Get a list of 50,000 random users who have registered and created a userpage, from

In [3]:
wget -O user_reg_with_userpages.tsv

--2016-08-13 16:35:36--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/csv]
Saving to: ‘user_reg_with_userpages.tsv’

user_reg_with_userp     [      <=>             ]   1.69M  1.66MB/s   in 1.0s   

2016-08-13 16:35:37 (1.66 MB/s) - ‘user_reg_with_userpages.tsv’ saved [1768565]

In [6]:
python >

This creates a shell script to query the database, which only works if you are on the Wikimedia Foundation's analytics server, ToolLabs. See

The script runs one command to the mysql server for each user, querying the number of edits they have made between 1 and 2 years after they registered, and appends it to a file retention.tsv.

In [10]:
head -n 5

sql enwiki -e "   select 20158302 as user_id, 20131117000933 as user_registration,'2013-11' as year_mo, count(rev_id) as survival_1yr from ( select rev_id from revision_userindex where rev_user = 20158302 and rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20141117000933 and 20151117000933 limit 1 ) as s " >> retention.tsv  
sql enwiki -e "   select 2769023 as user_id, 20061116051526 as user_registration,'2006-11' as year_mo, count(rev_id) as survival_1yr from ( select rev_id from revision_userindex where rev_user = 2769023 and rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20071116051526 and 20081116051526 limit 1 ) as s " >> retention.tsv  
sql enwiki -e "   select 844241 as user_id, 20060127001248 as user_registration,'2006-01' as year_mo, count(rev_id) as survival_1yr from ( select rev_id from revision_userindex where rev_user = 844241 and rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20070127001248 and 20080127001248 limit 1 ) as s " >> retention.tsv  
sql enwiki -e "   select 21450716 as user_id, 20140521113239 as user_registration,'2014-05' as year_mo, count(rev_id) as survival_1yr from ( select rev_id from revision_userindex where rev_user = 21450716 and rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20150521113239 and 20160521113239 limit 1 ) as s " >> retention.tsv  
sql enwiki -e "   select 13065449 as user_id, 20100913082123 as user_registration,'2010-09' as year_mo, count(rev_id) as survival_1yr from ( select rev_id from revision_userindex where rev_user = 13065449 and rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20110913082123 and 20120913082123 limit 1 ) as s " >> retention.tsv  

Then we run it, although this WILL NOT WORK if you are not on ToolLabs. It also takes about 4 hours.

In [ ]:

Then we have to remove the header that mysql -e outputs with each query appended, so remove all lines that begin with u.

In [ ]:
grep -v '^u' retention.tsv