Solving phase and frequency matching conditions for $\chi^{(3)}$ computationally

Here, we use two similar approaches to find a set of solutions for a set of equations representing the restrictions on the frequencies for which nonlinear interaction occurs. These solutions may include several surfaces as solutions.

In [1]:
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
import time
from scipy import interpolate

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from sympy import init_printing

import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import random

# import multiprocessing
# pool = multiprocessing.Pool()

In [2]:
## from

def timeit(method):
    def timed(*args, **kw):
        ts = time.time()
        result = method(*args, **kw)
        te = time.time()
        print '%r %2.2f sec' % \
              (method.__name__, te-ts)
        return result,te-ts
    return timed

In [3]:
def plot_arr(arr):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    cax = ax.matshow(np.asmatrix(arr), interpolation='nearest')

In [4]:
## from

lambd,omega,omega1,omega2,omega3,omega4 = sp.symbols('lambda omega omega_1 omega_2 omega_3 omega_4')
l2 = lambd **2

def n_symb(pol='o'):
    s = 1.
    if pol == 'o':
        s += 2.6734 * l2 / (l2 - 0.01764)
        s += 1.2290 * l2 / (l2 - 0.05914)
        s += 12.614 * l2 / (l2 - 474.6)
        s += 2.9804 * l2 / (l2 - 0.02047)
        s += 0.5981 * l2 / (l2 - 0.0666)
        s += 8.9543 * l2 / (l2 - 416.08)
    return sp.sqrt(s)

def k_symb(symbol=omega,pol='o'):
    '''k is accurate for omega inputs between 6-60.'''
    return ((n_symb(pol=pol) * symbol )
                .subs(lambd,scipy.constants.c / (symbol*1e7))) ## / scipy.constants.c

In [9]:
phi1, phi2 = sp.symbols('phi_1 phi_2')

In [10]:
ex1 = (k_symb(omega1,pol='e')+k_symb(omega2,pol='e')).expand().subs({omega1:(phi1 + phi2)/2, omega2: (phi1-phi2)/2})

In [11]:

$$\left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} - \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right) \sqrt{1.0 + \frac{2678.64993470721}{- 0.02047 \left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} - \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{537.545472402491}{- 0.0666 \left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} - \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{8047.72349696308}{- 416.08 \left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} - \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817}} + \left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} + \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right) \sqrt{1.0 + \frac{2678.64993470721}{- 0.02047 \left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} + \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{537.545472402491}{- 0.0666 \left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} + \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{8047.72349696308}{- 416.08 \left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{2} + \frac{\phi_{2}}{2}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817}}$$

In [12]:
ex2 = -(k_symb(omega3,pol='e')+k_symb(omega4,pol='e')).expand().subs(omega4,-phi1-omega3)

In [13]:

$$- \omega_{3} \sqrt{1.0 + \frac{2678.64993470721}{- 0.02047 \omega_{3}^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{537.545472402491}{- 0.0666 \omega_{3}^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{8047.72349696308}{- 416.08 \omega_{3}^{2} + 898.755178736817}} - \left(- \omega_{3} - \phi_{1}\right) \sqrt{1.0 + \frac{2678.64993470721}{- 0.02047 \left(- \omega_{3} - \phi_{1}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{537.545472402491}{- 0.0666 \left(- \omega_{3} - \phi_{1}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817} + \frac{8047.72349696308}{- 416.08 \left(- \omega_{3} - \phi_{1}\right)^{2} + 898.755178736817}}$$

In [14]:
## We need to find where ex1(phi1,phi2) + ex2(phi1,omega3) = 0.

In [15]:
diff_func_4wv_1 = ufuncify([phi1,phi2], ex1)
diff_func_4wv_2 = ufuncify([phi1,omega3], ex2)

In [16]:
phi1_min = 30.
phi1_max = 34.

phi2_min = -13
phi2_max = -9

omega3_min = -26.
omega3_max = -16.

phi1_range = np.arange(phi1_min,phi1_max,0.01)
phi2_range = np.arange(phi2_min,phi2_max,0.01)
omega3_range = np.arange(omega3_min,omega3_max,0.01)

f_phi12_omega3 = lambda phi1,phi2,omega3 : (diff_func_4wv_1(phi1_range[phi1],phi2_range[phi2]) 
                                            - diff_func_4wv_2(phi1_range[phi1],omega3_range[omega3]) )

phi1_indices = range(len(phi1_range))
phi2_indices = range(len(phi2_range))

print len(phi1_range),len(phi2_range),len(omega3_range)

400 400 1000

In [ ]:
eps = 2e-4

In [17]:
def find_matching_elements_for_phi(phi1,ls1,ls2,z1,z2,matching_dict,eps=1e-4):
    Given a fixed phi1, do a single iteration through two sorted lists ls1 and ls2
    to find closely matching elements (within eps).
        phi1 (int): index of fixed phi1
        ls1, ls2 (lists of floats): Sorted lists of values of functions f(phi1,phi2)
        and g(phi1,omega3) in the ranges of phi2, omega3
        z1,z2 (dicts): dictionaries from the lists ls1 and ls2 to the original index values
        of phi2 and omega3.
        matching_dict (dict): dict to which we add new entries. Keys are 3 incides, values 
        are error rates
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while i < len(ls1) and j < len(ls2):
        while ls2[j] > ls1[i] + eps and i < len(ls1)-1:
            i += 1
        k = i
        while k < len(ls1) and abs(ls1[k]-ls2[j]) < eps:
            matching_dict[phi1,z1[ls1[k]],z2[ls2[j]]] = abs(ls1[k]-ls2[j])
            k += 1
        j += 1
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while i < len(ls1) and j < len(ls2)-1:
        while ls2[j] + eps < ls1[i]  and j < len(ls2)-1:
            j += 1
        k = j
        while k < len(ls2) and abs(ls1[i]-ls2[k]) < eps:
            matching_dict[phi1,z1[ls1[i]],z2[ls2[k]]] = abs(ls1[i]-ls2[k])
            k += 1
        i += 1

In [18]:
def make_matching_dict(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=5e-6):
    Make a dictionary mapping points close to solutions of a phase-matching condition
    to error values using sorted lists.
        phi1_range (numpy array):
            list of phi1 values
        phi2_range (numpy array):
            list of phi2 values
        omega3_range (numpy array):
            list of omega3 values
        eps (optional[float]): 
            error allowed for phase-matching condition
        Dictionary (dict):
            dict mapping points to error values.
    matching_dict = {}
    for phi1_index,phi1 in enumerate(phi1_range):
        y1 = diff_func_4wv_1(phi1,phi2_range)
        y2 = diff_func_4wv_2(phi1,omega3_range)

        z1 = {e1:e2 for e1,e2 in zip(y1,range(len(phi2_range))) }
        z2 = {e1:e2 for e1,e2 in zip(y2,range(len(omega3_range))) }

        ls1 = sorted(y1)
        ls2 = sorted(y2)

    return matching_dict

In [19]:

In [20]:
def eps_multiply_digitize(y,eps):
    return  map(lambda el: int(el/eps), y)

def make_dict_values_to_lists_of_inputs(values,inputs):
    D = {}
    for k, v in zip(values,inputs):
        D.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
    return D

In [21]:
def make_matching_dict_hash(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps):
    Make a dictionary mapping points close to solutions of a phase-matching condition
    to error values using hash tables.
        phi1_range (numpy array):
            list of phi1 values
        phi2_range (numpy array):
            list of phi2 values
        omega3_range (numpy array):
            list of omega3 values
        eps (optional[float]): 
            error allowed for phase-matching condition
        Dictionary (dict):
            dict mapping points to error values.

    phi2_indices = range(len(phi2_range))
    omega3_indices = range(len(omega3_range))
    matching_dict = {}
    for phi1_index,phi1 in enumerate(phi1_range):
        y1 = diff_func_4wv_1(phi1,phi2_range)
        y2 = diff_func_4wv_2(phi1,omega3_range)

        y1_rounded = eps_multiply_digitize(y1,eps)
        y1_rounded_up =  [ind + 1 for ind in y1_rounded]
        y2_rounded = eps_multiply_digitize(y2,eps)
        y2_rounded_up =  [ind + 1 for ind in y2_rounded]
        D1 = make_dict_values_to_lists_of_inputs(y1_rounded+y1_rounded_up,2*phi2_indices)
        D2 = make_dict_values_to_lists_of_inputs(y2_rounded+y2_rounded_up,2*omega3_indices)
        inter = set(D1.keys()) & set(D2.keys())
        for el in inter:
            for ind1 in D1[el]:
                for ind2 in D2[el]:
                    err = y1[ind1]-y2[ind2]
                    if abs(err) < eps:
                        matching_dict[phi1_index,ind1,ind2] = err 
    return matching_dict

In [22]:
#### e.g.

In [23]:
eps = 2e-4

In [36]:
## sorted list approach
matching_dict, t_ex = make_matching_dict(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps)

'make_matching_dict' 15.56 sec

In [37]:
## hashing approach
matching_dict_hash, t_ex = make_matching_dict_hash(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps)

'make_matching_dict_hash' 12.29 sec

In [38]:


In [39]:


In [40]:
phi_12_omega3_arr = np.zeros((len(phi1_range),len(phi2_range)))

In [41]:
### maximum solution surface for sorted list approach

for key in matching_dict:
    if phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] < key[2]:
        phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] = key[2]

In [42]:
### maximum solution surface, hash approach

for key in matching_dict_hash:
    if phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] < key[2]:
        phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] = key[2]

In [43]:
### minimum solution surface, sorted list approach

for key in matching_dict:
    if phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] != 0 and phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] > key[2]:
        phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] = key[2]

In [44]:
### minimum solution surface hash approach

for key in matching_dict_hash:
    if phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] != 0 and phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] > key[2]:
        phi_12_omega3_arr[key[0],key[1]] = key[2]

In [517]:
surface_points = {}

for ind1 in phi1_indices:
    for ind2 in phi2_indices:
        surface_points[ind1,ind2] = []

for key in matching_dict:

In [518]:
def extract_intervals(ls,leeway = 1,c_max = 10000):
    Given an increasing sorted list of integers, find a list of closed intervals, each a
    containing only consecutive integers.
        ls (list): an ascending list of integers.
        leeway (int): maximum skipping of numbers an interval can have
        c_max (int): max number of iterations
        A list of tuples representing closed intervals.
    i = 0
    j = 0
    c = 0
    intervals = []
    while i < len(ls) and c < c_max:
        c += 1
        if j < len(ls) and abs(ls[i]-ls[j]) <= leeway + abs(i-j):
            j += 1
            i = j
    return intervals

In [519]:
i = 350
j = 350

In [520]:

$$\left [ 257, \quad 258, \quad 259, \quad 260, \quad 261, \quad 262, \quad 263, \quad 264, \quad 265, \quad 266, \quad 267, \quad 442, \quad 443, \quad 444, \quad 445, \quad 446, \quad 447, \quad 448, \quad 449, \quad 450, \quad 451, \quad 452, \quad 453, \quad 454, \quad 455, \quad 456, \quad 457, \quad 458\right ]$$

In [521]:
intervals = extract_intervals(sorted(surface_points[i,j]) )

In [522]:

$$\left [ \left ( 257, \quad 267\right ), \quad \left ( 442, \quad 458\right )\right ]$$

In [523]:
### points near solutions

In [524]:
for inter in intervals:
    inter_plus_one_on_the_right = inter[0],inter[1]+1
    plt.plot(abs((f_phi12_omega3 (i,j,np.arange(*inter_plus_one_on_the_right)))))

In [525]:
plt.plot(abs((f_phi12_omega3 (i,j,np.arange(0,1000)))))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1149cb7d0>]

3D plots

Hashing solution

In [419]:
l = np.arange(0,len(matching_dict_hash)-1,1)

x = np.zeros(len(matching_dict_hash))
y = np.zeros(len(matching_dict_hash))
z = np.zeros(len(matching_dict_hash))

for i,key in enumerate(matching_dict_hash):
    x[i] = key[0]
    y[i] = key[1]
    z[i] = key[2]

In [420]:
trace1 = go.Scatter3d(

data = [trace1]
layout = go.Layout(
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='hashed solutions')


Sorted list solution

In [421]:
l = np.arange(0,len(matching_dict),1)

x = np.zeros(len(matching_dict))
y = np.zeros(len(matching_dict))
z = np.zeros(len(matching_dict))

for i,key in enumerate(matching_dict):
    x[i] = key[0]
    y[i] = key[1]
    z[i] = key[2]

In [422]:
trace1 = go.Scatter3d(

data = [trace1]
layout = go.Layout(
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='list solutions')


Performance Comparison Between the two approaches

What happens for different values of epsilon?

In [528]:
times_lists = {}
times_hashes = {}

In [531]:
eps_list = [1e-6,2e-6,5e-6,1e-5,2e-5,5e-5,1e-4,2e-4,3e-4,5e-4,1e-3]

In [532]:
for eps in eps_list:
    if not eps in times_lists.keys():
        matching_dict_test, t_ex_list = make_matching_dict(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps)
        times_lists[eps] = t_ex_list
    if not eps in times_hashes.keys():
        matching_dict_test_hash, t_ex_hash = make_matching_dict_hash(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps)
        times_hashes[eps] = t_ex_hash

'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.99 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.91 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.89 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.13 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 3.53 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.65 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.84 sec
'make_matching_dict' 3.32 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 3.82 sec
'make_matching_dict' 6.30 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 5.12 sec
'make_matching_dict' 9.80 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 8.43 sec
'make_matching_dict' 16.44 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 10.91 sec
'make_matching_dict' 23.52 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 16.70 sec
'make_matching_dict' 34.36 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 23.75 sec
'make_matching_dict' 58.70 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 43.10 sec

In [533]:
plt.plot(eps_list,[times_lists[eps] for eps in eps_list])
plt.plot(eps_list,[times_hashes[eps] for eps in eps_list])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1238dba50>]

The number of points increases about inversely with $\epsilon$. We see both approaches become linear time with the number of points, but the hash has smaller slope.

Both approaches will be linear in $\phi_1$. What about $\phi_2$ and $\omega_3$?

In [36]:
eps = 6e-5

In [37]:
phi1_range = np.arange(phi1_min,phi1_max,0.01)
phi2_steps = [1./x for x  in np.linspace(5.,75.,8)]
omega3_steps = [1./x for x  in np.linspace(5.,75.,8)]

In [38]:
times_phi2_omega3_lists = np.zeros((len(phi2_steps),len(omega3_steps)))
times_phi2_omega3_hash = np.zeros((len(phi2_steps),len(omega3_steps)))

In [39]:
for i,stepsize_1 in enumerate(phi2_steps):
    for j,stepsize_2 in enumerate(omega3_steps):
        phi2_range = np.arange(phi2_min,phi2_max,stepsize_1)
        omega3_range = np.arange(omega3_min,omega3_max,stepsize_2)
        matching_dict_test, t_ex_list = make_matching_dict(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps)
        times_phi2_omega3_lists[i,j] = t_ex_list
        matching_dict_test, t_ex_hash = make_matching_dict_hash(phi1_range,phi2_range,omega3_range,eps=eps)
        times_phi2_omega3_hash[i,j] = t_ex_hash

'make_matching_dict' 0.09 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.07 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.19 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.17 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.30 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.26 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.42 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.43 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.51 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.46 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.64 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.60 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.73 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.67 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.83 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.83 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.13 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.12 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.28 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.24 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.43 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.37 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.59 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.56 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.81 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.64 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.98 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.89 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.11 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.05 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.30 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.13 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.20 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.17 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.39 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.32 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.59 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.51 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.84 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.70 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.99 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.92 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.29 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.07 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.47 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.27 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.68 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.40 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.26 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.22 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.49 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.40 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.76 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.67 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.04 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.80 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.30 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.16 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.52 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.31 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.78 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.55 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.17 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.86 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.33 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.30 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.67 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.51 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.95 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.81 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.24 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.91 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.48 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.21 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.84 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.52 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.08 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.92 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.44 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.01 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.37 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.30 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.71 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.57 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.10 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.94 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.49 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.21 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.81 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.52 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.20 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.89 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.50 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.07 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.79 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.36 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.43 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.35 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.80 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.61 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.17 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.95 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.59 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.27 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.00 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.60 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.37 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.01 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.79 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.25 sec
'make_matching_dict' 3.20 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.71 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.48 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.39 sec
'make_matching_dict' 0.91 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 0.70 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.36 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.07 sec
'make_matching_dict' 1.91 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.49 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.25 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 1.88 sec
'make_matching_dict' 2.67 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.23 sec
'make_matching_dict' 3.18 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 2.60 sec
'make_matching_dict' 3.58 sec
'make_matching_dict_hash' 3.00 sec

In [40]:

In [41]:

In [42]:
## Let's look along phi2 = omega3
plt.plot([times_phi2_omega3_lists[i,i] for i in range(8)])
plt.plot([times_phi2_omega3_hash[i,i] for i in range(8)])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x127e2df10>]

In [43]:
## Along constant omega3
plt.plot([times_phi2_omega3_lists[i,5] for i in range(8)])
plt.plot([times_phi2_omega3_hash[i,5] for i in range(8)])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x114c47150>]

In [44]:
## Along constant phi2
plt.plot([times_phi2_omega3_lists[5,i] for i in range(8)])
plt.plot([times_phi2_omega3_hash[5,i] for i in range(8)])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1227c37d0>]

In [ ]: