
Vispy 0.3 (this two demos) is about building the low-level infrastructure

see this tutorial about opengl and vispy gloo module

Vispy 0.4 starts to bring higher level structures

In [2]:
# Vispy demo: ray traycing
from math import cos
from vispy import app, gloo

vertex = """
#version 120

attribute vec2 a_position;
varying vec2 v_position;
void main()
    gl_Position = vec4(a_position, 0.0, 1.0);
    v_position = a_position;

fragment = """
#version 120

const float M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
const float INFINITY = 1000000000.;
const int PLANE = 1;
const int SPHERE_0 = 2;
const int SPHERE_1 = 3;

uniform float u_aspect_ratio;
varying vec2 v_position;

uniform vec3 sphere_position_0;
uniform float sphere_radius_0;
uniform vec3 sphere_color_0;

uniform vec3 sphere_position_1;
uniform float sphere_radius_1;
uniform vec3 sphere_color_1;

uniform vec3 plane_position;
uniform vec3 plane_normal;

uniform float light_intensity;
uniform vec2 light_specular;
uniform vec3 light_position;
uniform vec3 light_color;

uniform float ambient;
uniform vec3 O;

float intersect_sphere(vec3 O, vec3 D, vec3 S, float R) {
    float a = dot(D, D);
    vec3 OS = O - S;
    float b = 2. * dot(D, OS);
    float c = dot(OS, OS) - R * R;
    float disc = b * b - 4. * a * c;
    if (disc > 0.) {
        float distSqrt = sqrt(disc);
        float q = (-b - distSqrt) / 2.0;
        if (b >= 0.) {
            q = (-b + distSqrt) / 2.0;
        float t0 = q / a;
        float t1 = c / q;
        t0 = min(t0, t1);
        t1 = max(t0, t1);
        if (t1 >= 0.) {
            if (t0 < 0.) {
                return t1;
            else {
                return t0;
    return INFINITY;

float intersect_plane(vec3 O, vec3 D, vec3 P, vec3 N) {
    float denom = dot(D, N);
    if (abs(denom) < 1e-6) {
        return INFINITY;
    float d = dot(P - O, N) / denom;
    if (d < 0.) {
        return INFINITY;
    return d;

vec3 run(float x, float y) {
    vec3 Q = vec3(x, y, 0.);
    vec3 D = normalize(Q - O);
    int depth = 0;
    float t_plane, t0, t1;
    vec3 rayO = O;
    vec3 rayD = D;
    vec3 col = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    vec3 col_ray;
    float reflection = 1.;

    int object_index;
    vec3 object_color;
    vec3 object_normal;
    float object_reflection;
    vec3 M;
    vec3 N, toL, toO;

    while (depth < 5) {

        /* start trace_ray */

        t_plane = intersect_plane(rayO, rayD, plane_position, plane_normal);
        t0 = intersect_sphere(rayO, rayD, sphere_position_0, sphere_radius_0);
        t1 = intersect_sphere(rayO, rayD, sphere_position_1, sphere_radius_1);

        if (t_plane < min(t0, t1)) {
            // Plane.
            M = rayO + rayD * t_plane;
            object_normal = plane_normal;
            // Plane texture.
            if (mod(int(2*M.x), 2) == mod(int(2*M.z), 2)) {
                object_color = vec3(1., 1., 1.);
            else {
                object_color = vec3(0., 0., 0.);
            object_reflection = .25;
            object_index = PLANE;
        else if (t0 < t1) {
            // Sphere 0.
            M = rayO + rayD * t0;
            object_normal = normalize(M - sphere_position_0);
            object_color = sphere_color_0;
            object_reflection = .5;
            object_index = SPHERE_0;
        else if (t1 < t0) {
            // Sphere 1.
            M = rayO + rayD * t1;
            object_normal = normalize(M - sphere_position_1);
            object_color = sphere_color_1;
            object_reflection = .5;
            object_index = SPHERE_1;
        else {

        N = object_normal;
        toL = normalize(light_position - M);
        toO = normalize(O - M);

        // Shadow of the spheres on the plane.
        if (object_index == PLANE) {
            t0 = intersect_sphere(M + N * .0001, toL,
                                  sphere_position_0, sphere_radius_0);
            t1 = intersect_sphere(M + N * .0001, toL,
                                  sphere_position_1, sphere_radius_1);
            if (min(t0, t1) < INFINITY) {

        col_ray = vec3(ambient, ambient, ambient);
        col_ray += light_intensity * max(dot(N, toL), 0.) * object_color;
        col_ray += light_specular.x * light_color *
            pow(max(dot(N, normalize(toL + toO)), 0.), light_specular.y);

        /* end trace_ray */

        rayO = M + N * .0001;
        rayD = normalize(rayD - 2. * dot(rayD, N) * N);
        col += reflection * col_ray;
        reflection *= object_reflection;


    return clamp(col, 0., 1.);

void main() {
    vec2 pos = v_position;
    gl_FragColor = vec4(run(pos.x*u_aspect_ratio, pos.y), 1.);

class Canvas(app.Canvas):
    def __init__(self):
        app.Canvas.__init__(self, position=(300, 100),
                            size=(800, 600), keys='interactive')

        self.program = gloo.Program(vertex, fragment)
        self.program['a_position'] = [(-1., -1.), (-1., +1.),
                                      (+1., -1.), (+1., +1.)]
        self.program['sphere_position_0'] = (.75, .1, 1.)
        self.program['sphere_radius_0'] = .6
        self.program['sphere_color_0'] = (0., 0., 1.)

        self.program['sphere_position_1'] = (-.75, .1, 2.25)
        self.program['sphere_radius_1'] = .6
        self.program['sphere_color_1'] = (.5, .223, .5)

        self.program['plane_position'] = (0., -.5, 0.)
        self.program['plane_normal'] = (0., 1., 0.)

        self.program['light_intensity'] = 1.
        self.program['light_specular'] = (1., 50.)
        self.program['light_position'] = (5., 5., -10.)
        self.program['light_color'] = (1., 1., 1.)
        self.program['ambient'] = .05
        self.program['O'] = (0., 0., -1.)

        self._timer = app.Timer('auto', connect=self.on_timer, start=True)

    def on_timer(self, event):
        t = event.elapsed
        self.program['sphere_position_0'] = (+.75, .1, 2.0 + 1.0 * cos(4*t))
        self.program['sphere_position_1'] = (-.75, .1, 2.0 - 1.0 * cos(4*t))

    def on_resize(self, event):
        width, height = event.size
        gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, width, height)
        self.program['u_aspect_ratio'] = width/float(height)

    def on_draw(self, event):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    canvas = Canvas()

In [3]:
# Vispy demo : mandelbrot interactive
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vispy: gallery 30
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2014, Vispy Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: John David Reaver
# Date:   04/29/2014
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

from vispy import app, gloo

# Shader source code
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
vertex = """
attribute vec2 position;

void main()
    gl_Position = vec4(position, 0, 1.0);

fragment = """
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform vec2 center;
uniform float scale;
uniform int iter;

// Jet color scheme
vec4 color_scheme(float x) {
    vec3 a, b;
    float c;
    if (x < 0.34) {
        a = vec3(0, 0, 0.5);
        b = vec3(0, 0.8, 0.95);
        c = (x - 0.0) / (0.34 - 0.0);
    } else if (x < 0.64) {
        a = vec3(0, 0.8, 0.95);
        b = vec3(0.85, 1, 0.04);
        c = (x - 0.34) / (0.64 - 0.34);
    } else if (x < 0.89) {
        a = vec3(0.85, 1, 0.04);
        b = vec3(0.96, 0.7, 0);
        c = (x - 0.64) / (0.89 - 0.64);
    } else {
        a = vec3(0.96, 0.7, 0);
        b = vec3(0.5, 0, 0);
        c = (x - 0.89) / (1.0 - 0.89);
    return vec4(mix(a, b, c), 1.0);

void main() {
    vec2 z, c;

    // Recover coordinates from pixel coordinates
    c.x = (gl_FragCoord.x / resolution.x - 0.5) * scale + center.x;
    c.y = (gl_FragCoord.y / resolution.y - 0.5) * scale + center.y;

    // Main Mandelbrot computation
    int i;
    z = c;
    for(i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
        float x = (z.x * z.x - z.y * z.y) + c.x;
        float y = (z.y * z.x + z.x * z.y) + c.y;

        if((x * x + y * y) > 4.0) break;
        z.x = x;
        z.y = y;

    // Convert iterations to color
    float color = 1.0 - float(i) / float(iter);
    gl_FragColor = color_scheme(color);


# vispy Canvas
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Canvas(app.Canvas):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        app.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.program = gloo.Program(vertex, fragment)

        # Draw a rectangle that takes up the whole screen. All of the work is
        # done in the shader.
        self.program["position"] = [(-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1),
                                    (-1, -1), (1, 1), (1, -1)]

        self.scale = self.program["scale"] = 3 = self.program["center"] = [-0.5, 0]
        self.iterations = self.program["iter"] = 300
        self.program['resolution'] = self.size

        self.bounds = [-2, 2]
        self.min_scale = 0.00005
        self.max_scale = 4

        self._timer = app.Timer('auto', connect=self.update, start=True)

    def on_initialize(self, event):

    def on_draw(self, event):

    def on_resize(self, event):
        width, height = event.size
        gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, width, height)
        self.program['resolution'] = [width, height]

    def on_mouse_move(self, event):
        """Pan the view based on the change in mouse position."""
        if event.is_dragging and event.buttons[0] == 1:
            x0, y0 = event.last_event.pos[0], event.last_event.pos[1]
            x1, y1 = event.pos[0], event.pos[1]
            X0, Y0 = self.pixel_to_coords(float(x0), float(y0))
            X1, Y1 = self.pixel_to_coords(float(x1), float(y1))
            self.translate_center(X1 - X0, Y1 - Y0)

    def translate_center(self, dx, dy):
        """Translates the center point, and keeps it in bounds."""
        center =
        center[0] -= dx
        center[1] -= dy
        center[0] = min(max(center[0], self.bounds[0]), self.bounds[1])
        center[1] = min(max(center[1], self.bounds[0]), self.bounds[1])
        self.program["center"] = = center

    def pixel_to_coords(self, x, y):
        """Convert pixel coordinates to Mandelbrot set coordinates."""
        rx, ry = self.size
        nx = (x / rx - 0.5) * self.scale +[0]
        ny = ((ry - y) / ry - 0.5) * self.scale +[1]
        return [nx, ny]

    def on_mouse_wheel(self, event):
        """Use the mouse wheel to zoom."""
        delta =[1]
        if delta > 0:  # Zoom in
            factor = 0.9
        elif delta < 0:  # Zoom out
            factor = 1 / 0.9
        for _ in range(int(abs(delta))):
            self.zoom(factor, event.pos)

    def on_key_press(self, event):
        """Use + or - to zoom in and out.

        The mouse wheel can be used to zoom, but some people don't have mouse
        wheels :)

        if event.text == '+':
        elif event.text == '-':

    def zoom(self, factor, mouse_coords=None):
        """Factors less than zero zoom in, and greater than zero zoom out.

        If mouse_coords is given, the point under the mouse stays stationary
        while zooming. mouse_coords should come from MouseEvent.pos.

        if mouse_coords is not None:  # Record the position of the mouse
            x, y = float(mouse_coords[0]), float(mouse_coords[1])
            x0, y0 = self.pixel_to_coords(x, y)

        self.scale *= factor
        self.scale = max(min(self.scale, self.max_scale), self.min_scale)
        self.program["scale"] = self.scale

        # Translate so the mouse point is stationary
        if mouse_coords is not None:
            x1, y1 = self.pixel_to_coords(x, y)
            self.translate_center(x1 - x0, y1 - y0)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    canvas = Canvas(size=(800, 800), keys='interactive')

In [5]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Demonstrate a simple data-slicing task: given 3D data (displayed at top), select 
a 2D plane and interpolate data along that plane to generate a slice image 
(displayed at bottom). 


## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this)

import numpy as np
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import pyqtgraph as pg

app = QtGui.QApplication([])

## Create window with two ImageView widgets
win = QtGui.QMainWindow()
win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: DataSlicing')
cw = QtGui.QWidget()
l = QtGui.QGridLayout()
imv1 = pg.ImageView()
imv2 = pg.ImageView()
l.addWidget(imv1, 0, 0)
l.addWidget(imv2, 1, 0)

roi = pg.LineSegmentROI([[10, 64], [120,64]], pen='r')

x1 = np.linspace(-30, 10, 128)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
x2 = np.linspace(-20, 20, 128)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
y = np.linspace(-30, 10, 128)[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
z = np.linspace(-20, 20, 128)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
d1 = np.sqrt(x1**2 + y**2 + z**2)
d2 = 2*np.sqrt(x1[::-1]**2 + y**2 + z**2)
d3 = 4*np.sqrt(x2**2 + y[:,::-1]**2 + z**2)
data = (np.sin(d1) / d1**2) + (np.sin(d2) / d2**2) + (np.sin(d3) / d3**2)

def update():
    global data, imv1, imv2
    d2 = roi.getArrayRegion(data, imv1.imageItem, axes=(1,2))

## Display the data
imv1.setHistogramRange(-0.01, 0.01)
imv1.setLevels(-0.003, 0.003)


## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):

In [ ]: