Anna KaRNNa

In this notebook, we'll build a character-wise RNN trained on Anna Karenina, one of my all-time favorite books. It'll be able to generate new text based on the text from the book.

This network is based off of Andrej Karpathy's post on RNNs and implementation in Torch. Also, some information here at r2rt and from Sherjil Ozair on GitHub. Below is the general architecture of the character-wise RNN.

In [1]:
import time
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

First we'll load the text file and convert it into integers for our network to use. Here I'm creating a couple dictionaries to convert the characters to and from integers. Encoding the characters as integers makes it easier to use as input in the network.

In [2]:
with open('anna.txt', 'r') as f:
vocab = set(text)
vocab_to_int = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(vocab)}
int_to_vocab = dict(enumerate(vocab))
encoded = np.array([vocab_to_int[c] for c in text], dtype=np.int32)

Let's check out the first 100 characters, make sure everything is peachy. According to the American Book Review, this is the 6th best first line of a book ever.

In [3]:

'Chapter 1\n\n\nHappy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own\nway.\n\nEverythin'

And we can see the characters encoded as integers.

In [4]:

array([13,  4, 29, 35, 36, 79,  0, 16, 63, 77, 77, 77, 50, 29, 35, 35, 34,
       16, 61, 29, 55, 66, 43, 66, 79, 30, 16, 29,  0, 79, 16, 29, 43, 43,
       16, 29, 43, 66,  5, 79, 59, 16, 79, 67, 79,  0, 34, 16, 12, 28,  4,
       29, 35, 35, 34, 16, 61, 29, 55, 66, 43, 34, 16, 66, 30, 16, 12, 28,
        4, 29, 35, 35, 34, 16, 66, 28, 16, 66, 36, 30, 16, 31, 18, 28, 77,
       18, 29, 34,  1, 77, 77, 69, 67, 79,  0, 34, 36,  4, 66, 28])

Since the network is working with individual characters, it's similar to a classification problem in which we are trying to predict the next character from the previous text. Here's how many 'classes' our network has to pick from.

In [5]:


Making training mini-batches

Here is where we'll make our mini-batches for training. Remember that we want our batches to be multiple sequences of some desired number of sequence steps. Considering a simple example, our batches would look like this:

We have our text encoded as integers as one long array in encoded. Let's create a function that will give us an iterator for our batches. I like using generator functions to do this. Then we can pass encoded into this function and get our batch generator.

The first thing we need to do is discard some of the text so we only have completely full batches. Each batch contains $N \times M$ characters, where $N$ is the batch size (the number of sequences) and $M$ is the number of steps. Then, to get the number of batches we can make from some array arr, you divide the length of arr by the batch size. Once you know the number of batches and the batch size, you can get the total number of characters to keep.

After that, we need to split arr into $N$ sequences. You can do this using arr.reshape(size) where size is a tuple containing the dimensions sizes of the reshaped array. We know we want $N$ sequences (n_seqs below), let's make that the size of the first dimension. For the second dimension, you can use -1 as a placeholder in the size, it'll fill up the array with the appropriate data for you. After this, you should have an array that is $N \times (M * K)$ where $K$ is the number of batches.

Now that we have this array, we can iterate through it to get our batches. The idea is each batch is a $N \times M$ window on the array. For each subsequent batch, the window moves over by n_steps. We also want to create both the input and target arrays. Remember that the targets are the inputs shifted over one character. You'll usually see the first input character used as the last target character, so something like this:

y[:, :-1], y[:, -1] = x[:, 1:], x[:, 0]

where x is the input batch and y is the target batch.

The way I like to do this window is use range to take steps of size n_steps from $0$ to arr.shape[1], the total number of steps in each sequence. That way, the integers you get from range always point to the start of a batch, and each window is n_steps wide.

Exercise: Write the code for creating batches in the function below. The exercises in this notebook will not be easy. I've provided a notebook with solutions alongside this notebook. If you get stuck, checkout the solutions. The most important thing is that you don't copy and paste the code into here, type out the solution code yourself.

In [6]:
def get_batches(arr, n_seqs, n_steps_per_seq):
    '''Create a generator that returns batches of size
       n_seqs x n_steps from arr.
       arr: Array you want to make batches from
       n_seqs: Batch size, the number of sequences per batch
       n_steps: Number of sequence steps per batch
    # Get the batch size and number of batches we can make
    # ie n_seq = 10, n_steps_per_sew = 2, batch_size = 20
    batch_size = n_seqs * n_steps_per_seq
    # ie arr= 40, over 20, so 2 batches
    n_batches = len(arr) // batch_size
    # Keep only enough characters to make full batches
    # n_batches = 2 * batch_size = 20 = 40??
    # why not simply use len(arr)?
    arr = arr[ : n_batches * batch_size]
    # Reshape into n_seqs rows
    arr = arr.reshape((n_seqs, -1))
    for n in range(0, arr.shape[1], n_steps_per_seq):
        # The features
        x = arr[ :, n: n + n_steps_per_seq]
        # The targets, shifted by one
        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        y[ :, : -1], y[ : , -1] = x[ :, 1: ], x[ :, 0]
        yield x, y

Now I'll make my data sets and we can check out what's going on here. Here I'm going to use a batch size of 10 and 50 sequence steps.

In [7]:
batches = get_batches(encoded, 10, 50)
x, y = next(batches)

In [8]:
print('x\n', x[:10, :10])
print('\ny\n', y[:10, :10])

 [[13  4 29 35 36 79  0 16 63 77]
 [16 29 55 16 28 31 36 16 44 31]
 [67 66 28  1 77 77 42 76 79 30]
 [28 16 32 12  0 66 28 44 16  4]
 [16 66 36 16 66 30 82 16 30 66]
 [16 46 36 16 18 29 30 77 31 28]
 [ 4 79 28 16 19 31 55 79 16 61]
 [59 16 39 12 36 16 28 31 18 16]
 [36 16 66 30 28  9 36  1 16 23]
 [16 30 29 66 32 16 36 31 16  4]]

 [[ 4 29 35 36 79  0 16 63 77 77]
 [29 55 16 28 31 36 16 44 31 66]
 [66 28  1 77 77 42 76 79 30 82]
 [16 32 12  0 66 28 44 16  4 66]
 [66 36 16 66 30 82 16 30 66  0]
 [46 36 16 18 29 30 77 31 28 43]
 [79 28 16 19 31 55 79 16 61 31]
 [16 39 12 36 16 28 31 18 16 30]
 [16 66 30 28  9 36  1 16 23  4]
 [30 29 66 32 16 36 31 16  4 79]]

If you implemented get_batches correctly, the above output should look something like

 [[55 63 69 22  6 76 45  5 16 35]
 [ 5 69  1  5 12 52  6  5 56 52]
 [48 29 12 61 35 35  8 64 76 78]
 [12  5 24 39 45 29 12 56  5 63]
 [ 5 29  6  5 29 78 28  5 78 29]
 [ 5 13  6  5 36 69 78 35 52 12]
 [63 76 12  5 18 52  1 76  5 58]
 [34  5 73 39  6  5 12 52 36  5]
 [ 6  5 29 78 12 79  6 61  5 59]
 [ 5 78 69 29 24  5  6 52  5 63]]

 [[63 69 22  6 76 45  5 16 35 35]
 [69  1  5 12 52  6  5 56 52 29]
 [29 12 61 35 35  8 64 76 78 28]
 [ 5 24 39 45 29 12 56  5 63 29]
 [29  6  5 29 78 28  5 78 29 45]
 [13  6  5 36 69 78 35 52 12 43]
 [76 12  5 18 52  1 76  5 58 52]
 [ 5 73 39  6  5 12 52 36  5 78]
 [ 5 29 78 12 79  6 61  5 59 63]
 [78 69 29 24  5  6 52  5 63 76]]

although the exact numbers will be different. Check to make sure the data is shifted over one step for y.

Building the model

Below is where you'll build the network. We'll break it up into parts so it's easier to reason about each bit. Then we can connect them up into the whole network.


