In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import pickle
import os
import glob
import operator
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn import preprocessing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [ ]:
#global variables
seasons = ['2005-06', '2006-07', '2007-08', '2008-09', '2009-10', '2010-11', '2012-13', '2013-14', '2014-15']
start_dates = ['NOV 01, 2005', 'OCT 31, 2006', 'OCT 30, 2007', 'OCT 28, 2008', 'OCT 27, 2009', 'OCT 26, 2010', 'OCT 30, 2012', 'OCT 29, 2013', 'OCT 28, 2014']
end_dates = ['APR 19, 2006', 'APR 18, 2007', 'APR 16, 2008', 'APR 15, 2009', 'APR 14, 2010', 'APR 13, 2011', 'APR 17, 2013', 'APR 16, 2014', 'APR 15, 2015']
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=True)
months = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC']
months_30 = [4, 6, 9, 11]
In [ ]:
#Input a month in following format 'FEB', return month number
def month_to_number(month):
return months.index(month) + 1
#Inputs a number and returns the month in format 'FEB'
def number_to_month(number):
if number <= 0 or number > 12:
exit('This is not a month number')
return months[number - 1]
#Outputs date with correct string format when day, month and year are given as numbers
def date_to_string(year, month, day):
day = '0' + str(day) if day < 10 else str(day)
return number_to_month(month) + ' ' + day + ', ' + str(year)
#compares 2 dates given in following format : "FEB 10, 2015"
#returns true if date1 is before or equal date2
def date_before(date1, date2):
year1, month1, day1 = int(date1[8:]), month_to_number(date1[:3]), int(date1[4:6])
year2, month2, day2 = int(date2[8:]), month_to_number(date2[:3]), int(date2[4:6])
if year1 < year2:
return True
elif year1 > year2:
return False
if month1 < month2:
return True
elif month1 > month2:
return False
return day1 <= day2
#returns true if date is in between start and end
def date_in(date, start, end):
return date_before(date, end) and date_before(start, date)
def is_leap_year(year):
return (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or year % 400 == 0
#adds days to date
def date_add(date, days):
year, month, day = int(date[8:]), month_to_number(date[:3]), int(date[4:6])
def date_update(day, month, year, month_lenght):
if day + days <= month_lenght:
day += days
if month == 12:
month = 1
year += 1
month += 1
day += days - month_lenght
return year, month, day
if month == 2:
if is_leap_year(year):
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 29)
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 28)
elif month in months_30:
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 30)
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 31)
return date_to_string(year, month, day)
#substract days to date
def date_sub(date, days):
year, month, day = int(date[8:]), month_to_number(date[:3]), int(date[4:6])
def date_update(day, month, year, prev_month_lenght):
if day - days > 0:
day -= days
if month == 1:
month = 12
year -= 1
month -= 1
day = prev_month_lenght - days + day
return year, month, day
if month == 3:
if is_leap_year(year):
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 29)
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 28)
elif month in [x + 1 for x in months_30]:
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 30)
year, month, day = date_update(day, month, year, 31)
return date_to_string(year, month, day)
#Returns the stats of a player between a start and end date
#date must follow following format : "FEB 10, 2015"
def get_games(player, start, end):
tmp = []
for game in player['stats']:
if date_in(game[1], start, end):
return tmp
#Returns the stats of all players between start and end date in a given season
#date must follow following format : "FEB 10, 2015"
def get_all_games(season, start, end):
players = glob.glob('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + "*.pkl")
tmp = []
for file in players:
playerID = file[26:-4]
player = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + playerID + '.pkl', 'rb'))
games = get_games(player, start, end)
tmp += games
return tmp
#Computes fantasy score of a given game
def get_fantasy(game, PTS = 1, BLK = 1, STL = 1, AST = 1, REB = 1, FGM = 1, FTM = 1, FGA = -1, FTA = -1, TOV = -1):
return PTS*game[22] + BLK*game[19] + STL*game[18] + AST*game[17] + REB*game[16] + FGM*game[5] \
+ FTM*game[11] + FGA*game[6] + FTA*game[12] + TOV*game[20]
#given two dates and a player, returns the game numbers of first and last game played
def get_games_num(player, start, end):
for i, game in enumerate(player['stats']):
if date_in(game[1], start, end):
first = i
last = len(player['stats']) - 1
#in case no games are played in that period of time
for j, game in enumerate(player['stats'][first:]):
if not date_in(game[1], start, end):
last = j + first - 1
except UnboundLocalError:
return (-1, -1)
return first, last
In [ ]:
#Returns the averaged stats (all, home and away) of a given player between game start and end
#Returns averaged of all games but last by default
def average(player, end = -1, start = 0):
games_num = len(player['stats'])
experience = player['experience']
age = player['age']
height = 6*int(player['height'].split('-')[0]) + int(player['height'].split('-')[1])
weight = int(player['weight'])
if end == 0:
tmp = [0.]*25
tmp[21] = experience
tmp[22] = age
tmp[23] = height
tmp[24] = weight
return tmp, tmp, tmp
# print "Please choose a strictly positive number of games"
# exit()
if end == -1:
return average(player, games_num - 1)
elif end > games_num:
print "not enough games, returned average of all available games (%d)" % games_num
return average(player, games_num)
elif start >= end:
print "start must be smaller then end, returned average of all available games (%d)" % games_num
return average(player, games_num)
elif start < 0:
return average(player, end)
averaged = [float(sum(x))/float(len(x)) for x in zip(*[match[4:] for match in player['stats'][start:end]])]
#Ensuring Percentages are correct (using average as default value)
for i, j in zip([3, 6, 9], [0.45, 0.35, 0.75]):
averaged[i] = j if averaged[i - 1] == 0 else averaged[i - 2]/averaged[i - 1]
won = float([match[3] for match in player['stats'][start:end]].count('W'))
winrate = won/end
home = [match for match in player['stats'][start:end] if match[2][4] == '@']
away = [match for match in player['stats'][start:end] if match[2][4] != '@']
#In order to avoid unreferenced return
home_avg = []
away_avg = []
if len(home) != 0:
home_avg = [float(sum(x))/float(len(x)) for x in zip(*[match[4:] for match in home])]
#Ensuring Percentages are correct
for i, j in zip([3, 6, 9], [0.45, 0.35, 0.75]):
averaged[i] = j if averaged[i - 1] == 0 else averaged[i - 2]/averaged[i - 1]
home_won = float([match[3] for match in home].count('W'))
home_winrate = home_won/len(home)
if len(away) != 0:
away_avg = [float(sum(x))/float(len(x)) for x in zip(*[match[4:] for match in away])]
#Ensuring Percentages are correct
for i, j in zip([3, 6, 9], [0.45, 0.35, 0.75]):
averaged[i] = j if averaged[i - 1] == 0 else averaged[i - 2]/averaged[i - 1]
away_won = float([match[3] for match in away].count('W'))
away_winrate = away_won/len(away)
return averaged, home_avg, away_avg
#print average('2011-12', '201149')
#computes fantasy points of a given player on his given ith game (last by default)
#Allows different way of computing points but has espn values by default
def compute_fantasy(player, game_number = -1,
PTS = 1, BLK = 1, STL = 1, AST = 1, REB = 1, FGM = 1, FTM = 1, FGA = -1, FTA = -1, TOV = -1):
games_num = len(player['stats'])
if game_number == -1:
return compute_fantasy(player, games_num,
elif game_number >= games_num:
print "This game does not exist, returned last game played instead"
return compute_fantasy(player, games_num,
game = player['stats'][game_number]
score = PTS*game[22] + BLK*game[19] + STL*game[18] + AST*game[17] + REB*game[16] + FGM*game[5] \
+ FTM*game[11] + FGA*game[6] + FTA*game[12] + TOV*game[20]
return score
In [ ]:
#factored code to compute sliding feature matrices for one player
def player_features(season, playerID, binary_pos = False, include_loc = False, num_last_games = 0, start = 1, end = -1):
averages = []
next_match_points = []
points = []
player = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + playerID + '.pkl', 'rb'))
if end == -1:
end = len(player['stats']) - 1
for j in range(start):
points.append(compute_fantasy(player, j))
for i in range(start, end):
all, home, away = average(player, i)
tmp = list(all)
if binary_pos:
positions = ['Center', 'Forward', 'Center-Forward', 'Guard', 'Forward-Guard', 'Forward-Center', 'Guard-Forward']
index = positions.index(player["position"])
bin = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
bin[index] += 1
tmp = bin + tmp
if include_loc:
#test if next game is home or away
if player['stats'][i + 1][2][4] == '@':
#To make sure features exist
if home != []:
tmp += home
if away != []:
tmp += away
if num_last_games > 0:
last = average(player, i, i - num_last_games)[0]
tmp += last
points.append(compute_fantasy(player, i))
next_match_points.append(compute_fantasy(player, i + 1))
X = np.array(averages)
y = np.array(next_match_points)
return X, y
#factored code to compute sliding feature matrices for one season
def season_features(season, binary_pos = False, include_loc = False, num_last_games = 0, best_players = 0):
Xs = []
ys = []
if best_players == 0:
players = glob.glob('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + "*.pkl")
best = get_fantasies(season, 'OCT 20, ' + season[:4], 'DEC 15, ' + season[:4])
players = []
for player in best[:best_players]:
for player in players:
playerID = player[26:-4] if best_players == 0 else player
#print "Dealing with {}".format(playerID)
X, y = player_features(season, playerID, binary_pos, include_loc, num_last_games)
if X.shape != (0,):
Xf = np.concatenate(Xs)
yf = np.concatenate(ys)
filename = 'slide'
if binary_pos:
filename = 'B' + filename
if include_loc:
filename += '_loc'
if num_last_games > 0:
filename += '_' + str(num_last_games)
if os.path.exists('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'averages' + os.sep + filename + '_X.pkl'):
os.remove('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'averages' + os.sep + filename + '_X.pkl')
os.remove('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'averages' + os.sep + filename + '_y.pkl')
pickle.dump(Xf, open('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'averages' + os.sep + filename + '_X.pkl', 'wb'))
pickle.dump(yf, open('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'averages' + os.sep + filename + '_y.pkl', 'wb'))
return Xf, yf
#computed error given model as input
def error(model, X, y):
predictions = model.predict(X)
avg_error = 0.
max_error = 0.
errors = []
games = []
values = [0.]*82
counter = [0.]*82
for game, (i, prediction) in zip(X, enumerate(predictions)):
amount = int(game[-1])
error = abs(prediction - y[i])
avg_error += error
max_error = error if error > max_error else max_error
return avg_error/predictions.shape[0], max_error
#all but one fold error over seasons using inputed average type (raw, sliding, ...)
def ABOF_error(seasons, model, degree = 0, binary_pos = False, include_loc = False, num_last_games = 0):
def polyf(X):
poly = preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures(degree)
return poly.fit_transform(X)
filename = 'slide'
if binary_pos:
filename = 'B' + filename
if include_loc:
filename += '_loc'
if num_last_games > 0:
filename += '_' + str(num_last_games)
Xs = []
ys = []
for season in seasons:
#print season
X = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'averages' + os.sep + filename + '_X.pkl', 'rb'))
y = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'averages' + os.sep + filename + '_y.pkl', 'rb'))
if degree > 0:
X = polyf(X)
errors = []
avg_error = 0.
avg_max = 0.
for i, season in enumerate(seasons):
print "Testing on season %s (Training on the rest)" % season
tmp_X = list(Xs)
tmp_y = list(ys)
testX, testy = tmp_X.pop(i), tmp_y.pop(i)
trainX, trainy = np.concatenate(tmp_X), np.concatenate(tmp_y)
print trainX.shape, trainy)
#print model.coef_
err = error(model, testX, testy)
avg_error += err[0]
avg_max += err[1]
print "error for this season is %s" % (err,)
result = avg_error/len(seasons), avg_max/len(seasons)
print "Average error and Averaged max error over all seasons is %s" % (result,)
print filename
return result
def compute_and_results(seasons, model, degree=0, binary_pos=False, include_loc=False, num_last_games=0, best_players = 0):
for season in seasons:
print season
season_features(season, binary_pos, include_loc, num_last_games, best_players)
ABOF_error(seasons, model, degree, binary_pos, include_loc, num_last_games)
In [ ]:
# To test model
#binary_pos to add feature vector containing position
#include_loc to include location features
#num_last_games : if not 0, uses average of given number of last games as features
#best_players : if not 0, only uses the given number of best players to train/test
compute_and_results(seasons, model, binary_pos=False, include_loc=False, num_last_games=0, best_players=0)
In [ ]:
#builds feature vector for week predition
#start and end are the dates of the week to be predicted, stats of player before start date will be used for prediction
def week_feature(player, start_date, end_date, season_start, binary_pos = False, num_last_games = 0):
start, end = get_games_num(player, start_date, end_date)
next_games = get_games(player, start_date, end_date)
#score = -100 means no games were played by the player the following week and the feature will not be used
score = 0. if next_games != [] else -100.
avg = []
if start > 0:
avg = average(player, start - 1)[0]
if binary_pos:
positions = ['Center', 'Forward', 'Center-Forward', 'Guard', 'Forward-Guard', 'Forward-Center', 'Guard-Forward']
index = positions.index(player["position"])
bin = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
bin[index] += 1
avg = bin + avg
if num_last_games > 0:
last = average(player, start - 1, start - 1 - num_last_games)[0]
avg += last
for game in next_games:
score += get_fantasy(game)
avg.append(start - 1)
games = get_games(player, season_start, date_sub(start_date, 1))
avg_points = 0.
for game in games:
avg_points += get_fantasy(game)
if len(games) != 0:
avg_points = avg_points/len(games)
return avg, score
#produces the feature matrix for a entire season wih given step in between 2 dates
def week_features(season, start_date, end_date, step, binary_pos = False, num_last_games = 0, best_players = 0):
Xs = []
ys = []
if best_players == 0:
players = glob.glob('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + "*.pkl")
best = get_fantasies(season, 'OCT 20, ' + season[:4], 'DEC 15, ' + season[:4])
players = []
for player in best[:best_players]:
for player in players:
playerID = player[26:-4] if best_players == 0 else player
player = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + playerID + '.pkl', 'rb'))
curr_date = date_add(start_date, step)
curr_end_date = date_add(curr_date, step)
while date_before(date_add(curr_end_date, step + 1), end_date):
X, y = week_feature(player, curr_date, curr_end_date, start_date, binary_pos, num_last_games)
#make sure some games are played the next week
if X != [] and y != -100:
curr_date = date_add(curr_date, step + 1)
curr_end_date = date_add(curr_end_date, step + 1)
Xf = np.reshape(Xs, (len(Xs), len(Xs[0])))
yf = np.reshape(ys, len(ys))
return Xf, yf
class week_simul:
def __init__(self, season, start_date, end_date, model, days = 6, players_num = 0, binary_pos = False, num_last_games = 0, best_players = 0, predict_num = 0):
print "Initializing attributes"
self.season = season
self.curr_date = start_date
self.prev_seasons = []
self.model = model
self.days = days
self.players_num = players_num
self.binary_pos = binary_pos
self.num_last_games = num_last_games
self.end_date = end_date
self.week = 0
self.start_date = start_date
self.poly = preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures(2)
self.predict_num = predict_num
self.week_avg_errors = []
self.week_max_errors = []
if self.players_num == 0:
self.players = glob.glob('data' + os.sep + self.season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + "*.pkl")
print "Gathering list of best players"
best = get_fantasies(self.season, 'OCT 20, ' + self.season[:4], 'DEC 15, ' + self.season[:4])
self.players = []
for player in best[:self.players_num]:
#ensuring training data will only be in the past
for s, s_start, s_end in zip(seasons, start_dates, end_dates):
year = int(self.season[:4])
if int(s[:4]) < year:
self.prev_seasons.append((s, s_start, s_end))
#creating initial training data
Xs = []
ys = []
print "Building training data"
for season in self.prev_seasons:
print season
X, y = week_features(season[0], season[1], season[2], self.days, self.binary_pos, self.num_last_games, best_players)
X = self.poly.fit_transform(X)
self.trainX, self.trainy = np.concatenate(Xs), np.concatenate(ys)
print self.trainX.shape, self.trainy.shape
print self.trainy.min(), self.trainy.max()
print "Building initial test data"
next_date = date_add(self.curr_date, self.days)
self.curr_date = date_add(next_date, 1)
self.week += 1
def debug(self):
print self.season
print self.curr_date
print self.prev_seasons
print self.model
print self.days
print len(self.players)
print self.trainX.shape, self.trainy.shape
print self.testX.shape, self.testy.shape
def update_testing(self):
Xs = []
ys = []
next_date = date_add(self.curr_date, self.days)
for player in self.players:
playerID = player[26:-4] if self.players_num == 0 else player
player = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + self.season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + playerID + '.pkl', 'rb'))
X, y = week_feature(player, self.curr_date, next_date, self.start_date, self.binary_pos, self.num_last_games)
if X != [] and y != -100:
if len(Xs) != 0:
self.testX, self.testy = np.reshape(Xs, (len(Xs), len(Xs[0]))), np.reshape(ys, len(ys))
self.testX = self.poly.fit_transform(self.testX)
#predicts values and updates training and testing set for the next days
def simulate(self):
next_date = date_add(self.curr_date, self.days), self.trainy)
errors = error(self.model, self.testX, self.testy)
print "Average and max errors on predictions from {} to {} is {}".format(self.curr_date, next_date, errors)
self.trainX, self.trainy = np.concatenate((self.trainX, self.testX)), np.concatenate((self.trainy, self.testy))
self.curr_date = date_add(next_date, 1)
self.week += 1
print "Average error per week so far is {}, {}".format(np.mean(self.week_avg_errors), np.mean(self.week_max_errors))
if date_before(self.curr_date, self.end_date):
print "Season has ended, user should stop simulating"
return errors
#produces list of best players and compares to best doable.
def predict(self):
next_date = date_add(self.curr_date, self.days), self.trainy)
predicted = dict()
scores = dict()
Xs = []
ys = []
for player in self.players:
playerID = player[26:-4] if self.players_num == 0 else player
player = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + self.season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + playerID + '.pkl', 'rb'))
X, y = week_feature(player, self.curr_date, next_date, self.start_date, self.binary_pos, self.num_last_games)
if X != [] and y != -100:
X = np.reshape(X, (1, len(X)))
X = self.poly.fit_transform(X)
predicted[player['name']] = model.predict(X)
scores[player['name']] = y
#to update training
#testX and y are not really used here but useful to update training
self.testX, self.testy = np.reshape(Xs, (len(Xs), Xs[0].shape[1])), np.reshape(ys, len(ys))
self.trainX, self.trainy = np.concatenate((self.trainX, self.testX)), np.concatenate((self.trainy, self.testy))
best_predicted = sorted(predicted.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)[:self.predict_num]
best_real = sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)[:self.predict_num]
predicted_real = []
for candidate in best_predicted:
name = candidate[0]
predicted_real.append((name, scores[name]))
print "Predictions from {} to {} are as follows : \n".format(self.curr_date, next_date)
print 'players predicted :\n'
print best_predicted
print '\nTheir real score :\n'
print predicted_real
print '\nActual best players :\n'
print best_real
predicted_score = sum(x[1] for x in best_predicted)
best_score = sum(x[1] for x in best_real)
actual_score = sum(x[1] for x in predicted_real)
print "\nPredicted score : {}".format(predicted_score[0])
print "Actual score : {}".format(actual_score)
print "best possible score : {}".format(best_score)
self.curr_date = date_add(next_date, 1)
self.week += 1
if not date_before(self.curr_date, self.end_date):
print "Season has ended, user should stop simulating"
return best_score - actual_score
def full_prediction(self):
errors = []
weeks = []
while date_before(self.curr_date, self.end_date):
plt.plot(weeks, errors)
print "Total error for the {} season is {} which averages to {} a week".format(self.season, sum(errors), np.mean(errors))
def full_simulation(self, playerID = None):
errors = []
weeks = []
if playerID:
Xs = []
ys = []
player = pickle.load(open('data' + os.sep + self.season + os.sep + 'player_stats' + os.sep + playerID + '.pkl', 'rb'))
games = get_games(player, self.start_date, date_add(self.start_date, self.days))
score = 0
for game in games:
score += get_fantasy(game)
while date_before(self.curr_date, self.end_date):
if playerID:
X, y = week_feature(player, self.curr_date, date_add(self.curr_date, self.days), self.start_date, self.binary_pos, self.num_last_games)
if X != [] and y != -100:
if playerID:
playerX, playery = np.reshape(Xs, (len(Xs), len(Xs[0]))), np.reshape(ys, len(ys))
playerX = self.poly.fit_transform(playerX)
predicts = self.model.predict(playerX)
bs = (np.insert(playery, 0, score))[:-1]
bs_avg = np.zeros(len(playery))
for i in range(len(playery)):
bs_avg[i] = np.mean(bs[:i + 1])
games = range(len(playery))
plt.plot(games, predicts, 'ro', games, playery, 'o', games, bs, 'go', games, bs_avg, 'yo')
plt.plot(games, abs(predicts - playery), 'r', games, abs(bs - playery), 'g', games, abs(bs_avg - playery), 'y')
plt.plot(weeks, errors)
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#to test simulation
#days controls the duration of a 'week'. Note that it should always be -1 the expected value. Therefore a real week simulation needs an input of 6
#the parameter for full_simulation is the player whose plot you wish to visualize
test = week_simul('2006-07', 'OCT 31, 2006', 'APR 18, 2007', model, days=6)
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#to test prediction
#days controls the duration of a 'week'. Note that it should always be -1 the expected value. Therefore a real week simulation needs an input of 6
#predict_num controls the number of best players you want as output for everyweek.
test = week_simul('2006-07', 'OCT 31, 2006', 'APR 18, 2007', model, days=6, predict_num=20)
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