Shyft provides a toolbox for running hydrologic simulations. As it was designed to work in an operational environment, we've provided several different workflows for running a model simulation. The main concept to be aware of is that while we demonstrate and build on the use of a 'configuration', nearly all simulation functionality is also accessible with pure python through access to the API
. This is the encouraged approach to simulation. The use of configurations is intended to be a mechanism of running repeated operational simulations when one is interested in archiving and storing (potentially to a database) the specifics of the simulation.
Below we start with a high level description using a configuration object, and in Part II of the simulation notebooks we describe the approach using the lower level APIs. It is recommended, if you intend to use Shyft for any kind of hydrologic exploration, to become familiar with the API functionality.
In [1]:
# Pure python modules and jupyter notebook functionality
# first you should import the third-party python modules which you'll use later on
# the first line enables that figures are shown inline, directly in the notebook
%pylab inline
import os
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
from os import path
import sys
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
This next step is highly specific on how and where you have installed Shyft. If you have followed the guidelines at github, and cloned the three shyft repositories: i) shyft, ii) shyft-data, and iii) shyft-doc, then you may need to tell jupyter notebooks where to find shyft. Uncomment the relevant lines below.
If you have a 'system' shyft, or used conda install -s sigbjorn shyft
to install shyft, then you probably will want to make sure you have set the SHYFT_DATA directory correctly, as otherwise, Shyft will assume the above structure and fail. This has to be done before import shyft
. In that case, uncomment the relevant lines below.
note: it is most likely that you'll need to do one or the other.
In [2]:
# try to auto-configure the path, -will work in all cases where doc and data
# are checked out at same level
shyft_data_path = path.abspath("../../../shyft-data")
if path.exists(shyft_data_path) and 'SHYFT_DATA' not in os.environ:
# shyft should be available either by it's install in python
# or by PYTHONPATH set by user prior to starting notebook.
# This is equivalent to the two lines below
# shyft_path=path.abspath('../../../shyft')
# sys.path.insert(0,shyft_path)
In [3]:
# once the shyft_path is set correctly, you should be able to import shyft modules
import shyft
# if you have problems here, it may be related to having your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# pointing to the appropriate libboost_python libraries (.so files)
from shyft import api
from shyft.repository.default_state_repository import DefaultStateRepository
from shyft.orchestration.configuration.yaml_configs import YAMLSimConfig
from shyft.orchestration.simulators.config_simulator import ConfigSimulator
In [4]:
# now you can access the api of shyft with tab completion
# and help, try this:
# help(api.GeoPoint) # remove the hashtag and run the cell to print the documentation of the api.GeoPoint class
# remove the hashtag below, set the pointer behind the dot and use
# tab completion to see the available attributes of the shyft api
The following shows how to set up a Shyft simulation using the yaml_configs.YAMLSimConfig
class. Note that this is a high level approach, providing a working example for a simple simulation. More advanced users will want to eventually make use of direct API calls, as outlined in Part II.
At this point, you may want to have a look to the configuration file used in this example.
region_config_file: neanidelva_region.yaml
model_config_file: neanidelva_model_calibrated.yaml
datasets_config_file: neanidelva_datasets.yaml
interpolation_config_file: neanidelva_interpolation.yaml
start_datetime: 2013-09-01T00:00:00
run_time_step: 86400 # 1 hour time step
number_of_steps: 365 # 1 year
region_model_id: 'neanidelva-ptgsk'
#interpolation_id: 2 # this is optional (default 0)
class: !!python/name:shyft.repository.generated_state_repository.GeneratedStateRepository
model: !!python/name:shyft.api.pt_gs_k.PTGSKModel
tags: []
The file is structured as follows:
is the name of the simulation. Your configuration file may contain multiple "stanzas" or blocks of simulation configurations. You'll see below that we use the name to instantiate a configuration object.
points to another yaml file that contains basic information about the region of the simulation. You can explore that file here
contains the model parameters. Note that when you are calibrating the model, this is the file that you would put your optimized parameters into once you have completed a calibrations.
contains details regarding the input datasets and the repositories they are contained in. You can see this file here
provides details regarding how the observational data in your catchment or region will be interpolated to the domain of the simulation. If you are using a repository with distributed data, the interpolation is still used. See this file for more details.
The following:
start_datetime: 2013-09-01T00:00:00
run_time_step: 86400 # 1 hour time step
number_of_steps: 365 # 1 year
region_model_id: 'neanidelva-ptgsk'
are considered self-explantory. Note that region_model_id
is simply a string name, but it should be unique. We will explain the details regarding initial_state
later on in this tutorial.
In [5]:
# set up configuration using *.yaml configuration files
# here is the *.yaml file that configures the simulation:
config_file_path = os.path.abspath("./nea-config/neanidelva_simulation.yaml")
# and here we pass it to the configurator, together with the name of the region
# stated in the simulation.yaml file (here: "neanidelva") which we would like to run
cfg = YAMLSimConfig(config_file_path, "neanidelva")
In [6]:
In [7]:
# Once we have all the configuration in place (read in from the .yaml files)
# we can start to do the simulation. Here we use the ConfigSimulator class
# to initialize a simulator-object. Shyft has several ways to achieve this
# but the .yaml configs are the most straight forward
simulator = ConfigSimulator(cfg)
# Now the simulator is ready to run!
It is important to note that the simulator provides a wrapping of underlying API functionality. It is designed to provide a quick and simple interface for conducting runs based on a configuration saved in a .yaml
file, or otherwise. Core functionality is contained in the region_model. This is an import concept in Shyft. To understand the framework, one should be familiar with this class.
Before we begin the simulation, one should explore the simulator
object with tab completion. As an example, you can see here how to get the number of cells in the region that was set up. This is used later for extracting the data.
Most importantly, the simulator as an attribute called region_model
. Most of the underlying functionality of the simulator
methods are actually making calls to the region_model
class. To conduct more advanced simulations one would use this object directly.
In [8]:
#simulator. #try tab completion
n_cells = simulator.region_model.size()
In [9]:
c0 = simulator.region_model.cells[0]
In [10]:
In [11]:
But this is may be too simple. Let's explore the
method a bit further:
In [12]:
Note that you can pass two parameters to run
. To run a simulation, we need a time_axis (length of the simulation), and an initial state. Initially we got both of these from the cfg
object (which takes it from the .yaml files). However, in some cases you will likely want to change these and conduct simulations for different periods, or starting from different states. We explore this further in Part II: advanced simulation
In [13]:
# Here we are going to extact data from the simulator object.
# We start by creating a list to hold discharge for each of the subcatchments.
# Then we'll get the data from the simulator object
# mapping of internal catch ID to catchment
catchment_id_map = simulator.region_model.catchment_id_map
We see here that each sub-catchment in our simulation is associated with a unique ID. These are user defined IDs. In the case of the nea-nidelva simulation, they are taken from the GIS database used to create the example configuration files.
To get data out of the region_model
you need to specify which catchments you are interested in evaluating. In the following example we are going to extract the data for each catchment and make a simple plot.
Note that Shyft uses many specialized C++ types. Many of these have methods to convert to the more familiar numpy
objects. An example may be the discharge timeseries for a catchment.
In [14]:
q_1228_ts = simulator.region_model.statistics.discharge([1228])
q_1228_np = simulator.region_model.statistics.discharge([1228]).values.to_numpy()
In [15]:
objects have a lot more functionality, but we'll cover that in a separate tutorial.
For now we'll work in a 'pythonic' and simple way a convert all our data to python types. To do this, we'll use the Pandas library. But note also that we'll have to do some list magic to get the timeseries and datetime values out.
In [16]:
# First get the time-axis which we'll use as the index for the data frame
ta = simulator.region_model.time_axis
# and convert it to datetimes
index = [dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(p.start) for p in ta]
# Now we'll add all the discharge series for each catchment
data = {}
for cid in catchment_id_map:
# get the discharge time series for the subcatchment
q_ts = simulator.region_model.statistics.discharge([int(cid)])
data[cid] = q_ts.values.to_numpy()
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index)
# we can simply use:
ax = df.plot(figsize=(20,15))
ax.legend(title="Catch. ID")
ax.set_ylabel("discharge [m3 s-1]")
As mentioned above, Shyft has it's own Timeseries class. This class is quite powerful, and in future tutorials we'll explore more of the functionality. For now, let's look at some key aspects, and how to create the same plot as above without pandas.
