Replicating "Mining Brand Perceptions from Twitter Social Networks"

Here we provide code to reproduce the figures and tables in the paper "Mining Brand Perceptions from Twitter Social Networks," by Aron Culotta and Jennifer Cutler, published in Marketing Science.

The analysis requires data crawled from Twitter. To enable direct reproduction of our results, we have provided the social network data we have collected. Additionally, we have provided the code we used to collect such data, should you want to reproduce using data from a different time period or with a different set of brands. So, if you want to reproduce our figures exactly, you should run the Download Data section; otherwise, to collect new data, you should run the Collect Data cells.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup
  2. Download Data
  3. Collect Data
    1. Brands
    2. Exemplars
  4. Main Analysis
    1. Evaluation
  5. Robustness Checks
    1. Number of followers per exemplar
    2. Number of exemplars
    3. Manual vs Auto Exemplars
    4. Accuracy per exemplar
    5. Accuracy by popularity of exemplar


This notebook assumes you're using Python3.

All analysis uses Python. It uses our brandelion library, which in turn depends on our twutil library.

To install python requirements, do:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To collect new data, you'll need to set your Twitter credentials as environmental variables (see twutil's documentation).

Set the variable BRAND_DATA below to be the path where all data will be stored. E.g.:

In [1]:
import os
BRAND_DATA = 'mksci-data'
!mkdir -p $BRAND_DATA
os.environ['BRANDELION_CFG'] = '.brandelion'

In [2]:
# Imports and global variables.
from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as scistat
import string
from tabulate import tabulate

import brandelion.cli.analyze as analyze
import as report

measures = ['cosine', 'jaccard', 'proportion']
subtypes = ['', '_weighted_avg', '_sqrt_no_weighted_avg', '_sqrt']
all_score_types = [m + s for m in measures for s in subtypes]
perceptions = [('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
               ('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
               ('nutrition', ['food'])]
%matplotlib inline

Download Data

In [9]:
# Download the original source data (~333M zipped, ~771M unzipped)
try:  # python3
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve
except: # python2
    from urllib import urlretrieve

data_url = ''
zipfile = BRAND_DATA + '/mksci-data.tgz'
print('downloading %s to %s' % (data_url, zipfile))
urlretrieve(data_url, zipfile)

downloading to mksci-data/mksci-data.tgz
<http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x10f4917b8>

In [ ]:
# unzip
!tar xvf $zipfile -C $BRAND_DATA --strip-components=1

Collect Data

We collect Twitter follower information for a set of brands, as well as a set of exemplar accounts representing a particular perception dimension (e.g., the environment). (Note, please skip to Analysis section if you've already downloaded the original data above.)


  • We scrape GoodGuide for a list of brands from Apparel, Food, Cars, Personal Care categories.
  • We run an semi-automated method to collect Twitter accounts for each brand.
  • We filter accounts that have low Twitter presence, defined as fewer than 1,000 followers or fewer than 100 tweets.
  • The final list of brands is stored in $BRAND_DATA/brands.txt

In [66]:
def print_lines(filename):
    nlines = !wc -l $filename
    print('There are %s lines in %s' % (nlines[0].split()[0], filename))
    print('\nThe first 5 are:')
    !head -5 $filename
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/brands.txt')

There are 168 lines in data/brands.txt

The first 5 are:

For each brand, we collect up to 500K followers:

In [ ]:
# This will take a long time (~24 hours); we sleep when rate limit reached.
# Note that Twitter currently sorts results by recency, so you may get a slightly
# different follower list each time this is run.
# Note also that the brandelion output format has changed slightly since we originally collected the data, so 
# we have modified the brand_followers.txt files accordingly to reflect that new format.
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/brands.txt  -o $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt -m 500000
# Unzip the followers file.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt.gz

In [20]:
def log_plot(filename, values, xlabel, ylabel, title):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize='20')
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', pad=10)
    plt.xlabel(xlabel, size='20')
    plt.ylabel(ylabel, size='20')
    plt.title(title, size='20')
    plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_follower_distribution(filename, outfile, title):
    brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(filename)
    brand_follower_counts = sorted([len(followers) for followers in brand_followers.values()], reverse=True)
    log_plot(outfile, brand_follower_counts, 'Rank', 'Num. Followers', title)
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers_unfiltered.txt', 'brand_follower_counts.pdf', 'Brand Followers')

In [22]:
def print_follower_stats(fname):
    brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(fname)
    print('%d total brands' % (len(brand_followers)))
    print('%d total follow links' % (sum(len(x) for x in brand_followers.values())))
    uniq_followers = set()
    for f in brand_followers.values():
        uniq_followers |= f
    print('%d unique followers' % (len(uniq_followers)))

In [23]:
# Print stats restricted to the 168 brands retained after survey filters.
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers.txt')

168 total brands
28031984 total follow links
13792852 unique followers

In [24]:
# Print stats for all original brands (excepting a few whose twitter handles have changed)
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers_unfiltered.txt')

231 total brands
30612190 total follow links
14628373 unique followers


We consider three dimensions of perception: Environment, Nutrition, and Luxury. We will score brands based on their alignment with each perception dimension.

To do so, we first collect a list of Twitter accounts that are representative of each perception dimension. We call these exemplars.

These are collected by searching Twitter for the top 20 lists matching a keyword (e.g., "environment", "nutrition", etc.), then keeping accounts that appear on at least two lists.

In [25]:
# First, let's make subdirectories for each perception type.
!mkdir -p $BRAND_DATA/eco $BRAND_DATA/nutrition $BRAND_DATA/luxury

In [ ]:
# Collect Environment exemplars using the search term "environment."
!brandelion collect --exemplars -q environment --output $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplars.txt

In [41]:
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplars.txt')

There are 73 lines in data/eco/exemplars.txt

The first 5 are:

In [ ]:
# Collect Nutrition exemplars.
!brandelion collect --exemplars -q nutrition --output $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplars.txt

In [42]:
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplars.txt')

There are 407 lines in data/nutrition/exemplars.txt

The first 5 are:

In [ ]:
# Collect Luxury exemplars.
!brandelion collect --exemplars -q luxury --output $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt

In [30]:
# Remove BMWGroup from luxury exemplars, since very similar to bmwusa in brands.txt
!cat $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt | egrep -iv bmwgroup > $BRAND_DATA/luxury/tmp
!mv -f $BRAND_DATA/luxury/tmp $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt

In [43]:
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplars.txt')

There are 110 lines in data/luxury/exemplars.txt

The first 5 are:

In [44]:
# If some exemplars are on the brands list, we remove them.
!cat $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt $BRAND_DATA/brands.txt | sort | uniq -d > $BRAND_DATA/luxury/dups
if(len(open(BRAND_DATA+'/luxury/dups').readlines()) > 0):
    !egrep -vf $BRAND_DATA/luxury/dups $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt > $BRAND_DATA/luxury/.tmp
    !mv $BRAND_DATA/luxury/.tmp $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplars.txt')

There are 110 lines in data/luxury/exemplars.txt

The first 5 are:

Next, we collect up to 50k followers of each exemplar.

In [ ]:
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplars.txt  -o $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplar_followers.txt.gz -m 50000
# unzip results.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/eco/exemplar_followers.txt.gz

In [45]:
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt', 'eco_follower_counts.pdf', 'Eco-friendliness')

In [179]:
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt')

74 total brands
2050446 total follow links
1043342 unique followers

In [ ]:
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplars.txt  -o $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt.gz -m 50000
# unzip results.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt.gz

In [46]:
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt', 'nutrition_follower_counts.pdf', 'Nutrition')

In [47]:
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt')

405 total brands
4740031 total follow links
2683775 unique followers

In [ ]:
!brandelion collect --followers -i $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplars.txt  -o $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt.gz -m 50000
# unzip results.
!gunzip $BRAND_DATA/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt.gz

In [48]:
plot_follower_distribution(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt', 'luxury_follower_counts.pdf', 'Luxury')

In [49]:
print_follower_stats(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt')

110 total brands
4437242 total follow links
2337758 unique followers

In [53]:
def example_overlap():
    brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers.txt')
    eco_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt')
    all_eco = set()
    for f in eco_followers.values():
    print('%d total exemplar followers' % len(all_eco))
    print('\t'.join(['brand', 'nfoll', 'match', 'pct']))
    for brand, followers in brand_followers.items():
        overlap = len(followers & all_eco)
        print('%20s\t%d\t%d\t%.4g' % (brand, len(followers), overlap, 1. * overlap / len(followers)))

1043342 total exemplar followers
brand	nfoll	match	pct
       vaselinebrand	12971	523	0.04032
       oceansprayinc	16959	1196	0.07052
                jeep	299117	9185	0.03071
                puma	263433	3258	0.01237
         klondikebar	62490	3119	0.04991
         naturespath	30139	6967	0.2312
             clifbar	113085	7354	0.06503
       crackerbarrel	54223	1326	0.02445
         infinitiusa	74591	2738	0.03671
         miraclewhip	16971	477	0.02811
       bathbodyworks	232644	2959	0.01272
           nissanusa	201333	5932	0.02946
               levis	356571	6936	0.01945
        redken5thave	54979	946	0.01721
            mazdausa	130301	5316	0.0408
          specialkus	13988	513	0.03667
         ralphlauren	499998	11189	0.02238
           nikestore	499998	4142	0.008284
         teslamotors	258392	21429	0.08293
             yoplait	61159	2724	0.04454
         calvinklein	500000	9162	0.01832
          kelloggsus	33455	1855	0.05545
                 gap	301854	7186	0.02381
             pontiac	5715	155	0.02712
      hostess_snacks	56558	2666	0.04714
            converse	325928	3589	0.01101
         smartcarusa	11052	953	0.08623
                oreo	345810	7152	0.02068
            smuckers	10493	549	0.05232
               lexus	460079	9604	0.02087
                dove	117152	3755	0.03205
               scion	53481	1963	0.0367
            gatorade	241349	4678	0.01938
             snapple	79753	2928	0.03671
     therealtriscuit	1587	128	0.08066
               hanes	15530	948	0.06104
              skippy	1050	46	0.04381
            adidasus	474594	7089	0.01494
          subaru_usa	183940	7287	0.03962
              diesel	27936	367	0.01314
              chanel	499999	8147	0.01629
           clearasil	10875	205	0.01885
             porsche	500000	11927	0.02385
            fritolay	162596	6577	0.04045
      armaniexchange	48451	755	0.01558
         oscarprgirl	287430	9218	0.03207
                ford	433602	14614	0.0337
                dior	500000	6459	0.01292
           eatwholly	19049	1201	0.06305
            burberry	499998	11161	0.02232
        verawanggang	500000	10207	0.02041
            clinique	215816	5433	0.02517
        crystallight	22421	1341	0.05981
         maserati_hq	185753	5617	0.03024
     wranglerwestern	24826	548	0.02207
      bananarepublic	148737	4726	0.03177
        thenorthface	151171	13175	0.08715
        dolcegabbana	500000	8291	0.01658
             redbull	500000	8153	0.01631
      elizabetharden	53246	1597	0.02999
                 ysl	500000	12773	0.02555
         lamborghini	491206	9892	0.02014
              armani	500000	9111	0.01822
      lincolnmotorco	45996	1584	0.03444
              toyota	283690	10853	0.03826
          greengiant	18646	1650	0.08849
         aeropostale	115886	855	0.007378
            sunchips	60171	2794	0.04643
               honda	299858	8643	0.02882
                 kia	156093	5464	0.035
       monsterenergy	499998	2142	0.004284
               acura	101727	3301	0.03245
      pepperidgefarm	21428	2120	0.09894
           cadburyuk	202058	2126	0.01052
            chrysler	171269	7722	0.04509
     saraleedesserts	42081	2489	0.05915
                 axe	127953	1974	0.01543
          wheatthins	147935	3285	0.02221
         abercrombie	427478	2153	0.005037
                loft	36685	946	0.02579
          quiksilver	112381	2593	0.02307
            skittles	170035	2880	0.01694
              reebok	170274	2847	0.01672
        juicycouture	152214	1991	0.01308
         suavebeauty	18207	761	0.0418
             oldnavy	178525	4384	0.02456
     honeymaidsnacks	12476	966	0.07743
             dockers	4649	176	0.03786
           burtsbees	59762	4529	0.07578
            tresemme	44888	906	0.02018
         hollisterco	499999	2782	0.005564
           stouffers	23639	1504	0.06362
        dolepackaged	50795	3233	0.06365
     louisvuitton_us	499997	10988	0.02198
       bentleymotors	222622	6664	0.02993
       eatliquidgold	11721	383	0.03268
              sprite	125300	2143	0.0171
        littledebbie	100513	4270	0.04248
              jaguar	149102	5172	0.03469
      herbalessences	44445	1028	0.02313
           thisisgmc	128758	5030	0.03907
             vans_66	321366	3231	0.01005
            cadillac	214465	7636	0.0356
               aveda	59767	2463	0.04121
               hmusa	413196	9696	0.02347
           starburst	41985	858	0.02044
      rollsroycecars	65485	2144	0.03274
            bertolli	12395	840	0.06777
             pantene	97115	3000	0.03089
           anntaylor	60116	2310	0.03843
               dodge	264772	7920	0.02991
      realcapncrunch	33248	1160	0.03489
          nakedjuice	51163	2083	0.04071
      cream_of_wheat	16370	1048	0.06402
           pillsbury	80445	4283	0.05324
               motts	29722	2158	0.07261
          timberland	39052	2992	0.07662
           chevrolet	417669	11523	0.02759
               pepsi	499999	8324	0.01665
             miniusa	64675	2533	0.03917
               jcrew	201998	6130	0.03035
            airheads	13348	314	0.02352
             hyundai	139512	5748	0.0412
             breyers	49038	2657	0.05418
            snickers	45697	1581	0.0346
            oldspice	221741	4501	0.0203
             nautica	101344	3189	0.03147
      paulmitchellus	69983	1827	0.02611
       cleanandclear	37199	899	0.02417
       lorealparisuk	64454	824	0.01278
               guess	174177	2483	0.01426
            cocacola	500000	8513	0.01703
              bmwusa	263009	7731	0.02939
         volvocarsus	126205	5035	0.0399
      healthy_choice	11383	798	0.0701
           dietpepsi	81375	1759	0.02162
            powerade	130640	2768	0.02119
       organicvalley	34389	9117	0.2651
              godiva	25219	1020	0.04045
            gymboree	18911	475	0.02512
           nordstrom	342129	10161	0.0297
           mitsucars	104937	3471	0.03308
             versace	499994	9364	0.01873
           landrover	114079	4196	0.03678
         championusa	2607	119	0.04565
            hugoboss	247893	3976	0.01604
      dove_chocolate	28024	1752	0.06252
       perduechicken	13215	623	0.04714
            cheerios	31929	1882	0.05894
             ruffles	43324	1752	0.04044
              nestle	41494	2026	0.04883
     americanapparel	455765	5852	0.01284
                audi	500000	10946	0.02189
            proactiv	33871	412	0.01216
              dannon	19867	1307	0.06579
             doritos	327381	7419	0.02266
                 vo5	15368	149	0.009695
           vanheusen	1325	36	0.02717
                izod	4141	103	0.02487
        mercedesbenz	480213	9915	0.02065
            dietcoke	279650	5029	0.01798
        naturevalley	27447	2571	0.09367
               buick	97881	4339	0.04433
          oscarmayer	12725	561	0.04409
         astonmartin	280584	6970	0.02484
      jackdaniels_us	38659	1007	0.02605
        lovemyphilly	30364	1939	0.06386
       digiornopizza	69403	2630	0.03789


Next, we compute scores for each perception dimension. We consider several different scoring algorithms, defined in all_score_types.

In [4]:


In [ ]:
def compute_all_scores():
    score_types = all_score_types
    print('computing perception scores using functions:\n', score_types)
    perceptions = ['eco', 'nutrition', 'luxury']
    for perception in perceptions:
        for score_type in score_types:
            !brandelion analyze -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
            --exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/$perception/exemplar_followers.txt \
            --network-method $score_type -o $BRAND_DATA/$perception/default/$score_type\.txt

In [69]:
# The results are now here:
!echo eco
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/eco/default/*.txt
!echo '\n' nutrition
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/nutrition/default/*.txt
!echo '\n' luxury
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/luxury/default/*.txt

==> data/eco/default/cosine.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000486094
acura 0.00214509

==> data/eco/default/cosine_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.014211
acura 0.0288759

==> data/eco/default/cosine_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0220475
acura 0.0463152

==> data/eco/default/cosine_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000201953
acura 0.000833818

==> data/eco/default/jaccard.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000123824
acura 0.000885569

==> data/eco/default/jaccard_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.00555709
acura 0.0152837

==> data/eco/default/jaccard_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0111276
acura 0.0297585

==> data/eco/default/jaccard_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 3.08813e-05
acura 0.000233592

==> data/eco/default/proportion.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000135901
acura 0.00124658

==> data/eco/default/proportion_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.00572708
acura 0.0170613

==> data/eco/default/proportion_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0116576
acura 0.0353069

==> data/eco/default/proportion_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 3.27994e-05
acura 0.000291087

==> data/nutrition/default/cosine.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000313653
acura 0.000767194

==> data/nutrition/default/cosine_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0099794
acura 0.017394

==> data/nutrition/default/cosine_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0177102
acura 0.0276983

==> data/nutrition/default/cosine_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 9.95884e-05
acura 0.000302552

==> data/nutrition/default/jaccard.txt <==
abercrombie 6.05556e-05
acura 0.000234368

==> data/nutrition/default/jaccard_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.00279856
acura 0.00651465

==> data/nutrition/default/jaccard_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.00778174
acura 0.0153091

==> data/nutrition/default/jaccard_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 7.83194e-06
acura 4.24406e-05

==> data/nutrition/default/proportion.txt <==
abercrombie 6.50846e-05
acura 0.000301485

==> data/nutrition/default/proportion_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.00283713
acura 0.00678077

==> data/nutrition/default/proportion_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0080675
acura 0.0173633

==> data/nutrition/default/proportion_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 8.04932e-06
acura 4.59788e-05

==> data/luxury/default/cosine.txt <==
abercrombie 0.00264256
acura 0.00629629

==> data/luxury/default/cosine_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.036691
acura 0.0555877

==> data/luxury/default/cosine_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0514058
acura 0.0793492

==> data/luxury/default/cosine_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.00134623
acura 0.00309

==> data/luxury/default/jaccard.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000729953
acura 0.00279243

==> data/luxury/default/jaccard_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.017063
acura 0.0340524

==> data/luxury/default/jaccard_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0270176
acura 0.0528434

==> data/luxury/default/jaccard_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000291144
acura 0.00115957

==> data/luxury/default/proportion.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000803818
acura 0.00390219

==> data/luxury/default/proportion_sqrt.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0177493
acura 0.0391158

==> data/luxury/default/proportion_sqrt_no_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.0283517
acura 0.0624675

==> data/luxury/default/proportion_weighted_avg.txt <==
abercrombie 0.000315039
acura 0.00153005


To evaluate, we conduct an MTurk survey to collect perception of a sample of brands along each dimension. We then compare the survey results with the inferred social scores.

For example, we collect surveys of environmental friendliness for Apparel, Car, and Food brands:

In [72]:
!head -2 $BRAND_DATA/*/survey/*txt

==> data/eco/survey/apparel.txt <==
abercrombie	2.247148289
adidasus	2.554307116

==> data/eco/survey/car.txt <==
acura	2.744630072
astonmartin	1.886010363

==> data/eco/survey/food.txt <==
airheads	1.773504274
bertolli	2.565400844

==> data/eco/survey/personal_care.txt <==
aveda	3.397540984
axe	1.687719298

==> data/luxury/survey/apparel.txt <==
abercrombie	2.731034483
adidasus	2.188552189

==> data/luxury/survey/car.txt <==
acura	2.896457766
astonmartin	4.722713864

==> data/nutrition/survey/food.txt <==
bertolli	2.602649007
breyers	1.66873065

In [79]:
# for pretty printing
def prty(s):
    s = s.capitalize()
    d = {'Eco': 'Eco-Friendly',
         'Food': 'Food & Bev.',
         'Personal_care': 'Pers. Care'
    if s in d:
        return d[s]
    return s

In [80]:
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

def make_boxplots(survey_path, title, axis):
    """ Print boxplots for each sector for one perception. """
    files = [f for f in glob.glob(survey_path + '/*txt')]
    data = []
    xticks = []
    for fi, survey_file in enumerate(files):
        data.append([float(l.split()[1]) for l in open(survey_file)])
    axis.set_xticklabels([prty(x) for x in xticks], rotation=90, size=12)
    #axis.set_xticklabels(range(1, len(xticks)+1), xticks)
    axis.set_title(title, size=14)    
figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=False, sharey=True, figsize=(9, 4))
make_boxplots(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/survey', 'Eco-Friendliness', axes[0])
make_boxplots(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/survey', 'Luxury', axes[1])
make_boxplots(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/survey', 'Nutrition', axes[2])
axes[0].set_ylabel('Survey Ratings', size=14)
plt.savefig('surveys.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

In [86]:
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import math
from tabulate import tabulate

import as report

def evaluate(version, score_types, perceptions, doplot=True):
    """ Evaluate the social scores against survey responses.
    Computes correlation, plots scatter plots, and prints table.
      version........Name of the version of the analysis (e.g., 'default', or 'cutoff=5').
                     This is the name of the directory where the scores are located.
      score_types....List of names of network scoring types to evaluate (e.g., ['jaccard', 'rarity'])
      perceptions....List of (perception, [apparel_list]) tuples, e.g., [('eco', ['food', 'car']), ('nutrition', ['food'])]
    table = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    for score_type in score_types:
    headers = ['method']
    for score_type in score_types:
        for perception, sectors in perceptions:
            for sector in sectors:
                name = perception + '-' + sector
                if name not in headers:
                # print perception, sector, score_type
                scores = report.read_scores('%s/%s/%s/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, version, score_type))
                validation = report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, sector))
                report_dir = '%s/%s/%s/reports/%s/%s' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, version, score_type, sector)
                # print report_dir
                corr = report.validate(scores, validation,
                                       '%s %s %s' % (perception, sector, score_type),
                                       report_dir, doplot)
    # print tabulate(table.values(), headers=headers, tablefmt="latex_booktabs")
    print(tabulate(table.values(), headers=headers + ['average'], tablefmt='pipe'))
    return table

In [88]:
import scipy.stats as scistat
import string

def make_main_results_subfigure(axis, perception, sector, score_type, label_dict=dict(), remove_outliers=0):
      remove_outliers....remove the top N values according to survey results.
    name = prty(perception) + ' / ' + prty(sector)
    scores = report.read_scores('%s/%s/%s/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, 'default', score_type))
    validation = report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, sector))
    if remove_outliers > 0:
        validation = dict(sorted(validation.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[:-remove_outliers])
    keys = validation.keys()
    predicted = [scores[k] for k in keys]
    truth = [validation[k] for k in keys]
    corr = scistat.pearsonr(predicted, truth)
    print(name, corr)
    axis.set_title('%s\nr(%d)=%.2f' % (name, len(truth)-2, corr[0]))
    axis.set_ylim((min(predicted)-.001, max(predicted)+.001))
    axis.set_xlim((min(truth)-.1, max(truth)+.1))
    fit = np.polyfit(truth, predicted, 1)
    fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
    tr_extrema = [min(truth),max(truth)]
    axis.plot(tr_extrema,fit_fn(tr_extrema),'b--', linewidth=2, color='#9C9C9C')
    axis.plot(truth, predicted, 'bo', alpha=.5)
    for x, y, label in zip(truth, predicted, keys):
        if label in label_dict:
            axis.annotate(label_dict[label], xy=(x, y), xytext=(2, 2),
                     textcoords='offset points', size='12',
                     bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.0', edgecolor='white',
                               fc='white', alpha=0.2))
    axis.locator_params(nbins=6, tight=True)   

def make_main_results_figure():
    score_type = 'jaccard_sqrt'
    perceptions = [('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
                  ('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
                  ('nutrition', ['food'])]
    figure, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(12, 6))
    axes = [x for x in itertools.chain(*axes)]
    # Turn off unused axes
    axisi = 0
    for perception, sectors in perceptions:
        for sector in sectors:
            make_main_results_subfigure(axes[axisi], perception, sector, score_type, remove_outliers=0)
            axisi += 1
    plt.figtext(0.5,.04, 'Survey', fontdict={'fontsize':18}, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center')
    axes[4].set_ylabel('                                  SPS', size=18)
    plt.savefig('scatters.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')


Eco-Friendly / Apparel (0.62105191993502995, 2.4573422501522995e-05)
Eco-Friendly / Car (0.75245976915458623, 7.8410054054239301e-08)
Eco-Friendly / Food & Bev. (0.73272242786095232, 1.2912458874008534e-11)
Eco-Friendly / Pers. Care (0.81756977727083757, 1.0735239921135308e-05)
Luxury / Apparel (0.61792309318286687, 3.698619487356532e-06)
Luxury / Car (0.68303407079711986, 3.1926227213498359e-06)
Nutrition / Food & Bev. (0.79508303084687482, 4.1967486004999336e-13)

In [90]:
# Plot annotated graphs for cars.
def make_label_dict(handles, omit_labels):
    d = {}
    for h in handles:
        d[h] = h.capitalize()
    d['teslamotors'] = 'Tesla'
    d['smartcarusa'] = 'Smart'
    d['rollsroycecars'] = 'Rolls Royce'
    d['bmwusa'] = 'BMW'
    d['volvocarsus'] = 'Volvo'
    d['mercedesbenz'] = 'Mercedes'
    d['lincolnmotorco'] = 'Lincoln'
    d['thisisgmc'] = 'GMC'
    d['subaru_usa'] = 'Subaru'
    d['miniusa'] = 'Mini'
    d['bentleymotors'] = 'Bentley'
    d['infinitiusa'] = 'Infiniti'
    for k in omit_labels:
        d.pop(k, None)
    return d

omit_labels_eco = ['astonmartin', 'bentleymotors', 'maserati_hq', 'lexus', 'buick', 'dodge', 
                   'acura', 'nissanusa', 'landrover', 'hyundai', 'jeep', 'mitsucars', 
                   'scion', 'mazdausa', 'lincolnmotorco']
omit_labels_lux = ['honda', 'maserati_hq', 'lexus', 'buick', 'dodge', 
                   'acura', 'nissanusa', 'landrover', 'hyundai', 'jeep', 'mitsucars', 
                   'scion', 'mazdausa']

figure, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(8, 10))
ecocars = set(report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, 'eco', 'car')).keys())
make_main_results_subfigure(axes[0], 'eco', 'car', 'jaccard_sqrt', make_label_dict(ecocars, omit_labels_eco))
luxcars = set(report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, 'luxury', 'car')).keys())
make_main_results_subfigure(axes[1], 'luxury', 'car', 'jaccard_sqrt', make_label_dict(luxcars, omit_labels_lux))
axes[1].set_xlabel('Survey', size=18)
axes[0].set_ylabel('SPS', size=18)
axes[1].set_ylabel('SPS', size=18)
plt.savefig('zoomed.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

Eco-Friendly / Car (0.75245976915458623, 7.8410054054239301e-08)
Luxury / Car (0.68303407079711986, 3.1926227213498359e-06)

In [ ]:
results = evaluate('default',
                   [('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
                        ('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
                    ('nutrition', ['food'])])

In [92]:
# Print a tex table summarizing all results.

table_vals = results['jaccard'][1:] + results['jaccard_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['jaccard_sqrt_no_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['jaccard_sqrt'][1:] + \
             results['cosine'][1:] + results['cosine_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['cosine_sqrt_no_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['cosine_sqrt'][1:] + \
             results['proportion'][1:] + results['proportion_weighted_avg'][1:] + results['proportion_sqrt_no_weighted_avg'][1:] + \

outf = open('scores.tex', 'wt')
\multicolumn{2}{|c||}{} & \multicolumn{4}{c||}{{\bf Eco-Friendliness}} & \multicolumn{2}{c||}{{\bf Luxury}} & {\bf Nutr.} & \\
{\bf Method} & {\bf Variant} & {\bf Appar.} & {\bf Car} & {\bf Food} & {\bf PC} & {\bf Appar.} & {\bf Car} & {\bf Food} & {\bf Avg.} \\
{\bf jaccard} & simp-avg   &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  \underline{%.2f}  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& wt-avg                   &  \underline{%.2f}  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& simp-avg, sqrt                       &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& {\bf wt-avg, sqrt}       &  \underline{{\bf %.2f}}  &  \underline{{\bf %.2f}}  &  \underline{{\bf %.2f}}  &  {\bf %.2f}  &  {\bf %.2f}  &  {\bf %.2f}  &  \underline{{\bf %.2f}}  &  \underline{{\bf %.2f}}  \\
{\bf cosine} & simp-avg    &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  \underline{%.2f}  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& wt-avg                   &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  \underline{%.2f}  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& simp-avg, sqrt                       &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& wt-avg, sqrt             &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  \underline{%.2f}  \\
{\bf cnd-prob} & simp-avg &  \underline{%.2f}  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& wt-avg                   &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& simp-avg, sqrt                       &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
& wt-avg, sqrt             &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  &  %.2f  \\
""" % tuple(table_vals))

In [93]:
# Print table just for jaccard_sqrt
table_vals = results['jaccard_sqrt'][1:]
outf = open('jaccard_sqrt.tex', 'wt')
{\bf Attribute} & {\bf Sector} & {\bf r} & {\bf N}\\
Eco & Apparel & %.2f & 39  \\
      & Car & %.2f &  37 \\
      & Food \& Beverage & %.2f & 62 \\
      & Personal Care & %.2f &  20 \\
Luxury & Apparel & %.2f & 47\\
           & Car  & %.2f & 37\\
Nutrition & Food \& Beverage & %.2f & 55\\
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{{\bf Average}}  & %.2f & \\
""" % tuple(table_vals))

Robustness Checks

Here we perform a number of robustness checks (c.f., Section 7).

A. Question: How does the number of followers per exemplar affect results. (Fig 7b)

In [96]:
brand_followers = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/brand_followers.txt')
eco_exemplars = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/eco/exemplar_followers.txt', blacklist=brand_followers.keys())
nut_exemplars = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt', blacklist=brand_followers.keys())
lux_exemplars = analyze.read_follower_file(BRAND_DATA + '/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt', blacklist=brand_followers.keys())

skipping exemplar audi
skipping exemplar ysl
skipping exemplar louisvuitton_us
skipping exemplar burberry
skipping exemplar versace
skipping exemplar hugoboss
skipping exemplar bentleymotors
skipping exemplar dior
skipping exemplar lamborghini
skipping exemplar porsche
skipping exemplar verawanggang
skipping exemplar chanel
skipping exemplar ralphlauren
skipping exemplar maserati_hq

In [ ]:
import random 

def get_corr(scores, validation):
    keys = sorted(validation.keys())
    keys = list(set(keys) & set(scores.keys()))
    predicted = [scores[k] for k in keys]
    truth = [validation[k] for k in keys]
    return scistat.pearsonr(predicted, truth)[0]
def do_n_followers_expt(brands, exemplars, perception, categories, avg_corrs, n=5):
    seeds = [12345, 54321, 11111, 22222]
    thresholds = [0, 10000, 25000, 40000, 50000]
    for seed in seeds:
        print('perception=%s seed=%d' % (perception, seed))
        for i, p in enumerate(thresholds):
            if i == 0:
            # get name of exemplars of correct size.
            exemplars_valid = [k for k, v in exemplars.items() if len(v) > thresholds[i-1] and len(v) <= p]
            print('thresh=%d, %d valid exemplars' % (p, len(exemplars_valid)))
            # get subset
            exemplars_sample = dict([(k, exemplars[k]) for k in random.sample(exemplars_valid, 5)])
            print('%d sampled exemplars' % len(exemplars_sample))
            # compute scores
            scores = analyze.jaccard_sqrt(brands.items(), exemplars_sample)
            print('computed %d brand scores' % len(scores))
            # evaluate
            for cat in categories:
                surveys = report.read_scores('%s/%s/survey/%s.txt' % (BRAND_DATA, perception, cat))
                corr = get_corr(scores, surveys)
                print('correlation with %s=%g' % (cat, corr))

perceptions = ['eco', 'nutrition', 'luxury']
avg_corrs = defaultdict(lambda: [])
do_n_followers_expt(brand_followers, eco_exemplars, 'eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care'], avg_corrs)
do_n_followers_expt(brand_followers, nut_exemplars, 'nutrition', ['food'], avg_corrs)
do_n_followers_expt(brand_followers, lux_exemplars, 'luxury', ['apparel', 'car'], avg_corrs)

In [97]:
for k, v in sorted(avg_corrs.items()):
    print('%d %.2f' % (k, np.mean(v)))
thresholds = [10000, 25000, 40000, 50000]
plt.figure(figsize=(2.4, 2))
             [np.mean(avg_corrs[p]) for p in thresholds],
                 yerr=[np.std(avg_corrs[p]) / math.sqrt(len(avg_corrs[p])) for p in thresholds],
#plt.plot(thresholds, avg_corrs, 'bo')
plt.xlabel('Number of followers per exemplar')
plt.ylabel('Survey correlation')
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major')
plt.xlim(9000, 51000)
thresh_names = ['0-10k', '10k-25k', '25k-40k', '40k-50k']
plt.xticks(thresholds, thresh_names, rotation=90)

locs, labels = plt.xticks()
plt.setp(labels, rotation=90)
plt.savefig('n_followers.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

10000 0.61
25000 0.69
40000 0.50
50000 0.52

B. Question: How does the number of exemplars affect correlation? (Fig 7a)

We randomly sample increasingly large number of exemplars and plot results.

In [ ]:
import math
import os
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

def do_sample_exemplars_expt_helper(percents, seeds, score_types, perceptions):
    for seed in seeds:
        for pct in percents:
            expt_name = 'pct=%d' % pct
            for perception, sectors in perceptions:
                !mkdir -p $BRAND_DATA/$perception/nexemplars                
                for score_type in score_types:
                    !brandelion analyze -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
                        --exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/$perception/exemplar_followers.txt \
                        --network-method $score_type -o $BRAND_DATA/$perception/nexemplars/seed=$seed/$expt_name/$score_type\.txt \
                        --sample-exemplars $pct --seed $seed

def do_sample_exemplars_expt():
    percents = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
    seeds = [12345, 54321, 11111, 22222]
    score_types = ['jaccard_sqrt']
    perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
                          ('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
                          ('nutrition', ['food'])]
    do_sample_exemplars_expt_helper(percents, seeds, score_types, perceptions)
    # Evaluate
    avg_corrs = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    for seed in seeds:
        for pct in percents:
            print('evaluating pct=%d' % pct)
            res = evaluate('nexemplars/seed=%d/pct=%d' % (seed, pct),
                             perceptions, doplot=False)
            avg_corrs[pct].append(np.mean([v for v in res.values()[0] if type(v) is not str]))

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2.4, 2))
    axis = plt.subplot(111)
    plt.errorbar(percents, [np.mean(avg_corrs[p]) for p in percents],
                 yerr=[np.std(avg_corrs[p]) / math.sqrt(len(avg_corrs[p])) for p in percents],
    plt.xlim((percents[0]-5, percents[-1]+5))
    plt.xlabel('% of exemplars')
    plt.ylabel('Survey correlation')
    plt.xticks(percents, ['%6d' % int(x) for x in percents], rotation=90)
    plt.savefig('n_exemplars.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')


Answer: More exemplars helps a bit, but the bigger conclusion appears to be the high variance. This suggests that which exemplars is more important than how many. E.g., selecting the best 10 exemplars is better than including all of them.

C. Question: Do manually collected eco exemplars outperform automatically collected? (c.f. Table 3)

The manually collected exemplars are in the eco-nonprofit subfolder.

In [99]:
# List manually selected exemplars.
print_lines(BRAND_DATA + '/eco-nonprofit/exemplars.txt')

There are 78 lines in data/eco-nonprofit/exemplars.txt

The first 5 are:

In [ ]:
# Compute scores.
score_types = ['jaccard_sqrt']
for score_type in score_types:
    !brandelion analyze -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
        --exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/eco-nonprofit/exemplar_followers.txt \
        --network-method $score_type -o $BRAND_DATA/eco-nonprofit/default/$score_type\.txt

In [102]:
eco_nonprofit_results = evaluate('default', ['jaccard_sqrt'], [('eco-nonprofit', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care'])], True)
evaluate('default', ['jaccard_sqrt'], [('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care'])], True)

Pearson: (0.74125827582650838, 6.7642237111981055e-08)
Pearson: (0.80123687178669656, 2.5708773172867278e-09)
Pearson: (0.76461091483931609, 4.7405273215941606e-13)
Pearson: (0.80493918353594252, 1.8666020055746151e-05)
| method       |   eco-nonprofit-apparel |   eco-nonprofit-car |   eco-nonprofit-food |   eco-nonprofit-personal_care |   average |
| jaccard_sqrt |                0.741258 |            0.801237 |             0.764611 |                      0.804939 |  0.778011 |
Pearson: (0.62105191993502995, 2.4573422501522995e-05)
Pearson: (0.7524597691545859, 7.8410054054240717e-08)
Pearson: (0.73272242786095243, 1.291245887400835e-11)
Pearson: (0.81756977727083757, 1.0735239921135308e-05)
| method       |   eco-apparel |   eco-car |   eco-food |   eco-personal_care |   average |
| jaccard_sqrt |      0.621052 |   0.75246 |   0.732722 |             0.81757 |  0.730951 |
defaultdict(<function __main__.evaluate.<locals>.<lambda>>,
            {'jaccard_sqrt': ['jaccard_sqrt',

In [104]:
# Write tex table for eco results using charity navigator exemplars.
r = eco_nonprofit_results['jaccard_sqrt']
outf = open('charitynav_eco.tex', 'wt')
{\bf Attribute} & {\bf Sector} & {\bf r} & {\bf N}\\
Eco & Apparel & %.2f & 39  \\
      & Car & %.2f &  37 \\
      & Food \& Beverage & %.2f & 62 \\
      & Personal Care & %.2f &  20 \\
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{{\bf Average}}  & %.2f & \\

""" % (r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]))

defaultdict(<function evaluate.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x135c42620>, {'jaccard_sqrt': ['jaccard_sqrt', 0.74125827582650838, 0.80123687178669656, 0.76461091483931609, 0.80493918353594252, 0.77801131149711589]})

Answer: Manual eco exemplars do a little bit better the auto-detected exemplars.

D. Question: How does the correlation vary by exemplar? (c.f., Figure 8)

In [91]:
def do_correl_by_exemplar():
    score_types = ['jaccard_sqrt']
    perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
                          ('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
                          ('nutrition', ['food'])]
    for score_type in score_types:
        for perception, sectors in perceptions:
            for sector in sectors:
                print(perception, sector)
                !brandelion diagnose -n --brand-followers $BRAND_DATA/brand_followers.txt \
                --exemplar-followers $BRAND_DATA/$perception/exemplar_followers.txt \
                --network-method $score_type -v $BRAND_DATA/$perception/survey/$sector\.txt \
                --output $BRAND_DATA/$perception/diagnose/$sector\.txt


eco apparel
{'--brand-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/brand_followers.txt',
 '--exemplar-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/exemplar_followers.txt',
 '--network': True,
 '--network-method': 'jaccard_sqrt',
 '--output': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/diagnose/apparel.txt',
 '--validation': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/survey/apparel.txt',
 'diagnose': True}
read follower data for 74 exemplars
eco car
{'--brand-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/brand_followers.txt',
 '--exemplar-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/exemplar_followers.txt',
 '--network': True,
 '--network-method': 'jaccard_sqrt',
 '--output': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/diagnose/car.txt',
 '--validation': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/survey/car.txt',
 'diagnose': True}
read follower data for 74 exemplars
eco food
{'--brand-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/brand_followers.txt',
 '--exemplar-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/exemplar_followers.txt',
 '--network': True,
 '--network-method': 'jaccard_sqrt',
 '--output': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/diagnose/food.txt',
 '--validation': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/survey/food.txt',
 'diagnose': True}
read follower data for 74 exemplars
eco personal_care
{'--brand-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/brand_followers.txt',
 '--exemplar-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/exemplar_followers.txt',
 '--network': True,
 '--network-method': 'jaccard_sqrt',
 '--output': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/diagnose/personal_care.txt',
 '--validation': '/data/brandelion/mksci/eco/survey/personal_care.txt',
 'diagnose': True}
read follower data for 74 exemplars
luxury apparel
{'--brand-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/brand_followers.txt',
 '--exemplar-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt',
 '--network': True,
 '--network-method': 'jaccard_sqrt',
 '--output': '/data/brandelion/mksci/luxury/diagnose/apparel.txt',
 '--validation': '/data/brandelion/mksci/luxury/survey/apparel.txt',
 'diagnose': True}
skipping exemplar audi
skipping exemplar ysl
skipping exemplar louisvuitton_us
skipping exemplar burberry
skipping exemplar versace
skipping exemplar hugoboss
skipping exemplar bentleymotors
skipping exemplar dior
skipping exemplar lamborghini
skipping exemplar porsche
skipping exemplar verawanggang
skipping exemplar chanel
skipping exemplar ralphlauren
skipping exemplar maserati_hq
read follower data for 96 exemplars
luxury car
{'--brand-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/brand_followers.txt',
 '--exemplar-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/luxury/exemplar_followers.txt',
 '--network': True,
 '--network-method': 'jaccard_sqrt',
 '--output': '/data/brandelion/mksci/luxury/diagnose/car.txt',
 '--validation': '/data/brandelion/mksci/luxury/survey/car.txt',
 'diagnose': True}
skipping exemplar audi
skipping exemplar ysl
skipping exemplar louisvuitton_us
skipping exemplar burberry
skipping exemplar versace
skipping exemplar hugoboss
skipping exemplar bentleymotors
skipping exemplar dior
skipping exemplar lamborghini
skipping exemplar porsche
skipping exemplar verawanggang
skipping exemplar chanel
skipping exemplar ralphlauren
skipping exemplar maserati_hq
read follower data for 96 exemplars
nutrition food
{'--brand-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/brand_followers.txt',
 '--exemplar-followers': '/data/brandelion/mksci/nutrition/exemplar_followers.txt',
 '--network': True,
 '--network-method': 'jaccard_sqrt',
 '--output': '/data/brandelion/mksci/nutrition/diagnose/food.txt',
 '--validation': '/data/brandelion/mksci/nutrition/survey/food.txt',
 'diagnose': True}
read follower data for 405 exemplars

In [106]:
# Plot correlation by exemplar.
import itertools
import os

def plot_correl_by_exemplar():
    perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
                          ('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
                          ('nutrition', ['food'])]
    figure, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, sharex=False, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 6))
    axes = [x for x in itertools.chain(*axes)]
    axi = 0
    for perception, sectors in perceptions:
        for sector in sectors:
            ax = axes[axi]
            fname = BRAND_DATA + '/' + perception + '/diagnose/' + sector + '.txt'
            if os.path.isfile(fname):
                data = [(l.split()[0], float(l.split()[1])) for l in open(fname, 'rt').readlines()[1:]]
                data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: -x[1])
                ax.set_title('%s / %s' % (prty(perception), prty(sector)))
                ax.plot([d[1] for d in data], 'bo', ms=3)
                # Add top accounts.
                ax.text(.03, .61, data[0][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
                ax.text(.03, .51, data[1][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
                ax.text(.03, .41, data[2][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
                ax.text(.33, .25, data[-3][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
                ax.text(.33, .15, data[-2][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
                ax.text(.33, .05, data[-1][0], transform=ax.transAxes, size=14)
            axi += 1
    plt.figtext(0.5,.04, 'Rank', fontdict={'fontsize':18}, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center')
    axes[4].set_ylabel('                                  Correlation', size=18)
    plt.savefig('exemplars.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

('forestservice', 0.724033)
('justingerdes', 0.819539)
('justingerdes', 0.755948)
('envam', 0.874151)
('chloefashion', 0.841719)
('forbeslife', 0.858411)
('nutritionnerd', 0.843461)

Answer: Using only a single exemplar can do as well or better than using all exemplars. The problem is that we don't know ahead of time which exemplar will work best. Thus, we average over all. There tend to be only a small percentage of exemplars that are poorly or even negatively correlated with survey responses (~10%).

E. Question: How does the number of followers of an exemplar effect its correlation with surveys? (c.f., Figure 9)

In [109]:
# This code assumes the prior experiment has been run, placing output in */diagnose/*.txt
import math
import os
import scipy.stats as scistat

def plot_correl_by_n_followers(minn=0, maxn=50000):
    perceptions =[('eco', ['apparel', 'car', 'food', 'personal_care']),
                          ('luxury', ['apparel', 'car']),
                          ('nutrition', ['food'])]
    bins = [10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000]
    figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 4))
    for axis, (perception, sectors) in zip(axes, perceptions):
        sizes = []
        correlations = []
        for sector in sectors:
            fname = BRAND_DATA + '/' + perception + '/diagnose/' + sector + '.txt'
            if os.path.isfile(fname):                
                print('reading from', fname)
                data = [(int(l.split()[2]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in open(fname, 'rt').readlines()[1:]]
                sizes.extend(d[0] for d in data if d[0] >= minn and d[0] <= maxn)
                correlations.extend(d[1] for d in data if d[0] >= minn and d[0] <= maxn)
        averages = []
        bindata = []
        for i, b in enumerate(bins):
            averages.append(np.mean([c for c, s in zip(correlations, sizes) if s <= b and s >= b - bins[0]]))
            bindata.append([c for c, s in zip(correlations, sizes) if s <= b and s >= b - bins[0]])
        binsizes = [len(x) for x in bindata]
        print('sizes=', binsizes)
        corr = scistat.pearsonr(sizes, correlations)
        axis.set_title(prty(perception), size=16)
        axis.boxplot(bindata, showfliers=False, showmeans=True, widths=.7, meanprops={'markersize': 2})
        axis.set_xticks(np.arange(len(bins)) + 1.1, bins)
        axis.set_xticklabels(bins, rotation=90, size=14)
        for bi, size in enumerate(binsizes):
            axis.annotate(str(size), xy=((bi+1)-.15, .9))
    axes[0].set_ylabel('Survey correlation', size=16)
    axes[1].set_xlabel('\nNumber of followers per exemplar', size=16)
    plt.savefig('correl_v_followers.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')


reading from data/eco/diagnose/apparel.txt
reading from data/eco/diagnose/car.txt
reading from data/eco/diagnose/food.txt
reading from data/eco/diagnose/personal_care.txt
[0.61977463095238094, 0.67915178125000009, 0.66878937500000002, 0.63995437499999996, 0.34991049604838714]
sizes= [84, 64, 8, 16, 124]
reading from data/luxury/diagnose/apparel.txt
reading from data/luxury/diagnose/car.txt
[0.16581181875000001, 0.36277121875000001, 0.49205979545454548, 0.21870534999999997, 0.52051749921875001]
sizes= [16, 16, 22, 10, 128]
reading from data/nutrition/diagnose/food.txt
[0.74668209440559441, 0.69402723255813947, 0.63764527272727278, 0.62300499999999992, 0.33006098200000006]
sizes= [286, 43, 11, 15, 50]

Answer: Number of followers is (weakly) negatively correlated with average survey correlation. This seems to vary a bit by sector.