scipy.stats contains objects that represent analytic distributions

In [2]:
import scipy.stats

For example scipy.stats.norm represents a normal distribution.

In [3]:
mu = 178
sigma = 7.7
dist = scipy.stats.norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)


A "frozen random variable" can compute its mean and standard deviation.

In [4]:
dist.mean(), dist.std()

(178.0, 7.7000000000000002)

It can also evaluate its CDF. How many people are more than one standard deviation below the mean? About 16%

In [5]:


How many people are between 5'10" and 6'1"?

In [ ]:

scipy.stats.pareto represents a pareto distribution. In Pareto world, the distribution of human heights has parameters alpha=1.7 and xmin=1 meter. So the shortest person is 100 cm and the median is 150.

In [7]:
alpha = 1.7
xmin = 1
dist = scipy.stats.pareto(b=alpha, scale=xmin)


What is the mean height in Pareto world?

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What fraction of people are shorter than the mean?

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Out of 7 billion people, how many do we expect to be taller than 1 km? You could use dist.cdf or dist.sf.

In [ ]:

How tall do we expect the tallest person to be? Hint: find the height that yields about 1 person.

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Generate a sample from a Weibull distribution and plot it using a transform that makes a Weibull distribution look like a straight line.

In [13]:
import random
import thinkstats2
import thinkplot

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Make a random selection from cdf.

In [1]:

Draw a random sample from cdf.

In [1]:

Draw a random sample from cdf, then compute the percentile rank for each value, and plot the distribution of the percentile ranks.

In [23]:

{'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear'}

Generate 1000 random values using random.random() and plot their PMF.

In [27]:
values = [random.random() for _ in range(1000)]
pmf = thinkstats2.Pmf(values)
thinkplot.Pmf(pmf, linewidth=0.1)

WARNING:root:Pmf: width is very small; Pmf may not be visible.

Assuming that the PMF doesn't work very well, try plotting the CDF instead.

In [28]:
cdf = thinkstats2.Cdf(values)

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x3adc0d0>

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