Analysis of DALiuGE Scalability Test I

This notebook analyses results from running a series of DALiuGE scalability tests, which include 61 test runs on the Magnus / Galaxy cluster at the Pawsey supercomputing center, and 2 test runs on the Tianhe-2 supercomputer. These tests were conducted in September 2016.

Each test executes a physical graph, which is dynamically "translated" from the Logical Graph representing the LOFAR "standard" imaging pipeline defined in the Logical Graph repository. The basic idea is to measure various framework-related costs and overheads under varying levels of workload intensity and hardware resource availability. To vary theworkload, in each test we give DALiuGE a different logical graph although all of them are based on the same logical graph template. The only difference lies in the "num_of_copies" attribute of two Scatter constructs - Time Slice and Frequency Channel defined in the table below.

The generated physical graph in each test is "structurally" similar to this physical graph template, but its underlying Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) has a much wider "breadth" since the Scatter constructs have produced a much higher degree of data parallelism, which is proportional to the number of Drops as specified in the following table:

Time slice Frequency split # of Loop Iter # of Drops
8 16 5 2,226
16 16 5 4,446
16 32 5 8,886
32 32 5 17,078
32 64 5 34,150
64 64 5 66,918
64 128 5 133,830
128 128 5 264,902
256 256 5 1,054,086
256 512 5 2,108,160
512 512 5 4,205,312
512 1024 5 8,410,624
768 1024 5 12,604,928

In [1]:
import os, sys, string, time
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import itertools
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 8.0)
plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] =14
plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] =14

Schema of the dataset

0.  user name (e.g. Tom or Jerry)
1.  facility (e.g. galaxy)
2.  pipeline (e.g. lofar_std)
3.  time (e.g. 2016-08-22T11-52-11/)
4.  # of compute nodes
5.  # of drops
6.  git commit id
7.  logical graph unroll_time
8.  translation_time
9.  pg_spec_gen_time
10. created_session_at_all_nodes_time
11. graph_separation_time
12. push_sub_graphs_to_all_nodes_time
13. created_drops_at_all_nodes_time
14. Num_pyro_connections_at_all_nodes
15. created_pyro_conn_at_all_nodes_time
16. triggered_drops_at_all_nodes_time
17. execution time
18. # of islands

Load the dataset

In [79]:
csv_file = 'presult_7_Sep_2016.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, header=None)

num_tests, num_attr = df.shape
print("In total {0} tests and {1} attributes recorded".format(num_tests, num_attr))
# just show the first three tests

In total 67 tests and 19 attributes recorded
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
63 cw magnus lofar_nsm_256x512 2016-10-03T17-02-51 400 2108160 eccbd1a96a9d790eede8a01b055f05067e216184 35.556 36.041 13.758 0.067 13.4709999561 43.271 2.744 -1 None 1.613 406.751 5
64 cw magnus lofar_nsm_256x512 2016-10-03T17-02-58 400 2108160 eccbd1a96a9d790eede8a01b055f05067e216184 35.548 36.381 2.120 0.387 60.8109998703 29.233 11.594 -1 None 1.493 415.720 1
65 cw magnus lofar_nsm_512x512 2016-10-03T17-03-16 400 4205312 eccbd1a96a9d790eede8a01b055f05067e216184 71.527 72.245 27.357 0.063 28.1710000038 84.910 5.402 -1 None 2.853 410.721 5
66 cw magnus lofar_nsm_512x512 2016-10-03T17-03-10 400 4205312 eccbd1a96a9d790eede8a01b055f05067e216184 71.397 71.573 4.179 0.519 123.897000074 57.730 23.933 -1 None 2.770 429.636 1

Set the filter

Show tests that met some query conditions

In [80]:
def filter_data(num_nodes=None, gt_num_drops=None, lt_num_drops=None, 
                git_commit=None, user=None, pipeline=None, 
                gt_test_date=None, lt_test_date=None, lt_trans_time=None, 
                gt_trans_time=None, gt_drop_create_time=None,
                gt_completion_time=None, lt_completion_time=None, filter_none=[16], num_islands=None):
    col_list = list(string.ascii_lowercase[0:19])
    rt = pd.DataFrame(df.values, columns=col_list)
    cond = []
    if (num_nodes != None):
        cond.append('e == %d' % num_nodes)
    if (num_islands != None):
        cond.append('s == %d' % num_islands)
    if (gt_num_drops != None):
        cond.append('%s >= %d' % (col_list[5], gt_num_drops))
    if (lt_num_drops != None):
        cond.append('%s <= %d' % (col_list[5], lt_num_drops))
    if (lt_trans_time != None):
        cond.append('%s <= %d' % (col_list[8], lt_trans_time))
    if (gt_trans_time != None):
        cond.append('%s >= %d' % (col_list[8], gt_trans_time))
    if (lt_completion_time != None):
        cond.append('%s <= %d' % (col_list[17], lt_completion_time))
    if (gt_completion_time != None):
        cond.append('%s >= %d' % (col_list[17], gt_completion_time))
    if (git_commit != None):
        cond.append('%s == "%s"' % (col_list[6], git_commit))
    if (user != None):
        cond.append('%s == "%s"' % (col_list[0], user))
    if (pipeline != None):
        cond.append('%s == "%s"' % (col_list[2], pipeline))
    if (gt_test_date != None):
        cond.append('%s >= "%s"' % (col_list[3], gt_test_date))
    if (lt_test_date != None):
        cond.append('%s <= "%s"' % (col_list[3], lt_test_date))
    for rm in filter_none:
        cond.append('%s != "None"' % col_list[rm])
        cond.append('%s != -1' % col_list[rm])
    rt = pd.DataFrame(rt.query(' & '.join(cond)).values)
    return rt.sort_values(by=[5, 14])
#test_filter = filter_data(60, lt_num_drops=10000, lt_test_date='2016-08-29T21-00-56')
#test_filter = filter_data(user='cw', filter_none=[17], gt_test_date='2016-08-31T00-00-56')
test_filter = filter_data(filter_none=[5],
                         gt_test_date='2016-08-31T00-00-56', lt_trans_time=30)

(48, 19)

Time cost at checkpoints

The first set of graphs show the time spend on varoius metrics when we increase the number of Drops or Drop relationships given a fixed set of nodes (e.g. 30 or 60).

After filtering as shown above, we also want to make sure all data values of our intersted columns are of "numeric" type, and we also want to sort the dataset based on the number of Drops as this plot requires

In [4]:
col_list = [5] + list(range(7, 18))
ttr = test_filter[col_list].sort_values(by=[5])
ttr[col_list] = ttr[col_list].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

Then, we let Pandas do the heavy-lifting of data aggregation and calculation

In [5]:
def plot_time_vs_drops(runs_data, num_nodes, pyro_time=False):
    pyro_time: include time for establishing pyro relationships?
    col_list = [5] + list(range(7, 18))
    ttr = runs_data[col_list].sort_values(by=[5])
    ttr[col_list] = ttr[col_list].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
    yv = ttr.groupby([5]).mean()
    x = yv.index.values
    x_label = '# of Drops'
    y1 = yv.ix[:, 7:13].values
    y4 = yv.ix[:, 16:17].values
    ye = ttr.groupby([5]).std()
    ye1 = ye.ix[:, 7:13].values
    ye4 = ye.ix[:, 16:17].values.astype(float)

    labels_1 = ['unroll', 'translate', 'pg_spec', 'session', 'separation', 'push_graph', 'created_drop']
    marker_1 = ['o', 'v', '^', '8', 's', 'x', 'D']
    labels_2 = ['trigger', 'execution']
    marker_2 = ['+', 'D']#marker_1[0:5]
    f = plt.figure(1)
    f.suptitle("Time cost when increasing the {1} running on {0} nodes".format(num_nodes, x_label), fontsize=17)
    ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
    for i in range(len(labels_1)):
        lines = plt.errorbar(x, y1[:, i], linewidth=2, label=labels_1[i], yerr=ye1[:, i],
                 marker=marker_1[i], markersize=9, markerfacecolor='none', markeredgewidth=2)
    #plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=14)
    plt.ylabel('Seconds', fontsize=15)
    plt.xlabel(x_label, fontsize=15)
    for i in range(len(labels_2)):
        lines = plt.errorbar(x, y4[:,i], linewidth=2, label=labels_2[i], yerr=ye4[:, i],
                 marker=marker_2[i], markersize=9, markerfacecolor='none', markeredgewidth=2)
    orientation = 'center right' if pyro_time else 'center right'
    plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15)

First, try 30 nodes

In [6]:
nb_nodes = 30
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15.0, 13.0)
plot_time_vs_drops(filter_data(num_nodes=nb_nodes, user='cw', filter_none=[17], 
                               gt_test_date='2016-08-31T00-00-56', lt_trans_time=20), num_nodes=nb_nodes, 

Check the "accelerate rate" of the unroll and translate checkpoints

In [7]:
df_de = filter_data(num_nodes=nb_nodes, user='cw', filter_none=[7, 8, 17])[[5,7,8]]
df_de = df_de.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
dfdede = df_de.groupby(5).mean()

7 8
2226 0.039333 0.044333
4446 0.081000 0.112667
8886 0.177000 0.195333
17078 0.397667 0.423000
34150 1.121000 0.949000
66918 3.506333 1.812000
133830 10.410000 4.018334
264902 33.557000 8.044000

In [8]:
ut = dfdede.values # ut represents "unroll" and "translate"
unroll_mean = np.mean(np.divide(ut[:,0][1:], ut[:,0][0:-1]))
trans_mean = np.mean(np.divide(ut[:,1][1:], ut[:,1][0:-1]))
print("increasing rate: unroll: {0}, translate: {1}".format(unroll_mean, trans_mean))

increasing rate: unroll: 2.66149504285, translate: 2.1161333078

Now try 60 nodes...

In [9]:
nb_nodes = 60
plot_time_vs_drops(filter_data(num_nodes=nb_nodes, user='cw', filter_none=[17], 
                               gt_test_date='2016-08-31T00-00-56', lt_trans_time=20), num_nodes=nb_nodes, 
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 8.0)

Cross-node communication cost

The association between # of Drops and the cost of cross-node communication under different # of Nodes

In [10]:
def plot_comm_vs_drops():
    markers = itertools.cycle(('o', 'v', '.', 'o', '*'))
    nb_drops = [499, 220, 348, 690, 1202, 2226, 4446, 8886, 17078, 34150, 66918, 133830, 264902]
    edge_cuts_30 = [593, 1038, 1151, 2034, 3584, 4192, 6475, 8531, 18927, 18608, 30135, 58615, 116436]
    edge_cuts_60 = [1035, 1819, 2552, 3045, 4077, 7689, 9545, 13333, 25918, 38970, 83067, 61884, 324568]
    ls = plt.plot(nb_drops, edge_cuts_30, label='30 nodes edgecuts',, 
                 markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2, markerfacecolor='none', linewidth=3, color='r')
    ls = plt.plot(nb_drops, edge_cuts_60, label='60 nodes edgecuts',, 
                 markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2, markerfacecolor='none', linewidth=3, color='y')
    plt.ylabel('Cross-node cost', fontsize=15)
    plt.xlabel('# of Drops', fontsize=15)
    plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=15)

In [11]:

Execution time

This set of graphs shows the execution time when we increase the # of nodes given a fixed set of Drops.

In [12]:
df30 = filter_data(filter_none=[17], gt_test_date='2016-08-31T00-00-56', 
                   gt_num_drops=None, num_nodes=30, user='cw', 
                   gt_completion_time=0, lt_trans_time=100)[[5, 17]]

In [13]:
df60 = filter_data(filter_none=[17], gt_test_date='2016-08-31T00-00-56', 
                   gt_num_drops=None, num_nodes=60, user='cw', 
                   gt_completion_time=0, lt_trans_time=100)[[5, 17]]

In [14]:
dt1 = df30[17].astype(float)
df30_1 = pd.DataFrame({'17_30': list(dt1)}, index=list(df30[[5]].values[:,0]))
df30_mean = df30_1.groupby(df30_1.index).mean()
df30_err = df30_1.groupby(df30_1.index).std()

2226 402.300667
4446 402.361667
8886 402.409333
17078 402.486667
34150 402.712000
66918 402.898667
133830 403.527333
264902 405.190000

In [15]:
dt2 = df60[17].astype(float)
df60_1 = pd.DataFrame({'17_60': list(dt2)}, index=list(df60[[5]].values[:,0]))
df60_mean = df60_1.groupby(df60_1.index).mean()
df60_err = df60_1.groupby(df60_1.index).std()

2226 402.426333
4446 402.345667
8886 402.418333
17078 402.475667
34150 402.668000
66918 402.828667
133830 403.453667
264902 403.994000

In [16]:
both_df = df30_mean.join(df60_mean).sort_index()
both_df_err = df30_err.join(df60_err).sort_index()

17_30 17_60
2226 402.300667 402.426333
4446 402.361667 402.345667
8886 402.409333 402.418333
17078 402.486667 402.475667
34150 402.712000 402.668000
66918 402.898667 402.828667
133830 403.527333 403.453667
264902 405.190000 403.994000

In [17]:

17_30 17_60
2226 0.040129 0.059534
4446 0.088036 0.053501
8886 0.018583 0.061232
17078 0.042063 0.026274
34150 0.021000 0.031225
66918 0.010599 0.010214
133830 0.048128 0.006807
264902 0.010440 0.026000

In [18]:

17_30    0.034872
17_60    0.034348
dtype: float64

In [19]:
nodes_30 = both_df[['17_30']].values.flatten()
nodes_30_err = both_df_err[['17_30']].values.flatten()

In [20]:
nodes_60 = both_df[['17_60']].values.flatten()
nodes_60_err = both_df_err[['17_60']].values.flatten()

In [21]:
x_tick_labels = [str(x) + ' Drops' for x in sorted(both_df.index.values)]

In [22]:
N = len(nodes_30)

In [23]:
min_exec_time = 397.0

The above minimum executiont time is calculated as the longest path of the physical graph, which is indepdent of the number of Drops in our test graph series. This is because we only change the Degree of Parallelism (DoP) of our graphs by increasing or decreasing the graph "breadth" rather than its "depth". This theoretical minimum represents a lower bound for any scheduling or graph partitioning algorithms. More importantly, it can be used as benchmark metrics, against which we measure the overhead associated with the DALiuGE execution framework.

In [24]:
width = 0.4
ind = np.arange(N) * 1.5
b1 =, nodes_30, width, color='r', yerr=nodes_30_err, alpha=0.7)
b2 = + width, nodes_60, width, color='y', yerr=nodes_60_err, hatch="//", alpha=0.7)
plt.plot([0, ind[-1] + 3.5 * width], [min_exec_time, min_exec_time], color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)

plt.ylim((0, 480))
plt.xticks(ind + width, x_tick_labels, fontsize=15, rotation=60)
plt.ylabel('Execution time (seconds)', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Execution time by # of Drops and # of Nodes', fontsize=17)
plt.legend((b1, b2), ('30 Nodes', '60 Nodes'), loc='upper right', fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1117cda50>

Now we plot the same metrics but add two extra runs of 1 million Drops on 150 nodes (with multiple data islands).

Before we do that, have a look at the execution time for the two 1 million Drop tests.

In [25]:
m1_df = filter_data(gt_num_drops=1000000, lt_num_drops=2000000)
dfv = m1_df[[5, 4, 17,18]].values
m1_df = pd.DataFrame(dfv, columns=['# of Drops', '# of Nodes', 'Execution time', '# of Islands'])

# of Drops # of Nodes Execution time # of Islands
0 1054086 150 406.632 5
1 1054086 150 410.039 1

Now add their execution times into the plot

In [26]:
width = 0.4
ind = np.arange(N) * 1.5
b1 =, nodes_30, width, color='r', yerr=nodes_30_err, alpha=0.7)
b2 = + width, nodes_60, width, color='y', yerr=nodes_60_err, hatch="//", alpha=0.7)

b3 =[ind[-1] + 1.5], [m1_df.values[1][2]], width, color='b', hatch="x", alpha=0.5)
b4 =[ind[-1] + 1.5 + width], [m1_df.values[0][2]], width, color='g', hatch="/", alpha=0.5)

plt.ylim((0, 540))
indx = list(ind)
indx.append(ind[-1] + 1.5)
indx = np.array(indx)
x_tick_labels_ex = x_tick_labels + ['1054086 Drops']
plt.xticks(indx + width, x_tick_labels_ex, fontsize=15, rotation=60)
plt.xlim((0, indx[-1] + 3 * width))
plt.plot([0, indx[-1] + 3 * width], [min_exec_time, min_exec_time], color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
plt.ylabel('Execution time (seconds)', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Execution time by # of Drops and # of Nodes', fontsize=17)
plt.legend((b1, b2, b3, b4), 
           ('1 Data Island - 30 Nodes', '1 Data Island - 60 Nodes', 
            '1 Data Island - 150 Nodes', '5 Data Islands - 150 Nodes'), 
           loc='upper center', fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1113d57d0>

Framework Overhead

The framework overhead is defined as:

$$ \frac{Measured\_execution\_time - Theoretical\_execution\_time} {Number\_of\_Drops} $$

In [27]:
bda = (both_df - min_exec_time).values
eff_30 = np.divide(bda[:,0], both_df.index.values)
eff_60 = np.divide(bda[:,1], both_df.index.values)

width = 0.4
ind = np.arange(N) * 1.5
b1 =, eff_30 * 1e3, width, color='r', alpha=0.7)
b2 = + width, eff_60 * 1e3, width, color='y',hatch="//", alpha=0.7)

plt.xticks(ind + width, x_tick_labels, fontsize=15, rotation=60)
plt.ylabel('Overhead per Drop [MS]', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Framework overhead by # of Drops and # of Nodes', fontsize=17)
plt.legend((b1, b2), ('30 Nodes', '60 Nodes'), loc='upper right', fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1111f70d0>

Again, we include two extra runs of 1 million Drops on 150 nodes (with multiple data islands) in the the overhead plot

In [28]:
bda = (both_df - min_exec_time).values
eff_30 = np.divide(bda[:,0], both_df.index.values)
eff_60 = np.divide(bda[:,1], both_df.index.values)

width = 0.4
ind = np.arange(N) * 1.5
b1 =, eff_30 * 1e6, width, color='r', alpha=0.7)
b2 = + width, eff_60 * 1e6, width, color='y',hatch="//", alpha=0.7)

one_island_time = m1_df.values[1][2]
five_island_time = m1_df.values[0][2]
num_1m_drops = m1_df.values[0][0]
b3 =[ind[-1] + 1.5], [(one_island_time - min_exec_time) / num_1m_drops * 1e6], 
             width, color='b', hatch="x", alpha=0.5)
b4 =[ind[-1] + 1.5 + width], [(five_island_time - min_exec_time) / num_1m_drops * 1e6], 
             width, color='g', hatch="/", alpha=0.5)

indx = list(ind)
indx.append(ind[-1] + 1.5)
indx = np.array(indx)
x_tick_labels_ex = x_tick_labels + ['%d Drops' % num_1m_drops]
plt.xticks(indx + width, x_tick_labels_ex, fontsize=15, rotation=60)
plt.xlim((0, indx[-1] + 3 * width))

#plt.xticks(ind + width, x_tick_labels, fontsize=15, rotation=60)
plt.ylabel('Overhead per Drop [Microsecond]', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Framework overhead by # of Drops and # of Nodes', fontsize=17)
#plt.legend((b1, b2), ('30 Nodes', '60 Nodes'), loc='upper right', fontsize=15)
plt.legend((b1, b2, b3, b4), 
           ('1 Data Island - 30 Nodes', '1 Data Island - 60 Nodes', 
            '1 Data Island - 150 Nodes', '5 Data Islands - 150 Nodes'), 
           loc='upper right', fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1106d81d0>

Event timeseries

Plot the event/message intensity over the time axis (time series of events). For input, we need three log files: xx_execState.log, xx_session_running.log, xx_state.log

Step 1 - convert state into a Pandas dataframe (state event type, time)

In [29]:
dt_pattern = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S,%f'
def get_timestamp(date_time):
    microsecond precision
    epoch = time.mktime(time.strptime(date_time, dt_pattern))
    return epoch
    #return datetime.strptime(date_time, dt_pattern).microsecond / 1e6 + epoch

In [30]:
ex_st_file = 'event_logs/64x128_execState.log'
st_file = 'event_logs/64x128_state.log'
ss_file = 'event_logs/64x128_session_running.log'

def go_thru_logs(st_file, session=False):
    ret = []
    with open(st_file) as esf:
        for line in esf.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            s_sp = line.split()
            tstr = s_sp[0].split(':')[1] + 'T' + s_sp[1]
            ts = int(get_timestamp(tstr))
            if (session):
                node = int(line.split('/')[1])
                event = int(s_sp[-1])
                ret.append((ts, node, event))
    if (session):
        return max(ret)
        return ret

In [31]:
dst = go_thru_logs(st_file)
aest = go_thru_logs(ex_st_file)
ets = [dst, aest]

In [32]:
stt = go_thru_logs(ss_file, True)

In [33]:
def plot_event_timesries(ets, labels, stt, filters):
    ets: a list of event numpy arrays, for each event array, the first column is the absoluate timestamp
    labels: a list of event labels/types
    stt: start time (integer)
    bbmm = 1000
    tmp = []
    for a in ets:
        b = np.asarray(a)
        b0 = b[:,0] - stt
        bmin = np.min(b0)
        tmp.append((b, b0, bmin))
        bbmm = bmin if (bmin < bbmm) and (bmin < 0) else bbmm
    colors = itertools.cycle(('b', 'r', 'g'))
    max_end = 0
    line_styles = itertools.cycle(('solid', 'dashed'))
    for i, (b, b0, bmin) in enumerate(tmp):
        if (bbmm < 0):
            b0 -= bbmm
        fi = filters[i]
        if (fi is not None):
            x = b[:,2]
            b0 = b0[np.where(x == fi)] # each element is a relative timestamp (not an interval)
        ttt = np.max(b0)
        if ttt > max_end:
            max_end = ttt
        bc = np.bincount(b0)
        ii = np.nonzero(bc)[0]
        tt = zip(ii,bc[ii])
        xy = np.asarray(tt)
        x = xy[:,0]
        y = xy[:,1]
        plt.semilogy(x, y, label=labels[i],, linewidth=1.5, 
    plt.xlabel('Time in seconds', fontsize=15)
    plt.ylabel('# of events per second', fontsize=15)
    plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=15)
    plt.title('Rate of Events/Status Changes over Time (133,830 Drops on 60 nodes)', fontsize=17)
    return max_end

In [34]:
filters = [None, 1]
labels = ['Drop completed', 'AppDrop starts to run']
max_end = plot_event_timesries(ets, labels, stt, filters)


Event heatmap across multiple nodes

In this type of plot, the color map represents the number of events, the X axis is the time, the Y axis is the compute node

In [35]:
def calc_event_heatmap(ets, labels, stt, filters, num_nodes):
    ets: a list of event numpy arrays, for each event array, the first column is the absoluate timestamp
    labels: a list of event labels/types
    stt: start time (integer)
    bbmm = 1000
    tmp = []
    for a in ets:
        b = np.asarray(a)
        b0 = b[:,0] - stt
        bmin = np.min(b0)
        tmp.append((b, b0, bmin))
        bbmm = bmin if (bmin < bbmm) and (bmin < 0) else bbmm
    matrix = np.zeros((num_nodes - 1, max_end + 1), dtype=np.float)
    for i, (b, b0, bmin) in enumerate(tmp):
        if (bbmm < 0):
            b0 -= bbmm
        fi = filters[i]
        b1 = b[:,1]
        if (fi is not None):
            x = b[:,2]
            ind = np.where(x == fi)
            b0 = b0[ind] # each element is a relative timestamp (not an interval)
            b1 = b1[ind]
        #print(len(b0), len(b1))
        for j, bt in enumerate(b0):
            matrix[b1[j] - 1][bt] += 1
    return matrix

In [36]:
mat = calc_event_heatmap(ets, labels, stt, filters, 60)
plt.pcolor(mat,, norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm())
cbar = plt.colorbar()'top')'# of events/s per node', fontsize=13)
plt.ylabel('Compute node id',fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('Time in seconds', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Heatmap of Event Rates across 60 nodes over Time (133,830 Drops)', fontsize=17)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x110135fd0>

In the above plot, the X axis is time, the Y axis is the compute node identifier. The colorbar represents the # of events at that time (second) on one of the 60 compute nodes.

Large Scale Test

In the large scale test, we use the logical graphs that no longer contain the "Global Sky Model" Data Drop.

In [94]:
l_num_nodes = 400
lst_one = filter_data(gt_num_drops=2000000, lt_completion_time=800, num_islands=1, user='cw', num_nodes=l_num_nodes)
lst_five = filter_data(gt_num_drops=2000000, lt_completion_time=800, num_islands=5,user='cw', num_nodes=l_num_nodes)
lst_one = lst_one.sort_values(by = [5,4,18]) # sort by drop, nodes, and islands
lst_five = lst_five.sort_values(by = [5,4,18])

In [95]:
lst_1 = lst_one[[4, 5, 17]]

In [96]:
lst_5 = lst_five[[4, 5, 17]]

In [100]:
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_AU')
N = len(lst_five)
width = 0.4
ind = np.arange(N) * 1.3
island_1 = lst_1.values.T[2].astype(np.float32)
island_5 = lst_5.values.T[2].astype(np.float32)
x_tick_labels = [locale.format("%d", x, grouping=True) +\
                 ' Drops' for x, y in zip(lst_1.values.T[1], lst_1.values.T[0])]

b1 =, island_1, width, color='r', alpha=0.7)
b2 = + width, island_5, width, color='y', hatch="//", alpha=0.7)
plt.plot([0, ind[-1] + 2.7 * width], [min_exec_time, min_exec_time], color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)

plt.ylim((0, 530))
plt.xticks(ind + width, x_tick_labels, fontsize=15, rotation=60)
plt.ylabel('Execution time (seconds)', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Execution time by # of Drops and # of Islands on %d Pawsey compute nodes' % l_num_nodes, fontsize=17)
plt.legend((b1, b2), ('1 Island', '5 Islands'), loc='upper left', fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x118921d90>

Now plot the overhead

In [102]:
N = len(lst_five)
width = 0.4

ind = np.arange(N) * 1.3
eff_1 = np.divide(island_1 - min_exec_time, lst_1.values.T[1]) * 1e6
eff_5 = np.divide(island_5 - min_exec_time, lst_5.values.T[1]) * 1e6
x_tick_labels = [locale.format("%d", x, grouping=True) +\
                 ' Drops' for x, y in zip(lst_1.values.T[1], lst_1.values.T[0])]

b1 =, eff_1, width, color='r', alpha=0.7)
b2 = + width, eff_5, width, color='y', hatch="//", alpha=0.7)
plt.ylim((0, 10))
plt.xticks(ind + width, x_tick_labels, fontsize=15, rotation=60)
plt.ylabel('Overhead per Drop [Microsecond]', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Framework Overhead by # of Drops and # of Islands on %d Pawsey compute nodes' % l_num_nodes, fontsize=17)
plt.legend((b1, b2), ('1 Island', '5 Islands'), loc='best', fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x119b4ee90>

Fault Tolerance

During the large scale scalability tests, we also performed a "serendipitous" Fault Tolerance test run. Due to the issue of "file system slowdown" when loading Python libraries from more than compute 1000 nodes, a large number of Node Drop Managers did not start up on time. As a result, only 32 out of 1300 nodes actually become available at the time of Drop deployment.

Although DALiuGE was initially instructed to deplopy over 12 million Drops onto 1300 nodes, given the situation at hand, DALiuGE dynamically changed the original Drop scheduling plan based on the availability of the resources, and managed to "squeeze" all 12 million Drops on 26 nodes (the other 6 nodes were reserved for serving 5 Island Managers and 1 Master Manager).

In [52]:
df_ft = filter_data(gt_completion_time=800)
df_ftv = df_ft[[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,17]].values.astype(np.float32)

df_ftp = pd.DataFrame(df_ftv, columns=['Unroll - 221.35', 
                                 'Translate - 230.46', 'Gen pgspec - 80.02', 
                                 'Create session - 0.02', 'Separate graph - 95.16',
                                 'Push graph - 269.02', 'Create drop - 75.53',
                                'Trigger drop - 8.1', 'Execution time - 855.70'], index=['5 Islands \n Fault Tolerance'])

Unroll - 221.35 Translate - 230.46 Gen pgspec - 80.02 Create session - 0.02 Separate graph - 95.16 Push graph - 269.02 Create drop - 75.53 Trigger drop - 8.1 Execution time - 855.70
5 Islands \n Fault Tolerance 221.352997 230.464005 80.417 0.019 95.156998 269.02301 75.533997 8.098 855.695007

The following plot shows the time distribution across major checkpoints. You can see the extra time spent on Push graph and Execution time. However, the physical graph was successfully completed albeit facing such an extremely adversary condition of resource availabilty. Compared to the normal resource provisioning, the framework overhead has increased a factor of 10, i.e. from 3.5 microsecond to 36 microsecond, which is stil quite low considering the extraordinary condition (32 nodes vs. 1300 nodes)

In [54]:
from itertools import cycle, islice
eff = (df_ftp.iloc(0)[0][-1] - min_exec_time) / df_ft.iloc(0)[0][5] * 1e6
my_colors = list(islice(cycle(['pink', 'royalblue', 'yellow', 'tomato', 'skyblue', 'violet', 'grey', 'beige', 'lightsage']), None, len(df_ftp.columns)))
a = df_ftp.plot.barh(stacked=True, color=my_colors)
a.set_title("%d Drops on %d Magnus Nodes, Framework Overhead: %.2f microsecond per Drop" % (df_ft.iloc(0)[0][5], df_ft.iloc(0)[0][4], eff), fontsize=16)
a.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15)
a.set_xlabel("Run Time (graph deployment + execution) in seconds", fontsize=15)
b = a.set_xticks(list(np.arange(20) * 100))

Tianhe-2 Test

This section shows the result of running the test LOFAR physical graph with 4 million Drops on 480 Tianhe-2 compute nodes.

Note in this test we have used a "shorter" physical graph since we "accidentally" set the number of iterations for the AWImager cycle to 3 instead of 5. As a result, the minumum execution time becomes 253 seconds rather than 397 seconds.

In [44]:
df_tianhe2 = filter_data(user='bql', filter_none=[])

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0 bql tianhe2 lofar_nsm_512x512 2016-09-24T06-34-48 471 4201728 None 91.496 82.838 22.264 0.287 30.8450000286 60.41 9.705 -1 None 7.067 399.829 5
1 bql tianhe2 lofar_nsm_512x512 2016-09-24T06-10-05 468 4201728 None 90.611 82.362 4.222 0.615 155.913000107 42.491 36.446 -1 None 6.215 422.542 1

In [45]:
dfv = df_tianhe2[[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,17]].values.astype(np.float32)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dfv, columns=['Unroll', 
                                 'Translate', 'Gen pgspec', 
                                 'Create session', 'Separate graph', 
                                 'Push graph', 'Create drop',
                                'Trigger drop', 'Execution time'], index=['5 Islands', '1 Island'])

Unroll Translate Gen pgspec Create session Separate graph Push graph Create drop Trigger drop Execution time
5 Islands 91.496002 82.837997 22.264 0.287 30.844999 60.410000 9.705000 7.067 399.829010
1 Island 90.611000 82.362000 4.222 0.615 155.912994 42.491001 36.445999 6.215 422.541992

In [46]:
min_exec_time_tianhe = 253.0
from itertools import cycle, islice
eff = (df2.iloc(0)[0][-1] - min_exec_time_tianhe) / df_tianhe2.iloc(0)[0][5] * 1e6
my_colors = list(islice(cycle(['pink', 'royalblue', 'yellow', 'tomato', 'skyblue', 'violet', 'grey', 'beige', 'lightsage']), None, len(df2.columns)))
a = df2.plot.barh(stacked=True, color=my_colors)
a.set_title("%d Drops on 480 Tianhe2 Nodes, Framework Overhead: %.2f microsecond per Drop" % (df_tianhe2.iloc(0)[0][5], eff), fontsize=16)
a.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15)
a.set_xlabel("Run Time (graph deployment + execution) in seconds", fontsize=15)
b = a.set_xticks(list(np.arange(18) * 50))

In [ ]: