
I decided to make a nice gallery of the things you can do with the code I wrote, because I was quite amazed at the quality of the results.

It can be argued that all of electrodynamics stems from the electric field of a point charge. So why don't we start with that?

One point charge

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
from point_charges_2D import Charge
# The plotting grid is a square centred at the origin
xs = ys = [-2, 2] 

# Instantiate a point charge called c, with a charge of 1, at the coordinates (0,0).
c = Charge(1, [0, 0])

# Plot
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=True, field=True, potential=True)

I'll be the first to admit that it's far from perfect. The potential lines are all squeezed up, and the 'field lines' aren't uniform or anything. This is because it's not really a proper field plot, rather a stream plot. It will matter less as you see more examples. But firstly, let's see the potential contour plot can be pretty.

In [7]:
xs = ys = [-0.2, 0.2]
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=False, field=False, potential=True)

That doesn't look so bad! (Yes, I cheated and zoomed in). It's not perfectly circular, but remember that this is just meant to be a 'quick' plot. It would be very easy to make it circular by adding a figsize=(5,5) parameter into plt.figure().

Multiple point charges

We'll examine the classic dipole. Let's start with just the field lines:

In [7]:
# After every plot we have to reset the charge registry

xs, ys = [-1, 2], [-2, 2]
A = Charge(10, [0, 0])
B = Charge(-10, [1, 0])
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=True, field=True, potential=False)

Another example:

In [11]:
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=False, field=True, potential=True)

The potential is still looking funny. If you really need a good potential plot, do not use the built in plot_field function! Use the rest of the module to calculate V, but before plotting, multiply that V by a large number (1000 should work) to get the equipotentials to show up nicely.

But the default plot doesn't always return awful results for potential:

In [11]:
A = Charge(1, [0, 0])
B = Charge(4, [1, 0])

xs = [-1, 2.5]
ys = [-1, 1.5]

Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=False, field=True, potential=True)

We can obviously try more complex charge distributions, but the stream plot sometimes gets a bit wonky.

In [14]:
xs = ys = [-2, 2]
A = Charge(1, [-1, 1])
B = Charge(-5, [1, 1])
C = Charge(10, [1, -1])
D = Charge(-4, [-1, -1])
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=True, field=True, potential=False)

On second thought, it doesn't look too terrible here. But if you try putting identical charges at the corners of a square, you'll see what I mean (I'm too embarassed to put it here).

Note that we don't really have to instantiate each charge using A = Charge(..), we can just write Charge(). We will abuse this later on.

Also, note how the size of the circle on the diagram is proportional to the charge (to be precise, the markersize is proportional to the square root of the charge).

Ok fine you can see.

In [15]:
xs = ys = [-2, 2]
A = Charge(1, [-1, 1])
B = Charge(1, [1, 1])
C = Charge(1, [1, -1])
D = Charge(1, [-1, -1])
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=True, field=True, potential=False)

Yeah, not too happy with it. Never mind.

So we've had a look at the different things we can do with point charges. But in fact, we can combine point charges in all sorts of ways, to look at the field of charge distributions (still 2D for now).

Line charges

A line charge can simply be thought of as many point charges in a line... In fact, if we are at the origin:

$$ \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \int \frac{\lambda}{r^2} \mathbf{\hat{r}} dl $$

Which means that a line charge is really the limit of many point charges. Have a look at the actual code in charge_distribution_2D; I won't go into it here. Let's look at some examples:

In [16]:
from charge_distribution_2D import straight_line_charge

xs = ys = [-2, 2]

# A line of charge on the x axis, with total charge of 1, going from (-1,0) to (1,0).
straight_line_charge([-1, 0], [1, 0], res=80, Q=1)

Charge.plot_field(xs, ys, show_charge=True, field=True, potential=True)

We're starting to get some pretty plots!

res is a parameter that determines the 'resolution' of the line – specifically, how many point charges per unit length. I've found 80 to be sufficient for most purposes.

A 2D 'capacitor' of sorts:

In [19]:
xs = ys = [-4, 4]
straight_line_charge([-2, 1], [2, 1], res=80, Q=1)
straight_line_charge([-2, -1], [2, -1], res=80, Q=-1)

# The default plot shows the field and the charge, but not the potential. 
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys)

What about more general (non-straight) line charges? I wrote a separate method for this afterwards, in which we can specify the curve as parametric equations.

In [19]:
import numpy as np
from charge_distribution_2D import line_charge

xs = ys = [-2, 2]

# The parametric equations of a circle
def x(t):
    return np.cos(t)
def y(t):
    return np.sin(t)

# Create the circle
line_charge(parametric_x=x, parametric_y=y, trange=2*np.pi, res=100, Q=10)
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys)

However, I much prefer to use lambdas in the call to line_charge(), in which case the above would instead be:

line_charge(parametric_x=lambda t: np.cos(t), parametric_y=lambda t: np.sin(t), trange=2*np.pi, res=100, Q=10)

Of course, since this method is more general than straight_line_charge(), we can also use it to draw a straight line. But I will keep both methods in the module because I would much rather specify a straight line with it's start and end points rather than parametric equations.

Rectangles of charge

In [3]:
from charge_distribution_2D import rectangle_charge

xs = ys = [-2, 2]

# Create a rectangle (or rather square), with a length and height of 1, and corner at (-0.5,0.5). 
rectangle_charge([1, 1], [-0.5, -0.5], res=80, Q=100)
Charge.plot_field(xs, ys)