IDV notebook generic features

Easy python coding with IDV notebook

1. Supports auto Intent and colors for your python code

2. Auto code completion, on TAB key it competes the code, functions and classes have a trailing ( , giving a hint that they are callable

3. Easy help, on SHIFT + TAB key it shows best possible help available for that function, when using java functions it potnts to user from which package it is derived from

Taking notes in IDV notebook

1. Use markdown for taking notes. Change the type of code cell to markdown to use markdown features.

2. Any latex equations can be inserted in markdown by using prefix and suffix $$. For example $$ \frac{sin(x)}{cos(x)} $$

3. A external image can be imported by prefix %Image path/to/image

4. A external Youtube video can be inserted by usinf %YouTube web/link/to/youtube

Write efficient codes

1. Use %timeit before any jython code to know cpu time taken to execute it.

2. Use %memit before any jython code to know memory used while executing the code.

Using other languages

1. Use %bash prefix to write any bash code , that will be executed in a bash shell.

2. Use %python prefix to write any python code, that will be executed in a python shell. Furthermore you can send a variable from IDV to python for plotting or analysis in python(coming soon).

3. Use ! prefix to execute a shell command. For example !ls, !cdo etc.

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