Op voorhand heb ik 10 cores gevraagd en met volgende commando haal ik de cores op:

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
from IPython.parallel import Client
c = Client()

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Ik heb in dus 10 cores aangevraagd in dit geval.

Volgende deel is nodig om he bij ons werkende te krijgen (zie biomath-wiki):

In [4]:
%%px --local                                    
# Execute on all cores but also for serial calculations

import dill   # Load dill, More general pickling class

# fallback to pickle instead of cPickle, so that dill can take over
import pickle
from IPython.kernel.zmq import serialize
serialize.pickle = pickle

Ik wil een aantal modules ter beschikking in elke core en dus doe ik sync-import:

In [3]:
with c[:].sync_imports():
    #bio-intense custom developments
    import biointense
    import numpy as np
    import time
    import pySTAN
    from copy import deepcopy
    %load_ext autoreload
    %autoreload 2
    import sys
    import os  
    import pandas as pd
    from scipy import optimize

importing biointense on engine(s)
importing numpy on engine(s)
importing time on engine(s)
importing pySTAN on engine(s)
importing deepcopy from copy on engine(s)
importing prepended_to_syspath from IPython.utils.syspathcontext on engine(s)
importing autoreload on engine(s)
importing sys on engine(s)
importing os on engine(s)
importing pandas on engine(s)
importing optimize from scipy on engine(s)

Om ervoor te zorgen dat alle cores mijn eigen te schrijven hulp- functie/definitie kan lezen, registreer ik kort een extra magic function (anders zou ik alles in 1 grote definitie moeten schrijven):

In [4]:
def pxlocal(line, cell):
    ip = get_ipython()
    ip.run_cell_magic("px", line, cell)
get_ipython().register_magic_function(pxlocal, "cell")

Met die magic function bij mijn definitie wordt dat dan ook beschikbaar in all cores:

In [5]:
def all_peaks_optimize(parameters, name):    

    name :  char
        id-name of the experiment
    parameters : list
        List with parameter values => [ks rmax]
    import pandas as pd
    import biointense
    import numpy as np
    import time
    import pySTAN
    import sys
    import os  
    import pandas as pd
    from scipy import optimize    
    tauvalues = {'0131A': 20.00000001,
     '0206A': 20.00000001,
     '0226A': 199.999999601,
     '0307A': 199.999999992,
     '0319A': 21.2911210166,
     '0326A': 92.8429882969,
     '0401A': 38.9426243836,
     '0409A': 89.1280050836,
     '0417A': 120.916492359,
     '0508A': 79.8659969447,
     '1018A': 149.21015342,
     '1025A': 193.611650726,
     '1031A': 138.371608153,
     '1107A': 79.4790380957,
     '1114A': 125.880552489,
     '1122A': 129.27346531,
     '1128A': 123.383245389,
     '1205A': 193.267121328,
     '1212A': 170.381661059,
     '1220A': 159.541718233}

    #select the relevant peaks of the experiment
    datapath1 = "/home/data/stvhoey/Fitten_profielen"
    cols = ["id", "S", "DO","X", "kla", "Y", "ratio", "Ycalc" ]
    piekdata = pd.read_table(os.path.join(datapath1,"alles2.lvm"), names = cols)
    piekdata = piekdata.set_index("id")
    #alle namen
    allnames = [nm[:-1] for nm in piekdata.index.tolist()]
    piekdata["shortname"] = allnames
    #unieke namen
    names = []    
    [names.append(i) for i in allnames if not i in names] 
    exp_peaks = piekdata.groupby("shortname").get_group(name)
    SSE = 0

    #voor elke piek een model opstellen en SSE optellen
    for index, row in exp_peaks.iterrows():
        #get names of the experiments
        idi = index
        Si = row["S"]
        DOi= row["DO"]
        Xi = row["X"]
        klai = row["kla"]
        Yi = row["Y"]
        ratioi = row["ratio"]
        initcond = {'SS':Si, 'DO':DOi, 'XX':Xi}
        Modelname = 'Basicrespiromodel' + index
        #hier de nieuwe pars geven
        Parameters = {'tau':tauvalues[name], 'mumax':parameters[1], 'ks':parameters[0]}
        System = {'dSS':'-(1-exp(-t/tau))*((mumax/(3600*24))*XX/('+str(Yi)+')*SS/((SS+ks)))',
                  'dDO':'('+str(klai)+'*('+ str(DOi)+'-DO)-(1-exp(-t/tau))*(mumax/(3600*24))*XX/'+str(Yi)+'*(1-'+str(Yi)+')*SS/((SS+ks)))',
                  'dXX' :'(1-exp(-t/tau))*(mumax*XX/(3600*24))*SS/(SS+ks)-(0.24/(24*3600))*XX'
        M1 = biointense.odegenerator(System, Parameters,  Modelname = Modelname)
        datapath = "/home/data/stvhoey/pieken/pieken"
        data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(datapath,index+"_pieken.csv"))

        time_col = 'NewTime'
        lasttime = np.ceil(data[time_col].values[-1])
        data = data.set_index(time_col)
        dataprofile1 = biointense.ode_measurements(data[["DO"]])                         
        Fitprofile1 = biointense.ode_optimizer(M1,dataprofile1)
#        initial_parset = {'tau':80,  'mumax':1.0, 'ks' :30}
#        #the bugfix: !!!!
#        initial_parset = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(initial_parset.items(), 
#                                                        key=lambda t: t[0]))#effectieve volgorde is: ks rmax tau
        SSEp = Fitprofile1.get_WSSE()[0]
        SSE +=SSEp
    print "-"*40
    print "SSE of experiment ", name, " is ", SSE
    print "-"*40
    print "Current parameter values are \n", 
    print "ks: ", Fitprofile1.get_all_parameters()['ks']
    print "mumax: ", Fitprofile1.get_all_parameters()['mumax']
    print "-"*40
    return SSE

In [6]:
datapath1 = "/home/data/stvhoey/Fitten_profielen"

In [7]:
cols = ["id", "S", "DO","X", "kla", "Y", "ratio", "Ycalc" ]
piekdata = pd.read_table(os.path.join(datapath1,"alles2.lvm"), names = cols)
piekdata = piekdata.set_index("id")

#alle namen
allnames = [nm[:-1] for nm in piekdata.index.tolist()]
piekdata["shortname"] = allnames
#unieke namen
names = []    
[names.append(i) for i in allnames if not i in names]


In [8]:


1 van de 2 volgende optimalisaties wil ik uitvoeren voor elk van mijn experimenten en dus dit zijn de functies die ik wil mappen (een for-loop schrijven)

In [9]:
def run_on_kernels(name):
    from scipy import optimize
    maxiters = 1
    method = 'Nelder-Mead'
    initial_parset = [3., 1.0]     #{'ks' :30, 'mumax':1.0}                           
    res = optimize.minimize(all_peaks_optimize, initial_parset, 
                                      args=(name,), method= method, jac = False,
                                      options = {"maxiter": maxiters})
    return [res, res.x, name]

In [12]:
def run_on_kernels2(name):
    from scipy import optimize
    maxiters = 500
    method = 'TNC'
    initial_parset = [3., 1.0]     #{'ks' :30, 'mumax':1.0}                           
    res = optimize.minimize(all_peaks_optimize, initial_parset, 
                                      args=(name,), method= method, jac = False, bounds = [(1, 30.), (0.1, 10.)],
                                      options = {"maxiter": maxiters, "eps": 0.001})
    return [res, res.x, name]

Hier begint het échte werk: parallel runnen van de optimalisatie, door eerst een balanced view op te vragen waarop ik dan mijn functie kan mappen (de opdrachten verspreiden):

In [2]:
lview = rc.load_balanced_view()

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-923bc29b24aa> in <module>()
----> 1 lview = rc.load_balanced_view()

NameError: name 'rc' is not defined

En hier gebeurt de parallele magie, ik map de functie voor elke naam in de lijst 'names'. De return van mijn run_on_kernels2-functie wordt dan telkens teruggegeven en die komen allemaal in hres terecht (maw, zorg voor iets van unieke ID die je ook terug meegeeft). Ik schrijf die hres-info dan in een file als alles resultaten binnen zijn.

In [ ]:
lview.block = False
hres = lview.map(run_on_kernels2, names)

f = open("2014_optimalpars_allpeaks_newlatenight", "w")
for j, parcombi in enumerate(hres.result):
    f.write(parcombi[-1] + "\n")
    for value in parcombi[1]:

In [ ]:

In [25]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [18]:
maxiters = 1
method = 'Nelder-Mead'

optimal_pars = {}

#for name in names:
for name in ['0131A']:
    print "*"*40
    print "working on experiment ", name, "..."
    print "*"*40
    initial_parset = [30., 1.0]     #{'ks' :30, 'mumax':1.0}                           
    res = optimize.minimize(all_peaks_optimize, initial_parset, 
                                      args=(name,), method= method, jac = False,
                                      options = {"maxiter": maxiters, "eps": 0.001}) #bounds = [(1, 50), (0.1, 10)]
    print res.message  
    optimal_pars[name] = res.x
    print "...done!"
    print "*"*40  

f = open("2014_optimalpars_allpeaks", "w")
for j, experiment in enumerate(optimal_pars.keys()):
 f.write(experiment + "\n")
 for key, value in parset.items():

working on experiment  0131A ...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x6860500>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x72e9b18>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x65bc7d0>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x6992500>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x7f8ff50>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x6ca3050>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x687b398>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x848d050>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x66dec08>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x7f70b18>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x7f70a28>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x622aed8>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x6709230>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x93b89b0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x6f9d0c8>
Going for odeint...
SSE of experiment  0131A  is  7517.12162293
Current parameter values are 
ks:  30.0
mumax:  1.0
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x7d41e60>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x7d41668>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x79f3e60>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x6f9b488>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x67d4d70>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x63f82a8>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x817c8c0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x93e1050>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x5ea40c8>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x620b0c8>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x86e47d0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x5634e60>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x80e25f0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x7e418c0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x632ae60>
Going for odeint...
SSE of experiment  0131A  is  8063.36423005
Current parameter values are 
ks:  31.5
mumax:  1.0
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x8f0b938>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x7f826e0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x7f82cf8>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x90c56e0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x8224f50>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x67e0230>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x8cc3aa0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x8cc3f50>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x66ef500>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x6a510c8>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x75197d0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x62221b8>
Going for odeint...
No Algebraic equations defined. Continuing...
index of dataframe is seen as measurement time steps, and colnames are the measured variables
{'DO': 1}
Error Covariance Matrix is updated
Measured variables are updated in model!
Writing model to file for 'odeint' procedure...
File is printed to:  /home/data/stvhoey/Basicrespiromodel.py
Filename used is:  Basicrespiromodel
Sensitivities are printed to the file....
...Finished writing to file!
<function system_with_sens at 0x57cfd70>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x8cb48c0>
Going for odeint...
Model was already written to file! We are using the 'odeint' procedure for solving ODEs. If you want to rewrite                 the model to the file, please add 'write = True'.
<function system_with_sens at 0x5edded8>
Going for odeint...
SSE of experiment  0131A  is  6340.75958103
Current parameter values are 
ks:  30.0
mumax:  1.05
Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded.
-c:14: OptimizeWarning: Unknown solver options: eps
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-06fbd93ff23a> in <module>()
     21 f = open("2014_optimalpars_allpeaks", "w")
---> 22 for j, experiment in enumerate(optpars.keys()):
     23  f.write(experiment + "\n")
     24  for key, value in parset.items():

NameError: name 'optpars' is not defined

In [ ]: