a tutorial by Thomas Viehmann tv@lernapparat.de
Acknowledgement & Disclosure: The creation of this tutorial was sponsored by AMD. Thank you!
Following our tutorial on running and tuning PyTorch models on TVM, we can look at using TVM to speed up training, too. Of course, this opens an entire new can of worms as we need to deal with autodifferentiation.
Our goal in this tutorial is to take a non-trivial module (we'll use BertLayer from HuggingFace transformer's BertModel) and divert the computation during training to TVM. So the user can take a (traceable) module and do
add_tvm_dispatch(module, sample_input)
and then if she calls module with inputs of the same shape as the sample_input, she'll get the outputs computed by TVM (as PyTorch tensors, of course) and if not, it'll just use the regular forward.
The bad new first: This tutorial shows how to do these things. We will not yet achieve a great speedup in this tutorial.
But enough talk, let us dive right in!
The first thing to do is import things and get the model we want.
In [1]:
import inspect
import types
import sys
# I sometimes need to choose PyTorch...
#sys.path.insert(0, '/home/tv/pytorch/pytorch/build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.8//')
import torch
import torch.utils.dlpack
# import TVM
import sys
import os
tvm_root = '/home/tv/rocm/tvm/tvm/'
tvm_paths = [os.path.join(tvm_root, p) for p in ['python', 'topi/python', 'nnvm/python']]
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join([os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')] + tvm_paths)
for p in tvm_paths:
sys.path.insert(0, p)
import tvm
import tvm.relay
Helpfully, transformers supports tracing their model with the PyTorch JIT. We use their tutorial on it, the following is copied straight from the tutorial
In [2]:
import transformers
from transformers import BertModel, BertTokenizer, BertConfig
import numpy
import torch
enc = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
# Tokenizing input text
text = "[CLS] Who was Jim Henson ? [SEP] Jim Henson was a puppeteer [SEP]"
tokenized_text = enc.tokenize(text)
# Masking one of the input tokens
masked_index = 8
tokenized_text[masked_index] = '[MASK]'
indexed_tokens = enc.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenized_text)
segments_ids = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
# Creating a dummy input
tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens])
segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids])
dummy_input = [tokens_tensor, segments_tensors]
# If you are instantiating the model with `from_pretrained` you can also easily set the TorchScript flag
model = BertModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased", torchscript=True)
for p in model.parameters():
Now we can trace our model. As we want to do inference, we impose evaluation mode and not requiring gradients for the parameters.
In [3]:
dtype = torch.float32
dtype_str = str(dtype).split('.')[-1]
In [4]:
# Creating the trace
traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model, [tokens_tensor, segments_tensors])
for p in traced_model.parameters():
Readers of the PyTorch Bert & TVM tutorial will recall the wrapper we had for getting inputs and outputs of a submodule of the model.
In [5]:
class DebugWrap(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, root, target_qn):
self.root = (root,) # Hide from PyTorch
parent, = self.root
target_qn = target_qn.split('.')
self.target_basename = target_qn[-1]
for nc in target_qn[:-1]:
parent = getattr(parent, nc)
self.parent = (parent,)
target = getattr(parent, self.target_basename)
self.wrapped = target
setattr(parent, self.target_basename, self)
def remove(self):
parent, = self.parent
setattr(parent, self.target_basename, self.wrapped)
self.root = None
def forward(self, *inp, **kwinp):
assert self.root is not None
self.DEBUG_INP = inp
self.DEBUG_KWINP = kwinp
out = self.wrapped(*inp, **kwinp)
self.DEBUG_OUT = out
return out
We also had a fancy visualization. We now have a small addition, the dictionary to specify attributes for nodes. This will come in handy later.
In [6]:
import graphviz
def visualize(expr, collapse_small=True, node_attr_dict = {}):
def collect_ops(node):
ops = set()
def visitor(e):
if isinstance(e, tvm.ir.Op):
tvm.relay.analysis.post_order_visit(node, visitor)
return ops
# node_dict maps a Relay node to an index (node ID)
def _traverse_expr(node, node_dict):
if node in node_dict:
node_dict[node] = len(node_dict)
node_dict = {}
tvm.relay.analysis.post_order_visit(expr, lambda x: _traverse_expr(x, node_dict))
relayviz_nodes = []
dot = graphviz.Digraph(format='svg')
dot.attr('node', shape = 'box')
def to_str(node):
if isinstance(node, tvm.relay.Constant):
return repr(node).lstrip('Constant(')[:-1]
raise NotImplementedError("to_str:" + repr(node))
def is_small_const(c):
if not (collapse_small and isinstance(c, tvm.relay.Constant)):
return False
if isinstance(c.data, tvm.runtime.ndarray.NDArray):
return numpy.prod(c.data.shape) < 10
return True
# Sort by node ID
for node, node_id in sorted(node_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
if isinstance(node, tvm.relay.Function):
dot.node(str(node_id), 'Function', **node_attr_dict.get(node, {}))
dot.edge(str(node_dict[node.body]), str(node_id))
elif isinstance(node, tvm.relay.Var):
if node.type_annotation is not None:
if hasattr(node.type_annotation, 'shape'):
shape = tuple([int(x) for x in node.type_annotation.shape])
dtype = node.type_annotation.dtype
typstr = 'Tensor[{}, {}]'.format(shape, dtype)
typstr = str(node.type_annotation)
typstr = '?'
d = dict(shape = 'ellipse')
d.update(node_attr_dict.get(node, {}))
'{}: {}'.format(
node.name_hint, typstr
), **d)
elif isinstance(node, tvm.relay.Tuple):
dot.node(str(node_id), 'Tuple[...])', **node_attr_dict.get(node, {}))
for field in node.fields:
dot.edge(str(node_dict[field]), str(node_id))
elif isinstance(node, tvm.relay.Constant):
if not is_small_const(node): # small consts are shown in ops
dot.node(str(node_id), 'Constant({}, {})'.format(node.data.shape, node.data.dtype),
**node_attr_dict.get(node, {}))
elif isinstance(node, tvm.relay.Call):
args_with_edge = []
arg_str_list = []
for arg in node.args:
if is_small_const(arg):
arg_str = ', '.join(arg_str_list)
if isinstance(node.op, tvm.ir.Op):
name = node.op.name
attrs = {k:getattr(node.attrs, k) for k in node.attrs.keys()} if hasattr(node.attrs, 'keys') else {}
#attrs = inspect.getmembers(node.attrs)
attr_str_list = [k+'='+(str(v) if len(str(v))<15 else "...") for k, v in attrs.items()]
if attr_str_list:
attr_str = '| '+ ', '.join(attr_str_list)
attr_str = ''
ops = collect_ops(node)
if ops:
name = '_'.join(ops)
name = '...'
attr_str = ''
s = f'{name}({arg_str}{attr_str})'
dot.node(str(node_id), s, **node_attr_dict.get(node, {}))
for arg in args_with_edge:
dot.edge(str(node_dict[arg]), str(node_id))
elif isinstance(node, tvm.ir.Op):
# dot.node(str(node_id), 'Op {}'.format(node.name))
pass # covered in call
elif isinstance(node, tvm.relay.TupleGetItem):
dot.node(str(node_id), 'TupleGetItem(idx={})'.format(node.index), **node_attr_dict.get(node, {}))
dot.edge(str(node_dict[node.tuple_value]), str(node_id))
elif isinstance(node, tvm.relay.Let):
dot.node(str(node_id), 'Let(XX)', **node_attr_dict.get(node, {}))
dot.edge(str(node_dict[node.value]), str(node_id))
dot.edge(str(node_id), str(node_dict[node.var]))
raise RuntimeError(
'Unknown node type. node_id: {}, node: {}'.format(node_id, type(node)))
return dot
Let's wrap the first BertLayer in our model. You could also take smaller bits if you run my tutorials on your phone and want smaller graphs.
In [7]:
debug_wrap = DebugWrap(model, "encoder.layer.0") # encoder.layer.0.attention.self
tt = tokens_tensor.cpu()
st = segments_tensors.cpu()
model(tt, st)
We trace the module.
In [8]:
traced_module = torch.jit.trace(debug_wrap.wrapped, [i.to(dtype) for i in debug_wrap.DEBUG_INP[:2]])
Let's convert the traced model to TVM. This works just as before.
In [9]:
shape_list = [(i.debugName().split('.')[0], i.type().sizes()) for i in list(traced_module.graph.inputs())[1:]]
mod, mod_params = tvm.relay.frontend.from_pytorch(traced_module, shape_list, default_dtype=dtype_str)
One thing we'll do in between is to move from a module interface - with named parameters - to a functional interface (which is what TVM can do for us). The first thing we want to do for that is arrange for the function arguments to be in an order that we can work with - i.e. first the direct inputs to the module and then the parameters in the same order that PyTorch uses them.
In [10]:
# the converter will output arguments in an arbitrary order (well, by position of use), we want that of the input
fn = mod['main']
# Careful traced module's vs. non-traced module's parameter ordering.
# Anecdotally, I have not seen orderings differ between the two, though.
arg_order = ([n for n, _ in shape_list]
+[n for n, _ in traced_module.named_parameters()])
tmp_arg_idx = {p.name_hint: i for i, p in enumerate(fn.params)}
fn = tvm.relay.Function([fn.params[tmp_arg_idx[n]] for n in arg_order], fn.body)
Let's look at our function.
In [11]:
As in the BERT inference, we want to run some optimization passes. It'll be convenient to do this on at a function level, so we're wrapping some standard TVM passes to work like this, too.
We already know the ShapeConstDedupMutator
and the TransposeDedupMutator
from the inference notebook, deduplicating some of the things that came with the PyTorch conversion.
But we also have a few new transformations:
operations to broadcast or "unbroadcast" (summation is the dual of broadcasting w.r.t. autodifferentiation) things. But this means that you now have two tensor arguments, even if the latter doesn't really need a gradient. ZappLike
replaces those operations with the corresponding functions taking a shape parameter instead.LayerNorm
(or BatchNorm
or others). So we implement a pass to spell out the computation.So here is this bit of infrastructure:
In [12]:
import numpy
def work_on_fn(pass_cls):
def apply_pass(fn_or_mod):
if isinstance(fn_or_mod, tvm.IRModule):
return pass_cls()(fn_or_mod)
if isinstance(fn_or_mod, tvm.relay.Function):
return pass_cls()(
tvm.IRModule({'main': fn_or_mod}))['main']
raise NotImplemented("unsupporded type {}".format(type(fn_or_mod)))
return apply_pass
infer_type = work_on_fn(tvm.relay.transform.InferType)
to_graph_normal_form = work_on_fn(tvm.relay.transform.ToGraphNormalForm)
dead_code_elimination = work_on_fn(tvm.relay.transform.DeadCodeElimination)
eliminate_common_subexpr = work_on_fn(tvm.relay.transform.EliminateCommonSubexpr)
class ShapeConstDedupMutator(tvm.relay.ExprMutator):
def __init__(self):
self.shape_consts = {}
def visit_call(self, call):
if (isinstance(call.op, tvm.ir.Op)
and call.op.name in {"reshape", "broadcast_to", "collapse_sum_to"}
and isinstance(call.args[1], tvm.relay.Constant)):
# assert list(call.attrs.newshape) == list(call.args[1].data.asnumpy())
new_fn = self.visit(call.op)
new_args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in call.args]
const = new_args[1]
assert const.data.dtype.startswith('int') and len(const.data.shape)==1
key = tuple(const.data.asnumpy())
if key in self.shape_consts:
new_args[1] = self.shape_consts[key]
self.shape_consts[key] = new_args[1]
return tvm.relay.Call(new_fn, new_args, call.attrs)
return super().visit_call(call)
class TransposeDedupMutator(tvm.relay.ExprMutator):
def visit_call(self, call):
if (isinstance(call.op, tvm.ir.Op) and call.op.name == "transpose"
and isinstance(call.args[0], tvm.relay.Call)
and isinstance(call.args[0].op, tvm.ir.Op) and call.args[0].op.name == "transpose"):
axes = [call.args[0].attrs.axes[int(i)] for i in call.attrs.axes]
new_inp = self.visit(call.args[0].args[0])
if axes == list(range(len(axes))): # neutral permutation, should really do this separately...
