In [1]:
#Imports and paths
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
In [2]:
# Generator of list of files in a folder and subfolders
import os
import shutil
import fnmatch
def gen_find(filepattern, toppath):
Generator with a recursive list of files in the toppath that match filepattern
filepattern(str): Command stype pattern
toppath(str): Root path
for path, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(toppath):
for name in fnmatch.filter(filelist, filepattern):
yield os.path.join(path, name)
#print(gen_find("*.txt", data_path+'train/pos/').next())
In [3]:
def read_sentences(path):
sentences = []
sentences_list = gen_find("*.txt", path)
for ff in sentences_list:
with open(ff, 'r') as f:
return sentences
In [4]:
In [5]:
def tokenize(sentences):
from nltk import word_tokenize
print( 'Tokenizing...',)
tokens = []
for sentence in sentences:
tokens += [word_tokenize(sentence)]
return tokens
In [6]:
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
In [7]:
sentences_trn_pos = tokenize(read_sentences(data_path+'train/pos/'))
sentences_trn_neg = tokenize(read_sentences(data_path+'train/neg/'))
sentences_trn = sentences_trn_pos + sentences_trn_neg
y_train_trn = [1] * len(sentences_trn_pos) + [0] * len(sentences_trn_neg)
X_trn, y_trn = shuffle(sentences_trn, y_train_trn)
In [8]:
sentences_pos = tokenize(read_sentences(data_path+'test/pos/'))
sentences_neg = tokenize(read_sentences(data_path+'test/neg/'))
sentences_tst = sentences_pos + sentences_neg
y_test = [1] * len(sentences_pos) + [0] * len(sentences_neg)
X_tst, y_tst = shuffle(sentences_tst, y_test)
In [9]:
#Save tokenization whit numpy'/tmp/sentiment_X_trn.npy', X_trn)'/tmp/sentiment_X_tst.npy', X_tst)'/tmp/sentiment_y_trn.npy', y_trn)'/tmp/sentiment_y_tst.npy', y_tst)
In [10]:
# Load tokenization whit numpy
X_trn = np.load('/tmp/sentiment_X_trn.npy')
X_tst = np.load('/tmp/sentiment_X_tst.npy')
y_trn = np.load('/tmp/sentiment_y_trn.npy')
y_tst = np.load('/tmp/sentiment_y_tst.npy')
In [11]:
#create the dictionary to conver words to numbers. Order it with most frequent words first
def build_dict(sentences):
# from collections import OrderedDict
Build dictionary of train words
- Dictionary of word --> word index
- Dictionary of word --> word count freq
print( 'Building dictionary..',)
wordcount = dict()
#For each worn in each sentence, cummulate frequency
for ss in sentences:
for w in ss:
if w not in wordcount:
wordcount[w] = 1
wordcount[w] += 1
counts = list(wordcount.values()) # List of frequencies
keys = list(wordcount) #List of words
sorted_idx = reversed(np.argsort(counts))
worddict = dict()
for idx, ss in enumerate(sorted_idx):
worddict[keys[ss]] = idx+2 # leave 0 and 1 (UNK)
print( np.sum(counts), ' total words ', len(keys), ' unique words')
return worddict, wordcount
worddict, wordcount = build_dict(sentences_trn)
print(worddict['the'], wordcount['the'])
In [12]:
def generate_sequence(sentences, dictionary):
Convert tokenized text in sequences of integers
seqs = [None] * len(sentences)
for idx, ss in enumerate(sentences):
seqs[idx] = [dictionary[w] if w in dictionary else 1 for w in ss]
return seqs
In [13]:
# Create train and test data
#Read train sentences and generate target y
train_x_pos = generate_sequence(sentences_trn_pos, worddict)
train_x_neg = generate_sequence(sentences_trn_neg, worddict)
X_train_full = train_x_pos + train_x_neg
y_train_full = [1] * len(train_x_pos) + [0] * len(train_x_neg)
print(X_train_full[0], y_train_full[0])
In [14]:
#Read test sentences and generate target y
sentences_tst_pos = read_sentences(data_path+'test/pos/')
sentences_tst_neg = read_sentences(data_path+'test/neg/')
test_x_pos = generate_sequence(tokenize(sentences_tst_pos), worddict)
test_x_neg = generate_sequence(tokenize(sentences_tst_neg), worddict)
X_test_full = test_x_pos + test_x_neg
y_test_full = [1] * len(test_x_pos) + [0] * len(test_x_neg)
In [15]:
#Median length of sentences
print('Median length: ', np.median([len(x) for x in X_test_full]))
In [16]:
max_features = 50000 # Number of most frequent words selected. the less frequent recode to 0
maxlen = 200 # cut texts after this number of words (among top max_features most common words)
In [17]:
#Select the most frequent max_features, recode others using 0
def remove_features(x):
return [[0 if w >= max_features else w for w in sen] for sen in x]
X_train = remove_features(X_train_full)
X_test = remove_features(X_test_full)
y_train = y_train_full
y_test = y_test_full
In [18]:
from tensorflow.contrib.keras import preprocessing
# Cut or complete the sentences to length = maxlen
print("Pad sequences (samples x time)")
X_train = preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(X_train, maxlen=maxlen)
X_test = preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(X_test, maxlen=maxlen)
print('X_train shape:', X_train.shape)
print('X_test shape:', X_test.shape)
In [19]:
# Shuffle data
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
X_train, y_train = shuffle(X_train, y_train, random_state=0)
In [20]:
# Export train and test data + 'X_train', X_train) + 'y_train', y_train) + 'X_test', X_test) + 'y_test', y_test)
In [21]:
# Export worddict
import pickle
with open(data_path + 'worddict.pickle', 'wb') as pfile:
pickle.dump(worddict, pfile)
In [ ]: