In [232]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle

import astropy.units as u
from astropy import constants
from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import Galactic, Galactocentric, ICRS, LSR
from astropy.coordinates import (CartesianRepresentation,

%matplotlib inline

Test angular momentum from Sales+2017 and Fritz+2018 combo data.

In [233]:
_coord = Galactic(l=265.9*, b=-49.6*
ra = _coord.ra
dec = _coord.dec

In [ ]:

In [234]:
coords_3d = ICRS(

In [235]:

<Galactocentric Coordinate (galcen_coord=<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
    (266.4051, -28.936175)>, galcen_distance=8.3 kpc, galcen_v_sun=(11.1, 232.24, 7.25) km / s, z_sun=27.0 pc, roll=0.0 deg): (x, y, z) in kpc
    (-9.76442046, -19.3938018, -22.81453664)
 (v_x, v_y, v_z) in km / s
    (81.9559499, -11.33545597, 127.0356407)>

First calculate the angular momentum direction given in Sales's paper:

In [236]:
LMC_sales = np.array([-0.97, 0.14, -0.18])

In [237]:
LMC_sales_r = np.linalg.norm(LMC_sales)

In [238]:
theta_LMC_sales = np.arctan2(LMC_sales[1], LMC_sales[0])
phi_LMC_sales = np.arccos(LMC_sales[2]/LMC_sales_r)

In [239]:
print(theta_LMC_sales, np.degrees(theta_LMC_sales))
print(phi_LMC_sales, np.degrees(phi_LMC_sales))

2.9982525985441915 171.78721981071413
1.7524359072260562 100.40718135123251

Read in a table of Milky Way dwarf masses.

In [250]:
dwarf_tbl = pd.read_table('/Users/spardy/Research/data/Auriga_data/McConnachie2012.tsv', delimiter=';')

Strip out any extra spaces to allow merging.

In [251]:
dwarf_tbl['Name'] = dwarf_tbl['Name'].apply(lambda e: e.strip())

Read in a table of positions and velocities.

In [252]:
df = pd.read_csv('/Users/spardy/Research/data/local_group_pos_vel_GaiaDR2_tableC4.txt')

Change Sagittarious's name to match with table above.

In [253]:
df.loc[7, 'Name'] = 'Sagittarius dSph'

Examine this table.

Merge the two tables together using the name column.

In [255]:
combined_df = pd.merge(dwarf_tbl, df, on='Name')
combined_df['Mass'] = combined_df['Mass'].astype(float)*1e+6

Examine the new table.

In [256]:

_RAJ2000 _DEJ2000 SubG n_Name Name MType RAJ2000 DEJ2000 D u_D ... -Z U +U -U V +V -V W +W -W
0 283.8312 -30.5453 MW G Sagittarius dSph dSph 18 55 19.5 -30 32 43 26 ... -0.5 221.3 7.2 -6.2 -266.5 19.9 -22.5 197.4 18.6 -17.1
1 080.8937 -69.7561 MW G LMC Irr 05 23 34.5 -69 45 22 51 ... -1.4 -68.6 10.2 -9.7 -468.4 13.8 -13.5 201.0 18.0 -18.8
2 013.1867 -72.8286 MW G SMC dIrr 00 52 44.8 -72 49 43 64 ... -1.7 14.8 10.0 -10.0 -425.0 16.0 -15.2 167.5 13.0 -13.3
3 260.0517 +57.9153 MW G Draco dSph 17 20 12.4 +57 54 55 76 ... -3.1 35.9 13.9 -14.8 -247.6 7.1 -7.2 -157.7 10.1 -10.2
4 227.2854 +67.2225 MW G Ursa Minor dSph 15 09 08.5 +67 13 21 76 ... -2.0 -12.8 12.2 -12.5 -205.0 10.0 -10.3 -153.7 9.7 -8.8
5 015.0392 -33.7092 MW G Sculptor dSph 01 00 09.4 -33 42 33 86 ... -6.1 6.2 15.3 -14.1 -74.0 15.6 -14.0 -103.5 1.8 -1.8
6 100.4029 -50.9661 MW G Carina dSph 06 41 36.7 -50 57 58 105 ... -2.2 -51.1 18.9 -18.1 -298.4 9.8 -8.9 151.4 21.1 -23.6
7 039.9971 -34.4492 MW G Fornax dSph 02 39 59.3 -34 26 57 147 ... -11.0 34.2 22.5 -23.4 -386.0 38.0 -36.9 77.2 14.8 -14.3
8 168.3700 +22.1517 MW G Leo II dSph 11 13 28.8 +22 09 06 233 ... -12.3 13.2 73.3 -69.1 -253.9 73.8 -66.9 18.9 27.5 -28.9
9 152.1171 +12.3064 MW G,L Leo I dSph 10 08 28.1 +12 18 23 254 ... -12.6 -177.0 80.3 -75.9 -243.0 61.0 -55.4 113.2 44.8 -47.4

10 rows × 52 columns

And just get the order of the dwarfs.

In [257]:

0    Sagittarius dSph
1                 LMC
2                 SMC
3               Draco
4          Ursa Minor
5            Sculptor
6              Carina
7              Fornax
8              Leo II
9               Leo I
Name: Name, dtype: object

Make vectors of position and velocity.

Offset for the position of the sun

In [258]:
combined_df['Y'] += 8.3
combined_df['Z'] += 27e-3

In [259]:
R = combined_df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']]

In [260]:
np.sqrt(np.sum(R**2, axis=1))

0     28.147738
1     43.486084
2     58.080628
3     83.291114
4     81.958679
5     85.442432
6     97.424827
7    144.949777
8    231.481450
9    250.204534
dtype: float64

In [261]:
np.linalg.norm(R - R.iloc[1], axis=1)

array([ 51.74765695,   0.        ,  23.16333309, 125.8024642 ,
       125.43751432,  65.62926177,  60.82877609, 114.46807415,
       255.22441106, 263.66789717])

And the solar motion.

In [262]:
combined_df['Vx'] = combined_df['U'] + 11.1
combined_df['Vy'] = combined_df['V'] + 232.24
combined_df['Vz'] = combined_df['W'] + 7.25

In [263]:
V = combined_df[['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz']]

In [264]:

Vx Vy Vz
0 232.4 -34.26 204.65
1 -57.5 -236.16 208.25
2 25.9 -192.76 174.75
3 47.0 -15.36 -150.45
4 -1.7 27.24 -146.45
5 17.3 158.24 -96.25
6 -40.0 -66.16 158.65
7 45.3 -153.76 84.45
8 24.3 -21.66 26.15
9 -165.9 -10.76 120.45

Take the cross product of R and V

In [306]:
#L = np.cross(R.values, V.values*combined_df['Mass'].values[:, None])
L = np.cross(R.values, V.values)

And compute the norm of the angular momentum for each galaxy.

In [307]:
L_r = np.linalg.norm(L, axis=1)  # 2-norm is default

Compute the unit angular momentum for each galaxy.

In [308]:
unit_L = L/L_r[:, None]

Add this unit vector into our dataframe

In [309]:
combined_df['Lx'] = unit_L[:, 0]
combined_df['Ly'] = unit_L[:, 1]
combined_df['Lz'] = unit_L[:, 2]

And examine the vectors.

In [310]:
combined_df[['Name', 'Lx', 'Ly', 'Lz']]

Name Lx Ly Lz
0 Sagittarius dSph 0.258418 -0.861219 -0.437633
1 LMC -0.966343 0.008556 -0.257114
2 SMC -0.905948 -0.344657 -0.245906
3 Draco -0.918501 0.243220 -0.311768
4 Ursa Minor -0.979028 -0.202032 -0.026214
5 Sculptor 0.995588 -0.085938 0.037661
6 Carina -0.959139 0.246397 -0.139073
7 Fornax -0.952540 -0.129261 0.275605
8 Leo II 0.406545 0.852570 0.328398
9 Leo I -0.414843 -0.656488 -0.630023

In [110]:
galactic_coords = ICRS(

In [111]:
combined_df['l'] = galactic_coords.l
combined_df['b'] = galactic_coords.b

Compute the first angle.

In [29]:
theta = np.arctan2(L[:, 1], L[:, 0])

And the second angle

In [30]:
phi = np.arccos(L[:, 2]/L_r)

Examine the angles in radians.

In [31]:
theta, phi

(array([-1.27928405,  3.1327384 , -2.77806294,  2.88273277, -2.93808959,
        -0.08610525,  2.89013648, -3.00671493,  1.12584203, -2.13435149]),
 array([2.02376097, 1.83083116, 1.81925044, 1.88784908, 1.59701306,
        1.53312644, 1.71032171, 1.291577  , 1.23618923, 2.25237935]))

And degrees.

In [32]:
np.degrees(theta), np.degrees(phi)

(array([ -73.29757687,  179.49268856, -159.17128172,  165.16842105,
        -168.34013321,   -4.93346751,  165.59262243, -172.27207561,
          64.50599679, -122.28933214]),
 array([115.95296239, 104.89889822, 104.23537215, 108.16578466,
         91.50210827,  87.84167429,  97.99421583,  74.00191114,
         70.82842569, 129.05183082]))

We appear to be very close to the angle provided by Sales.

Offset the angles to make the LMC appear at the center of the Aitoff projection.

In [76]:
x = theta-np.pi
x[x < -np.pi] += 2*np.pi

y = phi-np.pi/2.


Repeat the above process with the smaller galaxies

Look at smaller galaxies from Simon et al. 2018, using mass values from Sales

In [240]:
sales_masses = pd.read_csv('/Users/spardy/Research/data/Auriga_data/sales_18_tbl1_masses.csv')
simon_phase_space = pd.read_csv('/Users/spardy/Research/data/Auriga_data/simon_2018_tbl1and3.csv')

In [241]:
simon_coords = ICRS(

In [242]:
simon_phase_space['X'] = simon_coords.x.value
simon_phase_space['Y'] = simon_coords.y.value
simon_phase_space['Z'] = simon_coords.z.value

In [283]:
simon_phase_space['Vx'] = simon_phase_space['U'] + 11.1
simon_phase_space['Vy'] = simon_phase_space['V'] + 232.24
simon_phase_space['Vz'] = simon_phase_space['W'] + 7.25

Look at the smaller dwarfs from Fritz and Sales papers

In [244]:
fritz = pd.read_csv('/Users/spardy/Research/data/Auriga_data/fritz_2018_tbl2_selected.csv')
sales = pd.read_csv('/Users/spardy/Research/data/Auriga_data/sales_18_tbl1_selected.csv')

fritz_sales = pd.merge(left=fritz, right=sales, left_on='name', right_on='name')

Select only those that are not in the Simon table

In [281]:
fritz_sales = fritz_sales[]

In [282]:
fritz_sales_ICRS = Galactic(

fritz_sales_3d = ICRS(
fritz_sales_names = fritz_sales['name']
fritz_sales_cartesian = fritz_sales_3d.transform_to(Galactocentric)

In [246]:
fritz_sales_V = np.stack((
), axis=1)

fritz_sales_R = np.stack((
), axis=1)

In [293]:
simon_selected = simon_phase_space[['short_name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz']]

In [299]:
uf_df = simon_selected.append(
    pd.DataFrame({'short_name': fritz_sales_names,
                  'X': fritz_sales_cartesian.x.value,
                  'Y': fritz_sales_cartesian.y.value,
                  'Z': fritz_sales_cartesian.z.value,
                  'Vx': fritz_sales_cartesian.v_x.value,
                  'Vy': fritz_sales_cartesian.v_y.value,
                  'Vz': fritz_sales_cartesian.v_z.value})

In [300]:

short_name X Y Z Vx Vy Vz
0 Tri 2 -29.637005 17.308807 -12.020220 -188.300000 -5.160000 262.650000
1 Seg 2 -32.073910 14.000095 -21.508934 168.700000 31.940000 115.450000
2 Hyd 1 1.829485 -19.631729 -16.518381 191.500000 -204.560000 280.850000
3 Hor 1 -7.319010 -50.204426 -71.019136 35.600000 -193.860000 169.850000
4 Ret 2 -9.714331 -20.637774 -24.387787 10.500000 -123.860000 225.850000
5 Car 2 -8.345766 -34.592284 -10.641260 -108.000000 -312.560000 154.350000
6 Car 3 -8.323391 -26.607033 -8.029378 32.400000 -170.260000 354.550000
7 UM 2 -32.660285 12.738346 21.202431 -146.100000 -112.360000 205.750000
8 Seg 1 -19.387754 -9.515183 17.789939 143.800000 -207.060000 -41.450000
9 UM 1 -61.085132 19.893955 79.306542 208.400000 -128.760000 -102.250000
10 Wil 1 -31.126171 9.007216 37.747472 -98.700000 20.840000 109.450000
11 Com -10.367772 -4.120052 41.773249 -251.200000 -18.760000 95.050000
12 Boo 2 6.883033 -1.648511 39.151918 351.100000 -172.060000 -4.550000
13 Boo 1 14.865556 -0.770530 61.823159 -117.100000 -125.560000 63.850000
14 Dra 2 -10.783839 17.402760 16.366347 8.900000 88.540000 -350.150000
15 Tuc 2 21.604943 -18.752544 -45.995159 270.100000 -104.460000 138.350000
16 Tuc 3 1.535077 -9.773342 -20.775738 -5.500000 112.440000 194.750000
17 Gru 1 49.243410 -22.681827 -102.804395 110.153567 63.418406 263.874524
18 Hy II 41.808713 -104.124203 67.874414 323.394706 159.169145 263.092964

In [311]:
uf_L = np.cross(uf_df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']], uf_df[['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz']])
uf_L_r = np.linalg.norm(uf_L, axis=1)

In [312]:
uf_theta = np.arctan2(uf_L[:, 1], uf_L[:, 0])
uf_phi = np.arccos(uf_L[:, 2]/uf_L_r)

In [313]:
uf_x = uf_theta - np.pi
uf_x[uf_x < -np.pi] += 2*np.pi

uf_y = uf_phi - np.pi/2.


Plot this in aitoff coordinates.

In [314]:
associated = [7, 2, 6]

In [315]:
unassociated = [5, 8, 0, 9, 3, 4]

In [394]:
additional_x_offsets = {
    'Seg 1': np.radians(-0.7),
    'UM 2': np.radians(-0.9),
    'Com': np.radians(-0.5),
    'Boo 1': np.radians(0)
additional_y_offsets = {
    'Seg 1': np.radians(2.2),
    'UM 2': np.radians(2.2),
    'Com': np.radians(3),
    'Boo 1': np.radians(1)

In [396]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, subplot_kw={'projection': 'aitoff'}, dpi=200)

axis.plot(x[unassociated], y[unassociated], '.', color='gray', ms=10)
axis.plot(x[associated], y[associated], '.', color='red', ms=10)

axis.plot(x[1], y[1], 'r^', ms=6)# LMC

axis.plot(uf_x, uf_y, '+', color='gray', ms=10)

for i, (name, x_i, phi_i) in enumerate(zip(combined_df.Name, x, y)):
    # change some labels so that they don't overlap
    if phi_i < np.radians(10):
    if name in ['Draco', 'Carina', 'Sculptor']:
        ha = 'right'
        ha = 'left'
    offset = -0.085 if va == 'top' else 0.085
    text_color = 'black' if i in unassociated else 'red'
    axis.text(x_i, phi_i+offset, name, fontsize='xx-small', ha=ha, va=va, color=text_color)
for i, (name, x_i, phi_i) in enumerate(zip(uf_df['short_name'], uf_x, uf_y)):
    ha = 'right' if name not in ['Dra 2', 'Seg 2', 'Com',
                                 'Boo 2', 'Tri 2', 'Hyd 1'] else 'left'
    va = 'bottom' if name not in ['Seg 2', 'Boo 2', 'Car 3'] else 'top'
    offset_y = 0.025 if ha == 'bottom' else -0.025
    offset_x = -0.05 if ha == 'right' else 0.05
    if name in additional_x_offsets:
        offset_x += additional_x_offsets[name]
        offset_y += additional_y_offsets[name]
    axis.text(x_i+offset_x, phi_i+offset_y, f'{i+1}', fontsize='xx-small', ha=ha, va=va)

for i, name in enumerate(uf_df['short_name']):
    axis.annotate(xy=(0.1*(i//2), -0.1-0.08*(i%2)), s=f'{i+1}: {name}',
                  xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize='xx-small')
axis.set_xticklabels(['%d$^{\circ}$' % num for num in np.arange(30, 360, 30)], fontsize='x-small')
axis.set_yticklabels(['%d$^{\circ}$' % num for num in np.arange(15, 180, 15)], fontsize='x-small')

axis.set_title('Directon of angular momentum vector\nGalactic coordinates', fontsize='xx-small')


x0 = x[1]
y0 = y[1]

#(x - x0)^2 + (y - y0)^2 == r^2
for r in np.arange(10, 40, 10):

    r = np.radians(r)

    x_circ = np.linspace(x0 - r, x0 + r, 1000)

    y_circ = np.sqrt(r**2 - (x_circ - x0)**2) + y0
    y_circ = np.append(y_circ, -np.sqrt(r**2 - (x_circ[::-1] - x0)**2) + y0)
    x_circ = np.append(x_circ, x_circ[::-1])
    axis.plot(x_circ, y_circ, color='blue', linewidth=0.5)
fig.savefig('/Users/spardy/Research/projects/Auriga/for_paper/angular_momentum.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

Compute the cosine distance between each galaxy's angular momentum vector.

In [37]:
cos_distance =, unit_L[1])

Sort these.

In [38]:
s = np.argsort(cos_distance)

And plot them with the names appearing on the x-axis.

In [39]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1), cos_distance[s])
_ = axis.set_xticklabels(combined_df.Name.iloc[s], rotation=90)
axis.set_title('Angular momentum vector similarity with LMC')
axis.set_ylabel('Cosine Similarity')



In [ ]: