Because we don't yet know much about Julia, we can fall back to Python to cover gaps in our knowledge. This can be really useful if we want to use a script that we've written or a library only available in Python to do some processing.
A simple task is:
The data are located in a CSV file.
In [1]:
# Here's the code I used to generate the data
A = 3.6
τ = 1.7
xs = linspace(0, 5)
noise() = 0.5 + rand()
expdecay(x::Real) = A*exp(-x/τ) * noise()
@vectorize_1arg Real expdecay
ys = expdecay(xs)
open("data/expdecay.csv", "w") do f
write(f, "# x,y\n")
writecsv(f, [xs ys])
In [2]:
# First we need the ability to call Python
using PyCall
using PyPlot
@pyimport scipy.optimize as spo
In [3]:
# Load the data and have a look at it
data = readcsv("data/expdecay.csv")
x, y = data[:, 1], data[:, 2]
plot(x, y, "k-")
In [4]:
# Exponential model
expmodel(x, A, τ) = A * exp(-x/τ)
# In the form that Scipy expects
expmodel(pars, x) = expmodel(x, pars[1], pars[2])
# the error function
errfunc(pars) = expmodel(pars, x) - y
# initial guesses at A and τ
guesses = [1, 1]
In [5]:
# solve and plot
solnpars, success = spo.leastsq(errfunc, guesses)
solny = expmodel(solnpars, x)
plot(x, y, "k-")
plot(x, solny, "r-")
In [6]:
# print the results
println("A = $(solnpars[1]), τ = $(solnpars[2])")