In [17]:
# api.TsVector() is a list of api.Timeseries type.
discharge_ts = api.TsVector() # except from the type, it just works as a list()
# loop over each catchment, and extract the time-series (we keep them as such for now)
for cid in catchment_id_map: # fill in discharge time series for all subcatchments
# discharge is a TS object,keeping a .time_axis and .values
In [18]:
# We can make a quick plot of the data of each sub-catchment
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,15))
# plot each catchment discharge in the catchment_id_map
for i,ts in enumerate(discharge_ts):
# a ts.time_axis can be enumerated to it's UtcPeriod,
# that will have a .start and .end of type utctimestamp
# to use matplotlib support for datetime-axis, we convert it to datetime (as above)
ts_timestamps = [datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(p.start) for p in ts.time_axis]
ts_values = ts.values # iterable and convertible, .to_numpy() makes an np array
ax.plot(ts_timestamps,ts_values, label = "{}".format(catchment_id_map[i]))
ax.legend(title="Catch. ID")
ax.set_ylabel("discharge [m3 s-1]")
The Shyft API, shyft.api
contains a lot of functionality worth exploring.
As we mentioned, the api.Timeseries
class provides some tools for adding timeseries, looking at statistics, etc. Below is a quick exploration of some of the possibilities. Users should explore using the source code, tab completion, and most of all help
to get the full
In [19]:
# First, we can also plot the statistical distribution of the
# discharges over the sub-catchments
# get the percentiles we want, note -1 = arithmetic average
percentiles= api.IntVector([10,25,50,-1,75,90])
# create a Daily(for the fun of it!) time-axis for the percentile calculations
# (our simulation could be hourly)
ta_statistics = api.TimeAxis(simulator.region_model.time_axis.time(0),api.Calendar.DAY,365)
# then simply get out a new set of time-series, corresponding to the percentiles we specified
# note that discharge_ts is of the api.TsVector type, not a simple list as in our first example above
discharge_percentiles = api.percentiles(discharge_ts,ta_statistics,percentiles)
#utilize that we know that all the percentile time-series share a common time-axis
common_timestamps = [datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(p.start) for p in ta_statistics]
# Then we can make another plot of the percentile data for the sub-catchments
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,15))
# plot each discharge percentile in the discharge_percentiles
for i,ts_percentile in enumerate(discharge_percentiles):
if percentiles[i] >= 0.0:
clr= str(float(percentiles[i]/100.0))
ax.plot(common_timestamps, ts_percentile.values, label = "{}".format(percentiles[i]),color=clr)
# also plot catchment discharge along with the statistics
# notice that we use .average(ta_statistics) to properly align true-average values to time-axis
ax.plot(common_timestamps,discharge_ts[0].average(ta_statistics).values,label = "CID {}".format(catchment_id_map[0]),linewidth=2.0,alpha=0.7,color='b')
ax.set_ylabel("discharge [m3 s-1]")
In shyft.orchestration
there are other functions for exploring the data. We've created a function that creates the plot above.
In [20]:
# a simple percentile plot, from orchestration looks nicer
from shyft.orchestration import plotting as splt
oslo=api.Calendar('Europe/Oslo') # notice that we use olson tz-id to select time-zone
splt.set_calendar_formatter(oslo) # notice how easy it is to ensure timestamp labels are tz aware
h,ph=splt.plot_np_percentiles(common_timestamps,[ p.values.to_numpy() for p in discharge_percentiles],base_color=(0.03,0.01,0.3))
An important, but difficult concept, to remember when working with Shyft, is that internally there is no 'grid' to speak of. The simulation is vectorized, and each 'cell' represents a spatial area with it's own area and geolocation information. Therefore, we cannot just load a datacube of data, as some may be familiar with.
Visualization of this data is a bit more complex, because each individual cell is in practice an individual polygon. Depending on how the data has been configured for Shyft (see region_model), the cells may, in fact, be simple squares or more complex shapes. For the visualization below, we simply treat them as uniform size, and plot them with the scatter
function in matplotlib.
In [21]:
cells = simulator.region_model.get_cells()
# Once we have the cells, we can get their coordinate information
# and fetch the x- and y-location of the cells
x = np.array([cell.geo.mid_point().x for cell in cells])
y = np.array([cell.geo.mid_point().y for cell in cells])
We also will need to get a 'z' value to make things interesting. Since this is the first time we've visualized our catchment, let's make a map of the sub-catchments. To do this, the first thing we need to do is get the membership of each cell. That is, to which catchment does it below. We do this by extracting the catchment_id
of each cell -- and this is what we'll map. The result will be a map of the sub-catchments.
Recall from above we extracted the catchment_id_map
from the region_model
# mapping of internal catch ID to catchment
catchment_id_map = simulator.region_model.catchment_id_map
We could just use the catchment_id
as the 'z' value, but since this could be a string, we'll take a different approach. We'll assign a unique integer to each catchment_id
and plot those (it is also easier for the color bar scaling).
In [22]:
# let's create the mapping of catchment_id to an integer:
cid_z_map = dict([ (catchment_id_map[i],i) for i in range(len(catchment_id_map))])
# then create an array the same length as our 'x' and 'y', which holds the
# integer value that we'll use for the 'z' value
catch_ids = np.array([cid_z_map[cell.geo.catchment_id()] for cell in cells])
# and make a quick catchment map...
# using a scatter plot of the cells
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
cm ='rainbow')
plot = ax.scatter(x, y, c=catch_ids, marker='.', s=40, lw=0, cmap=cm)
plt.colorbar(plot).set_label('zero-based mapping(proper map tbd)')
Here we'll do some more work to look at a snapshot value of data in each of the cells. This example is collecting the response variable (here the Snow Cover Area (SCA)) for each of the cells for a certain point of time.
The "response collector" is another concept within Shyft that is important keep in mind. We don't collect and store responses for every variable, in order to keep the simulation memory use lean. Therefore, depending on your application, it may be required to explicitly enable this. The relevant code is found in region_model.h
in the C++ core source code.
For the ConfigSimulator
class, which we used to instantiate the simulator
, a standard collector is used that will provide access to the most relevant variables.
For a model run during calibration, we are use a collector that just does the required minimum for the calibration. And, it is still configurable: we can turn on/off the snow-collection, so if we don't calibrate for snow, they are not collected. More on calibration is shown in the tutorial: Calibration with Shyft
The state collector used for the 'highspeed' calibration models (C++), is a null-collector, so no memory allocated, and no cpu-time used.
In [23]:
#first, set a date: year, month, day, (hour of day if hourly time step)
oslo = api.Calendar('Europe/Oslo') # specifying input calendar in Oslo tz-id
time_x = oslo.time(2014,5,15) # the oslo calendar(incl dst) converts calendar coordinates Y,M,D.. to its utc-time
# we need to get the index of the time_axis for the time
idx = simulator.region_model.time_axis.index_of(time_x) # index of time x on time-axis
print("Date out of range, setting index to 0")
idx = 0
# fetching SCA (the response variable is named "snow_sca")
# You can use tab-completion to explore the `rc`, short for "response collector"
# object of the cell, to see further response variables available.
# specifying empty list [] indicates all catchments, otherwise pass catchment_id
sca =[],idx)
Let's take a closer look at this...
Simply provided an index value that we can use to index the cells for the time we're interested in looking at.
Next we use:
What is this? This is a collector from the simulation. In this case, for the gamma_snow
routine. It contains a convenient method to access the response variables from the simulation on a per catchment level. Each response variable (outflow
, sca
, swe
) can be called with two arguments. The first a list of the catchments, and the second an index to the time, as shown above. Note, this will return the values for each cell in the sub-catchment. Maybe one is only interested in the total outflow
or total swe
for the region. In this case you can use: .outflow_value
which will return a single value.
There is also a response collector for the state variables: .gamma_snow_state
Explore both of these further with tab completion or help
. As well as the full region_model
to see what other algorithm collectors are available as this example is configured.
In [24]:
# for attr in dir(simulator.region_model):
# if attr[0] is not '_': #ignore privates
# print(attr)
# # and don't forget:
# help(simulator.region_model.gamma_snow_state)
We are now ready to explore some of the variables from the simulation. We'll continue on with SCA.
In [25]:
# We can make a simple scatter plot again for quick visualization
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
cm ='winter')
plot = ax.scatter(x, y, c=sca,
vmin=0, vmax=1,
marker='s', s=40, lw=0,
plt.title('Snow Covered area of {0} on {1}'.format(cfg.region_model_id, oslo.to_string(time_x)))
Again, keep in mind that while we have created a variable that contains the values for sca
in each cell, this is only an iterable object. The only reason we know where each value is located is because we have corresponding x
and y
values for each cell. It is not an array.
We can calculate some statistics directly out of sca
In [26]:
# look at the catchment-wide average:
nea_avg_sca = np.average(sca)
print("Average SCA for Nea Nidelva: {0}".format(nea_avg_sca))
# And let's compute histogram of the snow covered area as well
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(sca, bins=20, range=(0,1), color='y', alpha=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel("SCA of grid cell")
In [27]: