Compare pheno profiles of clusters

In [1]:
# Imports
import re
import os
import copy
import gzip
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cPickle as cp
import brainbox as bb
import multiprocessing as mp
from scipy import stats as st
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as clh
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

Load files and screen for duplicates

In [2]:
# Paths
in_path = '/data1/abide/Out/Remote/some_failed/out/'
out_path = '/data1/abide/Test'
out_name = 'nondupl_linkage.gz'
if not os.path.isdir(out_path):
    except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(out_path):
        else: raise

metric = 'stability_maps'
file_dict = bb.fileOps.grab_files(in_path, '.nii.gz', metric)

I will be pulling files from /data1/abide/Out/Remote/some_failed/out/stability_maps

In [3]:
# Duplicate dropper
def drop_duplicates(in_dict):
    Because python uses pointers and does not copy the variables
    I can operate directly on the dictionary and change it in place
    cp_dict = copy.deepcopy(in_dict)
    subs = cp_dict['sub_name']
    dirs = cp_dict['dir']
    path = cp_dict['path']
    drop = list()
    present = list()
    sub_names = np.array([int64('(?<=\d{2})\d{5}', sub_id).group()) for sub_id in cp_dict['sub_name']])
    for idx, sub in enumerate(sub_names):
        if not sub in present:
    print('Found {} items to drop'.format(len(drop)))
    # Pop them in reverse order
    for idx in drop[::-1]:
    return cp_dict

In [4]:
# Visualizer
def show_netw(results, network, scale):
    distance, linkage = results[network - 1]
    part = clh.fcluster(linkage, scale, criterion='maxclust')

    # Define covariates of interest
    cov_interest = ['DX_GROUP', 'AGE_AT_SCAN', 'SITE_ID', 'SEX', 'EYE_STATUS_AT_SCAN']

    # Pull up the subjects for one cluster
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5*(scale + 1)))

    for clust in np.arange(1,scale + 1):
        clust_subs = data_subs[part == clust]
        clust_pheno = pheno_data[part == clust]
        ax_cl = f.add_subplot(scale, 2, clust)
        ax_cl.set_title('Cluster {}'.format(clust))

        lt, lb, rt, rb = bb.visuOps.add_four_grid(ax_cl, ticks=True, titles=('age', 'sex', 'dx', 'fiq'))
        lb.hist(clust_pheno['SEX'].values, bins=2)
        rt.hist(clust_pheno['DX_GROUP'].values, bins=2)

In [5]:
# Loop the data
out_file = os.path.join(out_path, out_name)
if os.path.isfile(out_file):
    print('{} does already exist, I will load things'.format(out_file))
    f =, 'rb')
    in_data = cp.load(f)
    data_subs = in_data[0]
    results = in_data[1]
    # Remove the duplicates from the file dict
    print('I will run things now')
    file_dict = drop_duplicates(file_dict)

    results = list()
    for network in np.arange(10):
        print('Loading network {}'.format(network))
        data_dict = bb.fileOps.read_files(file_dict, network=network, silence=True)
        # We only loaded one network so it is always the first one
        results.append(bb.dataOps.calc_link(data_dict, metric, network=0))
    # Write the results to disk for future use
    data_subs = np.array([int64('(?<=\d{2})\d{5}', sub_id).group()) for sub_id in file_dict['sub_name']])
    out = (data_subs, results)
    outF =, 'wb')
    cp.dump(out, outF, protocol=2)

/data1/abide/Test/nondupl_linkage.gz does already exist, I will load things

Visualize the data of all networks for this metric

In [73]:
# Visualize the distance matrix and dendrogram
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,30))
for nw in np.arange(1,11):
    distance, linkage = results[nw-1]
    spl = f.add_subplot(5,2,nw)
    subdend = bb.visuOps.add_subplot_axes(spl, [0, 0.71, 1, 0.29])
    submat = bb.visuOps.add_subplot_axes(spl, [0, 0, 1, 0.7])
    D1 = clh.dendrogram(linkage, ax=subdend, color_threshold=500)

    D2 = submat.matshow(-distance, aspect='auto')
    spl.set_title('Network {}'.format(nw))

Load pheno data

In [6]:
# Grab the phenotype data
pheno_path = '/home/surchs/Project/abide/pheno/pheno_full.csv'
pheno = pd.read_csv(pheno_path)
# Get the subject IDs of the pheno files I just read in
pheno_subs = pheno['SUB_ID']
# Find a mask of those pheno subs for which we have brain data
pheno_mask = pheno_subs.isin(data_subs)
# Get the correct pheno data
pheno_data = pheno[pheno_mask]

In [7]:
# Define covariates of interest
cov_interest = ['DX_GROUP', 'AGE_AT_SCAN', 'SITE_ID', 'SEX', 'EYE_STATUS_AT_SCAN']

Make a subject level partition of each network and compare between clusters

In [8]:
def permute(args):
    col, row, data_subs, pheno_data, part, cov = args
    clus_a = col+1
    clus_b = row+1
    # Get values
    scale = np.max(part)
    dist_mat = np.zeros((scale, scale))
    p_mat = np.zeros((scale, scale))
    # Get cluster a 
    sub_a =  data_subs[part == clus_a]
    pheno_a = pheno_data[part == clus_a]
    var_a = pheno_a[cov].values
    # Get cluster b
    sub_b =  data_subs[part == clus_b]
    pheno_b = pheno_data[part == clus_b]
    var_b = pheno_b[cov].values
    # Compute the distance
    dis = np.mean(var_a) - np.mean(var_b)
    dist_mat[col, row] = np.abs(dis)
    # Concatenate the two
    com_a_b = np.concatenate((var_a[...,None], var_b[...,None]),axis=0)
    # Resample stuff
    res = np.empty(reps)
    for i in range(len(res)):
        tmp = np.random.permutation(com_a_b)
        # Slice out new randomized labels for both clusters
        tmp_a = tmp[:len(var_a)]
        tmp_b = tmp[len(var_a):]
        # Take the mean of the distance (could go KGS on this)
        tmp_dist = np.mean(tmp_a) - np.mean(tmp_b)
        res[i] = tmp_dist
    # Compute the p-value for the distance
    p_mat[col, row] = (np.sum(np.abs(res) > np.abs(dis)) + 1) / float(reps + 1)
    return dist_mat, p_mat

In [ ]:
def test(args):
    col, row, data_subs, pheno_data, part, cov = args
    clus_a = col+1
    clus_b = row+1
    # Get values
    scale = np.max(part)
    dist_mat = np.zeros((scale, scale))
    p_mat = np.zeros((scale, scale))
    # Get cluster a 
    sub_a =  data_subs[part == clus_a]
    pheno_a = pheno_data[part == clus_a]
    var_a = pheno_a[cov].values
    # Get cluster b
    sub_b =  data_subs[part == clus_b]
    pheno_b = pheno_data[part == clus_b]
    var_b = pheno_b[cov].values
    ks, p = st.ks_2samp(var_a, var_b)
    p_mat[col, row] = p
    return p_mat

In [9]:
# Initialize to scale sc
sc = 3
#scales = np.ones(10)*sc
scales = np.array([6, 7, 5, 5, 9, 7, 9, 9, 11, 7])
partitions = np.zeros((len(pheno_data), 10))
dist_list = list()
pval_list = list()

cov = cov_interest[1]
reps = 1e5

for n_id in range(10):
    print('Running network {} now'.format(n_id))
    distance, linkage = results[n_id]
    scale = scales[n_id]
    part = clh.fcluster(linkage, scale, criterion='maxclust')
    partitions[:, n_id] = part
    scale = np.max(part)
    # Get coordinate pairs for the upper triangle so we do each comparison only once
    cols, rows = np.triu_indices(scale,1)
    arg_list = list()
    for idx in range(len(cols)):
        col = cols[idx]
        row = rows[idx]
        args = (col, row, data_subs, pheno_data, part, cov)
    use_perc = 0.80
    ava = int(np.floor(use_perc*mp.cpu_count()))
    pool = mp.Pool(processes=ava)
    pll_res =, arg_list)
    # Stack the stuff together again
    dist = np.zeros((scale, scale))
    pval = np.zeros((scale, scale))
    for result in pll_res:
        dist += result[0]
        pval += result[1]
    # And copy over the diagonal
    dist[rows, cols] = dist[cols, rows]
    pval[rows, cols] = pval[cols, rows]

Running network 0 now
Running network 1 now
Running network 2 now
Running network 3 now
Running network 4 now
Running network 5 now
Running network 6 now
Running network 7 now
Running network 8 now
Running network 9 now

In [ ]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(16,80))
for idx, n_id in enumerate(np.linspace(1,19,10)):
    dist = np.abs(dist_list[idx])
    val_m = np.max(np.abs(dist))
    pval = pval_list[idx]
    ax = f.add_subplot(10,2,n_id)
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
    mp1 = ax.matshow(dist,, vmin=0, vmax=12)
    ax.set_title('distance network {}'.format(idx))
    ax2 = f.add_subplot(10,2,n_id+1)
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax2)
    cax2 = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
    mp2 = ax2.matshow(-np.log10(pval),, vmin=0, vmax=3)
    ax2.set_title('p-value log10 network {}'.format(idx))
    f.colorbar(mp1, cax=cax)
    plt.colorbar(mp2, cax=cax2)

In [147]:

array([  1.,   3.,   5.,   7.,   9.,  11.,  13.,  15.,  17.,  19.])

In [107]:
plt.hist(-np.log10(pval[cols, rows]), bins=20)

(array([ 4.,  3.,  1.,  3.,  0.,  2.,  4.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  0.,  1.,
         0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1.]),
 array([ 0.05360121,  0.20994417,  0.36628713,  0.52263009,  0.67897305,
         0.83531601,  0.99165897,  1.14800193,  1.30434489,  1.46068785,
         1.61703081,  1.77337377,  1.92971673,  2.08605969,  2.24240265,
         2.39874561,  2.55508857,  2.71143153,  2.86777449,  3.02411745,
 <a list of 20 Patch objects>)

In [20]:
# Pull up the subjects for one cluster
f = plt.figure(figsize=(30,10))

for clust in np.arange(1,4):
    clust_subs = data_subs[part == clust]
    clust_pheno = pheno_data[part == clust]
    ax_cl = f.add_subplot(1, 3, clust)
    ax_cl.set_title('Cluster {}'.format(clust))

    lt, lb, rt, rb = bb.visuOps.add_four_grid(ax_cl, ticks=True, titles=('age', 'sex', 'dx', 'fiq'))

In [88]:
a = np.zeros((scale, scale))
for idx in arange(len(cols)):
    a[cols[idx],rows[idx]] += 1

In [117]:


In [ ]:
a = 10

In [14]:

In [14]:

In [ ]: