Exercise 1: Filling in the gaps with Python

Because we don't yet know much about Julia, we can fall back to Python to cover gaps in our knowledge. This can be really useful if we want to use a script that we've written or a library only available in Python to do some processing.

A simple task is:

  • Import some data representing an exponential decay with some noise added
  • Using scipy.optimize, fit an exponential decay model to it using least squares
  • Plot the results
  • Print the fitted parameters

The data are located in a CSV file.

In [1]:
# Here's the code I used to generate the data

A = 3.6
τ = 1.7

xs = linspace(0, 5)
noise() = 0.5 + rand()

expdecay(x::Real) = A*exp(-x/τ) * noise()
@vectorize_1arg Real expdecay

ys = expdecay(xs)

open("data/expdecay.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, "# x,y\n")
    writecsv(f, [xs ys])

In [2]:
# First we need the ability to call Python

using PyCall
using PyPlot
@pyimport scipy.optimize as spo

INFO: Loading help data...

In [3]:
# Load the data and have a look at it
data = readcsv("data/expdecay.csv")
x, y = data[:, 1], data[:, 2]

plot(x, y, "k-")

1-element Array{Any,1}:
 PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7effdfa2cb10>

In [4]:
# Exponential model
expmodel(x, A, τ) = A * exp(-x/τ)

# In the form that Scipy expects
expmodel(pars, x) = expmodel(x, pars[1], pars[2])

# the error function
errfunc(pars) = expmodel(pars, x) - y

# initial guesses at A and τ
guesses = [1, 1]

2-element Array{Int64,1}:

In [5]:
# solve and plot
solnpars, success = spo.leastsq(errfunc, guesses)
solny = expmodel(solnpars, x)

plot(x, y, "k-")
plot(x, solny, "r-")

1-element Array{Any,1}:
 PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x7effdf92f750>

In [6]:
# print the results
println("A = $(solnpars[1]), τ = $(solnpars[2])")

A = 3.4750490991048313, τ = 1.7431895846946726