return new_inp
return tvm.relay.transpose(new_inp, axes)
return super().visit_call(call)
#def TransposeDedup(fn, mod, ctx):
# return TransposeDedupMutator().visit(fn)
class ZeroZapp(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.DFPatternCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.zeros = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("zeros")(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard())
self.other_tensor = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()
self.pattern = (self.zeros + self.other_tensor) | (self.other_tensor + self.zeros)
def callback(self, pre, post, node_map):
rt = node_map[self.pattern][0]
ot = node_map[self.other_tensor][0]
if (ot._checked_type_ == rt._checked_type_):
return ot
return tvm.relay.broadcast_to(ot, list(rt._checked_type_.shape))
class ZeroZapp(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.DFPatternCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.ones = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("zeros")(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()) | tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_constant()
self.other_tensor = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()
self.pattern = (self.ones + self.other_tensor) | (self.other_tensor + self.ones)
def callback(self, pre, post, node_map):
rt = node_map[self.pattern][0]
ones = node_map[self.ones][0]
ot = node_map[self.other_tensor][0]
if isinstance(ones, tvm.relay.Constant):
val = ones.data.asnumpy()
if not ((val == 0) if numpy.isscalar(val) else (val == 0).all()):
return rt
# I don't know why I don't reliably get checked types here...
if (((rt._checked_type_ is not None) and (ot._checked_type_ == rt._checked_type_))
or (rt.type_args[0] == rt.type_args[1])):
return ot
elif (rt._checked_type_ is not None):
return tvm.relay.broadcast_to(ot, list(rt._checked_type_.shape))
return rt
class OneZapp(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.DFPatternCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.ones = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("ones")(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()) | tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_constant()
self.other_tensor = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()
self.pattern = (self.ones * self.other_tensor) | (self.other_tensor * self.ones)
def callback(self, pre, post, node_map):
global val
rt = node_map[self.pattern][0]
ones = node_map[self.ones][0]
ot = node_map[self.other_tensor][0]
if isinstance(ones, tvm.relay.Constant):
val = ones.data.asnumpy()
if not ((val == 1) if numpy.isscalar(val) else (val == 1).all()):
return rt
if (((rt._checked_type_ is not None) and (ot._checked_type_ == rt._checked_type_))
or (rt.type_args[0] == rt.type_args[1])):
return ot
if (rt._checked_type_ is not None):
return tvm.relay.broadcast_to(ot, list(rt._checked_type_.shape))
return rt
class LikeZapp(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.DFPatternCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.translations_with_dt = {'zeros_like': tvm.relay.zeros,
'ones_like': tvm.relay.ones}
self.data_tensor = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()
self.pattern_tensor = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()
self.pattern = ((tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("zeros_like")
| tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("ones_like")
) | ((
| tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("reshape_like")
| tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("broadcast_to_like")
)(self.data_tensor, self.pattern_tensor))
def callback(self, pre, post, node_map):
data = node_map[self.data_tensor][0]
res = node_map[self.pattern][0]
if res.op.name in self.translations_with_dt:
ret = self.translations_with_dt[res.op.name](list(res.type_args[0].shape),
res.type_args[0].dtype) # which dtype?
return ret
if (res.type_args[0] is not None and res.type_args[0] == res.type_args[1]):
return data
if res.op.name == 'broadcast_to_like':
return tvm.relay.broadcast_to(data, list(res.type_args[1].shape))
if res.op.name == 'reshape_like':
return tvm.relay.reshape(data, list(res.type_args[1].shape))
if res.op.name == 'collapse_sum_like':
return tvm.relay.collapse_sum_to(data, list(res.type_args[1].shape))
return res
class DecomposeLayerNorm(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.DFPatternCallback):
# TVM doesn't have a LayerNorm backward
def __init__(self):
self.pattern = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("nn.layer_norm")(
def callback(self, pre, post, node_map):
# probably only 1d...
res = node_map[self.pattern][0]
inp, weight, bias = res.args
mean = tvm.relay.mean(inp, axis=res.attrs.axis, keepdims=True)
std = tvm.relay.std(inp, axis=res.attrs.axis, keepdims=True)
res_new = ((inp - mean) / (std + tvm.relay.const(res.attrs.epsilon, dtype=res.type_args[0].dtype))) * weight + bias
return res_new
class ExternalizeDropout(tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.DFPatternCallback):
# TVM doesn't have a Dropout defined (for inference it can be deleted)
# but it also does not appear to have random, so we make the random draw
# an input
def __init__(self):
self.dropout_info = {}
self.counter = 0
self.inp = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.wildcard()
self.dropout = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_op("nn.dropout")(self.inp)
self.pattern = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.is_tuple_get_item(self.dropout, 0)
def callback(self, pre, post, node_map):
res = node_map[self.pattern][0]
dropout = node_map[self.dropout][0]
inp = node_map[self.inp][0]
typ = dropout.type_args[0]
rate = dropout.attrs.rate
name = f"dropout:{self.counter}"
self.counter += 1
do_var = tvm.relay.var(name, type_annotation=typ)
self.dropout_info[name] = (rate, typ)
return inp * (do_var * tvm.relay.const(1 / (1 - rate), dtype=typ.dtype))
def externalize_dropout(fn):
edo = ExternalizeDropout()
fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(edo, fn)
return fn, edo.dropout_info
In [ ]:
As hinted at above, TVM's gradient taking assumes that it is the last element in the computation (the ones-Tensors discussed above). This isn't a good fit with PyTorch's modular view which expects a grad_out
for each output to be given. Happily, this is computationally equivalent to multiplying by grad out and summation, so we amend our function with that. We wish to be flexible, so we allow both functions returning a single tensor and those returning a tuple of tensors.
Also we apply the passes handling layer norm and the dropout .
In [14]:
fn = TransposeDedupMutator().visit(fn)
fn = infer_type(fn)
output_type = fn.body.checked_type
if isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TensorType):
gr_out = tvm.relay.var("gr:out", output_type)
fn_for_gr = tvm.relay.Function(list(fn.params) + [gr_out], tvm.relay.sum(fn.body * gr_out))
# we can try to handle tuples of tensors, but our nesting patience ends there
assert (isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TupleType) and
all([isinstance(f, tvm.relay.TensorType) for f in output_type.fields]))
gr_outs = [tvm.relay.var(f"gr:out:{i}", t) for i, t in enumerate(output_type.fields)]
prods_with_gr_out = [tvm.relay.sum(tvm.relay.TupleGetItem(fn.body, i) * go_i)
for i, go_i in enumerate(gr_outs)]
s = prods_with_gr_out[0]
for p in prods_with_gr_out[1:]:
s = s + p
fn_for_gr = tvm.relay.Function(list(fn.params) + gr_outs, s)
fn_for_gr = infer_type(fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(DecomposeLayerNorm(), fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr = infer_type(fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr, dropout_info = externalize_dropout(fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr = infer_type(fn_for_gr)
Finally we can take the grad. As we get a lot of let
nodes, we bring it to normal form.
In [15]:
grfn = tvm.relay.transform.gradient(fn_for_gr, mode='first_order')
grfn = to_graph_normal_form(grfn)
TVM's gradient-taking returns a function that has the same parameters as the original function (in our case amended with the grad_out
and dropout) and then returns a tuple of the original return and a tuple containing gradients for all inputs.
The first thing we do is to drop all the gradients for grad_out
and dropout
which we don't need.
Then we run our simplification passes.
In [16]:
# Now we have (sum(orig_out * grad_out), (grad_inp_1, ..., grad_inp_n, grad_grad_out, gr_dropout ...))
# but we only want orig_out and grad_inp_1, ..., grad_inp_n
def is_aux_input(p):
return p.name_hint.startswith('dropout:') or p.name_hint.startswith('gr:out:')
# the gr_out and dropout parameters will have gradients computed, but we do not want that
grads_to_keep = tvm.relay.Tuple([g for p, g in zip(grfn.params, grfn.body.fields[1].fields)
if not is_aux_input(p)])
assert grfn.body.fields[0].op.name == 'sum'
assert grfn.body.fields[0].args[0].op.name == 'multiply'
if isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TensorType):
orig_out = grfn.body.fields[0].args[0].args[0]
assert isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TupleType)
orig_out = grfn.body.fields[0].args[0].args[0].tuple_value
out_and_grad = tvm.relay.Tuple([orig_out, grads_to_keep])
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.Function(grfn.params, out_and_grad)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = dead_code_elimination(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = eliminate_common_subexpr(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(LikeZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(ZeroZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(OneZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(OneZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = dead_code_elimination(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = eliminate_common_subexpr(out_and_grad_fn)
Now is a good time to take a look at our graph:
In [17]:
But in PyTorch, we first compute the forward and then the backwards, so we have to take out the saw and split our graph. One of the difficult problems is what to do with things computed for both forward and backward. It is a hard problem, related to the MinCut problem.
Our extremal options could be:
We'll do the following: We compute the forward normally, but we keep all things that will be used in the backward. This is too much, unfortunately, and it is very likely the reason we don't see an end to end speedup. We'll discuss some potential heuristics below.
We use a coloring here. First we color all nodes of the forward computation in red. Then we traverse the gradient calculation and then color the nodes it needs from the backward blue. This gives us a chance to show off the attribute support in our visualization.
A bit of (PyTorch) terminology: When we have a function $Layer : x \mapsto y$ followed by some $Loss : y \mapsto l \in \mathbb{R}$, the backward is $BackwardOfLayer : grad\_out \mapsto grad\_in$ with $grad\_out = dl/dy$ and $grad\_in = dl/dx$.
In [18]:
orig_out = out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[0]
grad_ins = out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[1]
color_dict = {}
def color(n, c):
if n in color_dict:
color_dict[n] = c
for a in getattr(n, 'args', []):
color(a, c)
for a in getattr(n, 'fields', []):
color(a, c)
for nam in ('body', 'tuple_value'):
b = getattr(n, nam, None)
if b is not None:
color(b, c)
color(orig_out, {'color': 'red'})
seen = set()
def color_crossings(n, c):
if n in seen:
if n in color_dict:
color_dict[n] = c
for a in getattr(n, 'args', []):
color_crossings(a, c)
for a in getattr(n, 'fields', []):
color_crossings(a, c)
for nam in ('body', 'tuple_value'):
b = getattr(n, nam, None)
if b is not None:
color_crossings(b, c)
color_crossings(grad_ins, {'color': 'blue'})
In [19]:
visualize(out_and_grad_fn, node_attr_dict=color_dict)
Now we can split the function as described above. We collect the blue nodes as to capture - but constants will
just be duplicated and inputs (Var
nodes) need to be treated separately.
In [20]:
nodes_to_capture = [n for n, v in color_dict.items()
if v['color'] == 'blue' and not isinstance(n, (tvm.relay.Constant, tvm.relay.Var))]
capture_tup = tvm.relay.Tuple(nodes_to_capture)
nodes_to_capture_idx = {n:i for i, n in enumerate(nodes_to_capture)}
capture_vars = [tvm.relay.var(f"input:captures:{i}", type_annotation=nodes_to_capture[i].checked_type)
for i, n in enumerate(nodes_to_capture)]
grads_in = out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[1]
Now we can split out the backward, replacing all the blue nodes with variables.
In [21]:
needed_vars = set()
class GradientOnlyMutator(tvm.relay.ExprMutator):
def __init__(self):
def visit_var(self, var):
return var
def visit(self, expr):
if expr in nodes_to_capture_idx:
return capture_vars[nodes_to_capture_idx[expr]]
return super().visit(expr)
grads_in_only = GradientOnlyMutator().visit(grads_in)
gr_only_fn = tvm.relay.Function(sorted(needed_vars) + capture_vars, grads_in_only)
# TODO: check against output of original
fn_for_gr_input_names = {p.name_hint for p in fn_for_gr.params}
needed_var_names = {v.name_hint for v in needed_vars}
assert needed_var_names <= fn_for_gr_input_names
inputs_to_keep = [n for n in needed_vars if not is_aux_input(n)]
Next we take the forward and amend it to also return the required intermediates.
In [22]:
capture_tup = tvm.relay.Tuple([n for n in nodes_to_capture])
fw_and_cap_params = [p for p in out_and_grad_fn.params if not p.name_hint.startswith('gr:out:')]
fw_and_cap_fn = tvm.relay.Function(fw_and_cap_params,
tvm.relay.Tuple((out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[0],) + (capture_tup,)))
TVM cannot return nested tuples, so we flatten the output in the function. Again we differentiate between tensor-valued functions and tuple valued ones (i.e. those returning potentially multiple tensors).
In [23]:
if isinstance(fn.body, tvm.relay.Tuple):
# tuple of tensors output
fw_and_cap_fn_flattened = tvm.relay.Function(fw_and_cap_fn.params, tvm.relay.Tuple(list(fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[0].fields) # or single tensor
+ list(fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[1].fields)))
# single tensor output
fw_and_cap_fn_flattened = tvm.relay.Function(fw_and_cap_fn.params, tvm.relay.Tuple([fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[0]]
+ list(fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[1].fields)))
And at last, we can let TVM do its magic and compile our functions.
In [24]:
target = 'rocm -model=gfx906'
target_host = 'llvm'
ctx = tvm.context(target)
fw_and_cap_mod = tvm.IRModule({"main": fw_and_cap_fn_flattened})
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params = tvm.relay.build(fw_and_cap_mod,
fw_and_cap_compiled_module = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
gr_only_mod = tvm.IRModule({"main": gr_only_fn})
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params = tvm.relay.build(gr_only_mod,
gr_only_compiled_module = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
gr_only_compiled_module.set_input(**params) # we do have funny const tensors from TVM :/
Time to give it a spin. We define convenience functions to move tensors between PyTorch and TVM and get the model parameters as a TVM dictionary.
In [25]:
def tensor_to_tvm(t):
return tvm.nd.from_dlpack(torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(t))
def tensor_from_tvm(a):
model_params_tvm = {k: tensor_to_tvm(v) for k, v in debug_wrap.wrapped.state_dict().items()}
Similarly, we get the inputs on the GPU in PyTorch and TVM.
In [26]:
inp_c = [i.cuda() for i in debug_wrap.DEBUG_INP[:2]]
inp_tvm = [tensor_to_tvm(i) for i in inp_c]
We need to deal with the dropout. It will turn out that our record of the dropout random draws happens in the same order as the dropout in the model. We did a depth-first search on the computational graph to find them and if the values of the the dropout are connected in the graph rather than being on independent branches, this will be the order in which PyTorch draws the matrices, too. If not, good luck fiddeling with the order.
In [27]:
In [28]:
drop_c = {}
for k in dropout_info.keys(): # we don't know the order
p, typ = dropout_info[k]
drop_c[k] = torch.nn.functional.dropout(torch.ones([int(i) for i in typ.shape],
dtype=getattr(torch, typ.dtype), device="cuda"), p=p)*(1-p)
drop_tvm = {n: tensor_to_tvm(t) for n, t in drop_c.items()}
Now we can run the forward.
In [29]:
fw_and_cap_compiled_module.set_input('input', inp_tvm[0])
fw_and_cap_compiled_module.set_input('attention_mask', inp_tvm[1])
And we can compare the output to PyTorch's:
In [30]:
Supergood. Let's also try the backward. We generate a grad_out
, set all the variables and run the backward model and run the backward model
In [31]:
gr_out_c = torch.randn(debug_wrap.DEBUG_OUT[0].shape, device="cuda", dtype=debug_wrap.DEBUG_OUT[0].dtype)
In [32]:
num_captures = len(capture_vars)
num_regular_outputs = len(fw_and_cap_fn_flattened.body.fields) - num_captures
captured_values = {v.name_hint: fw_and_cap_compiled_module.get_output(num_regular_outputs + i) for i, v in enumerate(capture_vars)}
#gr_only_compiled_module.set_input('input', inp_tvm[0])
#gr_only_compiled_module.set_input('attention_mask', inp_tvm[1])
gr_only_compiled_module.set_input('gr:out:0', tensor_to_tvm(gr_out_c))
On the PyTorch side, it is easiest to re-run the forward (remembering to reset the random seed) and get the grads.
In [33]:
inp_c_rq = [i.requires_grad_() for i in inp_c]
for p in debug_wrap.wrapped.parameters():
res = debug_wrap.wrapped(*inp_c_rq)[0]
grads_pt = torch.autograd.grad(res, inp_c_rq + list(debug_wrap.wrapped.parameters()), gr_out_c, allow_unused=True)
Did it work? It seems so:
In [34]:
for i, g_pt in enumerate(grads_pt):
print(numpy.abs(gr_only_compiled_module.get_output(i).asnumpy() - g_pt.cpu().numpy()).max())
But we wanted to get something running in PyTorch, right?
Keeping with how PyTorch works, we first define an autograd.Function
that the things we just did manually:
In the forward
In the backward
, run the backward and return the result (as PyTorch tensors).
In [35]:
fw_input_names = [p.name_hint for p in fw_and_cap_fn_flattened.params if not is_aux_input(p)]
input_to_idx = {n:i for i, n in enumerate(fw_input_names)}
inputs_to_keep_idx = [input_to_idx[i.name_hint] for i in inputs_to_keep]
In [36]:
class TVMFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
# nb. using the modules is not thread safe...
def forward(ctx, *inputs):
assert len(inputs) == len(fw_input_names)
assert all([i.is_cuda for i in inputs])
drop_c = {}
for k in dropout_info.keys(): # we don't know the order
p, typ = dropout_info[k]
drop_c[k] = torch.nn.functional.dropout(torch.ones([int(i) for i in typ.shape],
dtype=getattr(torch, typ.dtype), device="cuda"), p=p)*(1-p)
# we don't need to worry about PyTorch changing these because they're not visible.
# so we don't need save_for_backward here
drop_tvm = {n: tensor_to_tvm(t) for n, t in drop_c.items()}
ctx.drop_tvm = drop_tvm
inputs_tvm = [tensor_to_tvm(t) for t in inputs]
for n, i in zip(fw_input_names, inputs_tvm):
fw_and_cap_compiled_module.set_input(n, i)
if isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TensorType):
res = tensor_from_tvm(fw_and_cap_compiled_module.get_output(0))
num_outputs = 1
res = tuple(tensor_from_tvm(fw_and_cap_compiled_module.get_output(i))
for i in range(len(output_type.fields)))
num_outputs = len(res)
ctx.save_for_backward(*([inputs[i] for i in inputs_to_keep_idx]
for i in range(num_outputs, fw_and_cap_compiled_module.get_num_outputs())]))
return res
def backward(ctx, *grad_outs):
saved = ctx.saved_tensors
kept_inputs = {fw_input_names[i]: tensor_to_tvm(t)
for i, t in zip(inputs_to_keep_idx, saved[:len(inputs_to_keep_idx)])}
captures = {f'input:captures:{i}': tensor_to_tvm(t) for i, t in enumerate(saved[len(kept_inputs):])}
grad_outs_tvm = {f"gr:out:{i}": tensor_to_tvm(go) for i, go in enumerate(grad_outs)}
grad_in = [tensor_from_tvm(gr_only_compiled_module.get_output(i)) for i in range(gr_only_compiled_module.get_num_outputs())]
return tuple(grad_in)
Because calling TVMFunction.apply
does not please the eye, we define a convenience function and because we always love to have proper signatures, we also give it the names of our inputs.
In [37]:
def tvm_fn(*inputs):
return TVMFunction.apply(*inputs)
tvm_fn.__signature__ = inspect.signature(tvm_fn).replace(
parameters=[inspect.Parameter(n.replace('.', '__'), inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY)
for n in fw_input_names])
Let's check everything still works.
In [38]:
inp_all = (inp_c_rq + list(traced_module.parameters()))
res_tvm = tvm_fn(*inp_all)
grad_outs = tuple(torch.randn_like(r) for r in res_tvm)
grads_tvm = torch.autograd.grad(res_tvm, inp_all, grad_outs)
In [39]:
assert len(grads_tvm) == len(grads_pt)
list((g1-g2).abs().max().item() for g1, g2 in zip(grads_tvm, grads_pt))
In [43]:
def create_tvm_function_from_traced_module(traced_module):
assert traced_model.training, "We only do training right now"
dt = next(traced_module.parameters()).dtype.__str__().split('.')[-1]
shape_list = [(i.debugName().split('.')[0], i.type().sizes()) for i in list(traced_module.graph.inputs())[1:]]
mod, mod_params = tvm.relay.frontend.pytorch.from_pytorch(traced_module, shape_list, default_dtype=dt)
# the converter will output arguments in an arbitrary order (well, by position of use), we want that of the input
fn = mod['main']
# Careful traced module's vs. non-traced module's parameter ordering.
# Anecdotally, I have not seen orderings differ between the two, though.
arg_order = ([n for n, _ in shape_list]
+[n for n, _ in traced_module.named_parameters()])
tmp_arg_idx = {p.name_hint: i for i, p in enumerate(fn.params)}
fn = tvm.relay.Function([fn.params[tmp_arg_idx[n]] for n in arg_order], fn.body)
fn = TransposeDedupMutator().visit(fn)
# prepare function to also use grad_out
fn = infer_type(fn)
output_type = fn.body.checked_type # fn.ret_type :)
if isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TensorType):
gr_out = tvm.relay.var("gr:out", output_type)
fn_for_gr = tvm.relay.Function(list(fn.params) + [gr_out], tvm.relay.sum(fn.body * gr_out))
# we can try to handle tuples of tensors, but our nesting patience ends there
assert (isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TupleType) and
all([isinstance(f, tvm.relay.TensorType) for f in output_type.fields]))
gr_outs = [tvm.relay.var(f"gr:out:{i}", t) for i, t in enumerate(output_type.fields)]
prods_with_gr_out = [tvm.relay.sum(tvm.relay.TupleGetItem(fn.body, i) * go_i)
for i, go_i in enumerate(gr_outs)]
s = prods_with_gr_out[0]
for p in prods_with_gr_out[1:]:
s = s + p
fn_for_gr = tvm.relay.Function(list(fn.params) + gr_outs, s)
fn_for_gr = infer_type(fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(DecomposeLayerNorm(), fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr = infer_type(fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr, dropout_info = externalize_dropout(fn_for_gr)
fn_for_gr = infer_type(fn_for_gr)
# take the gradient
grfn = tvm.relay.transform.gradient(fn_for_gr, mode='first_order')
grfn = to_graph_normal_form(grfn)
# removing of unneeded outputs and simplifications of the gradient
# Now we have (sum(orig_out * grad_out), (grad_inp_1, ..., grad_inp_n, grad_grad_out, gr_dropout ...))
# but we only want orig_out and grad_inp_1, ..., grad_inp_n
def is_aux_input(p):
return p.name_hint.startswith('dropout:') or p.name_hint.startswith('gr:out:')
# the gr_out and dropout parameters will have gradients computed, but we do not want that
grads_to_keep = tvm.relay.Tuple([g for p, g in zip(grfn.params, grfn.body.fields[1].fields)
if not is_aux_input(p)])
assert grfn.body.fields[0].op.name == 'sum'
assert grfn.body.fields[0].args[0].op.name == 'multiply'
if isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TensorType):
orig_out = grfn.body.fields[0].args[0].args[0]
assert isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TupleType)
orig_out = grfn.body.fields[0].args[0].args[0].tuple_value
out_and_grad = tvm.relay.Tuple([orig_out, grads_to_keep])
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.Function(grfn.params, out_and_grad)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = dead_code_elimination(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = eliminate_common_subexpr(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(LikeZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(ZeroZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(OneZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = tvm.relay.dataflow_pattern.rewrite(OneZapp(), out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = infer_type(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = dead_code_elimination(out_and_grad_fn)
out_and_grad_fn = eliminate_common_subexpr(out_and_grad_fn)
# split the graph into forward and backward
orig_out = out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[0]
grad_ins = out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[1]
color_dict = {}
def color(n, c):
if n in color_dict:
color_dict[n] = c
for a in getattr(n, 'args', []):
color(a, c)
for a in getattr(n, 'fields', []):
color(a, c)
for nam in ('body', 'tuple_value'):
b = getattr(n, nam, None)
if b is not None:
color(b, c)
color(orig_out, {'color': 'red'})
seen = set()
def color_crossings(n, c):
if n in seen:
if n in color_dict:
color_dict[n] = c
for a in getattr(n, 'args', []):
color_crossings(a, c)
for a in getattr(n, 'fields', []):
color_crossings(a, c)
for nam in ('body', 'tuple_value'):
b = getattr(n, nam, None)
if b is not None:
color_crossings(b, c)
color_crossings(grad_ins, {'color': 'blue'})
nodes_to_capture = [n for n, v in color_dict.items()
if v['color'] == 'blue' and not isinstance(n, (tvm.relay.Constant, tvm.relay.Var))]
capture_tup = tvm.relay.Tuple(nodes_to_capture)
nodes_to_capture_idx = {n:i for i, n in enumerate(nodes_to_capture)}
capture_vars = [tvm.relay.var(f"input:captures:{i}", type_annotation=nodes_to_capture[i].checked_type)
for i, n in enumerate(nodes_to_capture)]
grads_in = out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[1]
needed_vars = set()
class GradientOnlyMutator(tvm.relay.ExprMutator):
def __init__(self):
def visit_var(self, var):
return var
def visit(self, expr):
if expr in nodes_to_capture_idx:
return capture_vars[nodes_to_capture_idx[expr]]
return super().visit(expr)
grads_in_only = GradientOnlyMutator().visit(grads_in)
# TODO: check against output of original
fn_for_gr_input_names = {p.name_hint for p in fn_for_gr.params}
needed_var_names = {v.name_hint for v in needed_vars}
gr_only_fn = tvm.relay.Function(sorted(needed_vars) + capture_vars, grads_in_only)
assert needed_var_names <= fn_for_gr_input_names
inputs_to_keep = [n for n in needed_vars if not is_aux_input(n)]
# build the forward function that also returns the data for the backward
capture_tup = tvm.relay.Tuple([n for n in nodes_to_capture])
fw_and_cap_params = [p for p in out_and_grad_fn.params if not p.name_hint.startswith('gr:out:')]
fw_and_cap_fn = tvm.relay.Function(fw_and_cap_params,
tvm.relay.Tuple((out_and_grad_fn.body.fields[0],) + (capture_tup,)))
if isinstance(fn.body, tvm.relay.Tuple):
# tuple of tensors output
fw_and_cap_fn_flattened = tvm.relay.Function(fw_and_cap_fn.params, tvm.relay.Tuple(list(fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[0].fields) # or single tensor
+ list(fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[1].fields)))
# single tensor output
fw_and_cap_fn_flattened = tvm.relay.Function(fw_and_cap_fn.params, tvm.relay.Tuple([fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[0]]
+ list(fw_and_cap_fn.body.fields[1].fields)))
target = 'rocm -model=gfx906'
target_host = 'llvm'
ctx = tvm.context(target)
fw_and_cap_mod = tvm.IRModule({"main": fw_and_cap_fn_flattened})
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params = tvm.relay.build(fw_and_cap_mod,
fw_and_cap_compiled_module = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
gr_only_mod = tvm.IRModule({"main": gr_only_fn})
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params = tvm.relay.build(gr_only_mod,
gr_only_compiled_module = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
gr_only_compiled_module.set_input(**params) # we may have funny const tensors from TVM
fw_input_names = [p.name_hint for p in fw_and_cap_fn_flattened.params if not is_aux_input(p)]
input_to_idx = {n:i for i, n in enumerate(fw_input_names)}
inputs_to_keep_idx = [input_to_idx[i.name_hint] for i in inputs_to_keep]
class TVMFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
# nb. using the compiled_modules is not thread safe...
def forward(ctx, *inputs):
assert len(inputs) == len(fw_input_names)
assert all([i.is_cuda for i in inputs])
drop_c = {}
for k in dropout_info.keys(): # we don't know the order
p, typ = dropout_info[k]
drop_c[k] = torch.nn.functional.dropout(torch.ones([int(i) for i in typ.shape],
dtype=getattr(torch, typ.dtype), device="cuda"), p=p)*(1-p)
# we don't need to worry about PyTorch changing these because they're not visible.
# so we don't need save_for_backward here
drop_tvm = {n: tensor_to_tvm(t) for n, t in drop_c.items()}
ctx.drop_tvm = drop_tvm
inputs_tvm = [tensor_to_tvm(t) for t in inputs]
for n, i in zip(fw_input_names, inputs_tvm):
fw_and_cap_compiled_module.set_input(n, i)
if isinstance(output_type, tvm.relay.TensorType):
res = tensor_from_tvm(fw_and_cap_compiled_module.get_output(0))
num_outputs = 1
res = tuple(tensor_from_tvm(fw_and_cap_compiled_module.get_output(i))
for i in range(len(output_type.fields)))
num_outputs = len(res)
ctx.save_for_backward(*([inputs[i] for i in inputs_to_keep_idx]
for i in range(num_outputs, fw_and_cap_compiled_module.get_num_outputs())]))
return res
def backward(ctx, *grad_outs):
saved = ctx.saved_tensors
kept_inputs = {fw_input_names[i]: tensor_to_tvm(t)
for i, t in zip(inputs_to_keep_idx, saved[:len(inputs_to_keep_idx)])}
captures = {f'input:captures:{i}': tensor_to_tvm(t) for i, t in enumerate(saved[len(kept_inputs):])}
grad_outs_tvm = {f"gr:out:{i}": tensor_to_tvm(go) for i, go in enumerate(grad_outs)}
grad_in = [tensor_from_tvm(gr_only_compiled_module.get_output(i)) for i in range(gr_only_compiled_module.get_num_outputs())]
return tuple(grad_in)
def tvm_fn(*inputs):
return TVMFunction.apply(*inputs)
tvm_fn.__signature__ = inspect.signature(tvm_fn).replace(
parameters=[inspect.Parameter(n.replace('.', '__'), inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY)
for n in fw_input_names])
return tvm_fn
Let's give it a spin and see that it hasn't stopped working.
In [44]:
tvm_fn = create_tvm_function_from_traced_module(traced_module)
In [45]:
inp_all = (inp_c_rq + list(traced_module.parameters()))
res_tvm = tvm_fn(*inp_all)
grad_outs = tuple(torch.randn_like(r) for r in res_tvm)
grads_tvm = torch.autograd.grad(res_tvm, inp_all, grad_outs)
In [46]:
res_pt = traced_module(*inp_c_rq)
grads_pt = torch.autograd.grad(res_pt, inp_all, grad_outs)
In [47]:
assert len(res_tvm) == len(res_pt) and len(grads_tvm) == len(grads_pt)
(list((r1-r2).abs().max().item() for r1, r2 in zip(res_tvm, res_pt)),
list((g1-g2).abs().max().item() for g1, g2 in zip(grads_tvm, grads_pt)))
In [48]:
def add_tvm_dispatch(module, sample_inputs):
traced_module = torch.jit.trace(module, sample_inputs, )
tvm_fn = create_tvm_function_from_traced_module(traced_module)
tvm_input_shapes = [(i.shape, i.dtype, i.device) for i in sample_inputs]
old_forward = module.forward
old_remove_tvm_dispatch = getattr(module, 'remove_tvm_dispatch', None)
def forward(self, *inputs):
input_shapes = [(i.shape, i.dtype, i.device) for i in inputs]
if tvm_input_shapes != input_shapes:
res = old_forward(*inputs)
inp_all = inputs + tuple(self.parameters())
res = tvm_fn(*inp_all)
return res
def remove_tvm_dispatch(self):
self.forward = old_forward
if old_remove_tvm_dispatch is not None:
self.remove_tvm_dispatch = old_remove_tvm_dispatch
module.remove_tvm_dispatch = types.MethodType(remove_tvm_dispatch, module)
module.forward = types.MethodType(forward, module)
All done!
Now let us run it for both a compatible input and an incompatible one. Notice the grad_fn
printed at the end of the tensor output.
In [49]:
module = debug_wrap.wrapped
inp_c2 = [torch.cat([i, i], dim=0) for i in inp_c] # batch size 2 will be new
In [50]:
In [51]:
add_tvm_dispatch(module, inp_c)
In [52]:
In [53]:
module(*inp_c2) # different shape
In [54]:
module.remove_tvm_dispatch() # cleaning up
In [55]:
tasks1 = tvm.autotvm.task.extract_from_program(fw_and_cap_fn_flattened, target=target, params=params)
tasks2 = tvm.autotvm.task.extract_from_program(gr_only_mod["main"], target=target, params=params)
In [56]:
log_filename = 'bert-train-0.log'
n_trial = 20 # for real tuning, make this 2000!
def do_tune(tasks, log_filename):
tmp_log_file = log_filename + ".tmp"
for i, tsk in enumerate(reversed(tasks)):
prefix = "[Task %2d/%2d] " %(i+1, len(tasks))
# we use threading and tornado here to work around TVM and Jupyter colliding over IOLoops
# In a regular python command line, you should be able to just call the tuner...
import threading
import tornado
# create tuner
tuner = tvm.autotvm.tuner.XGBTuner(tsk, loss_type='rank')
if os.path.isfile(tmp_log_file):
# do tuning
tsk_trial = min(n_trial, len(tsk.config_space))
def tune_task_fn():
iol = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop() # we need an event loop
runner=tvm.autotvm.LocalRunner(number=20, repeat=3, timeout=4, min_repeat_ms=150)),
tvm.autotvm.callback.progress_bar(tsk_trial, prefix=prefix),
tuning_thread = threading.Thread(target=tune_task_fn) # create a thread start it and wait on it
# done tuning, on to the next task
# pick best records to a cache file
tvm.autotvm.record.pick_best(tmp_log_file, log_filename)
#do_tune(tasks1+tasks2, log_filename)
We build with our log.
In [57]:
with tvm.autotvm.apply_history_best(log_filename):
tvm_fn = create_tvm_function_from_traced_module(traced_module)
In [ ]:
In [58]:
def x():
for i in range(100):
res_tvm = tvm_fn(*inp_all)
grads_tvm = torch.autograd.grad(res_tvm, inp_all, grad_outs)
%timeit x()
In [60]:
def x():
for i in range(100):
res_pt = traced_module(*inp_c_rq)
grads_pt = torch.autograd.grad(res_pt, inp_all, grad_outs)
%timeit x()
So here it is. We ran our model through TVM all right. But it's not as fast as the usual method yet. Here is to opportunity!
More seriously, we have two things to improve performance:
In terms of heuristics for the former (remember that it quite likely NP hard, i.e. I believe it is, but I didn't work out a formal proof), one would want to re-do cheap computation, most prominently point-wise computation (or maybe anything but matmul?). But that is for another day.
I hope you enjoyed the tutorial, I look forward to your questions and comments at tv@lernapparat.de.
In [ ]: