Here we provide code to reproduce the figures and tables in the paper "Mining Brand Perceptions from Twitter Social Networks," by Aron Culotta and Jennifer Cutler, published in Marketing Science.
The analysis requires data crawled from Twitter. To enable direct reproduction of our results, we have provided the social network data we have collected. Additionally, we have provided the code we used to collect such data, should you want to reproduce using data from a different time period or with a different set of brands. So, if you want to reproduce our figures exactly, you should run the Download Data section; otherwise, to collect new data, you should run the Collect Data cells.
Table of Contents
This notebook assumes you're using Python3.
All analysis uses Python. It uses our brandelion
library, which in turn depends on our twutil
To install python requirements, do:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To collect new data, you'll need to set your Twitter credentials as environmental variables (see twutil
's documentation).
Set the variable BRAND_DATA
below to be the path where all data will be stored. E.g.:
In [1]:
import os
BRAND_DATA = 'mksci-data'
!mkdir -p $BRAND_DATA
os.environ['BRANDELION_CFG'] = '.brandelion'
In [2]:
# Imports and global variables.
from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as scistat
import string
from tabulate import tabulate
import brandelion.cli.analyze as analyze
import as report
measures = ['cosine', 'jaccard', 'proportion']
subtypes = ['', '_weighted_avg', '_sqrt_no_weighted_avg', '_sqrt']
all_score_types = [m + s for m in measures for s in subtypes]
perceptions = [('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
('nutrition', ['food'])]
%matplotlib inline
In [9]:
# Download the original source data (~333M zipped, ~771M unzipped)
try: # python3
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
except: # python2
from urllib import urlretrieve
data_url = ''
zipfile = BRAND_DATA + '/mksci-data.tgz'
print('downloading %s to %s' % (data_url, zipfile))
urlretrieve(data_url, zipfile)
In [ ]:
# unzip
!tar xvf $zipfile -C $BRAND_DATA --strip-components=1
We collect Twitter follower information for a set of brands, as well as a set of exemplar accounts representing a particular perception dimension (e.g., the environment). (Note, please skip to Analysis section if you've already downloaded the original data above.)
In [66]:
def print_lines(filename):
nlines = !wc -l $filename
print('There are %s lines in %s' % (nlines[0].split()[0], filename))
print('\nThe first 5 are:')
!head -5 $filename
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/brands.txt')
For each brand, we collect up to 500K followers:
In [ ]:
# This will take a long time (~24 hours); we sleep when rate limit reached.
# Note that Twitter currently sorts results by recency, so you may get a slightly
# different follower list each time this is run.
# Note also that the brandelion output format has changed slightly since we originally collected the data, so
# we have modified the brand_followers.txt files accordingly to reflect that new format.
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/brands.txt -o $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt -m 500000
# Unzip the followers file.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt.gz
In [20]:
def log_plot(filename, values, xlabel, ylabel, title):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize='20')
ax.tick_params(axis='both', pad=10)
plt.xlabel(xlabel, size='20')
plt.ylabel(ylabel, size='20')
plt.title(title, size='20')
plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_follower_distribution(filename, outfile, title):
brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(filename)
brand_follower_counts = sorted([len(followers) for followers in brand_followers.values()], reverse=True)
log_plot(outfile, brand_follower_counts, 'Rank', 'Num. Followers', title)
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers_unfiltered.txt', 'brand_follower_counts.pdf', 'Brand Followers')
In [22]:
def print_follower_stats(fname):
brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(fname)
print('%d total brands' % (len(brand_followers)))
print('%d total follow links' % (sum(len(x) for x in brand_followers.values())))
uniq_followers = set()
for f in brand_followers.values():
uniq_followers |= f
print('%d unique followers' % (len(uniq_followers)))
In [23]:
# Print stats restricted to the 168 brands retained after survey filters.
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers.txt')
In [24]:
# Print stats for all original brands (excepting a few whose twitter handles have changed)
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers_unfiltered.txt')
We consider three dimensions of perception: Environment, Nutrition, and Luxury. We will score brands based on their alignment with each perception dimension.
To do so, we first collect a list of Twitter accounts that are representative of each perception dimension. We call these exemplars.
These are collected by searching Twitter for the top 20 lists matching a keyword (e.g., "environment", "nutrition", etc.), then keeping accounts that appear on at least two lists.
In [25]:
# First, let's make subdirectories for each perception type.
!mkdir -p $BRAND_DATA/eco $BRAND_DATA/nutrition $BRAND_DATA/luxury
In [ ]:
# Collect Environment exemplars using the search term "environment."
!brandelion collect --exemplars -q environment --output $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplars.txt
In [41]:
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplars.txt')
In [ ]:
# Collect Nutrition exemplars.
!brandelion collect --exemplars -q nutrition --output $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplars.txt
In [42]:
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplars.txt')
In [ ]:
# Collect Luxury exemplars.
!brandelion collect --exemplars -q luxury --output $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt
In [30]:
# Remove BMWGroup from luxury exemplars, since very similar to bmwusa in brands.txt
!cat $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt | egrep -iv bmwgroup > $BRAND_DATA/luxury/tmp
!mv -f $BRAND_DATA/luxury/tmp $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt
In [43]:
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplars.txt')
In [44]:
# If some exemplars are on the brands list, we remove them.
!cat $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt $BRAND_DATA/brands.txt | sort | uniq -d > $BRAND_DATA/luxury/dups
if(len(open(BRAND_DATA+'/luxury/dups').readlines()) > 0):
!egrep -vf $BRAND_DATA/luxury/dups $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt > $BRAND_DATA/luxury/.tmp
!mv $BRAND_DATA/luxury/.tmp $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplars.txt')
Next, we collect up to 50k followers of each exemplar.
In [ ]:
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplars.txt -o $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplar_followers.txt.gz -m 50000
# unzip results.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplar_followers.txt.gz
In [45]:
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt', 'eco_follower_counts.pdf', 'Eco-friendliness')
In [179]:
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt')
In [ ]:
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplars.txt -o $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt.gz -m 50000
# unzip results.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt.gz
In [46]:
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt', 'nutrition_follower_counts.pdf', 'Nutrition')
In [47]:
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt')
In [ ]:
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt -o $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt.gz -m 50000
# unzip results.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt.gz
In [48]:
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt', 'luxury_follower_counts.pdf', 'Luxury')
In [49]:
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt')
In [53]:
def example_overlap():
brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers.txt')
eco_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt')
all_eco = set()
for f in eco_followers.values():
print('%d total exemplar followers' % len(all_eco))
print('\t'.join(['brand', 'nfoll', 'match', 'pct']))
for brand, followers in brand_followers.items():
overlap = len(followers & all_eco)
print('%20s\t%d\t%d\t%.4g' % (brand, len(followers), overlap, 1. * overlap / len(followers)))
In [4]:
In [ ]:
def compute_all_scores():
score_types = all_score_types
print('computing perception scores using functions:\n', score_types)
perceptions = ['eco', 'nutrition', 'luxury']
for perception in perceptions:
for score_type in score_types:
!brandelion analyze -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
--exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/$perception/exemplar_followers.txt \
--network-method $score_type -o $BRAND_DATA/$perception/default/$score_type\.txt
In [69]:
# The results are now here:
!echo eco
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/eco/default/*.txt
!echo '\n' nutrition
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/default/*.txt
!echo '\n' luxury
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/luxury/default/*.txt
In [72]:
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/*/survey/*txt
In [79]:
# for pretty printing
def prty(s):
s = s.capitalize()
d = {'Eco': 'Eco-Friendly',
'Food': 'Food & Bev.',
'Personal_care': 'Pers. Care'
if s in d:
return d[s]
return s
In [80]:
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
def make_boxplots(survey_path, title, axis):
""" Print boxplots for each sector for one perception. """
files = [f for f in glob.glob(survey_path + '/*txt')]
data = []
xticks = []
for fi, survey_file in enumerate(files):
data.append([float(l.split()[1]) for l in open(survey_file)])
axis.set_xticklabels([prty(x) for x in xticks], rotation=90, size=12)
#axis.set_xticklabels(range(1, len(xticks)+1), xticks)
axis.set_title(title, size=14)
figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=False, sharey=True, figsize=(9, 4))
make_boxplots(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/survey', 'Eco-Friendliness', axes[0])
make_boxplots(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/survey', 'Luxury', axes[1])
make_boxplots(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/survey', 'Nutrition', axes[2])
axes[0].set_ylabel('Survey Ratings', size=14)
plt.savefig('surveys.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [86]:
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import math
from tabulate import tabulate
import as report
def evaluate(version, score_types, perceptions, doplot=True):
""" Evaluate the social scores against survey responses.
Computes correlation, plots scatter plots, and prints table.
version........Name of the version of the analysis (e.g., 'default', or 'cutoff=5').
This is the name of the directory where the scores are located.
score_types....List of names of network scoring types to evaluate (e.g., ['jaccard', 'rarity'])
perceptions....List of (perception, [apparel_list]) tuples, e.g., [('eco', ['food', 'car']), ('nutrition', ['food'])]
table = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for score_type in score_types:
headers = ['method']
for score_type in score_types:
for perception, sectors in perceptions:
for sector in sectors:
name = perception + '-' + sector
if name not in headers:
# print perception, sector, score_type
scores = report.read_scores('%s/%s/%s/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, version, score_type))
validation = report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, sector))
report_dir = '%s/%s/%s/reports/%s/%s' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, version, score_type, sector)
# print report_dir
corr = report.validate(scores, validation,
'%s %s %s' % (perception, sector, score_type),
report_dir, doplot)
# print tabulate(table.values(), headers=headers, tablefmt="latex_booktabs")
print(tabulate(table.values(), headers=headers + ['average'], tablefmt='pipe'))
return table
In [88]:
import scipy.stats as scistat
import string
def make_main_results_subfigure(axis, perception, sector, score_type, label_dict=dict(), remove_outliers=0):
remove_outliers....remove the top N values according to survey results.
name = prty(perception) + ' / ' + prty(sector)
scores = report.read_scores('%s/%s/%s/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, 'default', score_type))
validation = report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, sector))
if remove_outliers > 0:
validation = dict(sorted(validation.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[:-remove_outliers])
keys = validation.keys()
predicted = [scores[k] for k in keys]
truth = [validation[k] for k in keys]
corr = scistat.pearsonr(predicted, truth)
print(name, corr)
axis.set_title('%s\nr(%d)=%.2f' % (name, len(truth)-2, corr[0]))
axis.set_ylim((min(predicted)-.001, max(predicted)+.001))
axis.set_xlim((min(truth)-.1, max(truth)+.1))
fit = np.polyfit(truth, predicted, 1)
fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
tr_extrema = [min(truth),max(truth)]
axis.plot(tr_extrema,fit_fn(tr_extrema),'b--', linewidth=2, color='#9C9C9C')
axis.plot(truth, predicted, 'bo', alpha=.5)
for x, y, label in zip(truth, predicted, keys):
if label in label_dict:
axis.annotate(label_dict[label], xy=(x, y), xytext=(2, 2),
textcoords='offset points', size='12',
bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.0', edgecolor='white',
fc='white', alpha=0.2))
axis.locator_params(nbins=6, tight=True)
def make_main_results_figure():
score_type = 'jaccard_sqrt'
perceptions = [('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
('nutrition', ['food'])]
figure, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(12, 6))
axes = [x for x in itertools.chain(*axes)]
# Turn off unused axes
axisi = 0
for perception, sectors in perceptions:
for sector in sectors:
make_main_results_subfigure(axes[axisi], perception, sector, score_type, remove_outliers=0)
axisi += 1
plt.figtext(0.5,.04, 'Survey', fontdict={'fontsize':18}, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center')
axes[4].set_ylabel(' SPS', size=18)
plt.savefig('scatters.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [90]:
# Plot annotated graphs for cars.
def make_label_dict(handles, omit_labels):
d = {}
for h in handles:
d[h] = h.capitalize()
d['teslamotors'] = 'Tesla'
d['smartcarusa'] = 'Smart'
d['rollsroycecars'] = 'Rolls Royce'
d['bmwusa'] = 'BMW'
d['volvocarsus'] = 'Volvo'
d['mercedesbenz'] = 'Mercedes'
d['lincolnmotorco'] = 'Lincoln'
d['thisisgmc'] = 'GMC'
d['subaru_usa'] = 'Subaru'
d['miniusa'] = 'Mini'
d['bentleymotors'] = 'Bentley'
d['infinitiusa'] = 'Infiniti'
for k in omit_labels:
d.pop(k, None)
return d
omit_labels_eco = ['astonmartin', 'bentleymotors', 'maserati_hq', 'lexus', 'buick', 'dodge',
'acura', 'nissanusa', 'landrover', 'hyundai', 'jeep', 'mitsucars',
'scion', 'mazdausa', 'lincolnmotorco']
omit_labels_lux = ['honda', 'maserati_hq', 'lexus', 'buick', 'dodge',
'acura', 'nissanusa', 'landrover', 'hyundai', 'jeep', 'mitsucars',
'scion', 'mazdausa']
figure, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(8, 10))
ecocars = set(report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, 'eco', 'car')).keys())
make_main_results_subfigure(axes[0], 'eco', 'car', 'jaccard_sqrt', make_label_dict(ecocars, omit_labels_eco))
luxcars = set(report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, 'luxury', 'car')).keys())
make_main_results_subfigure(axes[1], 'luxury', 'car', 'jaccard_sqrt', make_label_dict(luxcars, omit_labels_lux))
axes[1].set_xlabel('Survey', size=18)
axes[0].set_ylabel('SPS', size=18)
axes[1].set_ylabel('SPS', size=18)
plt.savefig('zoomed.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [ ]:
results = evaluate('default',
[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
('nutrition', ['food'])])
In [92]:
# Print a tex table summarizing all results.
table_vals = results['jaccard'][1:] + results['jaccard_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['jaccard_sqrt_no_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['jaccard_sqrt'][1:] + \
results['cosine'][1:] + results['cosine_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['cosine_sqrt_no_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['cosine_sqrt'][1:] + \
results['proportion'][1:] + results['proportion_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['proportion_sqrt_no_weighted_avg'][1:] + \
outf = open('scores.tex', 'wt')
\multicolumn{2}{|c||}{} & \multicolumn{4}{c||}{{\bf Eco-Friendliness}} & \multicolumn{2}{c||}{{\bf Luxury}} & {\bf Nutr.} & \\
{\bf Method} & {\bf Variant} & {\bf Appar.} & {\bf Car} & {\bf Food} & {\bf PC} & {\bf Appar.} & {\bf Car} & {\bf Food} & {\bf Avg.} \\
{\bf jaccard} & simp-avg & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & \underline{%.2f} & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& wt-avg & \underline{%.2f} & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& simp-avg, sqrt & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& {\bf wt-avg, sqrt} & \underline{{\bf %.2f}} & \underline{{\bf %.2f}} & \underline{{\bf %.2f}} & {\bf %.2f} & {\bf %.2f} & {\bf %.2f} & \underline{{\bf %.2f}} & \underline{{\bf %.2f}} \\
{\bf cosine} & simp-avg & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & \underline{%.2f} & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& wt-avg & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & \underline{%.2f} & %.2f & %.2f \\
& simp-avg, sqrt & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& wt-avg, sqrt & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & \underline{%.2f} \\
{\bf cnd-prob} & simp-avg & \underline{%.2f} & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& wt-avg & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& simp-avg, sqrt & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
& wt-avg, sqrt & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f & %.2f \\
""" % tuple(table_vals))
In [93]:
# Print table just for jaccard_sqrt
table_vals = results['jaccard_sqrt'][1:]
outf = open('jaccard_sqrt.tex', 'wt')
{\bf Attribute} & {\bf Sector} & {\bf r} & {\bf N}\\
Eco & Apparel & %.2f & 39 \\
& Car & %.2f & 37 \\
& Food \& Beverage & %.2f & 62 \\
& Personal Care & %.2f & 20 \\
Luxury & Apparel & %.2f & 47\\
& Car & %.2f & 37\\
Nutrition & Food \& Beverage & %.2f & 55\\
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{{\bf Average}} & %.2f & \\
""" % tuple(table_vals))
Here we perform a number of robustness checks (c.f., Section 7).
In [96]:
brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers.txt')
eco_exemplars = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt', blacklist=brand_followers.keys())
nut_exemplars = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt', blacklist=brand_followers.keys())
lux_exemplars = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt', blacklist=brand_followers.keys())
In [ ]:
import random
def get_corr(scores, validation):
keys = sorted(validation.keys())
keys = list(set(keys) & set(scores.keys()))
predicted = [scores[k] for k in keys]
truth = [validation[k] for k in keys]
return scistat.pearsonr(predicted, truth)[0]
def do_n_followers_expt(brands, exemplars, perception, categories, avg_corrs, n=5):
seeds = [12345, 54321, 11111, 22222]
thresholds = [0, 10000, 25000, 40000, 50000]
for seed in seeds:
print('perception=%s seed=%d' % (perception, seed))
for i, p in enumerate(thresholds):
if i == 0:
# get name of exemplars of correct size.
exemplars_valid = [k for k, v in exemplars.items() if len(v) > thresholds[i-1] and len(v) <= p]
print('thresh=%d, %d valid exemplars' % (p, len(exemplars_valid)))
# get subset
exemplars_sample = dict([(k, exemplars[k]) for k in random.sample(exemplars_valid, 5)])
print('%d sampled exemplars' % len(exemplars_sample))
# compute scores
scores = analyze.jaccard_sqrt(brands.items(), exemplars_sample)
print('computed %d brand scores' % len(scores))
# evaluate
for cat in categories:
surveys = report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, cat))
corr = get_corr(scores, surveys)
print('correlation with %s=%g' % (cat, corr))
perceptions = ['eco', 'nutrition', 'luxury']
avg_corrs = defaultdict(lambda: [])
do_n_followers_expt(brand_followers, eco_exemplars, 'eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care'], avg_corrs)
do_n_followers_expt(brand_followers, nut_exemplars, 'nutrition', ['food'], avg_corrs)
do_n_followers_expt(brand_followers, lux_exemplars, 'luxury', ['apparel', 'car'], avg_corrs)
In [97]:
for k, v in sorted(avg_corrs.items()):
print('%d %.2f' % (k, np.mean(v)))
thresholds = [10000, 25000, 40000, 50000]
plt.figure(figsize=(2.4, 2))
[np.mean(avg_corrs[p]) for p in thresholds],
yerr=[np.std(avg_corrs[p]) / math.sqrt(len(avg_corrs[p])) for p in thresholds],
#plt.plot(thresholds, avg_corrs, 'bo')
plt.xlabel('Number of followers per exemplar')
plt.ylabel('Survey correlation')
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major')
plt.xlim(9000, 51000)
thresh_names = ['0-10k', '10k-25k', '25k-40k', '40k-50k']
plt.xticks(thresholds, thresh_names, rotation=90)
locs, labels = plt.xticks()
plt.setp(labels, rotation=90)
plt.savefig('n_followers.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [ ]:
import math
import os
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
def do_sample_exemplars_expt_helper(percents, seeds, score_types, perceptions):
for seed in seeds:
for pct in percents:
expt_name = 'pct=%d' % pct
for perception, sectors in perceptions:
!mkdir -p $BRAND_DATA/$perception/nexemplars
for score_type in score_types:
!brandelion analyze -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
--exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/$perception/exemplar_followers.txt \
--network-method $score_type -o $BRAND_DATA/$perception/nexemplars/seed=$seed/$expt_name/$score_type\.txt \
--sample-exemplars $pct --seed $seed
def do_sample_exemplars_expt():
percents = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
seeds = [12345, 54321, 11111, 22222]
score_types = ['jaccard_sqrt']
perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
('nutrition', ['food'])]
do_sample_exemplars_expt_helper(percents, seeds, score_types, perceptions)
# Evaluate
avg_corrs = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for seed in seeds:
for pct in percents:
print('evaluating pct=%d' % pct)
res = evaluate('nexemplars/seed=%d/pct=%d' % (seed, pct),
perceptions, doplot=False)
avg_corrs[pct].append(np.mean([v for v in res.values()[0] if type(v) is not str]))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2.4, 2))
axis = plt.subplot(111)
plt.errorbar(percents, [np.mean(avg_corrs[p]) for p in percents],
yerr=[np.std(avg_corrs[p]) / math.sqrt(len(avg_corrs[p])) for p in percents],
plt.xlim((percents[0]-5, percents[-1]+5))
plt.xlabel('% of exemplars')
plt.ylabel('Survey correlation')
plt.xticks(percents, ['%6d' % int(x) for x in percents], rotation=90)
plt.savefig('n_exemplars.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Answer: More exemplars helps a bit, but the bigger conclusion appears to be the high variance. This suggests that which exemplars is more important than how many. E.g., selecting the best 10 exemplars is better than including all of them.
In [99]:
# List manually selected exemplars.
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/eco-nonprofit/exemplars.txt')
In [ ]:
# Compute scores.
score_types = ['jaccard_sqrt']
for score_type in score_types:
!brandelion analyze -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
--exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/eco-nonprofit/exemplar_followers.txt \
--network-method $score_type -o $BRAND_DATA/eco-nonprofit/default/$score_type\.txt
In [102]:
eco_nonprofit_results = evaluate('default', ['jaccard_sqrt'], [('eco-nonprofit', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care'])], True)
evaluate('default', ['jaccard_sqrt'], [('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care'])], True)
In [104]:
# Write tex table for eco results using charity navigator exemplars.
r = eco_nonprofit_results['jaccard_sqrt']
outf = open('charitynav_eco.tex', 'wt')
{\bf Attribute} & {\bf Sector} & {\bf r} & {\bf N}\\
Eco & Apparel & %.2f & 39 \\
& Car & %.2f & 37 \\
& Food \& Beverage & %.2f & 62 \\
& Personal Care & %.2f & 20 \\
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{{\bf Average}} & %.2f & \\
""" % (r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]))
Answer: Manual eco exemplars do a little bit better the auto-detected exemplars.
In [91]:
def do_correl_by_exemplar():
score_types = ['jaccard_sqrt']
perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
('nutrition', ['food'])]
for score_type in score_types:
for perception, sectors in perceptions:
for sector in sectors:
print(perception, sector)
!brandelion diagnose -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
--exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/$perception/exemplar_followers.txt \
--network-method $score_type -v $BRAND_DATA/$perception/survey/$sector\.txt \
--output $BRAND_DATA/$perception/diagnose/$sector\.txt
In [106]:
# Plot correlation by exemplar.
import itertools
import os
def plot_correl_by_exemplar():
perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
('nutrition', ['food'])]
figure, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, sharex=False, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 6))
axes = [x for x in itertools.chain(*axes)]
axi = 0
for perception, sectors in perceptions:
for sector in sectors:
ax = axes[axi]
fname = BRAND_DATA + '/' + perception + '/diagnose/' + sector + '.txt'
if os.path.isfile(fname):
data = [(l.split()[0], float(l.split()[1])) for l in open(fname, 'rt').readlines()[1:]]
data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: -x[1])
ax.set_title('%s / %s' % (prty(perception), prty(sector)))
ax.plot([d[1] for d in data], 'bo', ms=3)
# Add top accounts.
ax.text(.03, .61, data[0][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
ax.text(.03, .51, data[1][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
ax.text(.03, .41, data[2][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
ax.text(.33, .25, data[-3][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
ax.text(.33, .15, data[-2][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
ax.text(.33, .05, data[-1][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
axi += 1
plt.figtext(0.5,.04, 'Rank', fontdict={'fontsize':18}, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center')
axes[4].set_ylabel(' Correlation', size=18)
plt.savefig('exemplars.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Answer: Using only a single exemplar can do as well or better than using all exemplars. The problem is that we don't know ahead of time which exemplar will work best. Thus, we average over all. There tend to be only a small percentage of exemplars that are poorly or even negatively correlated with survey responses (~10%).
In [109]:
# This code assumes the prior experiment has been run, placing output in */diagnose/*.txt
import math
import os
import scipy.stats as scistat
def plot_correl_by_n_followers(minn=0, maxn=50000):
perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
('nutrition', ['food'])]
bins = [10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000]
figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 4))
for axis, (perception, sectors) in zip(axes, perceptions):
sizes = []
correlations = []
for sector in sectors:
fname = BRAND_DATA + '/' + perception + '/diagnose/' + sector + '.txt'
if os.path.isfile(fname):
print('reading from', fname)
data = [(int(l.split()[2]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in open(fname, 'rt').readlines()[1:]]
sizes.extend(d[0] for d in data if d[0] >= minn and d[0] <= maxn)
correlations.extend(d[1] for d in data if d[0] >= minn and d[0] <= maxn)
averages = []
bindata = []
for i, b in enumerate(bins):
averages.append(np.mean([c for c, s in zip(correlations, sizes) if s <= b and s >= b - bins[0]]))
bindata.append([c for c, s in zip(correlations, sizes) if s <= b and s >= b - bins[0]])
binsizes = [len(x) for x in bindata]
print('sizes=', binsizes)
corr = scistat.pearsonr(sizes, correlations)
axis.set_title(prty(perception), size=16)
axis.boxplot(bindata, showfliers=False, showmeans=True, widths=.7, meanprops={'markersize': 2})
axis.set_xticks(np.arange(len(bins)) + 1.1, bins)
axis.set_xticklabels(bins, rotation=90, size=14)
for bi, size in enumerate(binsizes):
axis.annotate(str(size), xy=((bi+1)-.15, .9))
axes[0].set_ylabel('Survey correlation', size=16)
axes[1].set_xlabel('\nNumber of followers per exemplar', size=16)
plt.savefig('correl_v_followers.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Answer: Number of followers is (weakly) negatively correlated with average survey correlation. This seems to vary a bit by sector.