Using pretrained models

Based on and the really helpful courses of (dogs_cats_redux.ipynb).

General: Use from keras.preprocessing import image library for the image processing. It takes care of normalization, resizing, augmentation and converions to/from array.

General ^

In [1]:
import random
import time
import sys
stdout = sys.stdout
#sys.stdout = open(CW_DIR+'/keras_output.txt', 'a+')
#sys.stdout = stdout

from glob import glob

import utils
from utils import *
import importlib

import twBase

from keras.preprocessing import image

from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer

#Allow relative imports to directories above cwd/
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..'))

%matplotlib inline

current_dir = os.getcwd()

Using TensorFlow backend.
<module 'utils' from '/home/sysid/dev/py/module/twBase/'>
<module 'twBase' from '/home/sysid/dev/py/module/twBase/'>

Preparing Data ^

To start you will need to download and unzip the competition data from Kaggle and ensure your directory structure looks like this

└── data
    ├── results
    ├── sample
    │   ├── results
    │   ├── test
    │   ├── train
    │   │   ├── cats
    │   │   └── dogs
    │   └── valid
    │       ├── cats
    │       └── dogs
    ├── test
    │   └── unknown
    ├── train
    │   ├── cats
    │   └── dogs
    └── valid
        ├── cats
        └── dogs

Download data into ./data and unzip it.

In [16]:
#DATA_HOME_DIR = '/Users/q187392/kg/cac/data'
CW_DIR = os.environ['HOME'] + '/kg/cac'
DATA_HOME_DIR = os.environ['HOME'] + '/kg/cac/data'

    DATA_WORK_DIR = DATA_HOME_DIR + '/sample'
    number = 200
    valid_number = 40
    test_number = 40
    number = 23000
    valid_number = 2000
    test_number = 2000

Create validation set and sample

In [ ]:
#Create directories

%mkdir valid
%mkdir results
%mkdir -p sample/train
%mkdir -p sample/test
%mkdir -p sample/valid
%mkdir -p sample/results
%mkdir -p test/unknown
%mkdir -p sample/test/unknown

In [ ]:
%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/train

# move data as validation set
g = glob('dog.*.jpg')
shuf = np.random.permutation(g)
for i in range(1000): os.rename(shuf[i], DATA_HOME_DIR+'/valid/' + shuf[i])

g = glob('cat.*.jpg')
shuf = np.random.permutation(g)
for i in range(1000): os.rename(shuf[i], DATA_HOME_DIR+'/valid/' + shuf[i])

In [ ]:
%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/train

# create sample set
g = glob('dog.*.jpg')
shuf = np.random.permutation(g)
for i in range(100): _ = copyfile(shuf[i], DATA_HOME_DIR+'/sample/train/' + shuf[i])
g = glob('cat.*.jpg')
shuf = np.random.permutation(g)
for i in range(100): _ = copyfile(shuf[i], DATA_HOME_DIR+'/sample/train/' + shuf[i])

In [ ]:
%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/valid

g = glob('dog.*.jpg')
shuf = np.random.permutation(g)
for i in range(20): _ = copyfile(shuf[i], DATA_HOME_DIR+'/sample/valid/' + shuf[i])
g = glob('cat.*.jpg')
shuf = np.random.permutation(g)
for i in range(20): _ = copyfile(shuf[i], DATA_HOME_DIR+'/sample/valid/' + shuf[i])

In [ ]:
%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/test

g = glob('*.jpg')
shuf = np.random.permutation(g)
for i in range(20):
    _ = copyfile(shuf[i], DATA_HOME_DIR+'/sample/test/unknown/' + shuf[i])

Rearrange image files into their respective directories

In [ ]:
#Divide cat/dog images into separate directories

%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/sample/train
%mkdir cats
%mkdir dogs
%mv cat.*.jpg cats/
%mv dog.*.jpg dogs/

