(Bsign, Bweight, Bprob, symmetrize=True, logistic=True)

mistag calibration check

In [45]:
from utils import compute_mistag
bins = [0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45]
percentile_bins = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

In [46]:
figsize(12, 10)
compute_mistag(Bprob, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign > -100, label="$B$", uniform=False,
compute_mistag(Bprob, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign == 1, label="$B^+$", uniform=False, 
compute_mistag(Bprob, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign == -1, label="$B^-$", uniform=False, 
legend(loc='best'),  xlabel('mistag probability'), ylabel('true mistag probability')
title('B prob, percentile bins')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0274c71a10>

In [47]:
figsize(12, 10)
compute_mistag(Bprob_calibrated, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign > -100, label="$B$", uniform=False,
compute_mistag(Bprob_calibrated, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign == 1, label="$B^+$", uniform=False, 
compute_mistag(Bprob_calibrated, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign == -1, label="$B^-$", uniform=False, 
legend(loc='best'),  xlabel('mistag probability'), ylabel('true mistag probability')
title('B prob, percentile bins')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f028d206250>

In [48]:
figsize(12, 10)
compute_mistag(Bprob_calibrated_log, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign > -100, label="$B$", uniform=False,
compute_mistag(Bprob_calibrated_log, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign == 1, label="$B^+$", uniform=False, 
compute_mistag(Bprob_calibrated_log, Bsign, Bweight, Bsign == -1, label="$B^-$", uniform=False, 
legend(loc='best'),  xlabel('mistag probability'), ylabel('true mistag probability')
title('B prob, percentile bins')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f027496c610>

In [49]:
plot_calibration(Bprob_calibrated, Bsign > 0)

In [63]:
hist(Bprob_calibrated_log[Bsign == 1], normed=True, alpha=0.5, bins=100)
hist(Bprob_calibrated_log[Bsign == -1], normed=True, alpha=0.5, bins=100);

In [64]:
hist(Bprob_calibrated[Bsign == 1], normed=True, alpha=0.5, bins=100, range=(0, 1))
hist(Bprob_calibrated[Bsign == -1], normed=True, alpha=0.5, bins=100, range=(0, 1));

In [50]:
with open('../models/calibrator_tracks_MC.pkl', 'w') as f:
    cPickle.dump(calibrator_tracks, f)
with open('../models/calibrator_B_MC.pkl', 'w') as f:
    cPickle.dump(calibrator_B, f)

In [69]:
with open('../models/calibrator_B_MC_log.pkl', 'w') as f:
    cPickle.dump(calibrator_B_log, f)

Save model for combination with vertex

In [53]:
from utils import prepare_B_data_for_given_part

In [54]:
Bdata_prepared = prepare_B_data_for_given_part(tt_folding, [data], logistic=True, N_B_events=N_B_events)
Bdata_prepared.to_csv('../models/Bdata_tracks_MC.csv', header=True, index=False)

KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.661580935325 AUC with untag: 0.661580547942

In [55]:
from utils import predict_by_estimator
part_data, part_prob = predict_by_estimator(tt_folding, [data])
pandas.DataFrame({'label': part_data.label.values,
                  'weight': part_data.N_sig_sw, 
                  'part_prob': part_prob,
                  'OS_SS': part_data.OS_SS,
                  'xFlag': part_data.xFlag}).to_csv('../models/part_tracks_MC.csv', header=True, index=False)

KFold prediction using folds column

Bootstrap effective efficiency estimation

In [ ]:
from utils import get_result_with_bootstrap_for_given_part
result = get_result_with_bootstrap_for_given_part(tagging_efficiency, tagging_efficiency_delta, tt_folding, 
                                                  [data], 'tt-log', logistic=True, N_B_events=N_B_events, 
result.to_csv('../img/tracks_MC.csv', index=False, header=True)

KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.661580935325 AUC with untag: 0.661580547942

In [57]:

name $\epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $D^2$ $\Delta D^2$ $\epsilon, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon, \%$ AUC, with untag $\Delta$ AUC, with untag
0 tt-log 99.999597 0.081954 0.082584 0.000009 8.258385 0.006827 66.158055 0