First off we'll create our input placeholders. As usual we need placeholders for the training data and the targets. We'll also create a placeholder for dropout layers called keep_prob. This will be a scalar, that is a 0-D tensor. To make a scalar, you create a placeholder without giving it a size.

Exercise: Create the input placeholders in the function below.

In [9]:
def build_inputs(batch_size, num_steps):
    ''' Define placeholders for inputs, targets, and dropout 
        batch_size: Batch size, number of sequences per batch
        num_steps: Number of sequence steps in a batch
    with tf.name_scope('inputs'):
        # Declare placeholders we'll feed into the graph
        inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (batch_size, num_steps), name="inputs")
        targets = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (batch_size, num_steps), name="targets")

        # Keep probability placeholder for drop out layers
        keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob')
    return inputs, targets, keep_prob


Here we will create the LSTM cell we'll use in the hidden layer. We'll use this cell as a building block for the RNN. So we aren't actually defining the RNN here, just the type of cell we'll use in the hidden layer.

We first create a basic LSTM cell with

lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(num_units)

where num_units is the number of units in the hidden layers in the cell. Then we can add dropout by wrapping it with

tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm, output_keep_prob=keep_prob)

You pass in a cell and it will automatically add dropout to the inputs or outputs. Finally, we can stack up the LSTM cells into layers with tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell. With this, you pass in a list of cells and it will send the output of one cell into the next cell. For example,


This might look a little weird if you know Python well because this will create a list of the same cell object. However, TensorFlow will create different weight matrices for all cell objects. Even though this is actually multiple LSTM cells stacked on each other, you can treat the multiple layers as one cell.

We also need to create an initial cell state of all zeros. This can be done like so

initial_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)

Exercise: Below, implement the build_lstm function to create these LSTM cells and the initial state.

In [10]:
def single_lstm_cell(lstm_size, keep_prob):
    with tf.name_scope("RNN_layers"):
        lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.NASCell(lstm_size, reuse = tf.get_variable_scope().reuse)
        # Add dropout to the cell outputs
        drop = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm, output_keep_prob = keep_prob)
    return drop

In [11]:
def build_lstm(lstm_size, num_layers, batch_size, keep_prob):
    ''' Build LSTM cell.
        keep_prob: Scalar tensor (tf.placeholder) for the dropout keep probability
        lstm_size: Size of the hidden layers in the LSTM cells
        num_layers: Number of LSTM layers
        batch_size: Batch size

    ### Build the LSTM Cell
    # Stack up multiple LSTM layers, for deep learning
    with tf.name_scope("RNN_layers"):
        rnn_cells = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_lstm_cell(lstm_size, keep_prob) for _ in range(num_layers)], 
                                               state_is_tuple = True)
    with tf.name_scope("RNN_init_state"):
        initial_state = rnn_cells.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
    return rnn_cells, initial_state

RNN Output

Here we'll create the output layer. We need to connect the output of the RNN cells to a full connected layer with a softmax output. The softmax output gives us a probability distribution we can use to predict the next character, so we want this layer to have size $C$, the number of classes/characters we have in our text.

If our input has batch size $N$, number of steps $M$, and the hidden layer has $L$ hidden units, then the output is a 3D tensor with size $N \times M \times L$. The output of each LSTM cell has size $L$, we have $M$ of them, one for each sequence step, and we have $N$ sequences. So the total size is $N \times M \times L$.

We are using the same fully connected layer, the same weights, for each of the outputs. Then, to make things easier, we should reshape the outputs into a 2D tensor with shape $(M * N) \times L$. That is, one row for each sequence and step, where the values of each row are the output from the LSTM cells. We get the LSTM output as a list, lstm_output. First we need to concatenate this whole list into one array with tf.concat. Then, reshape it (with tf.reshape) to size $(M * N) \times L$.

One we have the outputs reshaped, we can do the matrix multiplication with the weights. We need to wrap the weight and bias variables in a variable scope with tf.variable_scope(scope_name) because there are weights being created in the LSTM cells. TensorFlow will throw an error if the weights created here have the same names as the weights created in the LSTM cells, which they will be default. To avoid this, we wrap the variables in a variable scope so we can give them unique names.

Exercise: Implement the output layer in the function below.

In [12]:
def build_output(lstm_output, in_size, out_size):
    ''' Build a softmax layer, return the softmax output and logits.
        lstm_output: List of output tensors from the LSTM layer
        in_size: Size of the input tensor, for example, size of the LSTM cells
        out_size: Size of this softmax layer

    # Reshape output so it's a bunch of rows, one row for each step for each sequence.
    # Concatenate lstm_output over axis 1 (the columns)
    # ie t1 = t1 = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
    # t2 = [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]
    # tf.concat([t1, t2], 1) ==> [[1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12]]
    seq_output = tf.concat(lstm_output, axis=1)
    # Reshape seq_output to a 2D tensor with lstm_size columns
    x = tf.reshape(lstm_output, [-1, in_size])
    # Connect the RNN outputs to a softmax layer
    with tf.variable_scope('softmax'):
        # Create the weight and bias variables here
        softmax_w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( (in_size, out_size), stddev=0.1))
        softmax_b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros( out_size ))
        # tensorboard
        tf.summary.histogram("softmax_w", softmax_w)
    # Since output is a bunch of rows of RNN cell outputs, logits will be a bunch
    # of rows of logit outputs, one for each step and sequence
    logits = tf.matmul(x,  softmax_w) + softmax_b
    # Use softmax to get the probabilities for predicted characters
    out = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name="predictions")
    tf.summary.histogram("predictions", out)
    return out, logits

Training loss

Next up is the training loss. We get the logits and targets and calculate the softmax cross-entropy loss. First we need to one-hot encode the targets, we're getting them as encoded characters. Then, reshape the one-hot targets so it's a 2D tensor with size $(M*N) \times C$ where $C$ is the number of classes/characters we have. Remember that we reshaped the LSTM outputs and ran them through a fully connected layer with $C$ units. So our logits will also have size $(M*N) \times C$.

Then we run the logits and targets through tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits and find the mean to get the loss.

Exercise: Implement the loss calculation in the function below.

In [13]:
def build_loss(logits, targets, lstm_size, num_classes):
    ''' Calculate the loss from the logits and the targets.
        logits: Logits from final fully connected layer
        targets: Targets for supervised learning
        lstm_size: Number of LSTM hidden units
        num_classes: Number of classes in targets
    # One-hot encode targets and reshape to match logits, one row per sequence per step
    y_one_hot = tf.one_hot(targets, num_classes)
    y_reshaped =  tf.reshape( y_one_hot, logits.get_shape() )
    # Softmax cross entropy loss
    loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y_reshaped)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
    # tensorboard
    tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
    return loss


Here we build the optimizer. Normal RNNs have have issues gradients exploding and disappearing. LSTMs fix the disappearance problem, but the gradients can still grow without bound. To fix this, we can clip the gradients above some threshold. That is, if a gradient is larger than that threshold, we set it to the threshold. This will ensure the gradients never grow overly large. Then we use an AdamOptimizer for the learning step.

In [14]:
def build_optimizer(loss, learning_rate, grad_clip):
    ''' Build optmizer for training, using gradient clipping.
        loss: Network loss
        learning_rate: Learning rate for optimizer
    # Optimizer for training, using gradient clipping to control exploding gradients
    tvars = tf.trainable_variables()
    grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(loss, tvars), grad_clip)
    train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
    optimizer = train_op.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tvars))
    return optimizer

Build the network

Now we can put all the pieces together and build a class for the network. To actually run data through the LSTM cells, we will use tf.nn.dynamic_rnn. This function will pass the hidden and cell states across LSTM cells appropriately for us. It returns the outputs for each LSTM cell at each step for each sequence in the mini-batch. It also gives us the final LSTM state. We want to save this state as final_state so we can pass it to the first LSTM cell in the the next mini-batch run. For tf.nn.dynamic_rnn, we pass in the cell and initial state we get from build_lstm, as well as our input sequences. Also, we need to one-hot encode the inputs before going into the RNN.

Exercise: Use the functions you've implemented previously and tf.nn.dynamic_rnn to build the network.

In [15]:
class CharRNN:
    def __init__(self, num_classes, batch_size=64, num_steps=50, 
                       lstm_size=128, num_layers=2, learning_rate=0.001, 
                       grad_clip=5, sampling=False):
        # When we're using this network for sampling later, we'll be passing in
        # one character at a time, so providing an option for that
        if sampling == True:
            batch_size, num_steps = 1, 1
            batch_size, num_steps = batch_size, num_steps

        # Build the input placeholder tensors
        self.inputs, self.targets, self.keep_prob = build_inputs(batch_size, num_steps)
        x_one_hot = tf.one_hot(self.inputs, num_classes, name="x_one_hot")

        with tf.name_scope("RNN_layers"):
            # Build the LSTM cell
            cells, self.initial_state = build_lstm(lstm_size, num_layers, batch_size, self.keep_prob)

        ### Run the data through the RNN layers
        with tf.name_scope("RNN_forward"):
        # Run each sequence step through the RNN with tf.nn.dynamic_rnn 
            outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cells, x_one_hot, initial_state=self.initial_state)
        self.final_state = state
        # Get softmax predictions and logits
        self.prediction, self.logits = build_output(outputs, lstm_size, num_classes)
        # Loss and optimizer (with gradient clipping)
        self.loss =  build_loss(self.logits, self.targets, lstm_size, num_classes)
        self.optimizer = build_optimizer(self.loss, learning_rate, grad_clip)


Here are the hyperparameters for the network.

  • batch_size - Number of sequences running through the network in one pass.
  • num_steps - Number of characters in the sequence the network is trained on. Larger is better typically, the network will learn more long range dependencies. But it takes longer to train. 100 is typically a good number here.
  • lstm_size - The number of units in the hidden layers.
  • num_layers - Number of hidden LSTM layers to use
  • learning_rate - Learning rate for training
  • keep_prob - The dropout keep probability when training. If you're network is overfitting, try decreasing this.

Here's some good advice from Andrej Karpathy on training the network. I'm going to copy it in here for your benefit, but also link to where it originally came from.

Tips and Tricks

Monitoring Validation Loss vs. Training Loss

If you're somewhat new to Machine Learning or Neural Networks it can take a bit of expertise to get good models. The most important quantity to keep track of is the difference between your training loss (printed during training) and the validation loss (printed once in a while when the RNN is run on the validation data (by default every 1000 iterations)). In particular:

  • If your training loss is much lower than validation loss then this means the network might be overfitting. Solutions to this are to decrease your network size, or to increase dropout. For example you could try dropout of 0.5 and so on.
  • If your training/validation loss are about equal then your model is underfitting. Increase the size of your model (either number of layers or the raw number of neurons per layer)

Approximate number of parameters

The two most important parameters that control the model are lstm_size and num_layers. I would advise that you always use num_layers of either 2/3. The lstm_size can be adjusted based on how much data you have. The two important quantities to keep track of here are:

  • The number of parameters in your model. This is printed when you start training.
  • The size of your dataset. 1MB file is approximately 1 million characters.

These two should be about the same order of magnitude. It's a little tricky to tell. Here are some examples:

  • I have a 100MB dataset and I'm using the default parameter settings (which currently print 150K parameters). My data size is significantly larger (100 mil >> 0.15 mil), so I expect to heavily underfit. I am thinking I can comfortably afford to make lstm_size larger.
  • I have a 10MB dataset and running a 10 million parameter model. I'm slightly nervous and I'm carefully monitoring my validation loss. If it's larger than my training loss then I may want to try to increase dropout a bit and see if that helps the validation loss.

Best models strategy

The winning strategy to obtaining very good models (if you have the compute time) is to always err on making the network larger (as large as you're willing to wait for it to compute) and then try different dropout values (between 0,1). Whatever model has the best validation performance (the loss, written in the checkpoint filename, low is good) is the one you should use in the end.

It is very common in deep learning to run many different models with many different hyperparameter settings, and in the end take whatever checkpoint gave the best validation performance.

By the way, the size of your training and validation splits are also parameters. Make sure you have a decent amount of data in your validation set or otherwise the validation performance will be noisy and not very informative.


In [16]:
batch_size = 64         # Sequences per batch
num_steps = 128          # Number of sequence steps per batch
lstm_size = 512         # Size of hidden layers in LSTMs
num_layers = 2          # Number of LSTM layers
learning_rate = 0.001    # Learning rate
keep_prob = 0.5         # Dropout keep probability

In [17]:
model = CharRNN(len(vocab), batch_size=batch_size, num_steps=num_steps,
                lstm_size=lstm_size, num_layers=num_layers, 

with tf.Session() as sess: tf.global_variables_initializer() )
    file_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( './logs/2', sess.graph)

In [18]:
# model = build_rnn( len(vocab), batch_size, num_steps, learning_rate, lstm_size, num_layers)

Time for training

This is typical training code, passing inputs and targets into the network, then running the optimizer. Here we also get back the final LSTM state for the mini-batch. Then, we pass that state back into the network so the next batch can continue the state from the previous batch. And every so often (set by save_every_n) I save a checkpoint.

Here I'm saving checkpoints with the format

i{iteration number}_l{# hidden layer units}.ckpt

Exercise: Set the hyperparameters above to train the network. Watch the training loss, it should be consistently dropping. Also, I highly advise running this on a GPU.

In [19]:
epochs = 3
# Save every N iterations
save_every_n = 200

saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=100)
with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Tensoboard
    train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./logs/2/train', sess.graph)
    test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./logs/2/test')
    # Use the line below to load a checkpoint and resume training
    #saver.restore(sess, 'checkpoints/______.ckpt')
    counter = 0
    for e in range(epochs):
        # Train network
        new_state =
        loss = 0
        for x, y in get_batches(encoded, batch_size, num_steps):
            counter += 1
            start = time.time()
            feed = {model.inputs: x,
                    model.targets: y,
                    model.keep_prob: keep_prob,
                    model.initial_state: new_state}
            merged = tf.summary.merge_all() # Tensorboard
            summary, batch_loss, new_state, _ =[merged, model.loss, 
            train_writer.add_summary(summary, counter)
            end = time.time()
            print('Epoch: {}/{}... '.format(e+1, epochs),
                  'Training Step: {}... '.format(counter),
                  'Training loss: {:.4f}... '.format(batch_loss),
                  '{:.4f} sec/batch'.format((end-start)))
            if (counter % save_every_n == 0):
      , "checkpoints/i{}_l{}.ckpt".format(counter, lstm_size)), "checkpoints/i{}_l{}.ckpt".format(counter, lstm_size))

Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 1...  Training loss: 4.4191...  0.7205 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 2...  Training loss: 4.4164...  0.5005 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 3...  Training loss: 4.4136...  0.5001 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 4...  Training loss: 4.4104...  0.4955 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 5...  Training loss: 4.4066...  0.4832 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 6...  Training loss: 4.4017...  0.5049 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 7...  Training loss: 4.3954...  0.4806 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 8...  Training loss: 4.3867...  0.5163 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 9...  Training loss: 4.3744...  0.5002 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 10...  Training loss: 4.3562...  0.5011 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 11...  Training loss: 4.3280...  0.4996 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 12...  Training loss: 4.2707...  0.4847 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 13...  Training loss: 4.1100...  0.5005 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 14...  Training loss: 3.8801...  0.5065 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 15...  Training loss: 3.7083...  0.5000 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 16...  Training loss: 3.4019...  0.5166 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 17...  Training loss: 3.3170...  0.5203 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 18...  Training loss: 3.3606...  0.5186 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 19...  Training loss: 3.3030...  0.5239 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 20...  Training loss: 3.2861...  0.5237 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 21...  Training loss: 3.3011...  0.5279 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 22...  Training loss: 3.3019...  0.5222 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 23...  Training loss: 3.3059...  0.5459 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 24...  Training loss: 3.2711...  0.5194 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 25...  Training loss: 3.2848...  0.4962 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 26...  Training loss: 3.2100...  0.5005 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 27...  Training loss: 3.2075...  0.5184 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 28...  Training loss: 3.2106...  0.5127 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 29...  Training loss: 3.1898...  0.5171 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 30...  Training loss: 3.1892...  0.5084 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 31...  Training loss: 3.2124...  0.5892 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 32...  Training loss: 3.1842...  0.5501 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 33...  Training loss: 3.2244...  0.5677 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 34...  Training loss: 3.2147...  0.5401 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 35...  Training loss: 3.1993...  0.5451 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 36...  Training loss: 3.1708...  0.5590 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 37...  Training loss: 3.1877...  0.5186 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 38...  Training loss: 3.1853...  0.5243 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 39...  Training loss: 3.2013...  0.5236 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 40...  Training loss: 3.1533...  0.5445 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 41...  Training loss: 3.1635...  0.5267 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 42...  Training loss: 3.1570...  0.5181 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 43...  Training loss: 3.1591...  0.5213 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 44...  Training loss: 3.1567...  0.4904 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 45...  Training loss: 3.1777...  0.5006 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 46...  Training loss: 3.1566...  0.5003 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 47...  Training loss: 3.1885...  0.5371 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 48...  Training loss: 3.1526...  0.4933 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 49...  Training loss: 3.1552...  0.4889 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 50...  Training loss: 3.1474...  0.5120 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 51...  Training loss: 3.1654...  0.5110 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 52...  Training loss: 3.1557...  0.6216 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 53...  Training loss: 3.1379...  0.5661 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 54...  Training loss: 3.1443...  0.5576 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 55...  Training loss: 3.1554...  0.5450 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 56...  Training loss: 3.1562...  0.5678 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 57...  Training loss: 3.1650...  0.5110 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 58...  Training loss: 3.1539...  0.5172 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 59...  Training loss: 3.1464...  0.5337 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 60...  Training loss: 3.1779...  0.4916 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 61...  Training loss: 3.1566...  0.5383 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 62...  Training loss: 3.1512...  0.5486 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 63...  Training loss: 3.1556...  0.5007 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 64...  Training loss: 3.1490...  0.4947 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 65...  Training loss: 3.1620...  0.5029 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 66...  Training loss: 3.1578...  0.5005 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 67...  Training loss: 3.1370...  0.5006 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 68...  Training loss: 3.1490...  0.5024 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 69...  Training loss: 3.1683...  0.5135 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 70...  Training loss: 3.1493...  0.5114 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 71...  Training loss: 3.1756...  0.4883 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 72...  Training loss: 3.1229...  0.5147 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 73...  Training loss: 3.1519...  0.4983 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 74...  Training loss: 3.1618...  0.4996 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 75...  Training loss: 3.1456...  0.5302 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 76...  Training loss: 3.1426...  0.5340 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 77...  Training loss: 3.1276...  0.5409 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 78...  Training loss: 3.1403...  0.4985 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 79...  Training loss: 3.1484...  0.5438 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 80...  Training loss: 3.1362...  0.5561 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 81...  Training loss: 3.1681...  0.5364 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 82...  Training loss: 3.1552...  0.5297 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 83...  Training loss: 3.1361...  0.5191 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 84...  Training loss: 3.1269...  0.5168 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 85...  Training loss: 3.1488...  0.5412 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 86...  Training loss: 3.1427...  0.5024 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 87...  Training loss: 3.1502...  0.5116 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 88...  Training loss: 3.1386...  0.5426 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 89...  Training loss: 3.1538...  0.6118 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 90...  Training loss: 3.1288...  0.5395 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 91...  Training loss: 3.1141...  0.4964 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 92...  Training loss: 3.1599...  0.5533 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 93...  Training loss: 3.1249...  0.5003 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 94...  Training loss: 3.1232...  0.5325 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 95...  Training loss: 3.1634...  0.5278 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 96...  Training loss: 3.1254...  0.4982 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 97...  Training loss: 3.1521...  0.5255 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 98...  Training loss: 3.1198...  0.5004 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 99...  Training loss: 3.1246...  0.5244 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 100...  Training loss: 3.1324...  0.5448 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 101...  Training loss: 3.1177...  0.5271 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 102...  Training loss: 3.1181...  0.4925 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 103...  Training loss: 3.1410...  0.4915 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 104...  Training loss: 3.1219...  0.5105 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 105...  Training loss: 3.1081...  0.5373 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 106...  Training loss: 3.1387...  0.4995 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 107...  Training loss: 3.1457...  0.5194 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 108...  Training loss: 3.1274...  0.5374 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 109...  Training loss: 3.1236...  0.5314 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 110...  Training loss: 3.1242...  0.5183 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 111...  Training loss: 3.1244...  0.4932 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 112...  Training loss: 3.1236...  0.4828 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 113...  Training loss: 3.1184...  0.5034 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 114...  Training loss: 3.1179...  0.5300 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 115...  Training loss: 3.1441...  0.5045 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 116...  Training loss: 3.1340...  0.5000 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 117...  Training loss: 3.1128...  0.5441 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 118...  Training loss: 3.1239...  0.5536 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 119...  Training loss: 3.1191...  0.5856 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 120...  Training loss: 3.1280...  0.5631 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 121...  Training loss: 3.0985...  0.5489 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 122...  Training loss: 3.1120...  0.5451 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 123...  Training loss: 3.1195...  0.5294 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 124...  Training loss: 3.1286...  0.5332 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 125...  Training loss: 3.1505...  0.5069 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 126...  Training loss: 3.1414...  0.5822 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 127...  Training loss: 3.1051...  0.5342 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 128...  Training loss: 3.1259...  0.5142 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 129...  Training loss: 3.1153...  0.5221 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 130...  Training loss: 3.1082...  0.4885 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 131...  Training loss: 3.1041...  0.5342 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 132...  Training loss: 3.1056...  0.5181 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 133...  Training loss: 3.1070...  0.5157 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 134...  Training loss: 3.0994...  0.5300 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 135...  Training loss: 3.1358...  0.5793 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 136...  Training loss: 3.1339...  0.5597 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 137...  Training loss: 3.1131...  0.5309 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 138...  Training loss: 3.0987...  0.5214 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 139...  Training loss: 3.1037...  0.5131 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 140...  Training loss: 3.1314...  0.5213 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 141...  Training loss: 3.0994...  0.5107 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 142...  Training loss: 3.0943...  0.5004 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 143...  Training loss: 3.1105...  0.5494 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 144...  Training loss: 3.0922...  0.5079 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 145...  Training loss: 3.1159...  0.5191 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 146...  Training loss: 3.1074...  0.5063 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 147...  Training loss: 3.1010...  0.5248 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 148...  Training loss: 3.1088...  0.5309 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 149...  Training loss: 3.1266...  0.5173 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 150...  Training loss: 3.1193...  0.5284 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 151...  Training loss: 3.1020...  0.5272 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 152...  Training loss: 3.1155...  0.5051 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 153...  Training loss: 3.1172...  0.5138 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 154...  Training loss: 3.1014...  0.5028 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 155...  Training loss: 3.0989...  0.5169 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 156...  Training loss: 3.0677...  0.5012 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 157...  Training loss: 3.0917...  0.5158 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 158...  Training loss: 3.0753...  0.5143 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 159...  Training loss: 3.0880...  0.5069 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 160...  Training loss: 3.0859...  0.4973 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 161...  Training loss: 3.0836...  0.5073 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 162...  Training loss: 3.0660...  0.5096 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 163...  Training loss: 3.0575...  0.5172 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 164...  Training loss: 3.0516...  0.5004 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 165...  Training loss: 3.0689...  0.5111 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 166...  Training loss: 3.0731...  0.5052 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 167...  Training loss: 3.0922...  0.5053 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 168...  Training loss: 3.0509...  0.4946 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 169...  Training loss: 3.0757...  0.4999 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 170...  Training loss: 3.0792...  0.5000 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 171...  Training loss: 3.0632...  0.4966 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 172...  Training loss: 3.0606...  0.5202 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 173...  Training loss: 3.0520...  0.5010 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 174...  Training loss: 3.0413...  0.4990 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 175...  Training loss: 3.0465...  0.5187 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 176...  Training loss: 3.0115...  0.5035 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 177...  Training loss: 3.0234...  0.4990 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 178...  Training loss: 3.0479...  0.4998 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 179...  Training loss: 3.0261...  0.5000 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 180...  Training loss: 3.0382...  0.5065 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 181...  Training loss: 3.0056...  0.5268 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 182...  Training loss: 3.0226...  0.5443 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 183...  Training loss: 3.0241...  0.5239 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 184...  Training loss: 3.0322...  0.5027 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 185...  Training loss: 3.0104...  0.5287 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 186...  Training loss: 3.0093...  0.5373 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 187...  Training loss: 2.9884...  0.4952 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 188...  Training loss: 3.0011...  0.5022 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 189...  Training loss: 3.0025...  0.5025 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 190...  Training loss: 2.9902...  0.5002 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 191...  Training loss: 2.9750...  0.5165 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 192...  Training loss: 2.9817...  0.5003 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 193...  Training loss: 2.9633...  0.5155 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 194...  Training loss: 2.9843...  0.5109 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 195...  Training loss: 2.9262...  0.4889 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 196...  Training loss: 2.9407...  0.5030 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 197...  Training loss: 2.9243...  0.4989 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 198...  Training loss: 2.9258...  0.5188 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 199...  Training loss: 2.9501...  0.5136 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 200...  Training loss: 2.9362...  0.5001 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 201...  Training loss: 2.9081...  0.5167 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 202...  Training loss: 2.9295...  0.5158 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 203...  Training loss: 2.9601...  0.5142 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 204...  Training loss: 2.9409...  0.5321 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 205...  Training loss: 2.9040...  0.5576 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 206...  Training loss: 2.8826...  0.5224 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 207...  Training loss: 2.8515...  0.5209 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 208...  Training loss: 2.8641...  0.5004 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 209...  Training loss: 2.8108...  0.5354 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 210...  Training loss: 2.8172...  0.5330 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 211...  Training loss: 2.8143...  0.5537 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 212...  Training loss: 2.8492...  0.5153 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 213...  Training loss: 2.8509...  0.5006 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 214...  Training loss: 2.7834...  0.5235 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 215...  Training loss: 2.7728...  0.5459 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 216...  Training loss: 2.7916...  0.5003 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 217...  Training loss: 2.7676...  0.5529 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 218...  Training loss: 2.7732...  0.5198 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 219...  Training loss: 2.7472...  0.5414 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 220...  Training loss: 2.7525...  0.5472 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 221...  Training loss: 2.7333...  0.5251 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 222...  Training loss: 2.7393...  0.5273 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 223...  Training loss: 2.7280...  0.5225 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 224...  Training loss: 2.7421...  0.5381 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 225...  Training loss: 2.7122...  0.5489 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 226...  Training loss: 2.6896...  0.5211 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 227...  Training loss: 2.6976...  0.5634 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 228...  Training loss: 2.7139...  0.5165 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 229...  Training loss: 2.7311...  0.5877 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 230...  Training loss: 2.7034...  0.5263 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 231...  Training loss: 2.6705...  0.5704 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 232...  Training loss: 2.7066...  0.5532 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 233...  Training loss: 2.6796...  0.5245 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 234...  Training loss: 2.6540...  0.5021 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 235...  Training loss: 2.6614...  0.5168 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 236...  Training loss: 2.6449...  0.5177 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 237...  Training loss: 2.6534...  0.5253 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 238...  Training loss: 2.6438...  0.5362 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 239...  Training loss: 2.6266...  0.5714 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 240...  Training loss: 2.6088...  0.5194 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 241...  Training loss: 2.6285...  0.5011 sec/batch
Epoch: 1/3...  Training Step: 242...  Training loss: 2.6038...  0.5217 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 243...  Training loss: 2.6573...  0.4987 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 244...  Training loss: 2.5916...  0.5150 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 245...  Training loss: 2.5477...  0.4984 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 246...  Training loss: 2.5658...  0.5082 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 247...  Training loss: 2.5518...  0.4960 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 248...  Training loss: 2.5825...  0.5165 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 249...  Training loss: 2.5567...  0.5069 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 250...  Training loss: 2.5663...  0.4926 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 251...  Training loss: 2.5484...  0.4982 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 252...  Training loss: 2.5474...  0.5027 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 253...  Training loss: 2.5844...  0.5009 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 254...  Training loss: 2.5271...  0.5787 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 255...  Training loss: 2.5323...  0.5553 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 256...  Training loss: 2.5198...  0.5342 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 257...  Training loss: 2.5359...  0.5010 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 258...  Training loss: 2.5187...  0.5044 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 259...  Training loss: 2.5017...  0.5144 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 260...  Training loss: 2.5158...  0.5222 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 261...  Training loss: 2.4998...  0.5348 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 262...  Training loss: 2.4957...  0.5350 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 263...  Training loss: 2.4719...  0.5418 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 264...  Training loss: 2.4987...  0.8725 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 265...  Training loss: 2.4917...  0.6263 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 266...  Training loss: 2.5040...  0.5268 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 267...  Training loss: 2.5027...  0.5219 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 268...  Training loss: 2.4636...  0.5528 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 269...  Training loss: 2.4655...  0.5623 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 270...  Training loss: 2.4880...  0.6635 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 271...  Training loss: 2.5139...  0.5658 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 272...  Training loss: 2.4816...  0.5540 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 273...  Training loss: 2.4702...  0.5753 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 274...  Training loss: 2.4756...  0.5352 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 275...  Training loss: 2.4949...  0.5213 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 276...  Training loss: 2.5050...  0.5301 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 277...  Training loss: 2.4932...  0.5286 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 278...  Training loss: 2.4426...  0.5850 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 279...  Training loss: 2.4636...  0.5756 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 280...  Training loss: 2.4408...  0.5385 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 281...  Training loss: 2.4649...  0.5248 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 282...  Training loss: 2.4381...  0.5635 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 283...  Training loss: 2.4357...  0.5165 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 284...  Training loss: 2.4177...  0.5651 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 285...  Training loss: 2.4532...  0.5782 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 286...  Training loss: 2.4276...  0.6456 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 287...  Training loss: 2.4419...  0.6069 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 288...  Training loss: 2.4172...  0.5552 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 289...  Training loss: 2.4218...  0.5303 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 290...  Training loss: 2.4232...  0.5356 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 291...  Training loss: 2.4210...  0.5302 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 292...  Training loss: 2.4193...  0.5057 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 293...  Training loss: 2.4354...  0.5308 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 294...  Training loss: 2.4179...  0.5288 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 295...  Training loss: 2.4059...  0.5281 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 296...  Training loss: 2.4532...  0.6025 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 297...  Training loss: 2.3959...  0.5718 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 298...  Training loss: 2.3726...  0.5160 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 299...  Training loss: 2.4056...  0.5808 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 300...  Training loss: 2.3562...  0.5973 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 301...  Training loss: 2.3654...  0.5500 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 302...  Training loss: 2.3741...  0.5429 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 303...  Training loss: 2.3708...  0.5238 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 304...  Training loss: 2.3708...  0.5634 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 305...  Training loss: 2.3956...  0.5416 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 306...  Training loss: 2.3539...  0.5331 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 307...  Training loss: 2.3797...  0.5338 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 308...  Training loss: 2.3650...  0.5250 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 309...  Training loss: 2.3444...  0.5268 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 310...  Training loss: 2.3475...  0.5318 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 311...  Training loss: 2.3727...  0.5516 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 312...  Training loss: 2.3526...  0.5314 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 313...  Training loss: 2.3594...  0.5710 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 314...  Training loss: 2.3181...  0.5563 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 315...  Training loss: 2.3397...  0.5707 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 316...  Training loss: 2.3278...  0.5729 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 317...  Training loss: 2.3207...  0.5380 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 318...  Training loss: 2.3247...  0.5191 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 319...  Training loss: 2.3338...  0.7567 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 320...  Training loss: 2.3206...  0.8630 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 321...  Training loss: 2.3348...  1.3790 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 322...  Training loss: 2.3178...  0.7209 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 323...  Training loss: 2.3502...  0.5994 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 324...  Training loss: 2.3673...  0.6223 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 325...  Training loss: 2.3271...  0.6655 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 326...  Training loss: 2.3190...  0.6613 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 327...  Training loss: 2.3121...  0.5743 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 328...  Training loss: 2.3016...  0.5944 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 329...  Training loss: 2.3538...  0.5809 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 330...  Training loss: 2.3068...  0.6070 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 331...  Training loss: 2.3426...  0.5959 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 332...  Training loss: 2.2900...  0.5943 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 333...  Training loss: 2.2629...  0.5865 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 334...  Training loss: 2.3039...  0.5832 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 335...  Training loss: 2.2826...  0.5822 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 336...  Training loss: 2.2933...  0.8881 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 337...  Training loss: 2.3136...  0.5998 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 338...  Training loss: 2.2825...  0.5505 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 339...  Training loss: 2.3044...  0.5704 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 340...  Training loss: 2.2478...  0.6182 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 341...  Training loss: 2.2687...  0.6129 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 342...  Training loss: 2.2556...  0.5623 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 343...  Training loss: 2.2510...  0.5510 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 344...  Training loss: 2.2570...  0.5276 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 345...  Training loss: 2.2692...  0.5238 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 346...  Training loss: 2.2672...  0.5633 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 347...  Training loss: 2.2261...  0.6164 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 348...  Training loss: 2.2586...  1.5226 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 349...  Training loss: 2.2799...  0.7989 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 350...  Training loss: 2.2671...  0.6831 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 351...  Training loss: 2.2187...  0.6488 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 352...  Training loss: 2.2438...  0.6041 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 353...  Training loss: 2.2259...  0.5381 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 354...  Training loss: 2.2514...  0.5396 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 355...  Training loss: 2.2320...  0.6262 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 356...  Training loss: 2.2345...  0.5793 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 357...  Training loss: 2.2616...  0.5617 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 358...  Training loss: 2.2356...  0.5320 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 359...  Training loss: 2.2335...  0.5832 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 360...  Training loss: 2.2128...  0.6264 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 361...  Training loss: 2.2365...  0.6484 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 362...  Training loss: 2.2502...  0.5969 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 363...  Training loss: 2.2046...  0.5561 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 364...  Training loss: 2.2006...  0.5567 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 365...  Training loss: 2.2559...  0.5442 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 366...  Training loss: 2.2188...  0.5630 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 367...  Training loss: 2.2290...  0.5454 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 368...  Training loss: 2.2385...  0.5536 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 369...  Training loss: 2.1787...  0.5250 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 370...  Training loss: 2.2250...  0.5592 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 371...  Training loss: 2.1939...  0.5329 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 372...  Training loss: 2.1905...  0.6303 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 373...  Training loss: 2.1891...  0.5889 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 374...  Training loss: 2.1968...  0.5413 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 375...  Training loss: 2.1700...  0.5418 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 376...  Training loss: 2.1881...  0.5665 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 377...  Training loss: 2.1693...  0.6130 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 378...  Training loss: 2.2040...  0.5311 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 379...  Training loss: 2.1461...  0.5158 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 380...  Training loss: 2.1436...  0.5325 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 381...  Training loss: 2.1492...  0.5185 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 382...  Training loss: 2.1574...  0.5402 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 383...  Training loss: 2.1617...  0.5286 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 384...  Training loss: 2.1457...  0.5558 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 385...  Training loss: 2.2023...  0.5674 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 386...  Training loss: 2.1515...  0.5774 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 387...  Training loss: 2.1884...  0.5430 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 388...  Training loss: 2.1541...  0.5644 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 389...  Training loss: 2.1331...  0.5649 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 390...  Training loss: 2.1630...  0.5706 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 391...  Training loss: 2.1415...  0.5470 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 392...  Training loss: 2.1857...  0.6315 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 393...  Training loss: 2.1743...  0.6039 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 394...  Training loss: 2.1630...  0.5713 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 395...  Training loss: 2.1516...  0.5173 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 396...  Training loss: 2.1406...  0.5330 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 397...  Training loss: 2.1348...  0.5364 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 398...  Training loss: 2.1101...  0.5166 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 399...  Training loss: 2.1272...  0.5315 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 400...  Training loss: 2.1313...  0.5168 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 401...  Training loss: 2.1428...  0.5077 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 402...  Training loss: 2.1242...  0.5076 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 403...  Training loss: 2.1104...  0.5166 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 404...  Training loss: 2.1432...  0.5225 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 405...  Training loss: 2.1205...  0.5155 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 406...  Training loss: 2.1056...  0.5007 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 407...  Training loss: 2.1128...  0.5159 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 408...  Training loss: 2.1303...  0.5154 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 409...  Training loss: 2.1528...  0.5224 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 410...  Training loss: 2.1102...  0.5323 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 411...  Training loss: 2.1207...  0.5552 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 412...  Training loss: 2.1493...  0.5519 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 413...  Training loss: 2.0765...  0.5261 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 414...  Training loss: 2.1198...  0.5295 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 415...  Training loss: 2.1163...  0.5361 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 416...  Training loss: 2.0924...  0.5535 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 417...  Training loss: 2.1032...  0.5324 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 418...  Training loss: 2.0813...  0.5695 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 419...  Training loss: 2.1038...  0.5372 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 420...  Training loss: 2.0747...  0.5614 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 421...  Training loss: 2.0939...  0.5168 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 422...  Training loss: 2.0893...  0.5299 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 423...  Training loss: 2.0819...  0.5185 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 424...  Training loss: 2.0860...  0.5323 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 425...  Training loss: 2.0971...  0.5053 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 426...  Training loss: 2.1053...  0.5287 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 427...  Training loss: 2.1047...  0.5173 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 428...  Training loss: 2.0757...  0.5203 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 429...  Training loss: 2.0848...  0.5171 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 430...  Training loss: 2.1258...  0.5576 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 431...  Training loss: 2.0898...  0.5229 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 432...  Training loss: 2.1237...  0.5070 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 433...  Training loss: 2.0806...  0.5316 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 434...  Training loss: 2.0727...  0.5376 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 435...  Training loss: 2.0607...  0.5163 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 436...  Training loss: 2.0716...  0.5409 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 437...  Training loss: 2.0499...  0.5789 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 438...  Training loss: 2.0704...  0.5536 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 439...  Training loss: 2.0768...  0.5320 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 440...  Training loss: 2.0657...  0.5384 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 441...  Training loss: 2.1020...  0.5608 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 442...  Training loss: 2.1037...  0.6280 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 443...  Training loss: 2.0824...  0.5259 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 444...  Training loss: 2.1136...  0.5053 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 445...  Training loss: 2.1537...  0.5317 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 446...  Training loss: 2.1541...  0.5186 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 447...  Training loss: 2.1027...  0.5304 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 448...  Training loss: 2.0515...  0.5204 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 449...  Training loss: 2.0443...  0.5599 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 450...  Training loss: 2.0504...  0.5807 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 451...  Training loss: 2.0040...  0.5536 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 452...  Training loss: 2.0325...  0.5472 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 453...  Training loss: 2.0352...  0.5325 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 454...  Training loss: 2.0822...  0.5271 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 455...  Training loss: 2.0987...  0.5196 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 456...  Training loss: 2.0028...  0.5213 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 457...  Training loss: 2.0156...  0.5164 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 458...  Training loss: 2.0488...  0.5323 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 459...  Training loss: 2.0403...  0.5155 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 460...  Training loss: 2.0284...  0.5204 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 461...  Training loss: 2.0202...  0.5184 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 462...  Training loss: 2.0291...  0.5315 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 463...  Training loss: 1.9876...  0.5322 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 464...  Training loss: 2.0663...  0.5377 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 465...  Training loss: 2.0348...  0.5322 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 466...  Training loss: 2.0283...  0.5161 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 467...  Training loss: 2.0191...  0.5376 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 468...  Training loss: 2.0212...  0.5299 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 469...  Training loss: 2.0403...  0.5321 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 470...  Training loss: 2.0316...  0.5206 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 471...  Training loss: 2.0727...  0.5338 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 472...  Training loss: 2.0291...  0.5377 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 473...  Training loss: 2.0153...  0.5239 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 474...  Training loss: 2.0460...  0.5332 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 475...  Training loss: 2.0189...  0.5194 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 476...  Training loss: 2.0089...  0.5343 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 477...  Training loss: 2.0217...  0.5327 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 478...  Training loss: 1.9985...  0.5251 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 479...  Training loss: 2.0191...  0.5187 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 480...  Training loss: 2.0477...  0.5198 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 481...  Training loss: 2.0033...  0.5161 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 482...  Training loss: 1.9717...  0.5219 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 483...  Training loss: 2.0184...  0.5413 sec/batch
Epoch: 2/3...  Training Step: 484...  Training loss: 1.9607...  0.5210 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 485...  Training loss: 2.0466...  0.5328 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 486...  Training loss: 1.9957...  0.5208 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 487...  Training loss: 1.9402...  0.5302 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 488...  Training loss: 1.9465...  0.5385 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 489...  Training loss: 1.9554...  0.5155 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 490...  Training loss: 2.0180...  0.5133 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 491...  Training loss: 1.9810...  0.5407 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 492...  Training loss: 2.0053...  0.5129 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 493...  Training loss: 1.9819...  0.5352 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 494...  Training loss: 1.9702...  0.5774 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 495...  Training loss: 2.0152...  0.5380 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 496...  Training loss: 1.9679...  0.5779 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 497...  Training loss: 1.9693...  0.5910 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 498...  Training loss: 1.9437...  0.5742 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 499...  Training loss: 1.9693...  0.5507 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 500...  Training loss: 1.9879...  0.5325 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 501...  Training loss: 1.9627...  0.5412 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 502...  Training loss: 1.9588...  0.5390 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 503...  Training loss: 1.9501...  0.5454 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 504...  Training loss: 1.9396...  0.5475 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 505...  Training loss: 1.9307...  0.5832 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 506...  Training loss: 1.9543...  0.5487 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 507...  Training loss: 1.9593...  0.5757 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 508...  Training loss: 1.9705...  0.5579 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 509...  Training loss: 1.9353...  0.5710 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 510...  Training loss: 1.8865...  0.5340 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 511...  Training loss: 1.9244...  0.5348 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 512...  Training loss: 1.9651...  0.5326 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 513...  Training loss: 1.9735...  0.5502 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 514...  Training loss: 1.9274...  0.5316 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 515...  Training loss: 1.9533...  0.5343 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 516...  Training loss: 1.9619...  0.5327 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 517...  Training loss: 1.9787...  0.5323 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 518...  Training loss: 1.9699...  0.5605 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 519...  Training loss: 1.9681...  0.5499 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 520...  Training loss: 1.9334...  0.5269 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 521...  Training loss: 1.9364...  0.5501 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 522...  Training loss: 1.9115...  0.5677 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 523...  Training loss: 1.9445...  0.5478 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 524...  Training loss: 1.9407...  0.5367 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 525...  Training loss: 1.9080...  0.5321 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 526...  Training loss: 1.9185...  0.5516 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 527...  Training loss: 1.9238...  0.5668 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 528...  Training loss: 1.9223...  0.5542 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 529...  Training loss: 1.9358...  0.5698 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 530...  Training loss: 1.9019...  0.5600 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 531...  Training loss: 1.9108...  0.5374 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 532...  Training loss: 1.9062...  0.5180 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 533...  Training loss: 1.9078...  0.5320 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 534...  Training loss: 1.9188...  0.5507 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 535...  Training loss: 1.9293...  0.5485 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 536...  Training loss: 1.9148...  0.5543 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 537...  Training loss: 1.9361...  0.5654 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 538...  Training loss: 1.9580...  0.5802 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 539...  Training loss: 1.9507...  0.5385 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 540...  Training loss: 1.8964...  0.5654 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 541...  Training loss: 1.9274...  0.5699 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 542...  Training loss: 1.8837...  0.5470 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 543...  Training loss: 1.9146...  0.5371 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 544...  Training loss: 1.9144...  0.5315 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 545...  Training loss: 1.8953...  0.5345 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 546...  Training loss: 1.8988...  0.5513 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 547...  Training loss: 1.9225...  0.5770 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 548...  Training loss: 1.8931...  0.5647 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 549...  Training loss: 1.9206...  0.5621 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 550...  Training loss: 1.9221...  0.5896 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 551...  Training loss: 1.9064...  0.5682 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 552...  Training loss: 1.9229...  0.5830 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 553...  Training loss: 1.8975...  0.6209 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 554...  Training loss: 1.9047...  0.6185 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 555...  Training loss: 1.8871...  0.5784 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 556...  Training loss: 1.8622...  0.5948 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 557...  Training loss: 1.9102...  0.5930 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 558...  Training loss: 1.8646...  0.5835 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 559...  Training loss: 1.8687...  0.5815 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 560...  Training loss: 1.8826...  0.5690 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 561...  Training loss: 1.8837...  0.5770 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 562...  Training loss: 1.8792...  0.5800 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 563...  Training loss: 1.8989...  0.6180 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 564...  Training loss: 1.9063...  0.5970 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 565...  Training loss: 1.9050...  0.5765 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 566...  Training loss: 1.9372...  0.6180 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 567...  Training loss: 1.8835...  0.5920 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 568...  Training loss: 1.8927...  0.5845 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 569...  Training loss: 1.8623...  0.6130 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 570...  Training loss: 1.8533...  0.5725 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 571...  Training loss: 1.9385...  0.6110 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 572...  Training loss: 1.8603...  0.6045 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 573...  Training loss: 1.9176...  0.5975 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 574...  Training loss: 1.8625...  0.7265 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 575...  Training loss: 1.8673...  0.7735 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 576...  Training loss: 1.8929...  0.7295 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 577...  Training loss: 1.8916...  0.8330 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 578...  Training loss: 1.8727...  0.7815 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 579...  Training loss: 1.9076...  0.7620 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 580...  Training loss: 1.8770...  0.5940 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 581...  Training loss: 1.9127...  0.5800 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 582...  Training loss: 1.8547...  0.5745 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 583...  Training loss: 1.8849...  0.5715 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 584...  Training loss: 1.8392...  0.5655 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 585...  Training loss: 1.8518...  0.5705 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 586...  Training loss: 1.8531...  0.5770 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 587...  Training loss: 1.8444...  0.5395 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 588...  Training loss: 1.8727...  0.5510 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 589...  Training loss: 1.8440...  0.5510 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 590...  Training loss: 1.8541...  0.5405 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 591...  Training loss: 1.9146...  0.5455 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 592...  Training loss: 1.8878...  0.5490 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 593...  Training loss: 1.8151...  0.5570 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 594...  Training loss: 1.8465...  0.5540 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 595...  Training loss: 1.8211...  0.5550 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 596...  Training loss: 1.8825...  0.5600 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 597...  Training loss: 1.8370...  0.5675 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 598...  Training loss: 1.8625...  0.5407 sec/batch
Epoch: 3/3...  Training Step: 599...  Training loss: 1.8895...  0.5650 sec/batch
ResourceExhaustedError                    Traceback (most recent call last)
C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\ in _do_call(self, fn, *args)
   1038     try:
-> 1039       return fn(*args)
   1040     except errors.OpError as e:

C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\ in _run_fn(session, feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list, options, run_metadata)
   1020                                  feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list,
-> 1021                                  status, run_metadata)

C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\ in __exit__(self, type, value, traceback)
     65             try:
---> 66                 next(self.gen)
     67             except StopIteration:

C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\ in raise_exception_on_not_ok_status()
    465           compat.as_text(pywrap_tensorflow.TF_Message(status)),
--> 466           pywrap_tensorflow.TF_GetCode(status))
    467   finally:

ResourceExhaustedError: OOM when allocating tensor with shape[8192,512]
	 [[Node: gradients/MatMul_grad/MatMul = MatMul[T=DT_FLOAT, transpose_a=false, transpose_b=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](gradients/add_grad/Reshape, softmax/Variable/read)]]

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ResourceExhaustedError                    Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-185b24228ba9> in <module>()
     30                                                  model.final_state,
     31                                                  model.optimizer], 
---> 32                                                  feed_dict=feed)
     34             train_writer.add_summary(summary, counter)

C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\ in run(self, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    776     try:
    777       result = self._run(None, fetches, feed_dict, options_ptr,
--> 778                          run_metadata_ptr)
    779       if run_metadata:
    780         proto_data = tf_session.TF_GetBuffer(run_metadata_ptr)

C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\ in _run(self, handle, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    980     if final_fetches or final_targets:
    981       results = self._do_run(handle, final_targets, final_fetches,
--> 982                              feed_dict_string, options, run_metadata)
    983     else:
    984       results = []

C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\ in _do_run(self, handle, target_list, fetch_list, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
   1030     if handle is None:
   1031       return self._do_call(_run_fn, self._session, feed_dict, fetch_list,
-> 1032                            target_list, options, run_metadata)
   1033     else:
   1034       return self._do_call(_prun_fn, self._session, handle, feed_dict,

C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\ in _do_call(self, fn, *args)
   1050         except KeyError:
   1051           pass
-> 1052       raise type(e)(node_def, op, message)
   1054   def _extend_graph(self):

ResourceExhaustedError: OOM when allocating tensor with shape[8192,512]
	 [[Node: gradients/MatMul_grad/MatMul = MatMul[T=DT_FLOAT, transpose_a=false, transpose_b=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](gradients/add_grad/Reshape, softmax/Variable/read)]]

Caused by op 'gradients/MatMul_grad/MatMul', defined at:
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\", line 184, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\", line 3, in <module>
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\traitlets\config\", line 658, in launch_instance
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\", line 474, in start
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\zmq\eventloop\", line 177, in start
    super(ZMQIOLoop, self).start()
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tornado\", line 887, in start
    handler_func(fd_obj, events)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tornado\", line 275, in null_wrapper
    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\zmq\eventloop\", line 440, in _handle_events
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\zmq\eventloop\", line 472, in _handle_recv
    self._run_callback(callback, msg)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\zmq\eventloop\", line 414, in _run_callback
    callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tornado\", line 275, in null_wrapper
    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\", line 276, in dispatcher
    return self.dispatch_shell(stream, msg)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\", line 228, in dispatch_shell
    handler(stream, idents, msg)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\", line 390, in execute_request
    user_expressions, allow_stdin)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\", line 196, in do_execute
    res = shell.run_cell(code, store_history=store_history, silent=silent)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\", line 501, in run_cell
    return super(ZMQInteractiveShell, self).run_cell(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 2717, in run_cell
    interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 2821, in run_ast_nodes
    if self.run_code(code, result):
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 2881, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "<ipython-input-17-84afb0542030>", line 3, in <module>
  File "<ipython-input-15-64f5a1a535a5>", line 38, in __init__
    self.optimizer = build_optimizer(self.loss, learning_rate, grad_clip)
  File "<ipython-input-14-b4ac5786ae0d>", line 12, in build_optimizer
    grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(loss, tvars), grad_clip)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 560, in gradients
    grad_scope, op, func_call, lambda: grad_fn(op, *out_grads))
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 368, in _MaybeCompile
    return grad_fn()  # Exit early
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 560, in <lambda>
    grad_scope, op, func_call, lambda: grad_fn(op, *out_grads))
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 783, in _MatMulGrad
    grad_a = math_ops.matmul(grad, b, transpose_b=True)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 1801, in matmul
    a, b, transpose_a=transpose_a, transpose_b=transpose_b, name=name)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 1263, in _mat_mul
    transpose_b=transpose_b, name=name)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\", line 768, in apply_op
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\", line 2336, in create_op
    original_op=self._default_original_op, op_def=op_def)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\", line 1228, in __init__
    self._traceback = _extract_stack()

...which was originally created as op 'MatMul', defined at:
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\", line 184, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
[elided 19 identical lines from previous traceback]
  File "<ipython-input-17-84afb0542030>", line 3, in <module>
  File "<ipython-input-15-64f5a1a535a5>", line 34, in __init__
    self.prediction, self.logits = build_output(outputs, lstm_size, num_classes)
  File "<ipython-input-12-c84da34d6b3e>", line 34, in build_output
    logits = tf.matmul(x,  softmax_w) + softmax_b
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 1801, in matmul
    a, b, transpose_a=transpose_a, transpose_b=transpose_b, name=name)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 1263, in _mat_mul
    transpose_b=transpose_b, name=name)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\", line 768, in apply_op
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\", line 2336, in create_op
    original_op=self._default_original_op, op_def=op_def)
  File "C:\anthony-ide\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\", line 1228, in __init__
    self._traceback = _extract_stack()

ResourceExhaustedError (see above for traceback): OOM when allocating tensor with shape[8192,512]
	 [[Node: gradients/MatMul_grad/MatMul = MatMul[T=DT_FLOAT, transpose_a=false, transpose_b=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](gradients/add_grad/Reshape, softmax/Variable/read)]]

Saved checkpoints

Read up on saving and loading checkpoints here:

In [ ]:


Now that the network is trained, we'll can use it to generate new text. The idea is that we pass in a character, then the network will predict the next character. We can use the new one, to predict the next one. And we keep doing this to generate all new text. I also included some functionality to prime the network with some text by passing in a string and building up a state from that.

The network gives us predictions for each character. To reduce noise and make things a little less random, I'm going to only choose a new character from the top N most likely characters.

In [ ]:
def pick_top_n(preds, vocab_size, top_n=5):
    p = np.squeeze(preds)
    p[np.argsort(p)[:-top_n]] = 0
    p = p / np.sum(p)
    c = np.random.choice(vocab_size, 1, p=p)[0]
    return c

In [ ]:
def sample(checkpoint, n_samples, lstm_size, vocab_size, prime="The "):
    samples = [c for c in prime]
    model = CharRNN(len(vocab), lstm_size=lstm_size, sampling=True)
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        saver.restore(sess, checkpoint)
        new_state =
        for c in prime:
            x = np.zeros((1, 1))
            x[0,0] = vocab_to_int[c]
            feed = {model.inputs: x,
                    model.keep_prob: 1.,
                    model.initial_state: new_state}
            preds, new_state =[model.prediction, model.final_state], 

        c = pick_top_n(preds, len(vocab))

        for i in range(n_samples):
            x[0,0] = c
            feed = {model.inputs: x,
                    model.keep_prob: 1.,
                    model.initial_state: new_state}
            preds, new_state =[model.prediction, model.final_state], 

            c = pick_top_n(preds, len(vocab))
    return ''.join(samples)

Here, pass in the path to a checkpoint and sample from the network.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint('checkpoints')
samp = sample(checkpoint, 2000, lstm_size, len(vocab), prime="Far")

In [ ]:
checkpoint = 'checkpoints/i200_l512.ckpt'
samp = sample(checkpoint, 1000, lstm_size, len(vocab), prime="Far")

In [ ]:
checkpoint = 'checkpoints/i600_l512.ckpt'
samp = sample(checkpoint, 1000, lstm_size, len(vocab), prime="Far")

In [ ]:
checkpoint = 'checkpoints/i1200_l512.ckpt'
samp = sample(checkpoint, 1000, lstm_size, len(vocab), prime="Far")