%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/sample/valid
%mkdir cats
%mkdir dogs
%mv cat.*.jpg cats/
%mv dog.*.jpg dogs/

%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/valid
%mkdir cats
%mkdir dogs
%mv cat.*.jpg cats/
%mv dog.*.jpg dogs/

%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/train
%mkdir cats
%mkdir dogs
%mv cat.*.jpg cats/
%mv dog.*.jpg dogs/

In [ ]:
# Create single 'unknown' class for test set
%cd $DATA_HOME_DIR/test
%mv *.jpg unknown/

Get sample picture

In [5]:
import random
def get_randomImg(path='./train', target_size=(224, 224)):
    random.seed = time.time
    classtype = random.choice(['cats', 'dogs'])
    if not path.endswith('/'):
        path += '/'

    img_path = random.choice(glob(path+'{}/*.jpg'.format(classtype)))

    img = image.load_img(img_path, target_size=target_size)
    testImg = image.img_to_array(img)
    testImg = np.expand_dims(testImg, axis=0)
    testImg = preprocess_input(testImg)
    return testImg

testImg = get_randomImg('./train')


Data Generator

flow_from_directory returns an iterator which takes the path to a directory, and generates batches of augmented/normalized data. It yields batches indefinitely, in an infinite loop.

In [11]:

size = 224
batch_size = 64

# this is the augmentation configuration we will use for training
augment_datagen = image.ImageDataGenerator(

# this is the augmentation configuration we will use for testing: only rescaling
pure_datagen = image.ImageDataGenerator(

# this is a generator that will read pictures found in
# subfolers of 'data/train', and indefinitely generate
# batches of augmented image data
train_generator = augment_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        'train',  # this is the target directory
        target_size=(size, size),
        class_mode='binary',  # since we use binary_crossentropy loss, we need binary labels

# this is a similar generator, for validation data
validation_generator = pure_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),
predict_generator = pure_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),
        shuffle=False  # our data will be in order, so all first 1000 images will be cats, then 1000 dogs

Found 23000 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 2000 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 2000 images belonging to 2 classes.

Model, Training and Finetuning ^

VGG uses BGR instead of RGB ordering (CV2) and requires mean normalization

    # 'RGB'->'BGR'
    x = x[:, :, :, ::-1]
    # Zero-center by mean pixel
    x[:, :, :, 0] -= 103.939
    x[:, :, :, 1] -= 116.779
    x[:, :, :, 2] -= 123.68

Keras from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input, decode_predictions takes care of the necessary transformations.

VGG16 Image Net Classification ^

In [7]:
from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input, decode_predictions
full_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=True)
#full_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

preds = full_model.predict(testImg)
# decode the results into a list of tuples (class, description, probability)
# (one such list for each sample in the batch)
print('Predicted:', decode_predictions(preds, top=3)[0])

Predicted: [('n02096051', 'Airedale', 0.7159276), ('n02095570', 'Lakeland_terrier', 0.17644751), ('n02106662', 'German_shepherd', 0.040118117)]

In [6]:
preds = full_model.predict_generator(predict_generator, 40)

In [7]:
results = decode_predictions(preds, top=1)
for result in results:
    print('Predicted:', result)

Predicted: [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.50502461)]
Predicted: [('n03887697', 'paper_towel', 0.38751826)]
Predicted: [('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.60509962)]
Predicted: [('n04493381', 'tub', 0.26737651)]
Predicted: [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.46593568)]
Predicted: [('n02123394', 'Persian_cat', 0.76807839)]
Predicted: [('n03598930', 'jigsaw_puzzle', 0.22048377)]
Predicted: [('n02104365', 'schipperke', 0.620691)]
Predicted: [('n02869837', 'bonnet', 0.67628843)]
Predicted: [('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.37110227)]
Predicted: [('n02808440', 'bathtub', 0.1869078)]
Predicted: [('n02788148', 'bannister', 0.42779914)]
Predicted: [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.76563245)]
Predicted: [('n01968897', 'chambered_nautilus', 0.76067895)]
Predicted: [('n02123597', 'Siamese_cat', 0.90075713)]
Predicted: [('n02123394', 'Persian_cat', 0.99539667)]
Predicted: [('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.56154877)]
Predicted: [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.52056652)]
Predicted: [('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.44554883)]
Predicted: [('n02123394', 'Persian_cat', 0.26605606)]
Predicted: [('n02093256', 'Staffordshire_bullterrier', 0.2755841)]
Predicted: [('n02086910', 'papillon', 0.50706089)]
Predicted: [('n02093256', 'Staffordshire_bullterrier', 0.36269671)]
Predicted: [('n02090622', 'borzoi', 0.20204021)]
Predicted: [('n02093256', 'Staffordshire_bullterrier', 0.62130523)]
Predicted: [('n02099712', 'Labrador_retriever', 0.75815678)]
Predicted: [('n02088364', 'beagle', 0.28578106)]
Predicted: [('n02108089', 'boxer', 0.097000346)]
Predicted: [('n02085620', 'Chihuahua', 0.93871725)]
Predicted: [('n02089867', 'Walker_hound', 0.32248738)]
Predicted: [('n02105162', 'malinois', 0.50125688)]
Predicted: [('n03887697', 'paper_towel', 0.48306343)]
Predicted: [('n02092339', 'Weimaraner', 0.86967397)]
Predicted: [('n02092339', 'Weimaraner', 0.92874253)]
Predicted: [('n02092339', 'Weimaraner', 0.74682111)]
Predicted: [('n02090622', 'borzoi', 0.77417469)]
Predicted: [('n03223299', 'doormat', 0.41017163)]
Predicted: [('n02110341', 'dalmatian', 0.17350328)]
Predicted: [('n03223299', 'doormat', 0.19733807)]
Predicted: [('n02091032', 'Italian_greyhound', 0.41562366)]

VGG16 model without top dense layers (Feature extraction) ^

We extract the features after the convolutional blocks and try put a bespoke fully connected dense layer on top. Thus we need to stream all pictures without labels through the convolutional layers and predict the features. Data augmentation cannot be done with this approach.

Create the Base Model

In [12]:
# create vgg16 feature mode (without dense layers)
from keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16
from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input
import numpy as np

input_shape = (size, size, 3)
img = Input(shape=input_shape, name='image_input')
base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_tensor=img)

In [9]:
# only necessary for trainig
#base_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy')

Create the features

In [ ]:
# extract features for the first 32 pics
xxx = base_model.predict_generator(train_generator, 32)

In [21]:

generator = pure_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),

bottleneck_features_train = base_model.predict_generator(generator, number - number%batch_size)'bottleneck_features_train.npy', bottleneck_features_train)

Found 23000 images belonging to 2 classes.
CPU times: user 9min 23s, sys: 50.6 s, total: 10min 14s
Wall time: 7min 42s

In [22]:

generator = pure_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),

bottleneck_features_validation = base_model.predict_generator(generator, valid_number - valid_number%batch_size)'bottleneck_features_validation.npy', bottleneck_features_validation)

Found 2000 images belonging to 2 classes.
CPU times: user 55.8 s, sys: 4.74 s, total: 1min
Wall time: 32.5 s

In [32]:
train_data = np.load('bottleneck_features_train.npy')
# the features were saved in order, so recreating the labels is easy
#train_labels = np.array([0] * 100 + [1] * 100)

train_labels = np.array([0] * (number//2) + [1] * (number//2 - number%batch_size))

validation_data = np.load('bottleneck_features_validation.npy')
validation_labels = np.array([0] * (valid_number//2) + [1] * (valid_number//2 - valid_number%batch_size))

train_data.shape, validation_data.shape

((22976, 7, 7, 512), (1984, 7, 7, 512))

Create and train Dense model

Dense fully connected model will be trained with saved features as input.

In [33]:
dense_model = Sequential()
dense_model.add(Dense(256, activation='relu'))
dense_model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))

opt = keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr=0.0001, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-08, decay=0.0)
opt = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.0001)

In [34]:
sys.stdout = open(CW_DIR+'/keras_output.txt', 'a+'), train_labels,
          nb_epoch=10, batch_size=batch_size,
          validation_data=(validation_data, validation_labels))

sys.stdout = stdout

In [35]:
# make prediction

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f424581a5f8>
array([[ 1.]], dtype=float32)

Finetuning of VGG16 with custom top dense layer ^

We train now the full model, so data augmentation is possible.

Things to take into account (

  • in order to perform fine-tuning, all layers should start with properly trained weights: for instance you should not slap a randomly initialized fully-connected network on top of a pre-trained convolutional base. This is because the large gradient updates triggered by the randomly initialized weights would wreck the learned weights in the convolutional base. In our case this is why we first train the top-level classifier, and only then start fine-tuning convolutional weights alongside it.

  • we choose to only fine-tune the last convolutional block rather than the entire network in order to prevent overfitting, since the entire network would have a very large entropic capacity and thus a strong tendency to overfit. The features learned by low-level convolutional blocks are more general, less abstract than those found higher-up, so it is sensible to keep the first few blocks fixed (more general features) and only fine-tune the last one (more specialized features).

  • fine-tuning should be done with a very slow learning rate, and typically with the SGD optimizer rather than an adaptative learning rate optimizer such as RMSProp. This is to make sure that the magnitude of the updates stays very small, so as not to wreck the previously learned features.

Recreate the pretrained dense model

In [37]:
# create top_model to put on top of vgg16
input = Input(shape=base_model.output_shape[1:])
x = Flatten()(input)
x = Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
x = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
top_model = Model(input=input, output=x, name='top_model')
top_model_weights_path = 'bottleneck_fc_model.h5'

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
input_2 (InputLayer)             (None, 7, 7, 512)     0                                            
flatten_3 (Flatten)              (None, 25088)         0           input_2[0][0]                    
dense_5 (Dense)                  (None, 256)           6422784     flatten_3[0][0]                  
dropout_3 (Dropout)              (None, 256)           0           dense_5[0][0]                    
dense_6 (Dense)                  (None, 1)             257         dropout_3[0][0]                  
Total params: 6423041

Create and train the full model based onVgg16 and the bespoke pretrained dense model

In [38]:
from keras.optimizers import SGD

#x = base_model.output  # shows all vgg16 layers in model.summary
x = base_model(img)  # creates vgg16 layer im model.summary
x = top_model(x)

# this is the model we will train
#model = Model(input=base_model.input, output=x)
model = Model(input=img, output=x)

# first: train only the top layers (which were randomly initialized)
# i.e. freeze all convolutional layers
for layer in base_model.layers:"Freeze layer in base_model",
    layer.trainable = False

for layer in top_model.layers:"Unfreeze layer in top_model",
    layer.trainable = True
# compile the model (should be done *after* setting layers to non-trainable)
              optimizer=SGD(lr=1e-5, momentum=0.9),

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
image_input (InputLayer)         (None, 224, 224, 3)   0                                            
model_3 (Model)                  (None, 7, 7, 512)     14714688    image_input[0][0]                
top_model (Model)                (None, 1)             6423041     model_3[1][0]                    
Total params: 21137729
layer='image_input' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block1_conv1' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block1_conv2' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block1_pool' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block2_conv1' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block2_conv2' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block2_pool' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block3_conv1' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block3_conv2' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block3_conv3' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block3_pool' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block4_conv1' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block4_conv2' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block4_conv3' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block4_pool' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block5_conv1' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block5_conv2' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block5_conv3' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='block5_pool' event='Freeze layer in base_model'
layer='input_2' event='Unfreeze layer in top_model'
layer='flatten_3' event='Unfreeze layer in top_model'
layer='dense_5' event='Unfreeze layer in top_model'
layer='dropout_3' event='Unfreeze layer in top_model'
layer='dense_6' event='Unfreeze layer in top_model'

In [39]:
# now we need the batches WITH labels

train_generator = augment_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),

# this is a similar generator, for validation data
validation_generator = pure_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),

Found 23000 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 2000 images belonging to 2 classes.

In [40]:
sys.stdout = open(CW_DIR+'/keras_output.txt', 'a+')
sys.stdout = stdout

CPU times: user 30min 39s, sys: 1min 42s, total: 32min 21s
Wall time: 20min 14s

In [41]:
sys.stdout = open(CW_DIR+'/keras_output.txt', 'a+')
sys.stdout = stdout

CPU times: user 1h 11min 9s, sys: 4min 10s, total: 1h 15min 19s
Wall time: 47min 17s

In [ ]:
# Load model
#model = load_model('model.ft.h5')

In [ ]:
# make prediction

Finetuning of VGG16 with custom to dense layer (simple form) ^

This is a simple recipie for customizing VGG16. We take the full VGG16 model including the Dense layers and just replace the last layer to fit our specific classes.

In [ ]:
# Generate a model with all layers (with top)
vgg16 = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=True)

#Add a layer where input is the output of the  second last layer 
#x = Dense(8, activation='softmax', name='predictions')(vgg16.layers[-2].output)
x = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='predictions')(vgg16.layers[-2].output)

#Then create the corresponding model 
my_model = Model(input=vgg16.input, output=x)

In [ ]:
for i, layer in enumerate(my_model.layers[:-1]):"Freeze layer",
    layer.trainable = False

In [ ]:
# compile the model (should be done *after* setting layers to non-trainable)
              optimizer=SGD(lr=1e-4, momentum=0.9),

In [41]:
# now we need the batches WITH labels

train_generator = augment_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),

# this is a similar generator, for validation data
validation_generator = pure_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(size, size),

Found 200 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 40 images belonging to 2 classes.

In [49]:
sys.stdout = open(CW_DIR+'/keras_output.txt', 'a+')
sys.stdout = stdout

In [ ]:
# make prediction

Generate Predictions ^

In [ ]:

def get_batches(path, gen=image.ImageDataGenerator(), shuffle=True, batch_size=8, class_mode='binary'):
    return gen.flow_from_directory(path,

batch_path = 'test/'
test_batches = get_batches(batch_path, shuffle=False, batch_size=batch_size, class_mode='binary')

In [ ]:
# get predictions
preds = model.predict_generator(test_batches, test_batches.nb_sample)

In [ ]:
# print 5 predictions
start = 0
pics = []

filenames = test_batches.filenames
[print(p) for p in zip(preds[start:start+5, 0], filenames[start:start+5])]

for path in filenames[start:start+5]:
    pics.append(image.load_img(batch_path+path, target_size=(224, 224)))
plots(pics, titles=preds[start:start+5, 0])

In [ ]:
#Save our test results arrays so we can use them again later
save_array(results_path + 'test_preds.dat', preds)
save_array(results_path + 'filenames.dat', filenames)

Validate Predictions ^

Keras' fit() function conveniently shows us the value of the loss function, and the accuracy, after every epoch ("epoch" refers to one full run through all training examples). The most important metrics for us to look at are for the validation set, since we want to check for over-fitting.

  • Tip: with our first model we should try to overfit before we start worrying about how to reduce over-fitting - there's no point even thinking about regularization, data augmentation, etc if you're still under-fitting! (We'll be looking at these techniques shortly).

As well as looking at the overall metrics, it's also a good idea to look at examples of each of:

  1. A few correct labels at random
  2. A few incorrect labels at random
  3. The most correct labels of each class (ie those with highest probability that are correct)
  4. The most incorrect labels of each class (ie those with highest probability that are incorrect)
  5. The most uncertain labels (ie those with probability closest to 0.5).

Let's see what we can learn from these examples. (In general, this is a particularly useful technique for debugging problems in the model. However, since this model is so simple, there may not be too much to learn at this stage.)

Calculate predictions on validation set, so we can find correct and incorrect examples:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
val_batches, probs = vgg.test(valid_path, batch_size = batch_size)

In [ ]:
filenames = val_batches.filenames
expected_labels = val_batches.classes #0 or 1

#Round our predictions to 0/1 to generate labels
our_predictions = probs[:,0]
our_labels = np.round(1-our_predictions)

In [ ]:
from keras.preprocessing import image

#Helper function to plot images by index in the validation set 
#Plots is a helper function in
def plots_idx(idx, titles=None):
    plots([image.load_img(valid_path + filenames[i]) for i in idx], titles=titles)
#Number of images to view for each visualization task
n_view = 4

In [ ]:
#1. A few correct labels at random
correct = np.where(our_labels==expected_labels)[0]
print "Found %d correct labels" % len(correct)
idx = permutation(correct)[:n_view]
plots_idx(idx, our_predictions[idx])

In [ ]:
#2. A few incorrect labels at random
incorrect = np.where(our_labels!=expected_labels)[0]
print "Found %d incorrect labels" % len(incorrect)
idx = permutation(incorrect)[:n_view]
plots_idx(idx, our_predictions[idx])

In [ ]:
#3a. The images we most confident were cats, and are actually cats
correct_cats = np.where((our_labels==0) & (our_labels==expected_labels))[0]
print "Found %d confident correct cats labels" % len(correct_cats)
most_correct_cats = np.argsort(our_predictions[correct_cats])[::-1][:n_view]
plots_idx(correct_cats[most_correct_cats], our_predictions[correct_cats][most_correct_cats])

In [ ]:
#3b. The images we most confident were dogs, and are actually dogs
correct_dogs = np.where((our_labels==1) & (our_labels==expected_labels))[0]
print "Found %d confident correct dogs labels" % len(correct_dogs)
most_correct_dogs = np.argsort(our_predictions[correct_dogs])[:n_view]
plots_idx(correct_dogs[most_correct_dogs], our_predictions[correct_dogs][most_correct_dogs])

In [ ]:
#4a. The images we were most confident were cats, but are actually dogs
incorrect_cats = np.where((our_labels==0) & (our_labels!=expected_labels))[0]
print "Found %d incorrect cats" % len(incorrect_cats)
if len(incorrect_cats):
    most_incorrect_cats = np.argsort(our_predictions[incorrect_cats])[::-1][:n_view]
    plots_idx(incorrect_cats[most_incorrect_cats], our_predictions[incorrect_cats][most_incorrect_cats])

In [ ]:
#4b. The images we were most confident were dogs, but are actually cats
incorrect_dogs = np.where((our_labels==1) & (our_labels!=expected_labels))[0]
print "Found %d incorrect dogs" % len(incorrect_dogs)
if len(incorrect_dogs):
    most_incorrect_dogs = np.argsort(our_predictions[incorrect_dogs])[:n_view]
    plots_idx(incorrect_dogs[most_incorrect_dogs], our_predictions[incorrect_dogs][most_incorrect_dogs])

In [ ]:
#5. The most uncertain labels (ie those with probability closest to 0.5).
most_uncertain = np.argsort(np.abs(our_predictions-0.5))
plots_idx(most_uncertain[:n_view], our_predictions[most_uncertain])

Perhaps the most common way to analyze the result of a classification model is to use a confusion matrix. Scikit-learn has a convenient function we can use for this purpose:

In [ ]:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(expected_labels, our_labels)

We can just print out the confusion matrix, or we can show a graphical view (which is mainly useful for dependents with a larger number of categories).

In [ ]:
plot_confusion_matrix(cm, val_batches.class_indices)

Submit Predictions to Kaggle! ^

Here's the format Kaggle requires for new submissions:

1242, .3984
3947, .1000
4539, .9082
2345, .0000

Kaggle wants the imageId followed by the probability of the image being a dog. Kaggle uses a metric called Log Loss to evaluate your submission.

In [ ]:
#Load our test predictions from file
preds = load_array(results_path + 'test_preds.dat')
filenames = load_array(results_path + 'filenames.dat')

In [ ]:
#Grab the dog prediction column
isdog = preds[:,1]
print "Raw Predictions: " + str(isdog[:5])
print "Mid Predictions: " + str(isdog[(isdog < .6) & (isdog > .4)])
print "Edge Predictions: " + str(isdog[(isdog == 1) | (isdog == 0)])

Log Loss doesn't support probability values of 0 or 1--they are undefined (and we have many). Fortunately, Kaggle helps us by offsetting our 0s and 1s by a very small value. So if we upload our submission now we will have lots of .99999999 and .000000001 values. This seems good, right?

Not so. There is an additional twist due to how log loss is calculated--log loss rewards predictions that are confident and correct (p=.9999,label=1), but it punishes predictions that are confident and wrong far more (p=.0001,label=1). See visualization below.

In [ ]:
#Visualize Log Loss when True value = 1
#y-axis is log loss, x-axis is probabilty that label = 1
#As you can see Log Loss increases rapidly as we approach 0
#But increases slowly as our predicted probability gets closer to 1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss

x = [i*.0001 for i in range(1,10000)]
y = [log_loss([1],[[i*.0001,1-(i*.0001)]],eps=1e-15) for i in range(1,10000,1)]

plt.plot(x, y)
plt.axis([-.05, 1.1, -.8, 10])
plt.title("Log Loss when true label = 1")
plt.xlabel("predicted probability")
plt.ylabel("log loss")

In [ ]:
#So to play it safe, we use a sneaky trick to round down our edge predictions
#Swap all ones with .95 and all zeros with .05
isdog = isdog.clip(min=0.05, max=0.95)

In [ ]:
#Extract imageIds from the filenames in our test/unknown directory 
filenames = batches.filenames
ids = np.array([int(f[8:f.find('.')]) for f in filenames])

Here we join the two columns into an array of [imageId, isDog]

In [ ]:
subm = np.stack([ids,isdog], axis=1)

In [ ]:
submission_file_name = 'submission1.csv'
np.savetxt(submission_file_name, subm, fmt='%d,%.5f', header='id,label', comments='')

In [ ]:
from IPython.display import FileLink

You can download this file and submit on the Kaggle website or use the Kaggle command line tool's "submit" method.

Under/Overfitting ^

We do not necessarily need to rely on dropout or other regularization approaches to reduce overfitting. There are other techniques we should try first, since regularlization, by definition, biases our model towards simplicity - which we only want to do if we know that's necessary. This is the order that we recommend using for reducing overfitting (more details about each in a moment):

  1. Add more data
  2. Use data augmentation
  3. Use architectures that generalize well
  4. Add regularization
  5. Reduce architecture complexity.

We'll assume that you've already collected as much data as you can, so step (1) isn't relevant (this is true for most Kaggle competitions, for instance). So the next step (2) is data augmentation. This refers to creating additional synthetic data, based on reasonable modifications of your input data. For images, this is likely to involve one or more of: flipping, rotation, zooming, cropping, panning, minor color changes.

Which types of augmentation are appropriate depends on your data. For regular photos, for instance, you'll want to use horizontal flipping, but not vertical flipping (since an upside down car is much less common than a car the right way up, for instance!)

We recommend always using at least some light data augmentation, unless you have so much data that your model will never see the same input twice.